Browse the use examples 'ostensible motive' in the great English corpus. The receipt I got back shows that they plan to hold the funds until April 10th, stating that "check specific . Ostensible reason - Russian translation, definition, meaning, synonyms, pronunciation, transcription, antonyms, examples. Found insideTherefore, althoughthe authors ofśāstra have elaborated many [sorts] of natures,this does not imply that things have many natures that are mutually contradictory. Again, illusion is a synonym of the ostensible, and untruth is a synonym ... These examples have been automatically selected and may contain sensitive content that does not reflect the opinions or policies of Collins, or its parent company HarperCollins. Call This Word Of The Day Quiz Cathartic! If you can't decipher a meaning, adding a few synonyms, or words with similar meanings, is a surefire way to point to a word's meaning. evident hostility. Found inside – Page 58Here lies the ostensible reason why the colonial government in Korea imposed the name-changing program upon Koreans. ... what I would call the “anagram pattern,” the “component pattern,” the “enclosure pattern” and the “synonym pattern. Found inside – Page 365причина reason , cause вина ( R2 ) cause ( source of something bad ) Он утверждал , будто виной эпидемии стала алчность ... предлог ( R2 ) pretext ( ostensible , spurious reason ) ) Он давно хотел уйти , только предлог найти не мог . Synonyms, crossword answers and other related words for OSTENSIBLE REASON [pretext] We hope that the following list of synonyms for the word pretext will help you to finish your crossword today. thesaurus. Filtred list of synonyms for Ostensible reason is here. When you use synonyms, the meaning of your phrase does not change. “Epidemic” vs. “Pandemic” vs. “Endemic”: What Do These Terms Mean? Digital copies of this page in Coleman's book can be seen on the Internet Archive or at ().The reason why Coleman's book is on the CIA website is because it was part of a large collection of documents seized in a May 2, 2011 raid on Osama bin Laden's Abbottabad compound in Pakistan. Why Do “Left” And “Right” Mean Liberal And Conservative? The great Enlightenment impresario Denis Diderot was once a pornographer, pamphleteer, and prisoner. Of course, that isn't the ostensible reason that he drew it - it was to show his father-in-law Richard Browne, a keen horticulturalist who was then on diplomatic posting in Paris, how Evelyn was transforming the estate that he took over when he married into the family.In the key to the left of the plan, (copyright the British Library) a . Found inside – Page 434... fallacious, false, hollow, illogical, inaccurate, incorrect, likely, nugatory. ostensible, plausible, presumable, ... hypothesize, meditate, muse, read, reason, reflect, review, ruminate, scheme, size up, study, suppose, surmise, ... . Found inside – Page 73... as its ostensible purpose , cerity has been shown , and that some offenders tain allegories on faith ... it is as certain as that there were Nero , whose name has been a synonym for windmills in those days and wine - skins . cruelty ... Learn more in the Cambridge English-French Dictionary. The ostensible reason for the film was Gerald's promise to introduce the boy to the landscape and flora and fauna, as well as the history and folklore, of Corfu, suggestive of his own experiences at the same age, thirty years previously. Sätze für Reasons (alternative Sätze für Reasons). What are synonyms for simplism? We'd just like to take a moment to apologise for the continued delays the site is currently experiencing. examples. g. While all these words mean not actually being what appearance indicates, ostensible suggests a discrepancy between an openly declared or naturally implied aim or reason and the true one. Definition. That intelligence and those facts, of course, all pertained to Saddam Hussein's weapons of mass destruction, the war's, To listen again to "Breaking Up Is Hard to Do"—probably the most relentlessly cheerful song ever written on the. Phrase thesaurus through replacing words with similar meaning of Ostensible and Excuse. Education cannot be a business. manifest disapproval. Synonyms for Ostensible Basis (other words and phrases for Ostensible Basis). „ We are one people despite the ostensible rifts, cracks, and differences between the American and Soviet democracies. "It is clear that Shakespeare, or some writer whom he followed, had in mind the churchyard of Saint Mary the Old in Verona, and the monument of the Scaligers which stood in it. _____ Stage Direction. apparent, illusory, seeming, ostensible mean not actually being what appearance indicates. Find 25 ways to say OSTENSIBLE, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Search over 14 million words and phrases in more than 490 language pairs. Much of this book is a transcription from the 1991 John Coleman book. Found insideAnd be careful about referring to a“corporation lawyer”—”a polite synonym for crook. ... fashion toassume that thereal reason forany action is pitched several octaves lowerinthe scale of respectability thanthe ostensible reason. apparently; on the face of it . Found inside – Page 241You are required to answer the Synonym of the word (in bold letters) as per the context. 11. The graduates must find their own niche ... The ostensible reason for the trip was to attend a convention, but actually he wanted a vacation. ostensible translate: prétendu. By the time Kurczy does return to the book’s, Saddam wasn’t able to reconstruct a nuclear weapon program — the, One study showed that prematurely ending the extra benefits did little to improve the economies of those states, the, Plans for up to five large projects collectively totaling approximately $700 million, according to AEDC, are in the works and two development groups have signed long-term leases at the airport in an, The journalist said nothing of Colonel Warren’s denying the existence of radiation victims — the, Associate Justice Amy Coney Barrett days before the Nov. 3 election gave conservatives an, Post the Definition of ostensible to Facebook, Share the Definition of ostensible on Twitter, “In Vino Veritas” and Other Latin Phrases to Live By. Ostensible is used to express something that seems to be true, or stated to be true, but it might not be. It's public service, for the public good. antonyms. ; noun The buildings in such a community. Only not-for-profit institutions must be allowed to provide education. The most basic, and perhaps helpful, type of context clues are synonyms. Special characters '?' and '*':??? Conspicuous definition, easily seen or noticed; readily visible or observable: a conspicuous error. Found insideOn October 13, 1307, a day so infamous that Friday the 13th would become a synonym for ill fortune, ... The ostensible reason for suppressing the Order of the Temple had been to eradicate heresy; a more pragmatic motive had to do ... noun The building or buildings occupied as a dwelling by a community living together and having goods and . Another way to say Pretexts? noun A self-sustaining cooperative community of the followers of Fourierism. Log in. If you do not agree, you can click "Manage" below to review your options. n. apparent reason. Found inside – Page 58355 ostensibly see apparently (APPARENT). SYNONYM srqu: ostensible APPARENT, ILLUSORY, SEEMING. The apparent reason for something is not necessarily the real reason. In this sense the word applies to what appears only on the surface, ... definitions. Found inside – Page 100... which is the modern synonym for the colony - farming system of old Rome . Doubtless the great majority of the people of the United States were moved by generous impulses , and took in good faith the ostensible purpose given out for ... He was ostensibly on holiday, but actually he was on a diplomatic mission. We are one people and it is not in our interests that the West should liberate the East, for in doing this and in liberating the enslaved nations, the West would inevitably deprive Jewry of the Eastern half of its world power . Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group. Check out the pronunciation, synonyms and grammar. Found inside – Page 3761. administrator , director , manag cusal , overlooking , disregarding , ignoring . leader , head , chief , principal ; supervisor , superinter 7. pretext , ostensible reason , pretense , feint ; subter- ent , Inf . super , overseer ... God-damned virus, could have been stopped. Like its synonyms "apparent" and "seeming," "ostensible" implies a discrepancy between what appears to be and what actually is. ostensible reason. an illusory sense of security The real reason was their misguided hatred against Buddhism. Another reason sales have fallen is that previously occupied homes have become a better deal than new homes.Time (Apr 17, 2012) odious. Ostensible definition is - intended for display : open to view. Accessed 14 Sep. 2021. Also look at the related clues for crossword clues with similar answers to "Ostensible reason" Possibly related clues. Synonyms for 'Ostensible reason'. From the Eaton Affair to the Maysville road Bill. Enter the answer length or the answer pattern to get better results. in theory. If students are to learn as much as they can, they should themselves choose what they wish to study. "cros...rd" or "he?p"). Jackson vs. Calhoun--Part 1. Explicit guidance, in the form of advice from a faculty member, is better than the implicit guidance of course requirements. noun. This already-exhaustive book is studded with diary entries, academic papers and other ostensible evidence that its fictitious stories of destruction are true.New York Times (Jun 6, 2010) ostentatious. Delivered to your inbox! Thanks for visiting The Crossword Solver. Advertising ensures that the site free to use. There will also be a list of synonyms for your answer. This, however, was a post-facto attempt to explain a folk custom, whose origins lie . What miight be the ostensible reason for telling about degradation? So What Benefit. Found inside – Page 51... motive , or char- test , objecting or objection , kicking ( see corresponding acter ; thus , to say that the ostensible purpose of a naval verbs at OBJECT ) review is the celebration of a national holiday may imply appeal vb plead ... Translation for 'ostensible reason' in the free English-German dictionary and many other German translations. R. Eleazar of Worms in the 12 th century, defended the practice of spilling wine when reciting the plagues against detractors who disparaged it, by offering a mystical, numerological rationale. 1a) Or the person who has uttered the word has doubts about its trueness. Synonyms for Ostensible 0.Retrieved July 29, 2021, from Chicago A reason given in justification of a course of action that is not the real reason. Translation for: 'ostensible (surface) reason' in English->Japanese (Kanji) dictionary. This is the essential idioms dictionary if you want to talk like a native speaker-or just find out more about the colorful phrases you hear and say every day. Learn a new word every day. ; noun An association resembling a Fourierist phalanstery. 5. Synonyms for Ostensible basis. He was ostensibly on holiday, but actually he was on a diplomatic mission. in theory. A clear demonstration of one's emotion, skill, or quality. the seeming simplicity of the story It has been rare in American political history for presidents and vice-presidents not to get along or like each other, but it has happened. Ways of saying that something is not definitely true. Check out the pronunciation, synonyms and grammar. apparent; ostensive; seeming; ostensibly. Ostensible purpose Synonyms. Rather than tell stories, tableaux vivants depicted scenes: a tryst of Antony and Cleopatra, for example, or Napoleon's defeat at Waterloo.They often used stage scenery and props and thoughtful costume choices, but the "actors" spoke no lines; they . Weeks arose . We've arranged the synonyms in length order so that they are easier to find. If we look at these non-religious factors, it becomes clear that secular violence (war or battle to gain control of territory) is much more severe than religious violence. This is the year our loved ones died for no ostensible reason. apparent suggests appearance to unaided senses that may or may not be borne out by more rigorous examination or greater knowledge. Some of those used in medicine and medical technology are not listed here but instead in the entry for List of medical roots, suffixes and prefixes This word may not look like it belongs on a gender-neutral terms list, but as Dowd points out, it can be used as an alternative to "man-made" — because not everything "man-made" was made by men!" Benefits of the 5 Whys The Crossword Solver found 20 answers to the Ostensible reason (7) crossword clue. include: verb absorb , adscribere , be composed of , be formed of , be made up of , begird , boast , bound , bracket , circumscribe , classify , close in , combine . Sorry, and we hope you continue to use The Crossword Solver. Found inside – Page 339[ L. præter , beyond , synonym of the correct form FORE original : early : -n . the beginning : the and IMPERFECT . ] ... primcevus - primus , first , and ævum , an ostensible motive or reason put forward PŘICKER , prik'er , n . that ... Save this story for later. ostensible reason. Denis Diderot prized both . 1. used for saying that although someone pretends to have one reason for something, there is in fact another reason. Using synonyms. Get Word of the Day delivered to your inbox! The ostensible reason? HERE’S HOW THEY COULD ACTUALLY PREVENT IT. K. Deighton. From February 1, 2020, when the pandemic really started to hit the United States, through the end of December, the net number of jobs decreased in 48 out of 50 states, according to the Bureau of . phrases. Melissa went to her room, ostensibly to do her homework. Phrase thesaurus through replacing words with similar meaning of Ostensible and Purpose. Found inside – Page 49There is no ostensible reason for his suffering , and no apparent 6 76 A. Camus , Le Mythe de Sisyphe , p . ... 33 and 153 in particular ) ; Pozzo uses light as a synonym of life and consciousness ; both Hamm and Krapp seek refuge from ... Found inside – Page 230... of secular “reason” and tolerance, not the bastion of “fanatical” or manipulative or bad religion, hence not theocratic.41 As Peter Simpson argues in his essay “Theocracy's Challenge” in this volume, there is no ostensible reason ... 2 synonyms for simplism: oversimplification, oversimplification. Example Sentence. No one needs to breathe their last, left alone behind glass— Tended to by a kind heart in a hazmat suit. (2015). Found inside – Page 18... well who should die , but many die without not uncommon in European syphilitics . ostensible scientific reasons . ... They The doctor is growing to be a useless appendage even know the term as a synonym of frambæsia , and are to a ... Ostensible Meaning in Tagalog, Meaning of word Ostensible in Tagalog, Pronunciation, Examples, Synonyms and Similar words for Ostensible. Antonyms for simplism. See more. a pronounced striving to overcome a trait perceived as unacceptable by substituting an opposite trait. ostensible aim . OSTENSIBLE is a word of 10 letters synonym of apparent, counterfeit, imitative, ostensive, seeming, superficial. A silent partner is seldom involved in the partnership's daily operations and . ostensible suggests a discrepancy between an openly declared or naturally implied aim or reason and the true one. Some captains-to-be (1) Political philosophy (1) Hominy food (1) Vocabulary Strategy: Use Latin Suffixes Suffixes—word parts added to the end of a root or base word—often provide clues about the meaning of a word. DEFINITIONS 1. Synonyms are different words that mean the same thing. Learn the definition of 'ostensible motive'. APA: Classic Thesaurus. Synonyms for simplism in Free Thesaurus. Ostensible Benefit Vs. avowed purpose. Found inside – Page 6292. Genuine ; not artificial , counterfeit , or factitious ; —often opposed to ostensible ; as , the real reason . 4. Representing reality ; corresponding to what is ; true . Synonym — Real , actual , true mean correspondent to known or ... What does possible mean? the apparent cause of the accident An account of imaginary or real people and events told for entertainment. The word synonym refers to a word that has the same meaning as another word, or a meaning that is very close to that of the other word. The world's most popular Chinese dictionary and thesaurus with definitions, synonyms, antonyms, idioms, word origins, quotes, audio pronunciations, example sentences! the effects of the drought are apparent to anyone who sees the parched fields. evident purpose. English - Russian Translator. Synonym definitions. "Ostensible," which descends from the Latin word ostendere ("to show"), suggests a discrepancy between a declared or implied aim or reason and the true one. Full list of synonyms for Ostensible reason is here. Possible is also a similar qualifier in this vein, and it likely evolved from those instructions. This is the year I can't get home. All Free. "Apparent" suggests appearance to unaided senses that may not be borne out by more rigorous examination ("the apparent cause of the accident"). Found inside – Page 183... figurative meaning , something that is put forward to conceal a true purpose or object , an ostensible reason . ... hypocritical illusions Quiz 24 : Matching Match each of the following numbered words with its closest synonym . nouns. Subscribe to America's largest dictionary and get thousands more definitions and advanced search—ad free! We've listed any clues from our database that match your search. Synonyms as Context Clues. I will get there, anyway. the ostensible reason for their visi arrow_drop_down - Online dictionaries, vocabulary, conjugation, grammar Toggle navigation share When navigating on this site, you are accepting that Google and their partners uses cookies to show you publicity adapted to your interest center and to enable to mesure the audience, click here to know more . Found insideIt's lost its ostensible reason to exist, but it still exists. New issues to bang on about must be found. ... Which, oddly, makes it a synonym for communist. The foreign secretary betrayed this sense of nostalgia when criticising ... Melissa went to her room, ostensibly to do her homework. "Seeming" implies a character in the thing being observed that gives it the appearance of something else ("the seeming simplicity of the story"). ~ The Tartar Steppe by Dino Buzzati ~ The tableau vivant was a type of theatrical performance that (mostly) disappeared with the Victorians. 'the rebels had the perfect pretext for making their move'. Image above: Satire of Bank of America logo by Juan Wilson. Synonym Discussion of ostensible. UK /ɒˈstensəbli/. Click the answer to find similar crossword clues. Send us feedback. 3 letter words WHY 4 letter words .css-1w804bk{font-size:16px;}See how your sentence looks with different synonyms. UK /ɒˈstensəbli/. An indication or sign of a situation. Test your knowledge - and maybe learn something along the way. Synonyms for Ostensible Reason (other words and phrases for Ostensible Reason). n . seeming purpose. Found inside – Page 131( 5 ) This section is ostensibly a reason ( ydp ) for the final claim of 8.4 , « περί πάντων - επιστασείται . The first part is simply a repetition of earlier claims ( 8.1 , 8.3 ) , except that the universality there implicit is now ... circa 1771, in the meaning defined at sense 1, French, from Latin ostensus, past participle of ostendere to show, from obs-, ob- in the way + tendere to stretch — more at ob-, thin, Theme music by Joshua Stamper ©2006 New Jerusalem Music/ASCAP. Found inside – Page 41... like Jerusalem and Damascus, and was not destroyed at the time of Noah's Flood, the ostensible reason being that, ... 24 The original Nimrod lived long before the Flood epoch, and 'Nimrod' can only be a synonym for the new ruler of ... We're working closely with our server provider and will try to get things back to normal as soon as possible. Bank of America, check deposit holds, and suspected UDAAP violations. United States (1914), the U.S. Supreme Court announced a far-reaching doctrine known as the "exclusionary rule," which generally bars the use in court of illegally obtained evidence. Find more similar words at! Shown; exhibited; declared; avowed; professed; apparent; -- often used as opposed to real or actual; as, an ostensible reason, motive or aim. 3 letter words WHY 4 letter words Found inside – Page 136Its near synonym , timoria , could mean " assistance " as well ; in the Hippocratic writings , it might mean simply ... It was only his ostensible motive for the dispatch of Datis and Artaphrenes to Marathon ; his real intention was to ... The Crossword Solver finds answers to American-style crosswords, British-style crosswords, general knowledge crosswords and cryptic crossword puzzles. Let's take a look at a few examples: It was an idyllic day - sunny, warm, and perfect for a walk in the . ostensible justification . Ostensible: outwardly appearing as such; professed; apparent or evident: 7: Pan: to criticize severely, as in a review of a play: 7: Pareidolia: A psychological phenomenon involving a vague and random stimulus (often an image or sound) being perceived as significant. Derived terms * ostensibly Antonyms * (meant for open display) Related terms * ostensive * ostentatious * ostentation References * ---- The synonyms have been arranged depending on the number of charachters so that they're easy to find. Parts of speech. Found inside – Page 583The ostensible reason for somein different circumstances . 2 in other rething is the reason that is expressed , despects ( he is somewhat unkempt , but otherwise clared , or avowed ; but it implies that the very suitable ) . Although this technique is called "5 Whys," you may find that you will need to ask the question fewer or more times than five before you find the issue related to a problem. Lists. ostensible reason . Synonyms, crossword answers and other related words for FALSE REASON [pretext] We hope that the following list of synonyms for the word pretext will help you to finish your crossword today. The number of answers is shown between brackets. (adj) clearly revealed to the mind or the senses or judgment. John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, Dwight Eisenhower and Richard Nixon, and John Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson are three pairs that . The ostensible reason was that the Tibetans were rebels against the Chinese State. Found inside – Page 108She was reason sat enthroned , might have awarded decidedly petite in stature , but gentle and to him almost double ... And those beauteous children -- how whilst he was withal the very synonym shall we describe their budding charms of ... Likely evolved from those instructions, there is in fact another reason any clues from database! I think that this tactic is important to get anyones attention these days this is. 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