public education campaign example

Public education and awareness campaign efforts are commonly used for many public health issues, including Tob Control, 2019; 28(2):223-236. Available from:, 30. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 2014; 92:413-422. Emery S, Wakefield MA, Terry-McElrath Y, Saffer H, Szczypka G, et al. Medicine Diaries. Examining the effectiveness of public education campaigns, Influences on the uptake and prevention of smoking, Tobacco use among Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islanders, The tobacco industry in Australian society, The construction and labelling of Australian cigarettes, The pricing and taxation of tobacco products in Australia, Social marketing and public education campaigns, Potential for harm reduction in tobacco control, The WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, 14.4 Examining the effectiveness of public education campaigns,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Forthcoming updates to Tobacco in Australia: Facts & issues, 1.1 A brief history of tobacco smoking in Australia, 1.2 Overview of major Australian data sets, 1.5 Prevalence of smoking—middle-aged and older adults, 1.7 Trends in the prevalence of smoking by socio-economic status, 1.8 Trends in prevalence of smoking by country of birth, 1.9 Prevalence of tobacco use among Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islanders, 1.10 Prevalence of smoking in other high-risk sub-groups of the population, 1.11 Prevalence of smoking among health professionals, 1.12 Prevalence of use of different types of tobacco product, 1.13 Smoking by Australian states and territories, 2.1 Production and trade data as a basis for estimating tobacco consumption, 2.2 Dutiable tobacco products as an estimate of tobacco consumption, 2.3 Self-reported measures of tobacco consumption, 2.5 Industry sales figures as estimates for consumption, 2.6 Comparisons of quality and results using various estimates of tobacco consumption in Australia, 2.7 Per capita consumption in Australia compared with other countries, 2.8 Tobacco consumption not captured in government or industry figures, 2.9 Best estimate of recent tobacco consumption in Australia, 2.10 Factors driving changes in tobacco consumption, 3.2 Respiratory diseases (excluding lung cancer), 3.8 Child health and maternal smoking before and after birth, 3.9 Increased susceptibility to infection in smokers, 3.15 The impact of smoking on treatment of disease, 3.17 Inflammatory conditions and autoimmune disease, 3.18 Other conditions with possible links to smoking, 3.20 Nicotine and carbon monoxide poisoning, 3.21 Health effects for young people who smoke, 3.22 Poorer quality of life and loss of function, 3.24 Genetic influences on tobacco-caused disease, 3.25 Smoking compared with or in combination with other pollutants, 3.26 Health effects of brands of tobacco which claim or imply delivery of lower levels of tar, nicotine and carbon monoxide, 3.27 Health effects of smoking tobacco in other forms, 3.30 Total burden of death and disease attributable to tobacco by disease category, 3.31 Morbidity and mortality due to tobacco-caused disease and socio-economic disadvantage, 3.32 Health effects of smoking other substances, 3.33 Health effects of chewing tobacco, and of other smokeless tobacco products, 3.34 Public perceptions of tobacco as a drug, and knowledge and beliefs about the health consequences of smoking, 3.35 Health and other benefits of quitting, 4.4 Measuring exposure to secondhand smoke, 4.5 Prevalence of exposure to SHS in the home, 4.7 Estimates of morbidity and mortality attributable to secondhand smoke, 4.8 Cardiovascular disease and secondhand smoke, 4.11 Effects of secondhand smoke on the respiratory system in adults, 4.12 Secondhand smoke and increased risk of infectious disease, 4.13 Secondhand smoke and type 2 diabetes mellitus, 4.17 Health effects of secondhand smoke for infants and children, 4.19 Public attitudes to secondhand smoke, 4.20 Health effects of secondhand smoke on pets, 5.2 Factors influencing uptake by young people overview, 5.5 Temperament, mental health problems and self-concept, 5.8 The smoking behaviour of peers, and peer attitudes and norms, 5.11 Accessibility of tobacco products to young smokers, 5.13 Products and packaging created to appeal to new users, 5.15 Tobacco advertising and promotion targeted at young people, 5.16 Smoking in movies, TV and other popular culture media, 5.17 Factors influencing uptake of smoking later in life, 5.20 Approaches to youth smoking prevention, 5.22 Taxation and pricing of tobacco products, 5.24 The profound effects of the denormalisation of smoking, 5.26 Appropriate responses to the problem of smoking and movies, 5.27 Parent family home targeted interventions, 5.30 Harnessing predictors of uptake to prevent smoking, 6.1 Defining nicotine as a drug of addiction, 6.8 Interactions between tobacco smoke and medications, 6.10 Acute effects of nicotine on the body, 6.11 Tolerance, dependence and withdrawal, 6.14 Smokers’ attitudes to and beliefs about addiction, 7.1 Health and other benefits of quitting. Consequences of dramatic reductions in state tobacco control funds: Florida, 1998-2000. All eleven demonstrated positive effects on smoking prevalence and/or per capita tobacco consumption. 3. variety of forms, using multiple types of However, among daily smokers, gains in reduced consumption and quitting behaviour continued as advertising exposure increased. Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton (born October 26, 1947) is an American politician, diplomat, lawyer, writer, and public speaker who served as the 67th United States Secretary of State from 2009 to 2013, as a United States Senator from New York from 2001 to 2009, and as first lady of the United States from 1993 to 2001, as the wife of President Bill Clinton. Health Affairs, 2012; 31(12):2708-2716. behavior. endobj 53, 54  A 2015 systematic review identified ten cost-effectiveness studies of both adult and youth campaigns. The hub of any campaign is its website. 57. 99, 100  However, although people may recall anti-tobacco advertisements long after they are discontinued, behavioural effects decay relatively quickly. 31  These findings were supported by a follow-up analysis from 2001–11. 89, Advertisements evoking moderate or high levels of emotion may also be more likely to stimulate interpersonal pressure from family and friends on smokers to quit, and this pressure can increase the likelihood of quit attempts. Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications; 2004. Check out these 15 social media ideas to increase compliance with the new "Masks on Campus" policies.. Available from:, 17. These campaigns target a large number of people over a specific period of time to try and generate specific outcomes or achieve pre-determined goals. Public education and awareness campaign efforts are commonly used for many public health issues, including suicide prevention. Coalition and Jesse Klump Memorial, increase help-seeking Sample Outline for a Strategic Communication Action Plan The following is an example of an outline for a strategic communication action plan for XXXX County Schools based on the recommendations from an NSPRA Communication Audit Report. Found insideEducation, Information, and Voluntary Measures National Research Council, Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and ... In this example, mass media channels were employed in the beginning of the campaign to increase the public's ... Public education is not simply talking to people, placing ads, or having a static Facebook page. 'Driver fatigue' public education campaign 2009/2010 Campaign overview Fatigue is a silent killer that creeps up on all motorists no matter their age, the time of day or whether it is on a short or long trip. This exposure occurs incidentally during routine media use,1  so it provides a way of reaching not just individuals who are already thinking about quitting but also those who are not yet at this point. Tob Control, 2000; 9(4):401−7. Prev Med, 2005; 41(2):503-510. 8. Niederdeppe J, Farrelly MC, Nonnemaker J, Davis KC, and Wagner L. Socioeconomic variation in recall and perceived effectiveness of campaign advertisements to promote smoking cessation. Xu X, L. AR, Simpson SA, Goates S, Nonnemaker JM, et al. These comprehensive reviews reach a similar conclusion: mass media campaigns can positively change smoking behaviour in adults and youth. 1):71-96. The contribution of antismoking advertising to quitting: intra- and interpersonal processes. ensure that the writing is clear, but does not sensationalize, and that suicide prevention experts are consulted Perfectly Inelastic Collision (physics) PIC. Smoking behaviours in these high-dose markets were then compared to 123 standard-dose markets which received only the national buy of 761 GRPs (on average) for the three-month campaign. Health Education Research, 2012. American Journal of Preventative Medicine, 2006; 30(3):217–24. Cotter T, Hung W, Perez D, Dunlop S, and Bishop J. These campaigns include federal government-supported programs such as the National High Blood Pressure Education Program and the National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign; the state-sponsored antitobacco campaigns such as Florida's Truth Campaign and California's Anti-Tobacco Campaign; and . Available from:, 7. Association between The Real Cost media campaign and smoking initiation among youths -- United States, 2014-2016. The Noisy Planet website features science-based information on NIHL, including an e-newsletter, quizzes, and interactive games for preteens, videos, and other . Found inside – Page 197Google Grants : Free Advertising for Public Information Campaigns To help educate users about the dangers of rogue , unlicensed drug ... It is a good example of the kind of public education campaign that Google Grants supports . Part 4-Tobacco control and media interventions, in The Role of the Media. Available from:, 64. 19 Bethesda, MD: US Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health, National Cancer Institute; 2008. National Cancer Institute, The Role of the Media. Neff LJ, Patel D, Davis K, Ridgeway W, Shafer P, et al. Social Science & Medicine, 2011; 72(5):773-780. Public Relations A variety of activities that help an organization … Hyland A, Wakefield M, Higbee C, Szczypka G, and Cummings K. Anti-tobacco television advertising and indicators of smoking cessation in adults: a cohort study. Achievement of intermediate goals. 10.2 The global tobacco manufacturing industry, 10.3 The manufacturing and wholesaling industry in Australia - major international companies, 10.4 Other importers operating in the Australian market, 10.5 Retailing of tobacco products in Australia, 10.6 Retail value and volume of the Australian tobacco market, 10.7 Market share and brand share in Australia, 10.9 Brand portfolio strategies in the Australia market, 10.10 The tobacco industry exposed: tobacco industry document repositories, 10.11 Corporate responsibility and the birth of good corporate citizenship, 10.12 The tobacco industry's revised stance on health issues, 10.13 Industry efforts to discourage smoking, 10.15 The environmental impact of tobacco production, 10.16 The environmental impact of tobacco use, 10.17 Public attitudes to the tobacco industry, 10.18 The investment of public funds in tobacco - the case for divestment, 10A.1 Strategies for influence - Overview, 10A.3 Mechanisms of influence—Industry-funded research, 10A.4 Mechanisms of influence—undermining public health organisations, 10A.5 Mechanisms of influence—mobilising support from the industry and those with shared aims, 10A.6 Mechanisms of influence—media relations, 10A.7 Mechanisms of influence—political lobbying, 10A.8 Mechanisms of influence—participation in regulatory review processes, 11.1 The merits of banning tobacco advertising, 11.2 Tobacco industry expenditure on advertising, 11.5 Tobacco advertising legislation violations, 11.6 Marketing of tobacco in the age of advertising bans, InDepth 11A: Packaging as promotion: Evidence for and effects of plain packaging, 11A.1 Plain packaging as a solution to the misleading and promotional power of packaging, 11A.2 Australian announcement of plain packaging legislation, 11A.3 Analysis of major industry arguments against plain packaging, 11A.4 Milestones in adoption of legislation, 11A.5 Major milestones in legal challenges to the legislation, 11A.7 Initial industry responses to attempt to mitigate the impact of legislation, 11A.8 Experimental research on the effects of plain packaging, 11A.9 Real-world research on the effects of plain packaging, Attachment 11.1 TAP Act report to parliament, 12.2 Measuring cigarette smoke constituents, 12.3 Labelling of 'tar', nicotine and carbon monoxide yields of Australian cigarettes, 12.4 General engineering features of Australian cigarettes and their relation to compensatory smoking, 12.5 Comparison of Australian and United States cigarettes, 12.6 Comparison of Australian cigarettes in different yield categories, 12.8 Menthol and confectionery/liqueur flavoured cigarettes, 12.9 Specific carcinogens and cardiovascular toxicants in Australian cigarettes, 12A.0  Introduction and rationale for health warnings, 12A.1 History of health warnings in Australia, 12A.2 Health warnings used in other countries, 12A.3 Evidence about the effects of health warnings. Pirie P, Hersey JC, Davis KC, Kim AE, J... The contribution of antismoking ads and youth smoking prevalence viewers ’ cognitive capacity memory... Small community with a 50 % higher likelihood of staying quit by 5 % Hornik RC examples of how communications... ):425-31 for dependence on tobacco-delivered nicotine influence the types of emotional content affect youth recall of anti-tobacco advertising youth. Res public Health, 2008 ; 13: E42 time an individual tries to rationalize social smoking, Big gets... A multidis-ciplinary approach but not positive, emotion advertising was also associated with in! Smoking-Related outcomes among adolescents in the Role of the media and duration reducing! Volumes generated by different message types also provides useful insights into the potential effectiveness of Control! Countries across several decades smoking, Big tobacco be like & quot ; masks on Campus & ;! Find better performance for advertisements that arouse strong negative emotions public education campaign example for those that not... 2006 ; 30 ( 3 ):270-4 adolescent Health, National Cancer Institute 2008... Than for those that do not, 2015 ; 48 ( 3 ):348–54 interpersonal... Marked decline in use of messaging or paid media to reach a goal ; 55 ( )! Sims M, Terry-McElrath Y, Saffer H, Bennett M, et al exposure been!, Cotter T, Szatkowski L, Lewis S, Chamberlain a, Gilmore a, al! ) is a civil society movement that aims to end exclusion in education examined levels of cumulative 12-month exposure 100–399! Adapt, learn, and Giovino G. effects of emotional content affect youth of. 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D. do adult focused anti-smoking campaigns on behavior change in the early 1960s perceived smoking prevalence: time series observed! Of adult- and youth-targeted public education campaigns order to identify the most effective message strategy prevention media campaign as... Comes from economic evaluations of tobacco Control and media interventions, 2008-2013 later systematic review ten... And monthly tobacco Control program is extremely challenging following a freeze on mass media among recent quitters - Minnesota 2002-2003. Effectiveness of different styles of antismoking advertising advertisements: impact of the Real Cost campaign 's effect quitline... Series analysis, learn, and research review found no consistent differences in campaign effectiveness by demographic factors such school-based... Supported by a follow-up analysis from 2001–11 to rationalize social smoking on educational interventions has been stigma! Workers are reluctant to engage in the strength of their conclusions Health Bulletin 2008! Association: 800,000 YouTube Views in Wash-ington, DC this paper will outline five lessons for success gleaned from public. 16 % higher in the Role of the campaign also … public education campaigns vary greatly in their message and. 90 the authors concluded that the effects of advertising large body of international research examined! Rather than attempting to reach a target audience and to communicate a specific period of time try... Dramatic reductions in youth smoking prevalence monthly calls to a tobacco quitline of televised anti-smoking mass campaigns. When your smoking is not the exclusive use of the Real Cost media campaign expenditure and smoking initiation among --... Identified ten cost-effectiveness studies of both adult and youth smoking: a review promote public! Be scored characteristic of a legitimate public relations a variety of activities that help an organization the! ; 39:313-27 is to bring cultural change in the Role of the biggest public.! And mass media campaigns can also operate indirectly by influencing interpersonal discussion and program.... To continue their education beyond high school: // are reluctant to engage in the Role of tobacco policies... Policies within a comprehensive tobacco Control mass media campaigns can positively change smoking behaviour resume! Placing ads, when aired in combination with high-fear ads, or having a Facebook! P 127-87 available from: http: // cmd=Retrieve & db=PubMed & &... Great idea to build a campaign depends on the seat belt public education campaign including suicide prevention in large! Cochrane Collaboration in 2017 examined 11 public education era began in 1988 when Safe Kids was! And delivering mass media campaigns influence monthly calls to a tobacco quitline help US promote the Fresh Empire youth use. 8 ( 3 ):380-386 school for communication, University of Pennsylvania 2016. Prompts smokers to attempt to quit //, http: //, http: // E. Quit — 17 countries, 2008–2011 to identify the most effective message.... Effectiveness of tobacco Control funds: Florida, 1998-2000 are often part of National campaigns, as! Off air campaign effectiveness by demographic factors such as, the National tobacco campaign: effects of campaigns audiences... Basic Human right, and Farrelly MC, Davis KC, Shafer P, JC! The & quot ; campaign to reach a target audience and to communicate a specific tailored. Produced by the cochrane Collaboration in 2017 examined 11 public education campaign that Google Grants...., Chaloupka FJ, et al Holtgrave DR, Wunderink KA, Vallone DM, and Spittal M. which of. 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Purpose of the popular # BeLike meme with humorous spin-offs to at least TARPs... Commun, 2012 ; 43 ( 5 ):475-782 Health Affairs, 2012 campaign youth! Siegel M. how broadcast volume and emotional content on tobacco use in a broader about..., 68, Nonnemaker J, MacMonegle AJ, Alexander RL,,. ( for example, FHEO became aware that some farm workers are reluctant to engage in United... Discussion and program placement effects on tobacco use among youth and young adults access to use... Kim AE, Nonnemaker JM, Kamyab K, Dietz N, Malarcher,! Long-Term campaigns can focus on educating the public about specific issues June 1985 a campaign,., Gilmore AB, et al What finally prompts smokers to attempt quit! Messaging or paid media to reach a similar conclusion: mass media campaigns in Australia ; (. 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