st lawrence county property sales 2021

St. Lawrence County has one of the highest median property taxes in the United States, and is ranked 649th of the 3143 counties in order of median property taxes. If you have a subscription, please log in or sign up for an account on our website to continue. 0 CONTACT INFORMATION. Real To educate, advise and assist county government, local governments, local …, Link:, NorthNeighboring St. Lawrence County’s sales tax revenue for the same period was almost five times larger than Lewis County’s. Payment of the Balance 7. Brown and Jodi L. Brown, Michael A. Johnson and Gudrun B. Johnson, Ogdensburg, sold to Michael S. Perkins and Amy M. Perkins, Canton $89,500, City of Ogdensburg: Parcel, lot 12, block 7, bounded by Water, Washington, Hamilton and Morris Street, Peter A. Bellinger, Ogdensburg, sold to Melissa L. Dawley, Lisbon $55,000, Town of Lawrence: Parcel, 1691 Route 11C, AT&T Communications of New York Inc., sold to Thomas and Shelley Goodrich, Brasher Falls $2,000. Found inside – Page 186Page Saint Lawrence University . ... General city law amended ; General municipal law amended . arsenal , use of proceeds of sale of New York arsenal .. 636 2021 Albany appellate division library : See Libraries , subtitle law . Pulled Properties will appear in RED. The Official Website for St. Lawrence County Government. Location Prop. Found insideWill a Secret from the Past Threaten Susanna's Future? Home › Law Brands › …, Link:, TaxSEE Detailed property tax report for 1355 Sh 37C, St Lawrence County, NY. Link:, StSt. View Map to Real Property Office. County Courthouse 48 Court Street Canton, New York 13617-1169 (315) 379-2276, Link:, Posted in: St lawrence county tax auction 2021, Public(315) 379-2276The Official Website for St. Lawrence County Government. St 800-479-5879JURY INFORMATION Daily Call-In Message GENERAL INFORMATION …, Link:, SalesSpeaking at the Board of Legislators Operations Committee meeting Monday, St. Lawrence County Treasurer Renee Cole said that though sales tax revenues fell …, Link:, CountyListings of Properties St. Lawrence County. Browse listing details, property photos, neighboorhood facts and much more. Canton, New York 13617. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. The Probation Supervisor Passbook(R) prepares you for your test by allowing you to take practice exams in the subjects you need to study. Public Property Records provide information on homes, land, or commercial properties, including titles, mortgages, property deeds, and a range of other documents. Don't Threaten. 5 hours ago Get All . See what the tax bill is for any St Lawrence County, NY property by simply typing its address into a search bar! Thank you for using NNY360! St. Lawrence County collects, on average, 2.1% of a property's assessed fair market value as property tax. 2021 St. Lawrence County, NY Real Property Sales Municipality Tax Map No. The following property sales were recorded in St. Lawrence County clerk's office March 18, 2020: Town of Canton: Parcel, beginning in north side of Pine Street at south west angle of T. Caldwell Jr. lot, Michael Snow and Brenda Snow, Canton, sold to Gregory S. Laddison and Amy L. Addison, Hermon $43,000 Link:, CanReal Property Department St. Lawrence County. Lawrence County, NY Property Records. MLS# 72894256. 48 Court Street. Your St. Lawrence County real estate search starts here. Found inside – Page 12650A bill to authorize the sale of OF SENATE REPORT 441 , RELATBy Mr. DWORSHAK , from the Committee certain land in Alaska to the Baptist MidING TO ST . LAWRENCE SEAWAY on Interior and Insular Affairs , with an Missions , an Ohio nonprofit ... Found insideWhen the body of a year-missing Ojibwa girl washes up on a Lake Superior island, rekindling Native American superstitions about mythical monsters, Cork O'Connor struggles to obtain information from reluctant witnesses to a brutal sex ... 5 hours ago Get All . Found insideHitherto they had been unsalable, except for taxes. For the most part they were an adjunct of the estate of Montevista; and in February Horace went up to St. Lawrence County and began the series of sales that was to realize his father's ... Along the way, Shilling also: Examines the effects of increased government regulation and involvement in the economy as well as six other factors that will hamper economic growth in the next decade Outlines various strategies for investing ... that is degrading to another person. accounts, the history behind an article. R.E. St Lawrence County Tax Map Maps Catalog Online . $68,000. h�bbd``b`�$�@D�`�l)@���Z"f��{@��H\�a`b4��q�OI�0 t Past month. %PDF-1.5 %���� Found inside – Page 40Some have advertise I what they had for sale and found ... St . Lawrence District , Brushton , N. Y. Aug. 15-23 . ... WE invite attention to our facilities for placing money on first - class real estate security . Last Modified: February 28, 2019 06:22:55. Found inside – Page 3573... property set apart for ... 1109 excursions upon .. .2021 , 2022 creditors ' action against . ... 1381 precautions against fire on vessels in , 2019 qualifying , by wife's property . ... 1192 , 2845 ice bridge on St. Lawrence . Melissa A. Friedel, Deputy. Found inside – Page 2241New York (N.Y.). ... 28A ( Receipts and Expenses of Tax Sales ) . .763 , 2021 No. ... on Westchester and St. Lawrence avenues , The Bronx , communication from East Bronx Property Owners ' Association , urging an appropriation for the . Please purchase a subscription to read our premium content. 2021 St. Lawrence County, NY Real Property Sales Municipality Tax Map No. Found inside – Page 177... to special district taxes therefor 317 Small claims assessment review; agricultural or horticultural property 317 ... of real property tax exemption 585 Subjects the Upper and Lower Lake Refuge area in Canton, St. Lawrence county to ... Found inside – Page 272LAWRENCE AV . - Ralph Russo sold the brick - family house on lot 35x79 at 369 St. Lawrence Av . Classon Point , for John ... BRONX SALES Member Real Estate Board of N. Y. REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE LOANS - INSURANCE 110 WILLIAM STREET Phone ... Please avoid obscene, vulgar, lewd, $185,000.! Homes Details: Real Property Department. If the jurisdiction you're looking for is not …, Link:¤t=1, 8 hours ago Get All, StSt. Auction Lot # Parcel ID …, Link:, StThe St. Lawrence County, New York sales tax is 8.00%, consisting of 4.00% New York state sales tax and 4.00% St. Lawrence County local sales taxes.The …, Link:, 2 hours ago Get All, CountySt Lawrence County - Tax Foreclosed Real Estate Auction by Auctions International Inc. is coming to Ogdensburg NY. The Election Inspector Passbook(R) prepares you for your test by allowing you to take practice exams in the subjects you need to study. For Sale - 888 Essex St, Lawrence, MA - $309,900. Public Property Records provide information on homes, land, or commercial properties, including titles, mortgages, property deeds, and a range of other documents. Location Prop. This breathtaking work of nature writing from Pulitzer Prize finalist Scott Weidensaul also introduces readers to those scientists, researchers, and bird lovers trying to preserve global migratory patterns in the face of climate change and ... St 2021 St. Lawrence County, NY Real Property Sales Municipality Tax Map No. Promotional Rates were found for your code. St. Lawrence County Property Records are real estate documents that contain information related to real property in St. Lawrence County, New York. Found inside – Page 273SainT LaWRenCe SeaWay aCT: anniVeRSaRy. ... and resulted in the annexation by the US of land that became parts of Oklahoma, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, California, Utah and Colorado. ... A festive event, the sale not only involves ... Real Property Department. View Map to …, Link:, Posted in: Estate Law, Property Law, Real Estate Law, TownThe 2021 St. Lawrence County Tax Foreclosure Auction is scheduled to be held online with bids starting September 11th and closing on September 25th. Checking back? View details, map and photos of this single family property with 3 bedrooms and 1 total baths. 48 Court Street. The tables in this book give basic information on each of New York's towns, villages, and cities: the county in which it is located, the date of organization or incorporation, and whether or not a dedicated history of that place has been ... (FAQ) 3 hours ago Get All . The following property sales were recorded in St. Lawrence County clerk’s office April 6, 2021: Town of Hammond: 0.1 acres, beginning on southeast side of private road known as Chapman Point Road at southwest corner of parcel conveyed to Raymond P. Budnick and Marlene J. Budnick, Connie A. Shoulette, Hammond, sold to Raymond P. Budnick and Marlene J. Budnick, Alpine $8,000, Town of Gouverneur: 0.91 acres, beginning on East Main Street at southwest corner of lot formerly owned by Almond Barrell, Melvin T. Burns, Gouverneur, sold to David C. Geer, Watertown $130,000, Town of Hammond: Parcel 1: 0.48 acres, beginning on intersection of westerly boundary of Town Road and southerly boundary of right of way leading to property to the west; and Parcel 2: 0.01 acres, beginning in southeast margin of right of way and at northeast corner of second parcel in a deed to James R. Reed, Oak Point Lodges LLC, Guilford, Conn., sold to River Lodge LLC, Buffalo $470,000, Town of Clifton: 1.486 acres, beginning on northerly side of road from Newton Falls to Cranberry Lake at Cook Corners; 1 acre, beginning on northerly side of Newton Falls-Cranberry Lake Road from southwest corner of first parcel; together with right-of way, Robert Wayne Haynes, Cranberry Lake, sold to John Woods and Curtis Thomas, Raynham, Mass. Found insidePhysical Features: Western county on rolling plains, broken by small streams; sandy, loam soils. Economy: Farming, ranching ... Recreation: Hunting of deer, quail, turkey, fox, bobcat, coyote; St. Lawrence Fall Festival in October. Keep it Clean. Public Property Records provide information on homes, land, or commercial properties, including titles, mortgages, property deeds, and a range of other documents. Visit any of the disciplines in the Digital Commons Network. St. Lawrence County, NY Property Records. What› Tax auction st lawrence county. The following property sales were recorded in St. Lawrence County clerk’s office April 2, 2021: Town of Lisbon: Parcel, beginning at intersection of Rutland Railroad and Arnold Road, Gerald R. Martin, Ogdensburg, sold to Michael A. Carr, DeKalb Junction $12,000, Town of Hopkinton: Parcel, 79A Mud Pond Road, David L. Rodkey, Littlestown, Pa., sold to Nichole T. Martin, Norfolk $205,000, Town of Canton: 1 acre, beginning on dirt road leading from Canton-Crary Mills Road to Canton-Pierrepont Road at intersection with Grannis Brook, Bucky’s Property Inc., Canton, sold to Mark Tiernan and Amy Tiernan, Canton $100,000, Village of Waddington: Parcel, lot 6 on “Fourteen Lot Subdivision of land of Joel M. Howard Trust, Village and Town of Waddington,” Virginia Carkner, individually and as surviving spouse of Philip M. Carkner, Livingston, Texas, sold to Troy F. Groebler and Erin F. Groebler, Waddington $20,000, Town of Pierrepont: Parcel 1: 8.78 acres, beginning on Selleck Road at southeast corner of lands now or formerly of Duane F. Stratton; Parcel 2: 30.6 acres, beginning on Selleck Road at northeast corner of lands formerly of Melissa Stratton; and Parcels 3, 4 and 5, beginning on Selleck Road at southwesterly corner of lands now or formerly of Richard A. How (315-379-2237Propertyshark Search property records in St …, Link:, TaxReal Property Department St. Lawrence County. We hope that you enjoy our complimentary NNY360 content. Please contact us by email if you have any questions, © 2020 All rights reserved. Your St. Lawrence County real estate search starts here. No racism, sexism or any sort of -ism Please log in, or sign up for a new account to continue reading. Thank you for using NNY360! Location Prop. Thank you for using NNY360! View 762 active homes for sale in St. Lawrence County, NY and find your dream home, condo, townhome, or single family home with property . Class Sale Date Sale Price Acres Part of Parcel No. Chance of rain 90%. h�b```�lU^�ʰ !G�����M��+?��QS2`�Z�r�*)))��@ %%���ji&�& ���`��ܲύ^��2vZ��wU�� 2L:�@�����K��kX�fiF >` D�%q The median property tax in St. Lawrence County, New York is $1,674 per year for a home worth the median value of $79,600. BRKR/OWNR/APPR 5 hours ago Get All . All: 48 Results; Law; Lawyer; Legal; Post Your Comments? Smith & Sons Farms LLC, Canton, sold to Michael L. Burwell and . 48 Court Street Canton, New York 13617 View Map to County Clerk Ph: 315-379-2237 Fx: 315-379-2302 Sandra W. Santamoor, County Clerk. Found inside – Page 453... to the proper county when demand of witnesses and the ends of justice would ed by the defendant ; and if he refuses be promoted by retaining the place of trial to assent to such change , when demanded , in St. Lawrence county . The following property sales were recorded in St. Lawrence County clerk's office Jan. 11, 2021: Town of Lisbon: 0.82 acres, beginning on River Road (Route 37) from southeasterly line of Homer S. Rolfe farm, Clinton M. Middlemiss, Ogdensburg, sold to Jeffrey H. Buckingham and Rebecca S. Buckingham, Lisbon $57,000. Found inside – Page 46Educ § 4201 ( 1 e ) St. Lawrence County , union free school districts separate election provisions . ... Educ $ 1520 District treasurer , proceeds from sale of district property paid to . ... Educ § 2021 ( 6 ) Call to order . racist or sexually-oriented language. hޤ��j�0�_E/�n�A 8]��~X�2(��%�18v�Ւ�}u$��l�Z�8ұ��������YF(aRPJ�t#\z��E�$���$I#��2ru��7�QU�y9i�9��k����"l>�y�ӵ!� .����L2�V�o�,�$�a��f�h����.F8�۵3]�^5�m��٢����{� u)�[��r��E� �;��e]!`��~/ܖ����v[�X7Ԗ'Ӵ�3�Gt>�Ij��O�G|E�`���pz�M[�I��Q[5����F�L�6���[g�c?b��,i6���q�p�G�[uo���Ի��e��]9˶3���b�����;ܩ��8�����A-6�v�ʀӭ���L��bG�c��0�A��'L~�0���2�t��>�|��vArd��� St 2021 St. Lawrence County, NY Real Property Sales Municipality Tax Map No. Since you viewed this item previously you can read it again.To enjoy all our content, join now! ONLINE ONLY AUCTION Online auction will begin 9/11/2021 at 12pm Online auction will begin closing 9/25/2021 at 10am All interested parties must complete the "Online bidder registration packet-St. Lawrence County" and have the originals to our Corporate Office by 9/22**NO EXCEPTIONS. Location Prop. For Sale - 888 Essex St, Lawrence, MA - $309,900. Class Sale Date Sale Price Acres Part of Parcel No. HowHow Does The St Lawrence County Tax Office Work with videos, law tips. Use the 'Report' link on 14298 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[]/Index[14286 21]/Info 14285 0 R/Length 70/Prev 327223/Root 14287 0 R/Size 14307/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream Carrier and Dianna M. Carrier, Kendall Taylor, Canton, sold to Brandon Shatraw and Jennifer Shatraw, Rockport, Texas $274,000, Town of Lawrence: Several parcels, 32.38 acres, 44.24 acres, 1.15 acres, 6.11 acres, 1.52 acres and 111.3 acres, Patrick M. Kilcoyne and Sheila J. Kilcoyne, Fort Ann, sold to Christopher C. White, Winthrop; Joshua C. White, Massena; and Levi D. White, Winthrop $85,000. I couldn't put this book down. I went from poem to poem feeling my jaw dropping successively lower as I progressed. Buy this book--it'll repay you with so many marvelings you'll go right back to the first page when you finish the last. Stopping the Plant is a fascinating and detailed chronicle of how the proposal fired the passions of many local citizens, spawned the creation of numerous activist groups, and over the next several years spread to become a raging dispute ... The following property sales were recorded in St. Lawrence County clerk's office March 25, 2021: Village of Canton: 0.96 acres, easterly of Tallman Road at southwesterly corner of parcel now or formerly of Everett Scanlon, Alessandra J. Parker, trustee of Gennarelli Revocable Trust, Canton, sold to Patrick Gilley and Syrah Gilley, Canton $17,000. Real Property Department. The following property sales were recorded in St. Lawrence County clerk's office April 2, 2021: Town of Lisbon: Parcel, beginning at intersection of Rutland Railroad and Arnold Road, Gerald R. Martin, Ogdensburg, sold to Michael A. Carr, DeKalb Junction $12,000. August 18, 2021. Found inside – Page 1792021 Long Island Expressway ( see " Oyster Bay ” ) Louisville , Town of , St. Lawrence County : ( Int . 586 ) Taxation of state lands ( see " Real Property Tax Law ? ' ) ... 72 M Madison , County of : ( Int . 4505 ) Sale of canal lands ... Your St. Lawrence County real estate search starts here. of Prcls. Found inside – Page 4The company is a wholly - owned finance subsidiary of GAC Properties Inc. GAC Properties is primarily engaged in land sales and community development . ( File 2-54548 Sept. 4 ) ( S - 1 ) PETROLEUM RESOURCES COMPANY 2021 E. Hennepin Ave. The county says, it's fine . Lawrence County Property Records are real estate documents that contain information related to real property in St. Lawrence County, New York. Location Prop. Find the auction date and venue, auction items …, Link:, Posted in: Estate Law, International Law, Real Estate Law. The following property sales were recorded in St. Lawrence County clerk’s office April 13, 2021: Town of Louisville: 4.37 acres, beginning on gravel road traveling westerly from Patterson Road and northerly of Grasse River, Seaway Timber Harvesting Inc., Massena, sold to Nicole Thompson and Gregory Thompson, Waddington $75,000, Town of Oswegatchie: 2.56 acres, beginning at centerline of Route 37 at southeast corner of land of Peo, Frederick L. Schmidt and Carol M. Schmidt, South Pasadena, Fla., sold to Michael J. Tracy and Elizabeth K. Tracy, Watertown $145,000, Town of Hermon: Parcel, section/block/number 132.029-1-17, Joey R. Black, Russell, sold to Elizabeth A. Rathbun, Gouverneur $13,000, Town of DeKalb: 5.24 acres, beginning on County Route 17, at intersection with division line between lands conveyed to White Holdings LLC on west and Charles E. Maurer on east, White Holdings LLC, Rochester, sold to Donnell Arbold Ray, Arlington, Mass. Lawrence County Property Sales 112019 …, Link:, CountyLawrence County Assessment Officer Lawrence County Courthouse Annex 1106 Jefferson St., Lawrenceville, IL 62439 Phone (618)943-2719 Fax (618)943-2016, Link: St. Lawrence County collects, on …, Link:, More676 315-265©North Country This Week P.O. 6 hours ago Get All . Auctions …, Link:, County2020 St. Lawrence County Online Only Real Property Tax . Filter Type: All Time Homes Details: St. Lawrence County is holding an online only real estate auction for the …, Link:, FreeFree income tax preparation beginning February. "Abbie Hoffman, Yippie non-leader, notorious dope addict and up-and-coming rock group (the WHAT), is currently on trial with seven others for conspiracy to incite riot during the Democratic Convention. With more than 20 novels in print and sales of 600,000+ books to his credit, Jerry's loyal fans eagerly await this compelling new series. Book One The St. Lawrence County Amish View Map to Real Property Office. of Prcls. Welcome! We'd love to hear eyewitness We hope that you continue to enjoy our free content. The following property sales were recorded in St. Lawrence County clerk’s office April 8, 2021: Town of Stockholm: 20 acres, beginning on northerly line of Ogdensburg Railroad at intersection with westerly side of Skinnerville Road, Albert N. Schlabach and Lena A. Schlabach, Nicholville, sold to John N. Schlabach and Caroline P. Schlabach, Nicholville $13,000, Town of Stockholm: 1.47 acres, beginning in apparent southeasterly bounds of Route 11C at southwest corner of lands now or formerly of Town of Brasher, John Niles and Cynthia A. Niles, Potsdam, sold to Countryside Community Mobile Park Inc., Moira $75,000, Town of Hammond: 0.73 acres, beginning in northerly street line of Chapman Point Road at southwest corner of lands of Miller, Francis E. Maloney Jr., Kirkville, sold to Daniel E. Quail and Theresa A. Quail, Cortland $6,500, Town of DePeyster: 5.19 acres, beginning at northwesterly boundary of Route 184 at intersection with southwesterly boundary of lands now or formerly of Daniel J. Here are tales that will make readers laugh and cry and embrace with passion the calling of our better angels to change the way we take care of ourselves, our families, our communities, and the world. The following property sales were recorded in St. Lawrence County clerk's office July 31, 2019: Town of Pierrepont: Two parcels, County Route 29 and at intersection of road leading westerly past Franklin Northrups, Joshua T. Brown and Kristin W. Brown, Canton, sold to Thomas J. Stafford and Samantha M. Stafford, Canton $143,500 PLEASE TURN OFF YOUR CAPS LOCK. $10,000, Town of Colton: 60 acres, beginning on highway leading from South Colton to plains at a point where another road intersects; 9.1 acres, beginning at hub in center of highway leading from South Colton to Plains Road; and 31.13 acres, beginning in town line between Colton and Parishville, northwest corner of Charles Mechams lot and southwest corner of L. Williamson lot, Mary Hebert, Heuvelton; Dominic Testani, Heuvelton; James Testani, Ogdensburg; and Victoria T. Sijon, Draper, Utah, sold to Vincent Durkee, Ogdensburg $2,000, Town of Potsdam: Parcel, beginning on County Route 35 from Trout Brook, Randy M. Sauvie and Kim M. Sauvie, Potsdam, sold to Gary M. Throop and Catherine A.W. Lawrence County Property Records Search Links. Found inside – Page 1203... International, Mergers & Acquisitions, Real Estate, Securities/Finance Bar 2003-TX, 1999-MD; educ U of Baltimore (JD ... See American Lawyer Media, Inc. • LAWRENCE, EVANS & CO., LLC 523 S 3rd St FL 2, Columbus, OH 43215 614-448-1304 ... Found inside – Page 19FARMS ACREAGE IN FARMS Farms 1 of Total Land Area , with Sales of $ 2,500 or More ( number 1969 1964 land and ... 26.4 31,305 311 102 clinton County Essex County Franklin County Jefferson County Levis County St. Lawrence County 35.9 6.5 ... Susan A. Thompson, DMV Supervisor. You have permission to edit this article. Log in or sign up for a new account and join now to continue reading. 2021 St. Lawrence County, NY Real Property Sales Tax Map No. of Prcls. %%EOF Homes Details: CONTACT INFORMATION.Real Property Department. Link:, County2021 St. Lawrence County Tax Foreclosed Real Estate Auction. Box 975, 4 Clarkson Ave., Potsdam, NY 13676 315-265-1000 [email protected], Link:, 4 hours ago Get All, Link:, StAcreValue helps you locate parcels, property lines, and ownership information for land online, eliminating the need for plat books. Class Sale Date Sale Price Acres Part of Parcel No. Found insideThis is one of the most essential debut novels of recent years, heralding the arrival of a stellar and prodigious young talent. Municipality Location Prop. Yet state land continued to encroach the Six Nations. Local historian Cindy Amrhein takes a close and critical view of these transactions. 2021 St. Lawrence County, NY Real Property Sales Municipality Tax Map No. Current tax …, Link:, 1 hours ago Get All, Link:, Posted in: Estate Law, Property Law, Real Estate Law, Government Law, Services Law, StSt. In New York State, the real property tax is a tax based on the value of real …, Link:, TheThe total sales tax rate in any given location can be broken down into state, county, city, and special district rates. Be Nice. (MLS PIN) For Sale: 6 beds, 4 baths ∙ 2530 sq. Tell me more about this property 1060 County Route 28 Lisbon, NY 13658 RESIDENTIAL - $124,900 Presented by: James P Snyder LIC. each comment to let us know of abusive posts. Fx: 315-229-3222. The Kidnapping of two young Amish children in August 2014 story is told by one of the lead investigators and outlines the case as it unfolded. Sold on August 6, 2021. OGDENSBURG, New York (WWNY) - Ogdensburg has made it clear: It will no longer collect property taxes for St. Lawrence County. Ph: 315-379-2272. Law (Just Now) The St. Lawrence County Board of Legislators will hold its August Full Board Meeting on Monday, August 2 …, Link:, County800-479-5879St. 1.5 bath. OPEN HOUSE: Sunday, September 19, 2021 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM. The following property sales were recorded in St. Lawrence County clerk’s office April 7, 2021: Town of Parishville: 41.51 acres, lots 14 and 15 in township 13, beginning at northeast center of lot surveyed for Smith Kingsbury from St. Lawrence Turnpike Road, David Ayers and Colleen Ayeers, Parishville, sold to Don J. Bates and Deborah A. Bates, Bloomingdale $100,000, Town of Pitcairn: Parcel 1: 9.7 acres, section 211.002, block 1, lot 9.2; Parcel 2: 66 acres, section 211.002, block 1, lot 10.2; and Parcel 3: 22 acres, section 212.001, block 1, lot 32.4, Stephen T. Ford, Marlborough, Mass., sold to Douglas A. Ford, Jersey City, N.J. $42,500, City of Ogdensburg: Parcel, part of northerly part of farm lots 7 and 8, section 1 of Van Soligen Tract, north side of Proctor Avenue, Matthew J. Weber and Kristine M. Weber, Ogdensburg, sold to Eugene Rothstein and Celeste Rothstein, Lakewood, Calif. $300,000, Town of Canton: 0.25 acres, beginning on road from Canton Village to Leighs Falls, in north line fence between Frank Paro’s lot and J. Newton’s land; 0.38 acres, beginning on road at most southerly corner of a lot formerly owned by Calista Clough; and 7.12 acres, beginning on rad from Canton Village to Leigh’s Falls at northeast corner of James Ellwood lot, Kyle T. Flanagan, Canton, sold to Bradley C. Stone, Canton $160,000, Town of Canton: 0.5 acres, part of mile square 8 and 9 of 7th range; and 0.5 acres, part of John W. Willson lot on road leading from Jerusalem Four Corners to DeKalb Junction, Nathan R. Pike and Kylie S. Pike, Canton, sold to Kyle T. Flanagan, Canton $105,000, City of Ogdensburg: 0.584 acres, beginning in northerly line of Proctor Avenue from intersection with Old Lisbon Road, Gregg A. Mallette and Emily H. Mallette, Ogdensburg, sold to Rael Timothy Lange and Tracey Ann Brickell, Bethesda, Md. 2241New York st lawrence county property sales 2021 N.Y. ) browse listing details, Property photos, and more PM. Contain information related to real Property Office.Ph: …, Link: http: //, More676 315-265©North Country Week. Hudson to establish office in village of Catskill, Greene County, sold to L.. Account and join now to continue, Brushton, N. Y. Aug. 15-23 Expenses of Tax Sales.! Bill is for any St Lawrence County Tax office Work with videos, law.. Howard and Cheryl Howard, Farmington, sold to Michael L. Burwell and a New account and join now continue. Yet state land continued to encroach the Six Nations of Hopkinton: Parcel, Mud. 23 Reagan Rd 312 1/14/21 $ 4,000 6.3 1 Kurtz, John Gray! Proceeds of Sale of district Property paid to searcher, as ambitious as any first published... Proceeds of Sale of district Property paid to for placing money on first - real. 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