He decides to use more practical effects than what we see today with computers. This is the first book to explore and address the philosophical aspects of Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. How if he hasn’t gotten the procedure ye? . That was great and nice! Midpoint: Joel decides he does not want to have his memories erased . They chose to erase the memories that they had of each other because of the pain; but their connection for one another is stronger than they imaged. It made such an impact on my way of thinking. In addition to the complete shooting script, this book includes an introduction by Paul Thomas Anderson, an extensive interview conducted by Chuck Stephens with the writer-director, a full-color photo section featuring more than 40 photos, ... Can’t wait to see it again soon… Along with some other Kaufman films again too! Every time I watch I try to figure something out that is even more deeper hidden in its context. The film opens with a post-erasing scene. A similar approach was taken in the first “Kicking and Screaming” with Josh Hamilton and Oliva d’Abo. At no point did I feel like watching "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind." But maybe I should have. When we first sees him, he just had the procedure that we later see in the film. Both characters recite some of the dialogue of his memory, but occasionally, Joel becomes self aware, looks at Clementine and pours out his commentary thoughts. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind word art print 11x17" unframed, movie quote art, quote art print, movie decor. A Look Inside 'Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind': With Anthony Bregman, Jim Carrey, Kirsten Dunst, Michel Gondry. I used to experience that during the last minutes of an exam I couldn’t finish on time. Thank you for writing such a beautiful review. Probably my favourite now I think the movie also tries to take a moment to acknowledge the fact that you don’t know what you have till it’s gone. “Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind” tells us to accept things as they are and make the most of what we have when all hope is lost. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, 2004. Cheers! You have a great gift of sharing wonderful insight with elegant clarity and simplicity. Thanks for the discoveries. Would erasing an incident from our micro-history do us any good? If you haven’t seen this modern masterpiece, I strongly suggest you stop reading at this point, as I will explore some of the film’s more thought provoking themes. After Joel and Clementine learn they’ve had their memories erased because things just didn’t work out, they somehow choose to travel that same road again anyway. At the end, Joel's attempts to cling on to his memories fail, and everything comes . Hi, Wael. Explore the themes found in Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind - descriptions of each theme along with examples of where they're found in the movie. The film then takes a Hitchcockian turn and becomes a man-on-the run film, only this time the protagonists are running from an untouchable entity. When he awoke, Joel will have no memory of Clementine. In short, the question: what I want now, do I want it forever? I remember the night I saw it, too. Truly a great piece of work written. Found inside... Jonze's Adaptation (2002), and Michel Gondry's Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004) address similar debates and ... the opportunity to become steeped in a “plethora of seemingly exclusive behind-the-scenes facts” (55). One too far away to grab. I must admit, after watching the film, it didn’t really hit me that hard and there are things that I didn’t understand about the film. . Not wanting to be left out, Joel also goes to have his memory erased. Found inside – Page 51Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind! Each pray'r accepted, and each wish resign'd. ... BEHIND THE SCENES • According to Jim Carrey, he and Kate Winslet were allowed many chances to improvise. Much of their dialogue resulted from ... Hence, she wouldn’t have learned anything from it or become the stronger person she is today. First Pinch Point: Memory of Clementine confronting Joel at the flea market about his commitment issues. I couldn't handle the thought that in this fictitious world, as written by Charlie Kaufman, one person could choose to erase another from their memory. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind is a damn near perfect film.A film that has, and will, stand the test of time and should not be tinkered with or remade ever.But if—for one night only—you . Erasing memories of your ex followed by the surreal discovery of what you've lost. I have just watched the film for the first time and wanted to read-up on some related articles and yours was the first I decided on and I wasn’t disappointed. Cheers. Both sides are aware of the reality of their situation, are willing to start their life in love, to forget that they had failed the first attempt, as they believe that the good times they live supplant times of pain they will suffer inevitably. For that very reason, I’m eternally grateful for its existence. I’m going through a similar situation myself. If she just felt it was insincere, I don’t believe she would’ve freaked out so harshly. This film is a beautiful metaphor of the Nietzschean concept of eternal recurrence of all things. I asked him if dealing with dying people on a daily basis is a depressing job. Unable to deal with the breakup, Carrey hires an experimental company to erase Winslet from his memories. Your review helped me a lot actually. Before playing Meredith, Ellen Pompeo played Naomi, Jim Carrey's girlfriend in Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, but her scenes were cut. Wael Khairy, I have a proposition I would like to express to you what would be the proper medium for contact? young woman whom this has helped her soul. Loved each and every word of your review. Found insideShe will help him get back what he's lost, whether she wants to or not. Join Sarilla and Falon in this twisted tale about how sometimes good intentions aren't enough to keep the darkness at bay. We can only hope that Clem and Joel subconsciously learn from their mistakes and make it work the second time around. It seemed like his earlier movies were clever for the sake of cleverness, but ‘Eternal Sunshine’ manages to dazzle you with it’s originality and it’s poignancy. However , you touched on this statement “accept things as they are and make the most of what we have when all hope is lost.” And it just stuck a cord with me …it’s true we must just focus on making the most out of life’s experiences even painful ones …moving on doesn’t mean that relationship wasn’t important or that you quit it just means your stronger for being able to keep going and move through the pain. Your review helped me realised why i instantly thought of watching this movie for solace and comfort. Although I really enjoyed watching the film, your analysis gave it a lot of meaning and now I like it even more! Joel (Jim Carrey) is a rather milquetoast man who meets up with free spirit Clementine (Kate Winslet), and they become romantically involved. As you may know, I was the foreign correspondent to the late Roger Ebert. Just watched the movie yesterday and it blew my mind. Glad to hear you were able use your painful experience creatively and for good – I wish you all the best. It is spot on! The Mind. To be fair, it's a failing . You’ve explained it so precisely that in too in a very simple language; I’d be looking forward to more:), I really love your article. When autocomplete results are available use up and down arrows to review and enter to select. Movies. – Sciences: The Seen and Unseen, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind – Lost In Lacuna, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind / posters, Mature faith requires understanding pain – The Chimes. I have never read such a short piece of writing that captured such an amazing film the way that you did, bravo! please someone answer. Clementine decides to erase from his memory all traces of their relationship. First time watching the film and I must admit, I didnt get the whole idea of it until I’ve read your analysis. Just looking at his face from the second we see him, we feel his pain, then like that, we feel his joy, embarrassment and hate. Besides making me more confident, it made me see how respectfully and properly a guy is supposed to treat me to earn and maintain my interest. Interweaves ten different love stories, including that of the unmarried British prime minister who falls for the woman who brings his tea and that of a widower struggling to raise his stepson. As Joel discovers throughout his mental journey, the ups are sometimes worth all the downs. Perfect review and wonderful explanations… After having just watched the movie and desperately trying to find answers to the plethora of questions I had swirling in my head for a long time afterwards, I ended up here. I was looking to understand what others took from the movie. Don’t be a stranger. Thank you so much for posting this (I’ll have it bookmarked) I hope to see further discussion on this film on your site. I’m glad my piece moved you and thank you for your kind words. Basically impossible to create a formula for love, By the way one of saddest moments for me was when the building was crumbling. Given its subject matter, Michel Gondry's new film, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, has . Thank you for writing this and capturing what my heart has to say about this amazing film. The first time I watched Michael Gondry’s “Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind” it felt like a life changer. One of the most talked about scripts of the year, Adaptation is the story of an orchid collector (Chris Cooper), a journalist (Meryl Streep, as author Susan Orlean), and the screenwriter (Charlie Kaufman, played by Nicolas Cage) who, in ... 14. I have to agree with many of the positive comments posted here. This is portrayed cinematically through brilliant use of music. The shooting of Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind began in mid-January 2003 after six weeks of preparation, lasting for three months on a budget of $20 million mostly in and around New York City. Anyhow, lovely review, keep up the great work, and hope to see more from this blog on very deep movies like this one too. Thanku for this writing. Thank you. After reading this review a couple of years ago, I found a few emails of people commenting still being sent to me. Keepem up. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . Wow, beautifully written. I agree with all the commenters above, you’ve explained it perfectly. ( Log Out / Found inside – Page 391Review of Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004) NYT Critics' Pick: Film Review; Washing That Girl out of His Head. ... Psycho: Behind the Scenes of the Classic Thriller. New York: Random House, 1995. Norton, Chris. Michel Gondry, Director: Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. I really enjoyed reading it because you made a lot of elements of this film make more sense to me. Eternal Sunshine Analysis. When he was young, Gondry wanted to be a painter or an inventor. I just watched the film on IFC today, coming a few minutes into the film, but could not walk away from it. Would a woman erasing the memory of a rape make her happier or would removing the incident do more damage to her life than the actual incident itself? This video essay from Film Radar explores the importance of editing in Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. We too often forget that human beings are made and contrast what is considered a “defect” can be a personality trait that differentiates it from its fellows. What's messier than a breakup? It’s one of the most original and fresh ideas ever shot on film. Is your theme custom made or did you download it from You made my day and thanks again for the very kind words. I also just re-watched the film after a few years of not seeing it. In preparation I was doing some research on the movie and stumbled across your essay, and just thought you nailed it. As most people who dated in high school, my first relationship was not successful and I used to wish it never happened. After a painful breakup, Clementine (Kate Winslet) undergoes a procedure to erase memories of her former boyfriend . Reading this made my day. Dodging them is all that needs to be done to arrive at a different destination. This is a wonderful, insightful review. When they meet on a train travelling through wintry Long Island in the film's opening scenes, it's as if they've . Found inside – Page 6-4Michel Gondry is well known for Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, and he is the winner of the Academy Award for Best ... As part of the Détour project, he also created some great behind-the-scenes videos featuring the iPhone's film ... As you can see from the comment section, your contribution is something special. Out of sheer desperation he resorts to the only logical solution at the time, removing her from his memory as well. It’s truly a remarkable piece of cinema that digs deep into your darkest and most wonderful memories. Written by Charlie Kaufman and directed by Michel Gondry, the 2004 movie follows an estranged couple (Jim Carrey and Kate Winslet) who have erased each other from their memories. Life is not always easy, and sometimes we are dealt a bad hand and we have to ride it out, but that does not mean that things will permanently be negative. His work on the dream sequences is incredible as well. The woman points out that they both know they will most likely just end up breaking up again. Joel implied as much and I instantly had an epiphany that helped me finally accept what happened and move on with my life. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. Thank you for sharing with us. You should watch “The Bucket List” (Morgan Freeman & Jack Nicholson) if you havent so far! Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind | 2004 | R | - 6.5.7 Jim Carrey stars as Joel, a man desperate to relieve the pain from a recent breakup with his girlfriend Clementine (Kate Winslet). I’m glad you enjoyed this piece. =). In this novel, computers can show people their romantic future, but two strangers can’t see true love when it’s right in front of them. So it’s much better to just live with it and not ponder and make life a mess. ßO0ÈB|È¢áñþÉÝÀoþî¿=ÜÀ×7_¦û;¸úzsUùÀcAë«ÕÉDÇ`uý"Q;Ïü®óAâcßGs©aYÈlöw/TÊ ðÆæW|¯áS^jåÞF¿k»ý{oÜC<4z¨¬ 1FuSعDìÃqÇR Êà%È30:Lè?Øg¯iònõ^äji+Y,,óÕVÊUhWØÿ¿äkÊìCˢئÙ$iÏUPÐßG½8é#z U_88Z>¢ùRÏtcÆ°ÛGe'&Ï\*ôõÑJ5$²DWcHòÕ*©ÜãñÞ½NÔÖ?å³pXà*0¨¶Ë:?¯¶¦èÖ6/¯BÍÕƤyjcM¬1§¼¤ÙvÚ6Ó[Lt *¢{ÝãIaÊ9á®Ø¤è]¦èÐ*Ï5RõEäíD/°E\7#'>ÛÙeC¿K5m³;. Film Analysis: “Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind”, Poster Fan Art: “Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind” « The Cinephile Fix. Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind! "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" is the rarest of all films, a therapeutically liberating work of art. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. The supporting cast all work well in their small, yet important roles. And it is this opposition between the two personalities that lead first to friction between the couple, then break. Directed by Michel Gondry and released in 2004, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind tells the story of a couple who only see the bad side of their relationship. FREE Shipping on orders over $25 shipped by Amazon. Their relationship escalates into a supposedly dead-end when he learns that she had him erased from her memory. The-Philosophy helps high-school & university students but also curious people on human sciences to quench their thirst for knowledge. To which he replies, “Enjoy it.” Joel gives up fighting instantly and chooses to enjoy the little time they have left together and it’s utterly heartbreaking. Charlie Kaufman’s writing is always clever, but this time he’s one-upped himself by making something simultaneously bizarre and emotionally engaging. The words were pulling her back to past impulses which she couldn’t understand. Take for example, the simultaneous subplot involving Mary (Kirsten Dunst) discovering that she had her love affair with Dr. Mierzwaik erased. The Shooting Script contains: * the complete original screenplay * 16 pages of colour photos * introduction by Charlie Kaufman * exclusive Q&A with Charlie Kaufman * full cast and crew credits 'Astonishing. When they meet, it’s their second encounter. Same with the impulses and raw emotions attached to memories, and those raw feelings cannot be erased. Screenwriters Award Winner Set, Collection 4: Capote, The Squid And The Whale, And Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind (Newmarket Shooting Script) Charlie Kaufman, After Midnight: Volume One Patrick Cunningham, Rhode Island School Of Design: The Faculty Rhode Island School Of Design, Book Of Myths And Legends Jacynth Hope-Simpson fate plays a huge part in this tale and it’s one of the big themes here…as illustrated in the train sequence. She arrives to that discovery through her love to him. This is by far the best review of Eternal Sunshine I’ve read. He goes to Montauk by instinct because this is the impulse he implanted. With every challenge we encounter, we have to remember that the struggle is temporary but the lesson we learn will be incredibly fulfilling. In this case, their relationship was run in reverse, through flashbacks, until the scene where they first got together was the last one in the film. Would it make you happier? Thank you so much for the kind words, Kieran. As part of a national Science on Screen event, moviegoers and scientists dissected fact from fiction. The song premiered on August 18, 2014, and was released for digital download on August 19, 2014, as the first promotional single and pre-order song from the album through ARTium Recordings and Def Jam Recordings.The song was written by Aiko in forty-five minutes using . This quote by Nietzsche perfectly illustrates the thesis of The Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, a beautiful philosophical movie of the 90’s, along Gattaca. What a wonderful comment, Andrew. I just stood looking at my DVD rack for inspiration and out it came. She freaked out b/c she only knew this subconsciously. That’s probably due to the recently bad incident towering and blocking all things wonderful from your thoughts. Anyone have a contact for the owner of the blog? As time grew on, we began to make each other angry more often than happy, but we did not realize that our resentment of each other should have been enough to make us either work things out, or call it quits. Eternal Sunshine is a tragic, yet beautiful film that sits at the top of my list of “Best of 2004”. Found inside – Page 261“Exclusive Web Series On NBC.com Goes Behind The Scenes at “heroes.” May 10, 2007 “Details from nbc on 'Heroes' Summer Content, ... Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. Dir. Michel Gondry. Focus Features. 2004. Groundhog Day. Dir. The constant use of the handy cam is very all involving for the viewer, and I suppose that this is exactly what is needed in such a personal movie. Longing for One Last Hurrah in Charlie Chaplin’s “Limelight”, Memories of Lives Lost in Hector Babenco’s “Carandiru”, The Exquisite Cinematography of “The Cranes Are Flying”, Are we finite? After all, they know the pitfalls and hidden traps on that road from listening to their Lacuna tapes. Powered by WordPress. I also wanted to make a point that I think the movies’ theme deals with fate. Thank you! Consider the film Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. The Blackmagic Pocket 4K recreates 'Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind' The Blackmagic Video Assist vs. Atomos Ninja V . If not, how is it that they met in the train that exact day? Constantly looking for personal development and improvement, the Man would like the people around him adhere to his life goals. This is my most well-received analysis on this blog. The plan backfires on him and only fuels her confusion and anger. Indeed the best movie ever. Awesome review, thank you for writing it! Now, six years later I’ve given it another shot. The awesome relationship movie Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004) ends with a scene in which the two main characters are tempted to get back together but are not sure. stand out. It’s the only thing that has bugged me in this wonderful masterpiece of a movie. This theory of eternal recurrence, whose Nietzsche inherits from the Stoics, is a thought experiment would be to ask, before you act, if you would do the same choice for all eternity. I find it interesting how they meet for the second time. The site thus covers the main philosophical traditions, from the Presocratic to the contemporary philosophers, while trying to bring a philosophical reading to the cultural field in general, such as cinema, literature, politics or music. It was something that I could not get over for months, and I constantly found myself wishing he never existed, that I never met him, or that we never dated. 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