is rey stronger than anakin

Won Padme’s heart. Anakin: Was a hero in the clone wars. Rey felt the enormous disturbance in the Force when this happened, confirming how strong Leia's presence was in it. But that strength was still raw and unbalanced and her mind was almost immediately drawn toward the darkness." After Anakin Skywalker failed to pursue his destiny, Luke Skywalker became the new "Chosen One," and thus the Force became even stronger in him than in his father. RELATED: Star Wars Gives General Leia Her Mother's Phantom Menace Mission He added, “Who is Rey, is a question that is much more than a factual one, it’s a character question. There's something my sister would want you to have. Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker star John Boyega has some controversial opinions regarding who the best Jedi is. Prepare the popcorn. Rey’s origin story is similar to Anakins…she was conceived by midicholoroans. Most PT Jedi would woop her ass. Rey has better feats in the same way that movies-only Kit Fisto has better feats than Mace Windu. ... As Comic Book Resource points out, the comic reportedly showed Rey was just as strong as Anakin Skywalker and might even be a chosen one by her own right. Star Wars actor John Boyega has caused quite a stir on social media with a bold claim – namely, that Anakin Skywalker was a better Jedi than Rey.. In the fight on Endor, Kylo had Rey dead to rights and it took a distraction from Leia and Kylo dropping his lightsaber for Rey to win. Trained Ashoka Tano. Luke: Saved princess of Alderan aka Leila organa. Bring on Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker — maybe Rey still has the capacity to be a better Jedi than both Anakin and Luke. Luke is stronger than anakin, rey is stronger than luke, kylo ren is some where (we're really not going to know how strong kylo is til the next film but honestly they have set him up to be a weak villain) 12 Stronger: Ajunta Pall And Rey only defeated Kylo Ren because he was injured. Rey's not a fluke or simply being given power boosts for mere plot convenience. Kylo curbstomped peak Rey who solos Anakin … That aside, rey being so powerful could show that anakin wasnt the actual chosen one. This is the fierce Darth Vader we all grew up with. Add that to the fact that she is a Palpatine and you have your answer. Much of it may be answered based upon what you have seen on screen and other media etc. She received little training and still managed to fight off many seemingly proficient enemies with both Force and lightsaber skills. Is Rey stronger than Luke? Rey's vulnerability will be in her connection to the people that surround her, her desire to keep them safe and, to a lesser degree, to feel loved in return. 9 REY IS MORE POWERFUL: STRONGER FORCE HERITAGE. Rey is almost certainly more powerful in the Force than Saba but Saba is vastly stronger than Rey and a much better fighter. In fact, she may have even learned them faster than Anakin Skywalker. Potential spoilers for Future State: Robin Eternal #2 by Meghan Fitzmartin and Eddy Barrows!. Well Anakin was conceived by the force w/ stronger potential than even Yoda and spent years honing his abilities and he never became as strong as Rey. 1 year ago. Redshift_Bacon. This book is written by … Rey is not only more powerful than Luke, she possesses the strength of all the Jedi combined. With Luke having encountered Obi-Wan Kenobi, Yoda and Darth Vader, the assumption is that both Kylo and Rey are stronger than them all, or that … As you know, Anakin pounded Dooku's ass in, and the Count was able to meet Grievous's blows one-handed without significant strain, so Vader should be substantially stronger than Grievous. I believe that Rey is meant to supplant Luke as the most powerful Jedi in the Star Wars universe. Star Wars: 10 Characters Stronger Than Luke Skywalker (And 10 Weaker) ... Rey learned her Force skills far quicker than Luke ever could. And when Luke defeated Vader in ROTJ, he was well past his prime. Kylo was heavily injured and not bloodlusted on top of conflicted when fighting Rey who was already stronger than ROTJ Anakin and Obi Wan combined. Other than that Anakin is equally as strong in the force as Rey, maybe even slightly stronger in ROTS. Like, dude, she wont hold against him for a 5 seconds if hed charge at her just like he did in ROTS against Dooku or Obi-Wan. Look, I don’t care what Mickey Mouse says about Kylo being stronger than Darth Vader. She and Kylo are extremely weak at fencing and very slow. Forget the whole Mary Sue debate - I dont care that a 19 year old orphan girl that never went to school could be an excellent mechanic, pilot, multilingual and whatever, there are impossible geniuses in many other franchises. If Anakin is the male side of the prophecy, Rey is the female side, hence bringing balance to the force. He defeated Darth Vadar, who is much stronger than Kylo Ren. If she continues to grow and is trained by Luke Skywalker’s force ghost, Rey has the potential to become stronger than Vader was. If Rey is more powerful than Luke, the only way to explain it is that somehow she's Anakin 2.0 and that's dumb. Rey electrocutes Luke, she is also stronger in the force especially when she uses the dark side. Was strong enough to stand the emporer’s force lightning for about 15 seconds while Mace Windu just got thrown out of a window. Over the years, Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader encountered each other a number of times, with Vader getting the upper hand nearly every time. I don’t believe there truly is an in-canon answer to this question. 12 Stronger: Ajunta Pall given the dialogue and display of power in TLJ we can assume that she is atleast the strongest force user in the movies. Despite her initial strength, Rey is not strong enough to surpass Darth Vader, yet. I would argue that the MAIN reason why they are bad is because Rey is overpowered, … Was a mentor to Rey. Besides, Anakin does have better feats. Trust me if Luke had been there to face Palpatine in Episode 9, there would be no competition. Warning! Found a Jedi temple and trained a load of people. Regardless, years of learning from the Chosen on made Ahsoka a formidable force user, at times, she even outsmarted Anakin. No, Luke is for sure stronger. Luke is a Skywalker, one generation removed from someone born of the force. And yet, the Robin of DC's Future State, Tim Drake, overcomes a test that Anakin Skywalker, aka Darth Vader, fails. Forget also the whole illogical worldbuilding and all other flaws the sequels had. Kylo was stronger than Rey in TRoS. "Rey's innate connection to the force was stronger than I could have anticipated. If they do, that'll be stupid. John Boyega says Anakin Skywalker is still more powerful than Rey ‘Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker’ star John Boyega has some thoughts about the most powerful Jedi ever. Finn Actor Says Anakin Skywalker Is a Better Jedi Than Rey & Kylo, Huge Debate Ensues. She was certainly far more precocious in her knowledge of the Force than Luke at about the same age. Follow Everyone likes to pick on Robin.It's the cool thing to do. Lets go over Star Wars The Last Jedi and Star Wars The Force Awakens when it comes to Rey! She really and truly is a better Jedi than Anakin or, for that matter, Luke Skywalker ever were at this stage in both of their careers. Yes. The only person that should have a higher potential than Luke is Anakin (although I'd believe Leia being equal or slightly higher.) 8 Can Defeat: Raynar Thul Her pull to the dark side and her powerful rage come from the same source as Anakin's greatest fears. Trained Kylo Ren. He wasn't even trying to kill her the whole movie and TRoS Rey is the strongest version of the character so far after her training with Leia. Imagine thinking Rey is stronger than Anakin. She can also take a ridiculous amount of damage, so even if Rey is lucky enough to tag her, she'll be able to take the shots and keep coming until Rey goes down. - Star Wars: The Secrets of the Jedi. I say this because Luke shares his father’s potential of over 20,000 midichlorians along with his sister. So it might surprise fans to see comics make any iteration of Robin stronger than Star Wars' Chosen One. John Boyega was responding on Twitter to an article about a Star Wars comic that seemingly showed Rey to be more powerful than both Anakin …

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