electorate example ap human geography

Up to 12 nautical miles of sovereignty, commercial vessels may pass, but non-commercial vessels may be challenged, Coastal states have limited sovereignty for up to 24 nautical miles, where they cannot enforce laws on customs, immigration, and sanitation, Coastal states can explore, extract minerals, and manage up to 200 nautical miles, Water beyond the EEZ is open to all states. occur when two or more parties disagree over how to interpret the legal documents or maps that identify the boundary. This computer system captures, stores, analyzes, and displays data. The text gives examples which you should list. Name: _____ Period# ____ Chapter 10 Reading. A set of interconnected entities without a center of heirarchy. Ex. -Sunni and Shia Muslims are separated because they argue who should succeed from Muhammad. AP Human Geography Unit 4b Political Geography Guided Reading Mr. Stepek. 58 terms. The ways in which a country influences another by direct conquest, economic control or cultural dominance. Changing the number of representative granted in each state so it reflects the state's population. A singular nation (group of people of similar culture) of people who fulfill the qualifications of a state. This was a meeting of many states that had colonies in Africa in which boundaries were created in this continent, dividing the continent into many different colonies. An area of land in which an official vote is cast and decided. to form state boundaries in Africa, with little regard to cultural, etho-linguistic, and political boundaries. … Geography. 9th grade . - Created by Dutch American, Nicholas Spykman. Day 1: Thursday, 1/7/21 . Spanish Authors. Not trying to make a political statement, just bringing the geography into an analysis of the political landscape: the United States is an urban country and any political party hoping to win a national election must capture at least some of the major metropolitan areas of the country. Dbq and centrifugal ap geography examples of economic sectors and info. Identify examples of each. a willingness by on eperso or a group of people to defend space they claim. ... AP Human Geography Chapter 8 Political Geography 54 Terms. A boundary that is heavily guarded and discourages crossing and movement. ... ap human geography unit 2. AP Human Geography: Political Geography Vocabulary. This is a lightweight, web-friendly format for easy reference. Both of the languages/cultures have seen major decrease in recent times as larger ethnic groups have begun to dominate the spectrum, stealing converts from these smaller, more native areas. OTHER ACTIVITIES IN AP HUMAN GEOGRAPHY (dates change each year) Four – six weeks before testing - Student-Led Seminars on Selected Textbook Chapters/Topics Rest of April and May Until the Exam – Review and Preparation for the AP Human Geography Exam May - AP Human Geography Exam – approx. Jan 3, 2013 - Images & links relevant to topics for this unit in AP Human Geography--borders & boundaries, nations, states, nation-states, centripetal & centrifugal forces, government types, devolution, electoral geography, Mackinder, critical geopolitics, supranational organizations, etc. when state legislatures redraw boundaries so that each district contains roughly the same number of people. United Nations. A group of people sharing similar cultural descent, typically a minority, who are under the control of another country. Must control land to have global domination. A boundary that no longer exists, but evidence still exists on the landscape. ... Give an example for each. The drawing of a new electoral district boundary lines in response to population changes Relic Boundaries Old political boundaries that no longer exist as international borders, but that have left an enduring mark on the local cultural or environmental geography A state in which the distance from the center does not vary significantly. one identified by physical objects placed on the landscape. ... AP Human Geography Ch. Examples: USA, Canada, Belgium, Iraq(Sunni vs. Shiite) Multinational State. … It may simply reflect the desire of communities that are interested in increasing the efficiencies of their respective towns, counties, or cities through better management and administration. 0% average accuracy. Electoral geography: Gerrymandering: Majority-minority districts : Nationalism: Devolution: when a central government gives some power to a regional or ethnic group ex. They both voted in favor, taking a major devolutionary step in one of Europe’s oldest and most stable unitary states. Association of Southeast Asia Nations: An economic organization that hopes to unite many Southeast nations, and promote economic unity. one established by a legal document such as a treaty that divides one entity from another (invisible line). These countries are all emerging economically, and are hoping to grow into a state that can compete with the "superpowers". 40 terms. AP#Human#Geography#will#be#presented#in#alignment#with#the#course#description#published#by College#Board.##Eachtopic#will#be#a#unit#of#study#andwill#include#a#variety#of#student# assessments#such#as#free#response#questions,#multiple#choice#tests,#quizzes,#and#aunit#project# Can be as simple as a sign or as complex as a set of fences and walls. ... electoral college. The process in which colonial territories gain independence from the ruling power. Also relates to trades, resource management, and the environment on a global scale. AP A nation has a state of its own but stretches across the borders of other states. Less permanent overall than mountain boundaries because of tendencies of water levels to change in bodies of water and river channels to move overtime. It measures the position of an object on earth and stores it in a computer along with countless other specific measurements. Example: The ethnic conflicts in Africa (Darfur, Sudan) ... into electoral districts to give one political party an electoral OTHER SETS BY THIS CREATOR. States (Rubenstein p 270 - 275) What is a state? The process of legally adding territory to a city. centers not on where a boundary is, but how it functions. When one or more powers disagree over how to interpret the legal documents dictating the boundary. When people move into and settle on the land of another country. Elected officials that represent citizens of a particular area. 40 terms. A state that completely surrounds another state. This activity will present you with an example of gerrymandering. changing the number of representatives granted each state so it reflects the state's population. AP Human Geography. gysruthi. -Berlin wall was knocked down, and Germany united again, the forced removal of a minority ethnic group from a territory. 0. RESOURCE: Human Geography FRQ Writing Commands. Ap Human Geography Chapter 8 Notes Essay Example. electoral regions. They boundary was supposed to be demilitarized, but became militarized, blocking trade and people. AP® Human Geography Syllabus 1 Syllabus 1058786v1 2 Course Overview The course is structured according to the course outline found in the most recent AP® Human Geography Course Description published by the College Board. What happened after the Soviet Union began to relax its grip over satellite states in Eastern Europe? Term Definition; Natural Landscape (Physical Attributes) Physical landscape or environment that has not been affected by human activities: Possibilism: How humans adjust to the challenges posed by the physical environment: Region: Because EU member states and some other non-EU member states made most of the content almost borderless, so fewer people turned to violence. Objective: Distinguish the difference between states, nations, and nation-states. At the beginning of each unit, students receive a unit calendar that Q. Chapter 8 Outline. The power of a political unit to rule over its own affairs. AP Human Geography Unit 5 Political Geography Lesson Plans 2021 . The debate in the latest issue of Dialogues in Human Geography didn't strike me as genuinely critical despite the self-professed label of "critical geographer" many … The integration of markets, states, communication and trade on a worldwide scale. See more ideas about political geography, ap human geography, human geography. A force that divides people within a state. The mass, organized killing in which people are targeted because of race, religion, ethnicity, or nationality. Organized violence aimed at government and civilian targets that is intended to create fear in furtherance of political aims. To ensure the best experience, please update your browser. Form of colonialism in which control over developing countries was shown in indirect ways, such as economic control. Te process in which district boundaries are redrawn so each district contains roughly the same number of people. European Union: An organization that hope to develop common political and economic integration of all members of the continent of Europe. Human Geography Unit 5 Curriculum Outline. A map demonstrating all man made borders between countries, states, cities, or any areas that are divided by some form of border. Disclaimer: This outline is sourced directly from the AP Human Geography Course Framework released by the College Board. When one country seeks to annex territory in another because it has ties to a part of the population that lives there. SURVEY . ... was an example of a____ force which brought the United States together. -Philippines, China, and others have claimed the Sparty islands because they all want the resources and other things available on the island in order to receive money. An official count of the population every 10 years. A country that contains more than one nation. A dispute regarding how the boundary functions. Western Europe and The U.S. had more economic, political, and military power. All material in this chapter is fair game for quiz questions, which includes vocabulary. States in which power is held primarily by one major power, without distributing it lower. There are seven units of study. The cost advantages of conducting economic activity on such a large scale. monicanicholes. When a boundary separates natural resources that may be used by both countries. 21 terms. Omninox does not take credit for this outline and is not affiliated with the College Board. A straight line drawn by people that does not follow physical features. Companies that conduct business on a global scale. The process in which a company merges with another company that makes common goods. people of the centrifugal force requirement. -In 1997, the newly elected Labor party in London gave the Scots (and the Welsh) the opportunity to vote- not for independence, but for devolution. used claims led by Great Britain, France, the Netherlands, etc. This involves building coalitions that are tailored to specific projects such as land use, housing needs, environmental control, health care, job creation, bioterrorism, traffic improvement, pover… The first three united to form the Federal Republic of Germany (west), which allied with the U.S. The belief or practice of regional administrative customers rather than central political systems. Elected officials at national, state/provincial, and local levels to represent citiznes and are designated to defined districts with distinct boundaries. Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa. The fragmentation of a state or region into smaller, often hostile, unites along ethnic-linguistic lines. ... By examining the results from each polling station for the last election, determine what difference the re-alignment would make in future elections if voting patterns at each polling station remained similar. This theory states that nations functioned similar to living organisms. Why did the Korean Peninsula become divided? Human Geography One of the two major divisions of geography; the spatial analysis of human population, its cultures, activities, and landscapes. based on physical features to separate entities, a straight line drawn by people that does not follow any physical feature closely, based on human traits or behavior, so it often exists in the midst of a gradual change over space. different voting districts that make up local, state, and national regions. The candidate who receives a higher proportion of electoral votes within a state receives all the electoral votes for that state. The willingness of one person or group to defend the space they claim. A boundary in which there are no establishments and one is free to move from one side to another. 2015 Edition ~ AP Human Geography FRQ and Exam Breakdown. The transition from autocratic to more representative forms of politics. Pages 153 - 167. a state that is dominated by another state polictically and economically.

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