We are a ministry that totally believe in everyone being saved, set free from sin, and Holy Ghost filled. The command is for the wife, not the husband. Found inside – Page 10... or any other writing wi purports to be " great " is assumed to be gi not because of its " uncompromising realis but because of its standing as a work of and that the two things are not synonym As documents of " uncompromising reali ... phrases. Example sentences of the word compromising . Found inside – Page 120Synonyms: tenacious, inexorable Antonyms: yielding, irresolute ❑ inexorable (adj) relentless (in- not + exorabilis ... Synonyms: adamant, relentless, obdurate Antonyms: acquiescent, obsequious ❑ intransigent (adj) uncompromising (in- ... uncompromising. adjective. Stubbornly, and perhaps unreasonably, holding to an opinion, decision or purpose, “He remains above all an immensely capable and, Characterized by a pompous air of infallibility, Cruel, pitiless, and disinclined to show mercy, Behaving or done in a determined and forceful way, Unwilling or unable to change because of tradition or convention, Not making an effort to respect the needs and wishes of others, Not tolerant of views, beliefs, or behaviour that differ from one's own, Not given to or confused by uncertainty or subtlety, Making others work hard or meet high standards. uncompromising translate: непреклонный . Found inside – Page 225In everything that happened they saw but one hand , the hand of the British Consul , who had made his name a synonym for uncompromising firmness and resolute maintenance of Treaty rights . To them the Plenipotentiary at Hong Kong was a ... Originally, I used "an uncompromising devotee" but after some research, I stumbled on the adjective "brassbound". Opposite of characterized by a pompous air of infallibility. Uncompromising definition is - not making or accepting a compromise : making no concessions : inflexible, unyielding. Top synonym for uncompromising (another word for uncompromising) is inflexible. related words. : A willingness to listen to and at least partially incorporate the other point of view has replaced the rigid and uncompromising attitude of the past. : As a Gaelic footballer he was as uncompromising as he was skilled. Synonyms: brassbound, cast-iron, exacting… Antonyms: flexible, lax, loose… You cannot build a dream on a foundation of sand. UNCOMPROMISING 'UNCOMPROMISING' is a 14 letter word starting with U and ending with G Synonyms, crossword answers and other related words for UNCOMPROMISING We hope that the following list of synonyms for the word uncompromising will help you to finish your crossword today. Found inside – Page 194Explicative is a synonym for interpretive and thus can also be a synonym for hermeneutical, which is also ... states that Kafka believed the legal system to be rigid and intransigent is a synonym for rigid, both meaning uncompromising. You can easily improve your search by specifying the number of letters in the answer. Found insideThis fanatical ecclesiastic, whose name is a synonym of uncompromising religious intolerance and heartless cruelty, had already been appointed, in 1482, an inquisitor by the pope. He brought to his duties a rare energy and formulated ... Uncompromising is a crossword puzzle clue. words. Quotes containing the word uncompromising . Sr. Pastor Bishop Gonnie "Joe" Baldwin 3071 … antonyms. adjective. All content on this website, including dictionary, thesaurus, literature, geography, and other reference data is for informational purposes only. - T.F. Antonyms for uncompromising. Understand the difference between Uncompromising and Violent. Does English Have More Words Than Any Other Language? 2. Synonyms for most uncompromising include firmest, stubbornest, rigidest, hardest, steadfastest, wilfullest, perversest, toughest, strictest and stiffest. 497 were here. 30 synonyms and near synonyms of compromising from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 32 antonyms and near antonyms. More 900 Uncompromising synonyms. Opposite of strict or exacting in standards. Find another word for strict. English Synonyms and Antonyms (4.50 / 2 votes) Rate these synonyms: uncompromising Uncompromising Word Ministries, Inc. is a Mississippi Non Profit Corporation filed On October 2, 1980. Found inside – Page 383... regret or of deep sadness than either of its grind vb * scrape , scratch , grate , rasp close synonyms ( so send ... revolting , repulsive creasingly used to imply an inflexibly uncompromising Ant delicate , dainty : ethereal -Con ... 31 synonyms of obstinate from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 52 related words, definitions, and antonyms. 1. Every idea in this book is focused on increasing your overall levels of productivity, performance, and output and on making you more valuable in whatever you do. 1. Contexts . Found inside – Page 136Synonyms: tenacious, inexorable Antonyms: yielding, irresolute ❑ inexorable (adj) relentless (in- not + exorabilis ... Synonyms: adamant, relentless, obdurate Antonyms: acquiescent, obsequious ❑ intransigent (adj) uncompromising (in- ... Learn more in the Cambridge English-Russian Dictionary. NLWM was established to teach the uncompromising Word of God and to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ. You can make another search to find the answers to the other puzzles, or just go to the homepage of 7 Little Words daily Bonus puzzles and … Legal. The Crossword Solver found 20 answers to the liking state of confusion crossword clue. Found inside – Page 223... unfixedly, yielding. hard-core [adj] dedicated • Syn devoted, extreme, faithful, intransigent, obstinate, resolute, rigid, staunch, steadfast, stubborn, uncompromising, unwaivering, unyielding; - Ant indulgent, lax, mild, moderate, ... crossword mode. The code for attribution links is required. https://www.freethesaurus.com/uncompromising. She is considered a tough and uncompromising negotiator. They viewed him as stubborn, inflexible and dogmatic. French privacy laws are very strict. My father is very rigid in his thinking. Found inside – Page 3683 difficult to bear (a hard life). 4 (of a person) unfeeling; severely critical. 5 severe; harsh (hard winter, hard frost). 6 a enthusiastic; intense (hard worker, hard fight). b severe; uncompromising (hard blow, hard bargain) ... 5 talking about this. Viewed 37 times 0 I am trying to describe someone who is an hardcore devotee to her native religion and traditions. 1 Showing an unwillingness to make concessions to others, especially by changing one's ways or opinions. If people or their beliefs are uncompromising, they are fixed and do not change, especially when…. Sr. Pastor Bishop Gonnie "Joe" Baldwin 3071 … Found inside – Page 120Synonyms: tenacious, inexorable Antonyms: yielding, irresolute ❑ inexorable (adj) relentless (in- not + exorabilis ... Synonyms: adamant, relentless, obdurate Antonyms: acquiescent, obsequious ❑ intransigent (adj) uncompromising (in- ... Definition of uncompromising in the Definitions.net dictionary. Found inside – Page 13It's clear that the synonym for prudent would be option (c), 'careful'. Converge means meet or join. ... Fanatic means extremist or uncompromising. ... 'Friendship' is the exact and appropriate synonym of the underlined word 'amity'. Copy the code below and paste it where you want the visualization of this word to be shown on your page: Dictionary, Encyclopedia and Thesaurus - The Free Dictionary, the webmaster's page for free fun content, Locsin stands by DOJ chief on Ressa's arrest, Putin: Fight against Terrorists in Syria to Go on, Government to recover circular debt from consumers. examples. Found inside – Page 7662 following rules or beliefs exactly. punctilious. 2 stringent, rigorous, severe, harsh, hard, stern, rigid, tough, uncompromising, authoritarian, firm. 3 in strict confidence absolute, utter, complete, synonyms 1 precise, exact, ... Italian Translation of “uncompromising” | The official Collins English-Italian Dictionary online. It is a submission freely given, never forcibly taken. Definition and synonyms of uncompromising from the online English dictionary from Macmillan Education.. Found inside – Page 63It is required to choose either the synonym or the antonym, whichever is present, for the given word from among the alternative ... Profane (a) Revengeful (b) Fearful (a) Impious (b) Intelligent (c) Apologetic (d) Uncompromising 4. About the Publisher Forgotten Books publishes hundreds of thousands of rare and classic books. Find more at www.forgottenbooks.com This book is a reproduction of an important historical work. - Abraham Lincoln, Speeches and Writings, 1832-1858 To weather the test of storms, it must be cemented in the heart with uncompromising conviction. Understand the difference between Hidebound and Strict. synonyms mode. more synonyms. The crossword clue Uncompromising with 7 letters was last seen on the April 19, 2020. Found inside – Page 7In their uncompromising parlance, “bureaucracy” was a synonym for “state socialism” on the Soviet model, while “bureaucrat” – the Situationist insult par excellence – served to dismiss Stalinist apparatchiks and their camp followers in ... n. 1. a. How to use uncompromising in a sentence. Antonyms for uncompromisingness. Opposite of steadfast or staying committed despite any difficulty. uncompromising adj adjective: Describes a noun or pronoun--for example, "a tall girl," "an interesting book," "a big house." ‘Common to both was Hearts being uncompromising and unwilling simply to allow Celtic to dictate.’. Find out what connects these two synonyms. Stern definition, firm, strict, or uncompromising: stern discipline. Adjective All women need to know self-defense and how to make smart, conscious decisions to avoid potentially compromising situations. Posted on May 26, 2014 May 26, 2014 by cecadmin. Our goal is to minister by precept and example, teaching the body of Christ to walk in victory and to adapt a lifestyle that is irreproachable. The man is never told to submit the wife unto himself. Another way to say Uncompromising? We believe the BIBLE! Another word for uncompromising: inflexible, strict, rigid, decided, firm | Collins English Thesaurus (2) Log in. Definitions of uncompromising, synonyms, antonyms, derivatives of uncompromising, analogical dictionary of uncompromising (English) See synonyms for uncompromising. Uncompromising synonyms and Uncompromising antonyms. As uncompromising and unpredictable as one of his anti-heroes, Tarantino rejected this demand and instead broke the film into two parts, or, more precisely, two volumes. Another word for uncompromising: inflexible, strict, rigid, decided, firm | Collins English Thesaurus Found inside – Page 188An organized effort to accomplish a purpose publicity ballyhoo , publicize , tout . See promote ( 3 ) . ▻ movement , push . See drive ( 1 ) . See synonym note at cry noun drive . 2. A goal served with great or uncompromising 1. Antonyms for Adamatine. Find 35 ways to say UNCOMPROMISING, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Find another word for uncompromising. Lexico's first Word of the Year! Found inside – Page 51In the conclusion to Sordello, his long and notoriously testing narrative poem about the thirteenth-century Italian troubadour Sordello da Goito, Browning uses the uncompromising odour of raw musk as a synonym for the distinctive ... Found insidesharply defined, significance, specific meaning, strict meaning, unbending meaning, uncompromising meaning, unequivocal meaning ASSOCIATED CONCEPTS : construction, literal contract, literal proof, plain meaning rule, rules of statutory, ... The philosopher's letter dispensed with all the ordinary forms of address, and entered on the subject without prefatory phrases of any kind, in these. Welcome to the page with the answer to the clue Uncompromising. Clue: Uncompromising. uncompromising ' also found in these entries (note: many are not synonyms or translations): adamant - firm - hard-core - intransigent - iron - obdurate - obstinate - peremptory - rigid - rigorous - settled - severe - strong - unyielding. Found inside – Page G-13It's clear that the synonym for prudent would be option (c), 'careful'. ... Fanatic means extremist or uncompromising. ... 'Friendship' is the exact and appropriate synonym of the underlined word 'amity'. Aggressive' is closer to the ... • When we fail to accept the Word: “For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths” (2 Timothy 4:3-4). uncompromising synonyms and antonyms in the English synonyms dictionary, see also 'unpromising',uncommonly',unbecoming',uncommitted', definition. Found inside – Page 122Synonyms: tenacious, inexorable Antonyms: yielding, irresolute K inexorable (adj) relentless (in- not + ... Synonyms: adamant, relentless, obdurate Antonyms: acquiescent, obsequious K intransigent (adj) uncompromising (in- not + ... 29 synonyms of strict from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 93 related words, definitions, and antonyms. Another word for uncompromising: inflexible, strict, rigid, decided, firm | Collins English Thesaurus (3) Found inside – Page 397The best synonym here is uncompromising, (C). (A) and (D) are nearantonyms for unflinching. 30. A To repudiate means to cast off, disown, or refuse to have anything to do with. The choice with the closest meaning to repudiate is ... Information and translations of uncompromising in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. Found inside – Page 120Synonyms: tenacious, inexorable Antonyms: yielding, irresolute ❑ inexorable (adj) relentless (in- not + exorabilis ... Synonyms: adamant, relentless, obdurate Antonyms: acquiescent, obsequious ❑ intransigent (adj) uncompromising (in- ... Believe in everyone being saved, set Free from sin, and perhaps unreasonably, holding to opinion... Totally believe in everyone being saved, set uncompromising synonym from sin, and perhaps unreasonably, holding to opinion. 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