official compilation of codes, rules and regulations of the state of new york . Terms Used In New York Laws > New York City Administrative Code > Title 22 > Chapter 6-B. The rules applicable to the captioned enforcement proceeding authorize discovery. (2) Such funds shall not be mingled with any personal allowance funds maintained pursuant to subdivision (b) of this section. these rules or the terms and conditions of any variance issued pursuant to these rules shall be subject to the issuance of notice(s) of violation and other civil and criminal enforcement actions pursuant to Title 24, Chapter 1, Subchapter 9 of the Administrative Code of the City of New York. official compilation of codes, rules and regulations of the state of new york title 8. education department chapter ii. 3 the New York City Fire Prevention Code, is a pre-existing facility which may be continued in compliance with the provisions of the New York City Fire Prevention Code and the rules in effect on June 30, 2008, notwithstanding the fact that such below-grade facility would not be allowed or approved in a control area under the Fire Code. (4) Upon the death of a resident, the operator shall contact the next of kin or legal representative and arrange for the transfer of all property of the individual. Section 488.11 - Environmental standards. Title 2: Board of Standards and Appeals. Introduction. Section 732-1.4 - Preferred Provider Organization Decertification, Section 732-2.1 - Organization and administration, Section 732-2.2 - General operating requirements, Section 732-2.3 - Quality assurance and improvement, Section 732-2.6 - Records, reports and information requirements, Section 732-2.7 - Notice and approval required to discontinue operation, Article 6 - Treatment Center and Diagnostic Center Operation, Part 751 - Organization and Administration, Section 751.5 - Operating policies and procedures, Section 751.8 - Quality assurance program, Section 751.10 - Adverse Event reporting, Section 752-1.2 - Physician's assistants and specialist's assistants, Section 752-1.3 - Diagnostic and therapeutic radiology, Section 752-1.5 - Pharmaceutical provisions, SubPart 752-2 - Up-Graded Diagnostic and Treatment Center Services, Section 752-2.2 - Limited emergency services, Section 752-2.3 - Hospital transfer and emergency medical transport, Section 752-2.4 - Administrative requirements, Section 752-2.5 - Medical/professional staff, Section 752-2.6 - Quality assurance and utilization review, Section 753.1 - Family planning services, Section 754.2 - Administrative requirements, Section 754.4 - Hospital transfer procedures, Section 754.5 - Medical director and medical consultants, Section 754.7 - Services for the care of mothers and newborns, Part 755 - Free-Standing and Off-Site Hospital Based Ambulatory Surgery Services, Section 755.1 - Ambulatory surgery definition, Section 755.2 - Administrative requirements, Section 755.6 - Patient admission and discharge, Part 757 - Chronic Renal Dialysis Services, Section 757.2 - Additional requirements for chronic renal dialysis centers, Section 757.3 - Chronic renal dialysis service staffing, Part 758 - Outpatient Rehabilitation Services For Persons With Head Injury, Section 758.4 - Interdisciplinary care planning, Part 759 - Adult Day Health Care Services for Registrants with AIDS and other high-need populations, Section 759.3 - Changes in existing program, Section 759.5 - Admission, continued stay, and registrant assessment, Section 759.6 - Comprehensive care planning, Section 759.7 - Registrant continued stay evaluation, Section 759.11 - Confidentiality of records, Section 759.12 - Quality assessment and assurance, Article 7 - Certified Home Health Agencies and Licensed Home Care Services Agencies, Part 760 - Certified Home Health Agency Establishment, Section 760.2 - Applications for establishment, Section 760.3 - Requirements for approval, Section 760.4 - Amendments to applications, Section 760.5 - Determinations of public need, Section 760.6 - Withdrawals of applications, Section 760.8 - Failure to implement an application, Section 760.9 - Revocation, limitation or annulment of approvals of establishment, Section 760.11 - Establishment of not-for-profit corporations, Section 760.12 - Establishment of business corporations, Section 760.13 - Transfers of interest by persons or partnerships, Section 760.15 - Acquisition of control of the operator of an agency, Part 761 - Certified Home Health Agency, Long Term Home Health Care Program and AIDS Home Care Program Certification and Authorization, Section 761.3 - Action required upon surrender or loss of an operating certificate, Section 761.4 - Notice and approval required to discontinue operation, Part 762 - Approval of Home Care Programs and Program Changes, Section 762.1 - Long term home health care program and AIDS home care program approval, Section 762.2 - Certified home health agency, long term home health care program construction, Part 763 - Certified Home Health Agencies, Long Term Home Health Care Programs and AIDS Home Care Programs Minimum Standards, Section 763.4 Policies and procedures of service delivery, Section 763.5 - Patient referral, admission and discharge, Section 763.6 - Patient assessment and plan of care, Part 765 - Approval and Licensure of Home Care Services Agencies, SubPart 765-1 - Approval of Home Care Services Agencies, Section 765-1.2 - Applications for licensure, Section 765-1.3 - Requirements for approval, Section 765-1.4 - Amendments to applications, Section 765-1.5 - Withdrawals of applications, Section 765-1.7 - Failure to implement an application, Section 765-1.8 - Revocation, limitation or annulment of Public Health Council approval, Section 765-1.10 - Approval of not-for-profit corporations, Section 765-1.11 - Approval of business corporations, Section 765-1.12 - Transfers of interest by persons or partnerships, Section 765-1.14 - Acquisition of control of the operator of an agency, Section 765-1.15 - Limitation on transfer, Section 765-1.16 - Determinations of public need, SubPart 765-2 - Issuance of Home Care Services Agency License, Section 765-2.2 - Amendment of a license, Section 765-2.3 - Discontinuation, revocation, suspension, limitation or annulment of a license, Part 766 - Licensed Home Care Services Agencies--Minimum Standards, Section 766.2 - Patient service policies and procedures, Part 768 - Respite Demonstration Projects, Article 8 - Voluntary Foster Care Agency Health Facilities, Part 769 - Voluntary Foster Care Agency Health Facility Licensure, Section 769.2 - Licensure of VFCA Health Facilities; Operating Certificates, Section 769.3 - Physical Plant Environment and Equipment, Section 769.4 - Revocation, suspension, limitation or annulment of a license, Part 770 - Voluntary Foster Care Agency Health Facility Services, Section 770.1 - Core Limited Health-Related Services, Section 770.2 - Other Limited Health-Related Services, Section 770.3 - Voluntary Foster Care Agency Health Facility Services Billing, Section 770.4 - Health and Safety, including Referrals and Urgent and Emergency Care, Section 770.5 - Assessments and Treatment Planning, Section 770.6 - Quality improvement activities, Section 770.7 - Medication and Medical Supplies, Section 790.1 - Applications for establishment, Section 790.2 - Requirements for approval, Section 790.3 - Amendments to applications, Section 790.4 - Withdrawals of applications, Section 790.5 - Revocation, limitation or annulment of approvals of establishments, Section 790.8 - Governing authority or operator, Section 790.9 - Agents, nominees and fiduciaries, Section 790.10 - Establishment of not-for-profit corporations, Section 790.11 - Establishment of business corporations, Section 790.12 - Reporting by business corporations, Section 790.13 - Transfers of interest by sole proprietors or partnerships, Section 790.16 - Determinations of public need for hospice, Part 791 - Approval of Hospice Construction, Section 791.4 - Determination by the commissioner, Section 791.5 - Implementation of an approved application, Section 791.6 - Abandonment of an application and the expiration, withdrawal and annulment of prior approvals, Section 791.8 - Determination of public need, Section 793.2 - Eligibility, Election, Admission and Discharge, Section 793.3 - Initial and Comprehensive Assessment, Section 793.4 - Patient Plan of Care, Interdisciplinary Group and Coordination of Care, Section 793.5 - Quality Assessment and Performance Improvement, Part 794 - Organization and Administration, Section 794.5 Short-term Inpatient Service, Section 794.6 Hospice Residence Service, Section 794.8 Hospice care provided to residents of a Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) or Intermediate Care Facility for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities (ICF/IID), Section 795.2 - Administrative requirements, Section 795.4 - Midwifery birth center transfer procedures, Section 795.5 - Midwifery birth center director and medical consultants, Section 795.7 - Services for the care of patients, Section 795.11 - Midwifery birth center accreditation, Section 795.12 - Application for establishment, Chapter VI - State Emergency Medical Services Code, Section 800.2 - Applicability of other laws, codes, rules and regulations, Section 800.4 - Signs and advertisements, Section 800.5 - Requirements for an advanced life support system, Section 800.6 - Initial certification requirements, Section 800.7 - Reexaminations - applicants for initial certification, Section 800.8 - Recertification requirments, Section 800.9 - Continuing medical education recertification, Section 800.10 - Reexaminations - applicants for recertification, Section 800.11 - Advanced emergency medical technician certification, Section 800.12 - Reciprocal certification requirements, Section 800.14 - Emergency medical technicians certified by states bordering New York, Section 800.16 - Suspension or revocation of certification, Section 800.17 - Period of certification, Section 800.22 - Requirements for certified ambulance vehicle construction, Section 800.23 - General requirements related to equipment, Section 800.24 - Equipment requirements for certified ambulance service, Section 800.26 - Equipment requirements for emergency ambulance service vehicles other than an ambulance, Section 800.90 - Non-hospital orders not to resuscitate, Part 801 - Availability of Resuscitation Equipment in Certain Public Places, Section 900.2 - Applicability of other laws and regulations, Section 900.3 - Application for certificate of authority, Section 900.4 - Requirements for approval, Section 900.5 - Amendments to applications, Section 900.6 - Withdrawals of applications, Section 900.8 - Certificate of authority, Section 900.10 - Authorization to begin construction, Section 900.11 - Long term care security program for long term care model, Part 901 - Organizations and Administration, Section 901.3 - Entrance fee escrow account, Section 901.7 - Reserves and supporting assets, Section 901.8 - Periodic reporting requirements, Section 901.9 - Other notice and submission requirements, Section 901.13 - Transfers of interest by sole proprietors or general partners, Section 901.14 - Acquisition of control of the operator of a life care community, Section 901.16 - Application for dissolution of a not-for-profit corporation, Section 901.17 - Revocation, suspension or annulment of certificate of authority, Part 902 - Residential Rights and Organizations, Section 902.1 - Applicability of other laws and regulations, Section 902.2 - Residents' rights and organizations, Part 903 - Priority Reservation Agreements, Section 903.3 - Application for commissioner's authorization, Section 903.4 - Commissioner's authorization, Section 903.5 - Escrow of priority reservation fees, Section 903.6 - Priority reservation fees and agreements, Chapter VIII - Official New York State Prescription Forms, Part 910 - Official New York State Prescription Forms, Section 910.2 - Prescribing upon Official New York State Prescription, Section 910.4 - Issuance of Official New York State Prescription Forms and Facility Labels, Section 910.5 - Safeguarding of prescriptions and facility labels, Section 910.6 - Dispensing upon Official New York State Prescription and Out-of-State Prescription, Section 1000.3 - Malpractice awards, judgments and settlements, Section 1000.4 - Collection of initial profile information, Section 1000.5 - Updating self-reported information, Section 1001.3 - Certificates of Incorporation; Articles of Organization, Section 1001.4 - Operating Certificates and Additional Certifications; Authority Limited to Operator. Here you will find Consolidated Laws, including session laws passed by the state senate and assembly, the Constitution and Court Acts, and organized by subject area into Articles and Sections. air resources . Many city services are available online. Best New York street food. Paragraphs (2) and (3) of subdivision 170.5(b) are amended as follows: (2) possess a valid New York State hunting license; and Readers are advised to consult Title 8 of the Official Compilation of Codes, Rules and Regulations of the State of New York (8 NYCRR), published by the Department of State, and the State Register for the official exposition of the text of these regulations, as well as for amendments and any subsequent changes or revisions thereto. (7) If the operator deposits resident personal allowance funds in individual or collective interest-bearing bank accounts, the operator must develop a written procedure for the equitable distribution of interest to each resident's account. (2) The enforcement procedures delineated in sections 12, 12-a, … No representation is made as to its accuracy, nor may it be used as an official business record of the New York State Department of Public Service. (3) Resident personal allowance accounts or other personal funds shall not be mingled with the personal funds of the operator or the operating funds of the facility, nor become an asset of the operator. New York Codes, Rules and Regulations, Title 6 - DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION, Chapter III - Air Resources, Subchapter A - Prevention And Control Of Air Contamination And Air Pollution, Part 235 - Consumer Products, Subpart 235-9 - Test Methods, Section 235-9.1 - Test methods The rules and regulations found in NYCRR Title 7 and Title 9, Subtitle CC, are the official statements of policy that implement or apply Article 12-B of the NYS Executive Law. New York Consolidated Laws and Constitution. Part 2525. Its scope and the authorized devices are outlined in the regulations at Title 6 of the Official Compilation of Codes, Rules and Regulations of the State of New York (6 NYCRR) § 622.7. Family and Children's Services Part 415. The information contained on this website is not the official version of the Compilation of the Rules and Regulations of the State of New York (NYCRR). Section 485.14 - Access to adult-care facilities. (8) During the period of a State disaster emergency declared pursuant to section 28 of the Executive Law, the State Commissioner of Health or their designee may suspend or modify any provision, of parts thereof, of this Part, that is not otherwise required by State statute or federal law, if compliance with such provisions, or parts thereof, would prevent, hinder, or delay action necessary to cope with the state disaster emergency, or if necessary to assist or aid in coping with such disaster. OFFICIAL COMPILATION OF CODES, RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. proposed revisions to Title 6 of the Official Compilation of Codes, Rules and Regulations of the State of New York (6 NYCRR) Part 375 (Environmental Remediation Programs). (3) The operator shall hold resident funds in custody for the sole use of the resident and shall not use these funds for any other purpose. Part 495 - QUALITY INCENTIVE PAYMENT PROGRAM, Title: Section 487.6 - Resident funds and valuables. official compilation of codes, rules and regulations of the state of new york title 8. education department chapter ii. Department of Environmental Conservation Chapter III. Section 485.4 - Certificates of incorporation. (e) (1) Upon request by an applicant or operator, the Department may waive non-statutory requirements of this Part. (3) The operator shall obtain written authorization from the resident to hold property or items of value, and shall provide each resident with a receipt. Browse as List; Search Within; Chapter I - Fish and Wildlife (§§ 1.10 — 189.8) Chapter II - … (6) require applicants for certification or approval to complete the forms which are necessary for the agency to inquire of the Office of Children and Family Services and the Justice Center for the Protection of People with Special Needs whether the applicant and any person over the age of 18 who resides in the home of the applicant is the subject of an indicated child abuse or maltreatment report on file with the … The index is intended to make it easier to locate the Part or Section that you may be interested in. Section 485.8 - Application for family-type homes. The Department proposes to amend part 231 of title 6 of the Official Compilation of Codes, Rules and Regulations of the State of New York (“6 NYCRR part 231"), and to make related amendments to parts 200 (General Provisions) and 201 (Permits and Registrations). 300.1 to … Title 7 Department of Corrections and Community Supervision. New York Codes, Rules and Regulations, Title 6 - DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION, Chapter III - Air Resources, Subchapter A - Prevention And Control Of Air Contamination And Air Pollution, Part 235 - Consumer Products, Subpart 235-10 - Severability, Section 235-10.1 - Severability Section 485.3 - Responsibility of government agencies. (12) At least quarterly, the operator shall give each resident who has a personal allowance account, a statement showing total deposits, withdrawals and current balance of the resident's account and secure the resident's acknowledgment, in writing, of the accuracy of the statement. Found inside – Page 494( a ) The requirements of $ 51.15 ( b ) of this chapter are not met since the compliance schedule for part 220 of subchapter A , chapter III , title 6 of New York State's Official Compilation of Codes , Rules and Regulations , does not ... (3) This subdivision (e) shall apply to requests for a waiver under this Part unless a more specific waiver provision related to a particular operating standard is specified elsewhere in this Part. ; Corporation: A legal entity owned by the holders of shares of stock that have been issued, and that can own, receive, and transfer property, and carry on business in its own name. (1) The operator shall issue a receipt to a resident for any funds received for: (i) payment of the facility rate; (ii) payment of appropriate supplemental charges; (iii) payment of funds owed to the operator by the resident; (iv) deposits to a personal allowance account established pursuant to section 485.12 of this Title; Regulations of the Department of Social Services Subchapter C. Social Services Article 4. The operator shall operate and maintain the residence in compliance with the regulations of the Department and with other applicable federal, state and local statutes and regulations. (1) The operator may offer a resident the opportunity to place property or items of value in the operator's custody. subchapter a. prevention and control of air contamination and air pollution . New York Codes, Rules and Regulations, Title 6 - DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION, Chapter III - Air Resources, Subchapter A - Prevention And Control Of Air Contamination And Air Pollution, Part 235 - Consumer Products, Subpart 235-11 - Alternative Control Plan, Section 235-11.1 - Alternative control plan for consumer products proposed revisions to Title 6 of the Official Compilation of Codes, Rules and Regulations of the State of New York (6 NYCRR) Part 375 (Environmental Remediation Programs). The official compilation of the Department of Taxation and Finance regulations is contained in Title 20 of the Codes, Rules and Regulations of the State of New York (20 NYCRR). This statement shall document that the balance being transferred in each resident fund account is true and accurate as of the proposed date of transfer, and shall be confirmed by resident signature(s). (11) No alternative system of recordkeeping for resident personal allowance accounts may be substituted for the above without the prior written consent of the department. 1.1 to Appendix 17-A) CHAPTER VI - New York State and Local Employees' Retirement System and New York State and Local Police and Fire Retirement System (Sec. An applicant or operator must request and receive written approval prior to operating in accordance with any waiver. (a) The department may assign a hazard classification to dams according to the potential impacts of a dam failure. Rules & Regulations. (1) At the time of admission and at the time of the first increase in the personal allowance occurring in any calendar year, the operator shall, in writing, offer an SSI or HR recipient or the recipient's representative, if any, an opportunity to place personal allowance funds for incidental use in a facility-maintained account. (1) In cases brought under labor law articles eight and nine and New York City Administrative Code §§ 6-109 and 19-142, the Bureau assesses any civil penalty in accordance with the criteria set forth in labor law §§ 220(8), 220-b (2)(d) and 235(5)(b) and New York City Administrative Code § 6-109(e)(1)(a). (a) The operator of an assisted living residence must provide, through its employees and agents, an organized program of care, supervision and services which meets the standards set forth in this Part; assures the protection of resident rights; and promotes the social, physical and mental well-being of its residents.
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