cupcake filling that doesn t need refrigeration

Next time I may cook even a little longer to insure the base is firm enough to hold up to all that butter. because the white sauce was so thick, i couldn't sieve it. I cant seem to get the grittiyness out of the frosting. Perfect. I LOVE this recipe! Okay, I just re-read and you said NOT to make it in advance. Would it be ok to make the first part of the frosting (flour/milk mixture) the night before and then beat it the next morning? have you checked out your own inability to read and comprehend? Still no luck. I had no problems at all. i just wanted you to know i tried making the frosting with eggnog instead of the milk and it was AMAZING! hmm hmm.. was talking about something like this.. cake then icing and then jelly.. so do we use same icing mentioned here? Candance, you’re such a rude person. Yes, I did double it and then it came out liquidy. I didn’t have to travel with them, but I did have them out of the refrigerator and displayed for about 2 1/2 hours before we ate them. it does require a bit more time because of the cooking and cooling of the flour & milk and also the beating, but mine turned out perfectly! I’ve done this successfully with the addition of cream cheese: substitute 1/2 butter and 1/2 shortening for the butter in the recipe, complete the process until your frosting is done. This looks super good. This frosting tastes amazing! Thanks for sharing. I love this frosting. <3, Tried this recipe today. just made this to frost cupcakes for a party at my son’s school and man is it yummy! I love, love, love you! Yes.Additional information:Most cakes will stay fresh longer with refrigeration, and cakes with whipped cream, custard or egg cream fillings or toppings must be refrigerated. I took this frosting (on cupcakes) to a BBQ…it was the talk of the party. If not, I'm going to try it on my own and I can share the results. The kids loved the bubblegum flavor!! 20 minutes passed- nothing. I'm am SO excited to have found this recipe. I tried this recipe about a week ago, and it flopped. I am wondering, can we use this butterceam for cakes to be covered with fondant. 7 Answers. Can I use it for a cake under the fondant ? I don’t know WHAT the deal was the first time (although my kitchen really WAS hot…I’m thinking that had something to do with it), but the second time I made it, it was amazing! Thanks much for this Sara. It took two goes for this one. It doesn’t require ANY confectioner’s sugar. What good brand of salted butter did you use in this recipe. I actually came across a similar flour based frosting before, the only difference was that it required icing sugar rather than granulated sugar. I tried this recipe TWICE and both times it tasted pretty good but the consistency was like cottage cheese. Best Icing ever!!!! I love this frosting! about the whipped cream question- sure you could put whipped cream on cupcakes, you'll just want to do it right before serving. I love this icing! Silky, not too sweet, YUM! I was looking for a healthier type of frosting, this is not quite it yet, because of the amount of butter, but I was happy that it was not shortening (pure trans fat) and that it had way less sugar than conventional icing or frosting! Hey Sara and Kate, I have been using this/your recipe for years and we absolutely love it. I usually still add a little vanilla, but not quite as much and then add the other flavors. HOWEVER I managed to save it…. Just tried this and must’ve done something wrong. i LOVE this recipe so much. Plain or Self-Raising? I've found that the frosting still turns out of the "pudding" mixture is a little overcooked, but it will be like you described (thin and silky) if you undercook it. The Basics; Buttercream Techniques; Carved/3D; Chocolate Techniques; Cupcake, Cake Pop, etc. Goodness. Next I’m trying it with the cotton candy flavor!!! I cooled the mix completely then finished the recipe. However, if you plan on putting in marshmallow fluff, put it in a little bit at a time. I liked it, but, it was a little too buttery. I don’t have a lot of time to play around with this, so any advice would be great. I did use 1% milk… Usually i’m good at following recipes but this one just didn’t wanna happen for me! I so, SO want to try your frosting recipe because it looks and sounds delicious (and doesn’t use powdered sugar! Flavored extracts work beautifully though, so you could always try that route next time. Will it hold the cake layers or will the cake layers slide around when I try to cut it to serve. I’ve been searching for a light, non-sickening sweet frosting for years. If one or the other is overcooked, water beads will form and weep. Has anyone subbed cornstarch for flour? Need urgent advice on coloring the frosting. It is delicious!! the flavor wasn’t impressive and it completely ruined my day. Also, if anyone wants to use this as filing for a fondant cake, it’s perfect. Other question is, have you used it for a filling too? Thanks!! 1. I decided to make this frosting for some cupcakes for Super Bowl today. I know it’s waaaaay past 2010, but I just found this recipe a few days ago. I was just wondering if, after I have frosted my treat (aka cupcakes), could I store them in the freezer for a future date, or would that ruin the frosting on top? A few years ago someone commented that leaving this overnight caused it to separate. Thanks for sharing it! I basically overbeated and killed my topping. I added raspberry extract for my niece's birthday cake and it is delicious!!! Thanks for sharing this and all the other good ideas for flavors and use of it. I found this recipe on your blog forever ago but I had never made it because I didn’t want to put the extra work into something that I probably wouldn’t like anyway. It is the only thing I have on hand. Pipe a swirl around the outside of the cupcake and then, while maintaining the pressure and not breaking the flow, make a smaller swirl on top of the big swirl and end with a little flourish. I’m going to try beating it longer next time . Relevance. I put it in between little mini lemon cakes and everyone was asking me what the heck was in there because it was so yummy. This is such a light frosting it needs to be loaded on. So creamy! Could that be happening to you? I feel so lame now for offering to bring cupcakes to our meeting for Carolyn. I made the frosting/filling yesterday for the 1st time and although I didn’t like it as a frosting (I like a denser frosting) it is now my go-to cupcake filling for sure. If you’re looking for something really light, not overly sweet and that pipes well, try this! I was just wondering…I am going to make a peanut butter cup cupcake soon and wanted a delicious peanut butter frosting…but your buttercream looks perfect! I normally use as a filling in my cupcakes, but could also make a nice “other than whipped cream” frosting. Do you think cream cheese could be added for a light and fluffy cream cheese frosting?? You can leave in the fridge and rewhip the next day, but I think it’s definitely better fresh. I doubled the recipe. A little late to the party, but I tried this today. Thanks this will work for me. do you use a device or frosting bag? Really good! Will either change the mixing time? This isn’t exactly the same, but very similar! And the strawberry flavor is as clear as if it were sorbet. The butter was not very soft, though and I’m wondering if that was my mistake? The last time I made frosting from scratch, the recipe called for having the sugar cooked over a double boiler with egg whites to create a meringue before beating in the butter. ), but there are only two of us here and I’m reluctant to make a frosting that will only stay good for a day since it takes us several days to eat even a small batch of cupcakes. Actually I have made this with strawberries and it was fabulous! Our family likes it with just the slightest touch of granules still in the icing after it has been beaten until fluffy and almost completely smooth. I quadrupled the recipe (I needed enough for 2 chiffon cakes, and it came out as you promised! This would be my furst time making a frosting. You will love this! How could a flour based icing taste good?? By the way i used unsalted butter and it taste just as good. [And I don't think I'll have any problems next time… got ALL my mistakes out of the way!] Made this tonight for a yellow cake, topped it with fresh strawberries – omgosh so yummy! Ive been dying to make cupcakes so when I had that huge backfire with my first attempt I was so heart broken (I spent a half hour trying to make it into icing/frosting). This frosting is soooooo good!!! and a whisk attachment. And the granulated sugar isn’t mixed completely, it still rough, I don’t know if I don’t mix it long enough, but I did it more than 8 mins I guess….what if I whisk it along with the flour and milk so the sugar can be melted on the heat, is that possible? I added some rainbow sprinkles to the top to match the rainbow papers. Have you used this for frosting a cake or just the cupcakes? she blamed herself more than she needed and still found a way to say something positive. . it’s like whipped cream and was so easy to make, although I did have to throw out the first batch. I have never seen it before ANYWHERE. They taste just like Drakes Devil Dogs. And I am Shocked it came out ok. Just fold in the crushed cookies at the very end. However, this yields good results for me and the frosting comes out perfect. And I’m glad I took that risk! In one of the comments, you said a regular hand mixer should work. I am still surprised at the texture and taste – smooth and creamy and not sweet at all. I love the fact that this buttercream recipe doesn’t call for shortening. (these cupcakes will be served on Monday) So, frosting them Sunday and refrigerating overnight. My son is allergic to wheat, so I used rice flour. I was worried that I had overcooked it because the mixture got quite junky and I literally had to push it through the strainer. My family loves it so delicious, I’m so excited to do this recipe, but I have anchor butter. : / Say a prayer for me!! So I scraped off the frosting and added some Lemon Extract. saw so many positive comments and I cant wait to try it out. Thank you for this yummy recipe! that is after 20 minutes of whipping… i make wedding cakes for Pete’s sake, I know what I’m doing. I think it was because I didn’t use heaped tablespoons for the flour. really fast. which is 100% lime in powder form. It was WEIRD. I’ve even beaten in strawberry puree for the most decadent, yummiest frosting ever. I want to use brown sugar and maybe a dash of cinnamon. I had no trouble getting the right consistency. Or will it have an effect on the final product asides from the taste? Is one stick of butter= to a cup…half a cup…or something? It looked nothing like your picture. This recipe is exactly what I’ve been searching for. This is amazing! Hi Sara or Kate, Looking foward to trying this again!!!!! This was delish, especially with some almond extract! You ladies truly hit it out of the park every time. Would just a regular ole' hand mixer work? I used this recipe for my first baking attempt. What pies can I make that don't need to be refrigerated that are simple but delicious? But it's nothing that isn't solved by stopping once or twice to scrape the bowl. I’m tossing it and sticking with buttercream. I added 1 package of cream cheese to the empty bowl of a stand mixer. It’s similar in consistency to a Swiss buttercream if that helps. I think I made my best batch this morning, and realized that one part that can go wrong is if you don’t beat the butter and sugar enough. Since whipped cream frosting is made from heavy whipping cream it requires refrigeration. I was not completely cooling the flour/milk mixture, therefore getting chunky lumps in frosting. thanks , Hi It’s just a personal preference. Thank you very much for the recipe! I made this frosting last night and it was amazing! Sweet, but not too sweet, which I don’t care for. Could it have not been cooked enough? may I ask how? Very light and creamy. Obviously, I have to make a much larger batch. Came out sublime!! Login. I think part of the problem was that my kitchen was still too warm after baking the cupcakes, so that, combined with the long beating time, made the butter semi-melty. So, for those interested, here’s the ingredient modification: 3 Tbs flour I have 350 cupcakes in the freezer for my daughter's wedding reception on Saturday and qualms about frosting these light delicate cupcakes with heavy, sickly-sweet frosting. I have been looking for this recipe, because I lost mine a couple of years ago. I am glad to have another variation. I’ve been making this frosting for decades. (almond is her favorite flavoring!) We experimented with several different recipes in our search for the perfect coconut filling for our Almond Joy Cake. If you’re making cupcakes, frosted cupcakes can be made one day ahead, covered, and stored at room temperature. I followed the instruction to the t! Got it from your site already. How can I make it more smooth and also I’m making an arrangement of roses which really is cupcakes attached to styraphome with tooth picks. after the mixture had been beaten for ~ 5 minutes. No Kat, you’re probably not doing anything wrong. Thank you so much for sharing this. Yes Becca, and it’s AMAZING. Continue beating until mixture comes together and is light and fluffy, about 7-8 minutes, but time varies. amazing. I added the chilled mixture in two parts – whipped it on high with my hand mixer for about 12 mins. Hi! It doesn’t seem like it’ll work and then it ends up being amazing!!! I tried this last night. ALSO, I made a batch of the chocolate which turned out amazingly. im really confused what to do!! Honestly Mel, just try it again! I took the flour milk mixture too far (it was really thick) and it still turned out! They have these flavor packets in the cake isle that you can just mix in the canned frosting. Anyway, it was super easy (though it sounded intimidating) and the result is a fabulously light/silky frosting with a wonderful vanilla flavor. Hi i just tried this today with my 3 year old sister and mom and I just want to say that the frosting tastes absolutely fantabulous!!! I let it cool on the counter, and when we whipped it up, it seemed to work, but… it wasn't as light or whip-creamy as I thought it was going to be (although it was very silky and smooth), and I thought it had a raw flour taste (only to me, hubby loved it), and a bit of an aftertaste… so does that mean I under-cooked it or over-cooked it? I used to actually fold whipped cream into classic buttercream to get that lighter texture and not-so-rich taste. A little extra lumpy but worth the time to push it through the wire mesh!! Retro mom- I'm guessing undercooked, but I'm not sure. Hi SaraThanks for this recipe, I have been looking for a light coloured frosting as the normal buttercream has quite alot of yellow tint on it. I tried piping it anyway, but my tip got clogged. I’ve read this in another blog once. Follow directions exactly. Just use rice milk and palm shortening! *sigh* Thanks gals! I found my new Frosting. Thanks a million for this recipe…it is outstanding. Say a day or two ? I don’t like an overly sweet frosting either but this just didn’t do it for me. Tried to make this tonight but unfortunately didn’t work for me. can do disastrous things. Also I’ve never tried it with brown sugar, but you’re right- if it worked I bet it would taste amazing with cookie dough cupcakes! The first time I made this I set my stand mixer on speed 6 and beat it for 7 minutes. This frosting is awesome – it really does taste like whipped cream! I doubled it and used 1 1/2t vanilla and 1/2t butter flavor, yes butter flavor. It’s perfect, love it! This is really so very bad for you but amazingly wonderful frosting. I considered myself pretty talented in the kitchen especially at all things baking. I want to try doing the frosting again in hopes that it turns out better than the first time I made it. , I am making this tomorrow and I need to ask a question…I hope it isn't a silly one..:). How long does this frosting last? hv been surfing for different different frost… m new wid baking n cooking.. i hv one extremely silly question.. is it salted yellow butter u use? I dont like the sweet frostings either. They are terrible. I have friends who are diabetic & wanted a sugar free frosting. 7. August 02, 2019 at 10:02 am. I have been looking for a perfect frosting recipe for a long time, and I finally found it!! Gradually beat in the confectioners sugar. I saw the tips about continuing to beat it, after 15 minutes on high I saw no improvement so I resorted to tweaking it by adding powdered sugar hoping to thicken it. Just found and tried your recipe. This frosting is to die for!!! This will be made into 3 for sure!

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