stanford library databases

Alternative press index [electronic resource]. Includes nearly 200 journals and 100 books, selective indexing for over 1,700 journals, and abstracts in English of foreign language articles. New acquisitions in the Africa collections, Africa South of the Sahara: Selected internet resources, foreign statistical / government information, South African E-Journals - SA ePublications, Intergovernmental and Non-Governmental Organizations Search, 19th Century UK Periodicals. "Provides information on East-Central Europe and the former Soviet Union.". The WTO . African History Database SearchA variant of x-search with selected databases likely to have historical information. It is a collection of journal articles, theses, and dissertations published by Korean scholarly associations and universities. Bowes Art & Architecture Library Updates during the COVID-19 Pandemic - Reopening information Request materials from the Bowes Art & Architecture Library via … Does not … Stanford Libraries' official online search tool for books, media, journals, databases, government documents and more. Search all library resources Search Select search scope, currently: all all catalog, articles, website, & more in one search catalog books, media & more in the … Current online editions of medical reference and clinical texts, health news, patient education, a diagnostic tool, and a drug database. Select Search Indexes and limit by Periodicals. Anthropology Plus combines Anthropological Literature from Harvard University and the Anthropological Index, Royal Anthropological Institute from the UK. Developed by an engineering team from CLIR and Stanford Libraries, the platform federates and makes accessible data about collections from around the world. Search our Collection Request a Scan. This collection also includes books, media . This opens a pop-up window to share the URL for this database Provides indexing and abstracts for thousands of journals and other publications. Backfile maintained for five years. Includes examples, drawings, and practice problems, and solution code. Under <HELP> menu hit 1 to contact Help Desk and submit an email request. This fully indexed, primary source database unfolds the historical development of anthropology from a global perspective, bringing together the work of early scholars who shaped the theories and methods students learn about, critique and re-shape today. American national biography [electronic resource], The annotated bibliography on antisemitism [electronic resource], Annual bibliography of English language and literature [electronic resource] : ABELL, Alexandria, Va. : Alexander Street Press, ©2016-, [Stanford, Calif. : Stanford University Libraries & Academic Information Resources], Oxford, U.K. : International Network for the Availability of Scientific Publications, [199-?]-. Online catalog of the the library collection of the African Studies Centre, Leiden. Found insideThis is a much better way to learn clinical information. I have not read a book like this before, and I certainly have enjoyed it.” – Eric Hossler, Medical Student, James H. Quillen College of Medicine “I LOVED this book! PubMed is an index to over 5,000 journals in medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, the health care system, and the preclinical sciences, including both … It is the second-oldest newspaper in Southern California, and the oldest business in San Diego County. SearchWorks is Stanford University Libraries' online search tool for books, media, journals, databases, government documents and more. Success in Academic Surgery: Health Services Research is a unique and portable handbook that focuses on clinical trials. Coverage is from 1965 to the present. . Drawing on a wide range of materials in four languages as well as on her lifetime study of slave groups in the New World, Gwendolyn Midlo Hall explores the persistence of African ethnic identities among the enslaved over four hundred years ... From SABINET the South African library service. Africa Bibliography (Manchester Univ. African Studies Centre catalogue [electronic resource]. humor, philosophy of (John Morreall) Husserl, Edmund (Christian Beyer) Hutcheson, Francis — see Scottish Philosophy: in the 18th Century. Databases. Vault Job Board - … From its inception, the SEP was designed so that each entry is maintained and kept up-to-date by an expert or group of experts in the field. Support. Series 1 [electronic resource]. This opens a pop-up window to share the URL for this database. Contact Us. Europa World Plus. Used together in Archive Finder, researchers are able to read descriptions of a repository's holdings to determine whether a collection contains material useful to their work as well as find the information they need to contact the repository directly. The ultimate archive of music journalism. Use of these resources is governed by copyright law and individual license agreements. (Some systems are not yet … The bibliography includes works published throughout the world about antisemitism--books, dissertations, master's theses, and articles from periodicals and collections. from 1986 to early 2000s, The Africana Periodical Literature Bibliographic Database has citations to journal articles from the mid-19th c. to date and indexes the e-journals -, Quarterly Index of African Periodical Literature (former index created by the U.S. Library of Congress. catalog, articles, website, & more in one search, books, media & more in the Stanford Libraries' collections, Remove constraint Database topic: General and Reference Works, Remove constraint Resource type: Database, Asian Studies (East, South & Southeast Asia; Middle East), British and Commonwealth Literary Studies, Government Information: International and Foreign, J - Political Science (Legislative & Executive papers), Z - Bibliography, Library Science, Information Resources, American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies, Felix Posen Bibliographic Project on Antisemitism, International Network for the Availability of Scientific Publications, National Information Services Corporation. "University Physics is a three-volume collection that meets the scope and sequence requirements for two- and three-semester calculus-based physics courses. Lane provides access to over 5,000 eBooks many of which provide helpful background material that will prepare you … Google Books shows only selected pages on-line. Articles, videos and other database content may be added and removed without notice to the PCC Library. Includes detailed information on over 245 million businesses with contact information for executives, demographics and behavior types for US households, Nielsen Pop Fact reports, and global corporate family trees. African women's bibliographic database [electronic resource]. Cochrane Library is a collection of healthcare databases that includes: Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL), and Cochrane Clinical Answers. Has an experimental magazine section. (I do appreciate notices with new and corrected information, however!) Stanford Coronavirus Antiviral & Resistance Database (CoVDB) contains in vitro, animal model, and clinical trial data for candidate anti-SARS-CoV-2 compounds & … GoogleTo find information in PDF format only, put in Google filetype:pdf and your search words. Databases on other topics are available at Stanford Libraries | Lane … Includes citations to magazine articles published in the 19th century up to the early 20th century in British periodicals. American broadsides and ephemera. [Leiden, Netherlands] : African Studies Centre. The Catalogue includes annotated citations to articles, chapters from edited works acquired since 1988 and published in African Studies Abstracts. It is an online counterpart to the print publication Art Index. SearchWorks is Stanford University Libraries' online catalog.Use SearchWorks to search for books, journals, and databases. Indexes a finite collection of United Nations Development Programme Project Reports issued and held by UN headquarters between the years 1972-1998. American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies [etc.]. On a company's profile page, in the left navigation bar go to News, Events, & Filings > Transcripts. Stanford Libraries' official online search tool for books, media, journals, databases, government documents and more. Learn more. Study Guide The completely revised Study Guide offers students even more opportunities to practice and master the material. Bundle it with the core text for only $5 more! Learn more. African Journal ArchiveSelected full text journal articles online. A-Z Database List: PCC Library Find the best library databases for your research. Found inside" --Parul Sehgal, The New York Times "I loved this book--raunchy, irreverent, deliberate, sexy, angry, and tender, in its own way. Many academic reports are in PDF format. The first time you use this … From Aliacom?and l'universite Lumiere Lyon 2 with the French Ministere de l'education nationale, de l'enseignement superieur et de la recherche. Database Subject Filter Database Types Filter. documents, theses, etc. all catalog, articles, website, & more in one search catalog books, media & more in the Stanford Libraries' collections articles+ journal articles & other e-resources. Selected … The San Diego Union-Tribune is the product of a merger of the San Diego Union, founded in 1868, and the Evening Tribune, founded in 1895. Search. CoOL, a project of the Preservation Department of Stanford University Libraries, is a full text database of conservation information. Alternative Name (s) & Keywords: Gale 19th Century U.S. Newspapers. This video covers concepts related to searching within academic research databases, using EBSCO's Academic Search Complete and ProQuest Central as examples. 1800-1950, Search multiple resources; see "music" under humanities, 19th century music published in German-speaking countries. Try ERIC via CSA Illumina. Europa World . Lane Library; Student resources; Education News. African Studies Centre. 1895 - 1940 Evening Tribune. Try one of these. An encyclopedia designed especially to meet the needs of elementary, junior high, and high school students. British PeriodicalsFull text articles mainly 20th century. Any Word or Phrase in Title: Any Author Name: Any Word or Phrase in Abstract: Keyword: GeoLocation: Conference (select): World Geothermal Congress Western Pacific Regional Branch Stanford Geothermal Workshop New Zealand Geothermal Workshop Mexican Geothermal Congress Japan International Geothermal Symposium . Found insideIn this book, Samuel Jay Keyser argues that the stylistic innovations of Western modernism reflect not a cultural shift but a cognitive one. Index provides access to current and retrospective United Nations documents and publications. Some have full text access. Historical AbstractsCitations to journal articles. The Stanford University Libraries subscribe to over 1,800 databases. In Weird Earth: Debunking Strange Ideas About Our Planet, Donald R. Prothero demystifies these conspiracies and offers answers to some of humanity's most outlandish questions. Annotated bibliographies by academics, with introductory comments. Contains academic articles in a wide variety of subject areas, including humanities, social sciences, and sciences. Sometimes lead to content not available at Stanford. © Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305. MARL is directed by representatives of each member collection, in conjunction with the Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics (CCRMA) at Stanford University, which maintains the contents of . Stanford Libraries' DatabasesLists sources for journal articles, many available only for Stanford users (through subscription). Explore one-year of on-campus study with Stanford MSx, our mid-career master's program. The World Trade Organization (WTO) also provides access to all of these documents through its GATT Documents website. Google ScholarFor academic journal articles, chapters in books, books. Since many of these courses only include written material, you need to look under the heading "Audio/Visual" at the bottom of the website to find courses that include audio or video lectures. These changes are the result of licensing agreements between publishers and database vendors. Stanford CS Education Library: this article introduces the basic concepts of binary trees, and then works through a series of practice problems with solution code in C/C++ and Java. The project has two parts: the ongoing annotated bibliography (from 1984 to the present), and the retrospective bibliography, which lists books and articles, published prior to 1984 (presently includes works published from 1965-1983). ERICFor articles and books on education. Help: … "Designed to teach people to program even if they have no prior experience. Internship Database - find thousands of ratings and reviews of internship programs, requirements, sample interview questions, how to apply and more. --About this database page. From the Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex, Brighton, UK. Support teaching, research, and patient care. Many researchers, however, do not have access to scanning facilities or dense polygonal models. Oceanography and Marine Biology: An Annual Review has catered to this demand since its founding by the late Harold Barnes fifty years ago. Its objective Includes full text English language articles selected from the larger French-language database. In a few words, what is your feedback about? [This is a variant of xSearch]. Includes TOCs, abstracts, and links to online full-text where available. Found insideUnit I: The Foundations: Introduction to multicultural health -- Theories and models related to multicultural health -- Worldview and health decisions -- Complementary and alternative medicine -- Religion, rituals and health -- ... It does not include newspaper articles, reviews, and works of fiction, nor does it cover antisemitic publications. Now in its second edition, this book focuses on practical algorithms for mining data from even the largest datasets. PsychINFOCitations to articles. Explores the essence of life by means of the ancient African divination tool, which is also the spiritual foundation of Candombl, Santeria, and Vodun Topics include archaeology, biology, botany, classics, economics, education, geology, history, law, medicine, poetry, wildlife. The purpose of this repository is to make some range data and detailed reconstructions available to the . The essays take advantage of the growing scholarship of library history to provide insightful overviews of each institution, including not only the traditional values of these libraries but their innovations as well, such as developments in ... Academic search premier [electronic resource]. Any issues shown below have been reported to the appropriate operations and development teams. Deep Web Technologies is proud to announce that Stanford Libraries has a featured blog article titled "Databases of the week - Accelerate your research by using xSearch, Funding Resources, and Chemical Safety search" in their latest post on the Stanford Libraries Blog. Includes topics in the social sciences, humanities, general science, education and most areas of academic study. Provides access to evaluative, technical and terminal reports (available in full-text on microfiche from NewsBank/Readex) submitted to the UN by numerous participating and executing agencies. The aim of ESSCIRC is to provide an annual European forum for the presentation and discussion of recent advances in solid state circuits It is jointly organized with the sister conference ESSDERC (European Solid State Device Conference) The ... Covers: 1800-1900.A fully-searchable, facsimile archive of hundreds of U.S. papers, including the Arkansas Gazette (1819-1898), Arkansas Democrat (1846-1899), the Arkansas State Gazette (1836-1865), and the Morning Republican (Little Rock, 1867-1875). Articles+ (EDS) Service is down; operations team is aware. Systematic downloading, distributing, or retaining substantial portions of information is prohibited. Students from far and near begin medical studies at Stanford . . Medical topicsAfrican Index Medicus (full text articles), PubMed (citations), PubMed Central (full text articles), PsycInfo, Global health (put AND between keywords). Access to the database is provided as a service to … Since 1988, the bibliography includes all works dealing with the Holocaust period (1933-1945), i.e., on antisemitic ideology, policy, and attitudes, as well as on the Jewish experience (memoirs, memorial books, etc.). also China Core Newspapers (full text articles in Chinese). Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Studies, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Studies. Many articles are in Searchworks Articles and in the free Intergovernmental and Non-Governmental Organizations Search above. In the article, Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Librarian Grace Baysinger discusses the challenges researchers face ., Google Dataset Search Engine PhD Program. Stanford University has an extensive array of research databases across all disciplines. Found insideIn Humor, Seriously, they draw on findings by behavioral scientists, world-class comedians, and inspiring business leaders to reveal how humor works and—more important—how you can use more of it, better. Community. Ways to give; Why giving matters; Make a gift online; Support Children's Health. Users can download 10 lines of data per day. International and interactive bibliography of literature on music. The PhD Program is welcoming our 2021-22 cohort in person this September. Periodicals Index OnlineCitations to journal articles from the 17th century to present. Social networks : online social networks, edges represent interactions between people. Please check the law library homepage or contact if you have any questions about the availability of services of materials. The NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards presents information taken from the NIOSH/OSHA Occupational Health Guidelines for Chemical Hazards, from National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) criteria documents and Current ... Alums that purchase an SAA Membership are not being … A. This section shows a snapshot of Stanford Libraries systems and services, as reported by our monitoring systems. The Stanford Natural Language Inference (SNLI) corpus (version 1.0) is a collection of 570k human-written English sentence pairs manually labeled for balanced classification with the labels entailment, contradiction, and neutral. This section shows a snapshot of Stanford Libraries systems and services, as reported by our monitoring systems. SearchWorks. African Studies Combined Database Search Experimental search engine. Need help? Web of ScienceSome full text articles, abstracts. You must have JavaScript enabled to use this form. Links to substantial open-access projects of use to musicians and musicologists. Full text articles and chapters, ebooks, ejournals from over 210 Italian, Spanish, French and Portuguese publishers. [Ames, Iowa : Iowa State University, 2000]-. Introduction This page provides a bibliography of select career planning databases and books you may wish to consult in connection with career planning. We aim for it to serve both as a benchmark for evaluating representational systems for text, especially including those induced by representation-learning methods, as . You must have JavaScript enabled to use this form. Find citations (and sometimes full text). See Series 2: Empire, African Newspapers - World Newspaper Archive (Readex, Newsbank), News online from 2001 April 20 to 2006 June 9, The African Women's Database has citations to English language articles, books, govt. African newspapers/Africa news (by country) [electronic resource]. Searchworks - Article SearchFind journal articles, e-books, online monographs using Searchworks Article Search., African Studies Combined Database SearchExperimental search engine. [etc.] A. Library (Leiden, The Netherlands) An excellent OPAC (online public access catalog), African Studies Centre Catalogue. Provides full text coverage of the history and culture of the United States and Canada from prehistory to the present. Executive Education. Google Translate tool available, Peer-reviewed annotated bibliographies on musicology and ethnomusicology, Centre for the History and Analysis of Recorded Music (CHARM), Music Periodicals Database (formerly IIMP), Indexes and full text articles for 105 jazz journals, covering the period from 1914 to 2006. (See WRDS Access help.) Personas bring user research to life and make it actionable, ensuring we're making the right decisions based on the right information. This practical guide explains how to create and use personas to make your site more successful. A curated database containing nearly all published HIV RT and protease sequences: a resource designed for researchers studying evolutionary and drug-related variation … Periodicals Archive Online (PAO)Full text journal articles. Academic institutions will find the most frequently used films for classroom instruction, plus newly released films and previously unavailable archival material. International charting albums and singles under exclusive academic licence from Billboard. For: Current Stanford faculty, staff, and students. Core trade magazines covering film, music, broadcasting and theater, together with film fan magazines and music press titles. See the Topics and Countries links. African Newspapers - World Newspaper Archive (Readex, Newsbank)Selected newspaper issues dating from 1800 to 1922. Connect to e-resources; Report a connection problem ; System status; COVID-19 Libraries . The Stanford Alumni Fan Shop has everything you need. Support Stanford Medicine. Database of citations to critical documents on folklore, language, linguistics and literature, including articles from journals, monographs, collections and reference works, corresponding to the MLA international bibliography of books and ... Search several databases with one search. The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy contains over 1,600 published entries on philosophy, all of which written by an expert in the field including professors from over 65 academic institutions worldwide. Rijksuniversiteit te Leiden. In this workshop, we will walk you through using some of the important databases you should know about, including xSearch, the Social Science Citation Index, Annual Reviews, Simplymap, Oxford Bibliographies: African StudiesFrom Oxford University Press. Includes gender issues, health, HIV/AIDS, FMG, ethnic conflict. Give . Users will find thousands of award-winning films, including Academy®, Emmy®, and Peabody® winners. 1869 October 9 through 1916 September 1. Registry of Web resources that list or provide access to the full title of journal abbreviations or other types of abbreviated publication titles (e.g., conference proceedings titles). This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. Networks with ground-truth communities : ground-truth network communities in social and information networks. The layout and design have been updated, but access to the supporting information and documents still remains the same. All that JAS [electronic resource] : journal abbreviation sources. Africa Health & Medicine on the Internet is a directory of internet resources. Some full text. Alumni Career Services; Perks; Membership ; Your Alumni Center; Alumni Center Events; News & Views. Step 1: Enter a date range. Selected OPACs that offer abbreviated title searching have also been included. CAIRN InternationalIn French and English. Good for development, human rights studies. The Digital Library of the Middle East (DLME) offers free and open access to the rich cultural legacy of the Middle East and North Africa by bringing together collections from a wide range of cultural heritage institutions. Bulk coverage 1996-present, Indexes and full text articles, reviews, commentary, dissertations. Dr. Ioannidis was invited for a question and answer session as part of a graduate-level course on biostatistical collaboration hosted at McMaster University in December . 1973-present, Indexes and full text articles published ca. To advance thru the article, click on Next. Coverage is from the late 19th century to the present. A good place to start your research. [New York] : Oxford University Press, c2000. 19th Century Masterfile 1106-1930Index to journal articles,  newspapers, books, and government publications. Email Nora. Africa south of the Sahara. Document delivery service available. From EastView Online. Help. Search by author, theme, genre (biography, interview, folklore, play, poetry, review, etc.). Please check the law library homepage or contact if you have any questions about the availability of services of materials. VC/PE Databases; VC/PE Industry Analysis; Related Resources; Your Librarian Nora Richardson. For the purpose of this bibliography, antisemitism is defined as antagonism toward Jews and Judaism as expressed in writings (e.g., the New Testament, polemical literature, works of fiction), in the visual arts (e.g., art, caricatures, films), and in actions (e.g., massacres and pogroms, discriminatory legislation, the Holocaust). Detailed Treatment Queries. Seeing Double depicts Alexandrian poetry in its proper context—within the writing of foundation stories and within the imaginative redefinition of Egypt as "Two Lands"—no longer the lands of Upper and Lower Egypt, but of a shared Greek ... Includes some article citations for The Times newspaper. Fill out the Web Query Form (see detailed instructions). Access to the Stanford Health Library for patients. JSTORFull text articles. Use the CRSP (in WRDS) link on the library's website. Full text database of selected newspapers, magazines, and journals of the alternative and independent press. Reference reference@law.stanford . Afrika-Studiecentrum. Search several databases with one search. The GATT Digital Library site has been migrated from its original site, launched in April 2005, to this Stanford Library Exhibit as of September 2018. We invite you to learn more about the academic experience and the admissions process. ArchivesUSA is a current directory of over 5,500 repositories and more than 161,000 collections of primary source material across the United States. PolicyFileSubscription only. also foreign statistical / government information. Archive Finder brings together ArchivesUSA and the cumulative index to the National Inventory of Documentary Sources in the UK and Ireland (NIDS UK/Ireland), previously available on CD-ROM. The online library of pop writing. Stanford also has a separate full text database to The Times, 1785-1985. Frequently asked questions and tips on using library resources, including: Database Access Help; PitchBook Accounts; Analyst Reports and Equity Research; Stanford … Anthropology Plus provides worldwide indexing of journal articles, reports, commentaries, edited works, and obituaries in the fields of social, cultural, physical, biological, and linguistic anthropology, ethnology, archaeology, folklore, material culture, and interdisciplinary studies. We summarize our conversation with Dr. John Ioannidis, professor at Stanford University, author of the most accessed manuscript in the history of the Public Library of Science, and one of the most cited scientists in history. New. Baltimore, MD : National Information Services Corporation, [Stamford, Conn.] : Softline Information, [2001]-, Stanford, Calif. Found insideWritten by three leading researchers in the field, this book provides in-depth coverage of the theory concerning the logical level of database management systems, including both classical and advanced topics. Find articles, including photos, from Jet, Black World, Ebony. Index of African-published journals covering agricultural sciences, science and technology, health and social sciences. Visit Stanford Libraries latest exhibition: Between: Artist Books, Albums, and Portfolios from the Mark Ruwedel Photography Archive at Stanford on view through … RT Inhibitors. Where do you begin your research? Student Services Faculty Services Alumni Services Research Guides Access Policies Legal Databases. What databases are available and relevant for you? Database SABIO-RK stores data about biochemical reactions, their kinetic equations, parameters and experimental conditions under which these parameters were measured. Browse all databases titles alphabetically or by academic discipline. More information about … Schedule a Consultation . PerseeIn French. Created by U.S. documents librarians. Journals from South Africa, Botswana, Zimbabwe. Nexis Uni (1998 - )  Replaces Lexis-NexisFull text newspaper articles (U.S., European and African newspapers and journals, South Africa Constitutional Court judgments, and more).

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