kaiserreich best nations 2020

PSA now becomes the USA after winning the war or signing the ceasefire with CSA/TEX. Enabled LIB to go down another pass if the USA loses the civil war. Germany may now choose to intervene in the regular Italy/Austria peace event in the same manner it intervenes in the Belgrade Pact/Austria peace event, no longer making a solo war the superior choice for Italy. Russia will now refrain from attacking Japan while Germany is still alive. Using one of the decisions to unite Italy will now break the balance in Italy, insofar as the restrictions on joining factions go. Annexation missions (the decisions you see which pop up after you gain territory, which allow for the release of puppets) have been reworked so they are now triggered. You can find them all in the Official Kaiserreich Collection. Mordacq is promoted to field marshal if he wins the Fight for Influence. The Venetian Revolt has been reworked. Added a news event for Wilhelm II’s death. ‘Escalating the Propaganda War’ now doesn’t talk about the Qing and Puyi when they aren’t in power. The latest, greatest, and most prodigiously complex WWII grand strategy wargame from Paradox Interactive - prepare and fight WWII as any nation on earth, from 1936 - 1945 Please note that we are delaying the update to the music mod by a few days to let us deal with any issues with the main mod first. Fixed Centroamerica being unable to join the Internationale. 1.9 is here! The USA and Germany stability debuffs were changed to accommodate this. Paraguay's elections now check for Estigarribia being in power correctly. Venice now has access to the generic air idea. Fixed puppeted Finland being a kingdom without a king in some cases, Changed the name of puppeted Paternal Autocrat Denmark to lose references to kingdom, Disabled the choice of government for right wing puppet Sweden, Fixed a Norwegian focus relating to Denmark bypassing when Sweden becomes socialist, Fixed an improper event tooltip in Norway, Fixed the UoB getting a request from Norway meant for the CoF, Fixed Dimitriy returning from the dead in Russia, August Uproar in Denmark now fires in August, Oscar Nygren can no longer return from the dead. Fixed some admiral traits for Liangguang. Massively improved the major East Asian peace chain. We hope you enjoy it! Fixed Chayaburi being transferred to China without the latter controlling Laos. The protectorate branch of South Africa’s tree will only open after elections have been held. The previous workaround which made countries incorrectly get drawn into a peace conference whenever a country whose faction leader was not in the war now actually works for puppets as well (so, for instance, a puppet Vietnam falling to Indochina won’t cause all of German East Asia to suddenly be annexed). Fixed the Ottoman foci creating multiple Istanbul Pacts. Effects of the Ottoman ‘stability of the realm’ modifier slightly reduced: Costs and effects of Ottoman state interactions slightly reduced: Now also adds supportive deputies to the Ottoman parliament. Tshuapa no longer gets a core upon the MAF release of the native kingdoms. Now, if Germany still exists, Austria can appeal to them for intervention at the outset of the chain. Some new NF icons for the Indochinese Union. Details of how to do that can be found here: https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/index.php?threads/hoi4-husky-1-9-1-beta-hotfix-checksum-2628-not-for-problem-reports.1342931/, Please also note that sadly this patch isn’t save game compatible. Tried to improve the flow of the United Front code. Originally conceived by Sarmatia in 2005, Kaiserreich has since developed into one of the most in-depth alternate history mods, with thousands of unique events, graphics, countries and even mechanics! Annexation missions for Croatia, Hungary, Slovakia and Transylvania have been added for the Austrian Civil War. Germany: Probably the easiest European nation to play as. Fixed the bypasses and availables of the PER expansion foci. Otherwise? Australasian factory-building focuses have been given easier triggers. The Suez International Zone now gets a core on Suez correctly. Natal's militias are now unlocked after the Boer War. United States of America: John Nance Garner. Greece will now correctly leave the Pact when prompted to attack Austria. R-KMT Yunnan and Long Yun take half the time to go through any focus that starts a war now. Added new companies to QIE similar to GEA and LEP. If you desire to finish your current games, the manual Mediafire download link is available on the PDX forums; else, enjoy the new additions! Katanga now becomes a puppet of Germany instead of Sudwestafrika, puppets of puppets aren’t great. Changed Switzerland’s SocLib party from ‘Landesring der Unabhängigen’ to ‘Liberale Partei der Schweiz’. Venezuela will now attack the West Indies for Essequibo, and can offer the West Indies peace when they hold it for long enough, Siseno Ramos Sarmento added as the new natpop leader of Amazonas, Peru’s focuses are now all locked to ideology. Empire of Austria will become paternal autocratic in the Military Occupation path. If Canada is invaded by anyone other than America or one of its allies, a non-socialist America will join the war in favor of Canada. The USA no longer has heavy tanks in the experimental division. Some Fengtian collaboration focuses will now provide intel to Japan (if La Resistance is owned). Spain can now bypass certain focuses depending on its level of social breakdown, Carlist Spain now always receives the cores it should, Sabotage event no longer fires for Spain at the start of the game, Romania now loses Belgrade Pact opinion modifiers when it leaves the Pact, Italy can no longer join Austria’s faction when at war, Fixed Stamboliyski being killed off if Bulgaria is annexed by Serbia, Fixed Greek monarchy cosmetic tags being sometimes misapplied, Tuscany and Italy can no longer both be ruled by the same person, Austria can no longer restore a dead Wilhelm zu Wied in Albania, The annexations of Bulgaria are now much less likely to leave odd leftover territory, Socialist Bulgaria can no longer join the Donau-Adriabund, Fixed Greece being locked out of focuses after losing the Balkan War. As usual, this hotfix WILL break saves - so either start a new game or revert to previous versions to finish any ongoing games. Fixed GBR not keeping Ulster when releasing a free Ireland, improved the code a bit, and converted a couple of descs into scripted loc. The bug that prevented the peace conference AI from working properly in 0.13.2 has been fixed. Made the Baku Conference checks more clear to the player. Fixed the RUS Zemstvo flags not being properly cleared if events were delayed. Vietnam can no longer call the Reichspakt against Indochina. Several Fengtian generals’ skills were toned down in tandem with Zhang. Nancy now starts the game owned by France. Ireland no longer starts with heavy tanks. Militarist/Nationalist Poland can now join the Belgrade Pact. Liberia can now be released normally by NFA, GER or GBR. One of the biggest complaints about Kaiserreich is lag, particularly late game lag which can make playing into the 1940’s almost unbearable. Added a new decision to LEP that buffs Wuxi’s VPs to 20, Added a small event chain to LEP that lets you prevent the Hangzhou Uprising. "Any Romania that won't join attack against Austria is a dumb Romania that deserves all the bad" - the Romania dev. It has provided a lot of existing new tools and while we haven’t yet made full use of 1.9 yet, we thought you’d rather not wait any longer to be able to play. The IEDC leader only has to worry about investment decisions, and membership happiness is no longer tracked. Fixed a couple of loc bugs, Fixed INC not getting all of Indochina if they win against GEA, Fixed a bugged activation for the Wallonian release decision, Fixed a couple of broken scopes in QIE's events, Fixed the Sicilian ship decisions not appearing for Manchu QIE, Fixed Fengtian joining Japan's faction after breaking with them, Fixed the Qing ally integration decisions being visible after annexation of the respective tags, Fixed Siam stealing Lanzhou from the Ma Clique, Fixed the LEP being unable to reduce unrest if Zheyuan took control of Shandong, Fixed the multiple options of the Fall of Hong Kong event, Fixed CHI not getting cores on Guangxi when tag-switching from GXC, Fixed bugged terrains in the Dead Sea and Lake Okeechobee. The Socialist Republic of Italy has had their tree simplified. Germany now also gets their admirals when they take the GEA/MAF navy away. Christopher Christoph Augustus Patrick John Peter Alexander Crabtry-Billung I, more commonly known as Christoph Billung or Chris, is a micronationalist from The Eastern United States, particularly North Carolina. By default, it’s the current setting where WK2 can’t happen before 1939 (or, rather, it shouldn’t - though there are some places which have been missed). Fixed Ceylon not being released correctly. Fixed Hawaii joining two factions at once. The Italian Republic’s government can fall after the 1937 elections if the democratic parties win, leading either to a restoration of the Italian Federation, or devolution into Lombardy and Venice. In addition, we are very pleased to give you one of our greatest performance improvements to date as a result of our new division limit and our totally rewritten annexation decisions; details for both can be found below. The chain for the merger with Serbia is now triggered by a focus. Fixed the Austrian puppets joining Mitteleuropa during the WK. Romanian post-unification focuses now say they only unlock after acquiring Transylvania, to make it clearer. Air designers now give bonuses to jet aircraft. Persia winning against Russia now creates a Non-aggression Pact between them. Fixed Transamur not breaking away from Japan when forming Russia. In the guide, I will show you how to form the USSR in Kaiserreich. Egypt and Sudan will no longer receive Mahdist war events as a puppet. Afghanistan no longer asks Japan for naval aid. Several game breaking bugs have been found in the path and with an imminent rework of the content, we’ve decided to disable the path temporarily while we get it fixed and improved. The new states are a compromise between existing administrative divisions, economic units, and rough ethnographic regions with some notable exceptions. WIP icons in the BHC and DEH foci trees have been swapped with ones from base game. CNT can no longer invade Portugal via focus before the 2nd Weltkrieg. Oman now has the war support to keep their starting extensive conscription law. We sure don’t know, but great philosophical questions aside, here’s a bit of both for you. This is primarily a fix for performance, to prevent countries at peace from having really high conscription and a massive number of units on-screen, Fengtian Government/Reorganized National Government of China, New gfx for Armored cars of Habsburg Monarchy, VK16 light tank was replaced by original czech design (name is still same), New portraits: Hermann Goering (MAF), Alberto de Zara (ITA), Sebastiano Visconti Prasca (ITA), David Wijnkoop (HOL), Maxime Weygand (NFA), Jean de Laborde (NFA), Alphonse Juin (NFA), Jean de Lattre de Tassigny (NFA), Carol II (ROM), Michael I (ROM), Shripad Amrit Dange (BHC), Nirmal Kumar Bose (BHC), Bhagat Singh (BHC), Raja Wadiyar IV (PRF), K.M. One small downside you should be aware of is that some bug fixes required mapping changes, so sadly this hotfix won’t be save game compatible. Added leader traits to most Russian leaders. Princely Federation now goes isolationist far less, Added a warning about claiming the title as Caliph for the Saudis and Rashidis, Middle Eastern populations fully adjusted to new states, Increase the speed at which Indian nations gain cores on the other conquered factions, Optimised Turkestan events, deleted many more, Japan now has a unique leader when puppeted by any socialist power, Syndicalist Japan will now be able to deal with the Imperial House (AI-only paths), Siam can no longer go down its political trees when puppeted, Redid Transamur’s foreign policy and industry sections of their tree, Indian states should now have priority in peace conferences for Burma, Player-led Australasia can now demand territories from the Anderson doctrine at threat of war. You won’t have any new nations to play today, but your old favorites will be that much more polished. Patagonian decisions should now all work as intended, there were numerous issues with the targeting before, Uniting Italy now allows all Italies to join factions freely, Going down Yunnan’s right branch of its economic tree first now behaves better and adds buffs gradually (like the left side does if you pick that first), You also can’t stack both stages of the Fu Dian national spirit anymore and get an offmap factory instead once you complete the second investment focus, Fixed puppet Korea not keeping the Joseon Kingdom cosmetic tag, Australasian country path to have democracy succeed no longer results in an automatic victory by the Australasian Guard in their coup, The SRI country path to start the war over the catholic rebels now also makes certain that a non-totalist SRI will first take the oppress catholics event option when it arises, Canada’s country path to release or keep New England now ensures that Canada will first seize it at the outset of the ACW, Updated and fixed the Caribbean annexation decisions/events to avoid overlap, Fixed the Sardinian decision to core Piedmont - again, Fixed the Afghan-Entente peace deal not ceding the Gilgit state, Brazil can no longer re-elect the Integralists after ousting them, Paraguay and Uruguay can now release Argentina, Fixed Fengtian being able to call Japan's aid against itself, Fixed Qing being able to attack Shanxi twice, Fixed a missing state in the AFG-DEH peace deal, Fixed the USA->PRI tag switch breaking the PRI focus tree, Siberia can no longer be released with half the world as its cores, Some fixes to the “Demand Alsace-Lorraine” focus for France, Fixed Anastasio Somoza visiting socialist Canada. Kornilov no longer comes back from the dead. Most (though not all) volunteer events removed, replaced by an improved ai volunteer system. Reordered the PLC tree a bit and prevented it from frequently being locked out of its foreign policy tree, Dvinsk is now properly given to the baltic states in annexations when owned, Ukraine should no longer send all of its units to Germany when the RP is at war, Hopefully fixed Russia being inundated with strikes forever, Fixed the partition of Ukraine between Poland and DKB firing if DKB does not exist. TAN can now integrate China if led by a Han regime, The Gruppa di Difesa Della Donna template added for the SRI is no longer locked, SRI can no longer join the Third Internationale if it declares war on a fellow socialist country before joining the faction, All SRI decisions to build factories now require PP and civilian_factory_use, and take longer to build; they no longer need to be done only one at a time, however, The bonuses provided by many SRI economic and military ideas have been significantly nerfed across the board, Italian focuses which add resources have been moved to decisions, so they can be available to other tags if/when Italy is united, Legionary Italy now gets its navy back from Venice, upon taking Venice during the revolt, Fixed Portugal not joining the Entente if MAF is dead, again, The Netherlands no longer trade with their enemies, Fixed Japan's collapse resurrecting a dead Russia in Transamur, ROM can no longer release Greater Hungary, ANI Italy actually tries to beat Venice, for real this time, America can now actually ask for their vote back in the Legation Council, Fixed Legation Council vote timer appearing for nations not on the Council, Austria can still do their Secret Deal path. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Hearts of Iron 4. Changed the main theme to Koit, or Dawn in Estonian, which you can find here: Austria: Added Florentine March and Danubia March, Entente: Added Imperial March and Eagle Squadron. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Ottoman AI will no longer get volunteers from Somalia, Azerbaijan, Mittelafrika and Afghanistan, Egyptian AI now receives volunteers and material support from the Internationale when fighting against the Turks, Afghanistan can no longer be called in against Iran during the Levantine war, Conquered Cyrenaica will now only respawn during the Levantine war if resistance is high enough in its states instead of always, The effects of National France’s purge ideas have been slightly tweaked. Fixed the endless Fate of Latvia/Estonia loop for Russia, Austria can no longer lock itself out of its focus tree by betraying its secret deal with Hungary, Romania no longer loses its HoG in the legionary path, Fixed Northern Epirus not being grantable to Albania by Serbia, Fixed some oddities with the Flanders/Wallonia/Belgium annexation events, Bulgaria can now use its reconciliation decisions even when a puppet - though, if it’s a puppet, the decision can only be used on its overlord, The Turkestan emir is now removed as a field marshal when he dies, Old ministers in Flanders, Bolivia, and Central America are now properly removed when the government changes, Returning cores/claims to an ally will now give them all coastal and contiguous states at once, instead of needing to have the decision used repeatedly to catch interior states, The events used when the UK and France demand the return of colonial states now fires for the owner of those states and not just the controller, Updated the AI for Italy’s decision to attack Austria to be a bit more judicious, and to wait for Serbia - when applicable, Prevented the Yen Bai Mutiny events from refiring, If a puppet somehow ends up at war with its overlord, it’ll now be set free, Fengtian can now no longer use its war decisions when a puppet, Fixed the return of Russian generals to the Russian Socialist Republic in the cases where Patagonia had already succeeded or fallen prior to the civil war beginning, Fixed the Vojvodina annexation decision to not trigger until there’s at least one applicable option which can be taken, Lithuania can now be released based on ownership of Kovno and not solely ownership of their capital, which could be another country’s claim, Germany might now initially be released without Northern Schleswig or the Polish German states, which have separate annexation decisions, The event for Patagonia becoming Argentina no longer fires for other nations, Persia will not get Mosul in the Ottoman collapse unless they control a neighbouring state, Russia can now integrate Ukraine properly after the Treaty of Pereyaslav goes into effect, Germany can no longer attack Romania to take its oil, Fixed Wilhelm II dying in 1947 instead of 1941, Russia will now focus on getting rid of Divided Military Staff as soon as possible, Fengtian is now blocked from joining the Chinese United Front, Fixed Poland being locked out of its tree if the AuthDems were elected, Italy and Poland are no longer invited to the Belgrade Pact if they already own their claimed lands, The Golestan Pact is now properly disbanded if Persia joins a faction, Fixed an infinite loop in the Tibetan focus tree, The China Agency no longer investigates its own weapon smuggling, Puppet Central America can no longer use its war decisions, The regular peace event for Italy and Austria will no longer fire if Italy is involved in the Belgrade Pact war on Austria and thus eligible for the Budapest Treaty peace event, The decisions for Canada to declare war on the CSA or intervene in the ACW should no longer disappear forever if interrupted by the CSA’s strike idea, Countries that unify China via the generic decision can now integrate their allies, Fixed a couple of issues with the Yunnan-Siam peace deal, Fixed a Netherlands event firing twice and a flag not being properly cleared, Fixed RKMT Yunnan not being able to attack a LKMT Guangxi, Fixed two Yunnan companies being the same under different names, Central American countries will now correctly return their puppets' territory, Released Chinese puppets now get proper cores on their territory, Fixed Qing not being able to invite SIK to its faction, Fixed a misleading Fengtian event option tooltip, Yunnan will now lose the AOG tin ideas if Indochina wins the war, Austria-Hungary’s focus on the Status Quo branch now removes the Broken Ties idea, Fixed Sichuan's famine recovery lasting until 1947, The United Front will now collapse if Japan is annexed, Fixed Serbia getting the Kardzhali annexation mission when occupying Bulgaria, Fixed puppet Poland not being able to integrate states, Fixed Poland's naval foci giving boni to trade interdiction on both paths, Fixed Russia potentially getting Black Monday twice, Fixed Transamur asking to reunify with a non-existent Russia, Fixed the AI Netherlands pulling the Entente into other wars, Meyer London can no longer be HoS and HoG at the same time, Added missing localisation for several events in the Second Congress of Belgrade, Tweaked few Romanian news events to work better with niche scenarios, Nerfed the amount of guns and manpower Patagonia could get in their starter tree, New portraits for Enver Hoxha (ALB), Wilhelm of Wied (ALB), J.B. Finished the localization and added a new focus filter for the Legation Cities tree, New German and Japanese commanders for the Legation Cities, they leave if either group takes over the Cities, Legation Cities can now pay pp to boost their relationship with Zongchang-led Shandong, leading to better trade power and civilian economy to be diverted from Shandong to them, Iceland has received a new leader for the social democratic party, Added new news events for Russian leadership changes, Reduced focus times on Indian focus trees, Moved Indian focuses which would add cores to regained Indian states to be decisions instead. Likewise if assertive it will still occasionally take pro-Japanese decisions, but will have a far higher chance to declare war against Japan. Miles (AST), Sveinn Bjornsson (ICE), Kai-Uwe von Hassel (MAF), Gabriel Auphan (NFA), Christoffel Venter (SAF), Gustaf V (SWE). Chad now starts with resistance and a low compliance, as intended. Dutch East Indies and Insulindia can no longer white peace with no border changes. Until then, enjoy KR without needing to roll back anymore! It’s time for Beta 0.12! DEI and HOL now start with the same naval techs. Converted Switzerland’s foreign policy from focuses to decisions. We weren’t originally intending on another hotfix for 0.13, but it turns out a (rather routine) replacement of event picture references also changed a flag for the German Halbstarke event - meaning they can never remove their Black Monday effects. Added German, Polish, Ukrainian and Romanian renaming for Slovakia and Hungary where appropriate. Readded a bunch of missing US company logos, Fixed socialist SAF getting Nuweweld decisions, Fixed the Ma Clique peace and collapse events. When released, FNG should now start with party popularities that won’t break its influence system. Added a description for "Resistance to Andesia" spirit for Patagonia. The Manchurian Model Cities focus now requires Concordia Association influence to be above 30%. The Kaiserreich 4 Team are proud to present the most popular alternate history mod for Hearts of Iron II, Darkest Hour and Hearts of Iron IV! Russia will now take Crisis on the Don ASAP. On time and only two months behind our last update, we are very happy to bring you 0.11. Question. Fixed a TEX tooltip referring to Devers instead of Patton. Anqing and Nanjing Clique Yiguandao/KMT decisions have been improved and cleaned up. A new state category with 11 slots has been added - Sprawling Metropolis. The Deal with the Devil no longer annexes tags. Like previous games in the series, Hearts of Iron IV is a grand strategy wargame that focuses on World War II. Mittelafrika and South Africa now recruit from a pool of both European and African spies, Halved the rate of resistance target increase due to low Stability, Communard France's Renseignements Généraux focus now establishes an intelligence service with LaR active, Persia can now go to war with over Bahrain before having to take back Azerbaijan, Fengtian AI should now manage their war support better, Greatly reduced Prince Kotohito's chances of dying on his trip to Fengtian, QIE now receives notification of an impending attack, should Shanxi's call for Fengtian's aid be accepted, Fengtian may now refuse Shanxi's call for aid, when attacked by Qing, Toned down Fengtian's "Year of Righteous Effort" national spirit, Fixed national spirits beyond the 6th one not showing up, reinstated the 12 national spirit view from pre-1.9, Fixed the Italian peace event added in the last update, Fixed the snap election event called in Canada if Bill C-7 fails, Fixed Canada being puppeted by the UK and turned Paternal Autocrat if it owned any puppets at the time it created the UK, IEDC ideas can now be retained for longer than a day, IEDC members will now get access to the IEDC advisors immediately when they join, not solely a year later. Fixed Tuva not being transferred to RUS/SOV when the latter is released. The effect of the ‘An army of all Dutch East Indians’ focus now properly reflects the effect that is put in place in-game. The civilian construction speed buffs in the Yang Yuting path have been turned into generic construction speed buffs. We've straightened a number of things out, but we've also expanded the Ottoman "Fevzi" route, so you're getting a little content bonus too. If you hover over the limit field at the top right of your Recruit & Deploy tab, you’ll see a tooltip that explains exactly how the limit is calculated. Ethiopia’s first elections are no longer the last elections. Germany no longer gets two Black Monday news events. Replaced `var:faction_leader` with the new `faction_leader` scope. Serbian allies are now given the option of simply pulling out of the alliance or attacking (or to react at all), and Serbia is given a chance to back down. Jabal Shammar now gets a claim on the Trucial States if it wins against the Saudis. Austria now sends volunteers to Lombardy and Venice when they are at war with the SRI. Renamed "King Paul Restored" GRE country path to "King George Restored", Added GEX and NMB to Reichspakt game rule. The Commune of France can no longer name ships after their former colonies. ANQ now integrates GEA concession states as part of its regular provincial integration decisions. Anatolian pro-Ottoman and Iraqi anti-Ottoman Kurds now kill each other in the Cairo Pact war, while both also fighting the Ottomans and Iranians. The Kaiserreich 4 Team are proud to present the most popular alternate history mod for Hearts of Iron II, Darkest Hour and Hearts of Iron IV! Ported over the vanilla sharks to the Pacific. Fixed a rare instance where Republican South Africa would spawn in Namibia. France now is told when a Senussi Zawiya is formed and if they have successfully attacked one. Some players, however, use the console to allow use of those buttons for their own purposes, so we’ve added a rule which allows the restoration of the buttons if the user so wishes. NFA's revolter missions now cancel if it collapses. Some fixes to the two Canadian surrender events (one against an American attacker who hasn’t claimed all of Canada and might be willing to accept a lesser peace, and one where the king should be fleeing elsewhere and Entente leadership should be transferred). President Dmitriy will no longer be immortal if the Second Russian Civil War is ongoing. Fixed Germany not releasing Siberia or DKB properly. Removed most fortifications from Western Europe. Austria will now prioritise the Decentralised Scheme while at peace. Reduced the equipment costs for Ostwall construction decisions. BUL reconciliation decision now removes negative Belgrade Pact opinion modifiers, The Treaty of Budapest will now release any Italian countries in Austria’s faction prior to peace being made, so war will continue with them, Fixed some issues with countries improperly peacing out with Austria if it’s part of the Reichspakt when Germany falls, Brazil will no longer capitulate too easily, Serbia no longer gets a claim on Western Salonica at the Balkan War outset, The ISAC tech sharing icon now no longer says IEDC, Wallonia can no longer go multiple political routes as a puppet, Katanga now keeps its current government type when puppeted by Portugal, Norway will now automatically annex states it claims from focuses if they’re owned by puppets, Qing can now actually take the admittedly inferior Baili plan.

White Russian Recept, Cape Honeysuckle Leaf Scorch, Golden Star Balm Russia, British Rail 10100, Ikea Shelving Unit With Doors, Nhcs Staff Portal,