figurative language translator

Gus quoted a sentence from Peter Van Houten’s book, An Imperial Affiction. The translator decided to translate “Hotel Filosoof” the same as the source text, using the pure borrowing technique. The most dominant technique used is established equivalent, followed by the technique of variation. The figurative language in this sentence is used to make the clause polite. Kennedy, X. J. The examples of personification are as follows: “Pain demands to be felt,” he said, which was a line from An Imperial Affiction. In this paper, the figurative language identified based on its type. The translator here also considers the context of the situation. What is figurative language? 19541117 198003 1 002 NIP. Every so often, a bunch of doctors and social workers and physical therapists and whoever else got together around a big table in conference room and discussed my situation. Therefore, researchers feel that there is a need to study the figurative language translation from English to Malay. Actually, the word “asked” can be translated into the word “ditanyai”, but the translator reverses the word “asked” into “menerima”. Boston: Little, Brown and Company. The translator changes the point of view of the sentence “I’d been asked” becomes “aku sudah menerima”. Asyndeton refers to the omission of a conjunction such as “and” or “as” from a series of related clauses. Keterangan tabel: It uses an ordinary sentence to refer to something without directly stating it. The data are categorized into two: the linguistic data and translation data. Take a look lines sixteen through twenty-three: Black-and-white man-of-war birds soar. It gently alludes to something without directly stating it. This Penlighten post presents a compilation of figurative language examples in Hamlet. Is the translator successful to translate this figurative language and render the message from the SL novel? Here are the examples of allusion: I went into the hilariously tiny bathroom and battled my bedhead for a while until everything looked suitably mid-2000s Natalie Portman. There are 13 types of figurative language found in this study; asyndeton, polysyndeton, euphemism, litotes, paradox, hyperbole, oxymoron, simile, metaphor, personification, allusion, metonymy and irony. Dom Perignon here uses a metaphor by saying “I am tasting the stars”. The examples are as follows: And then I started reading An Imperial Affiction for the millionth time. Gramedia Pustaka. Example: The ice cream was not too bad. The examples are as follows: I thought of telling her that I was seeing a boy, too, or at least that I’d watched a movie with one, just because I knew it would surprise and amaze her that anyone as disheveled and awkward and stunted as me could even briefly win the affection of a boy. From the datum above, the translator uses generalization technique when translating the word “pennies” to “koin logam”. Table 1. There are 1 datum of oxymoron found in a novel entitled The Fault in Our Stars. This technique also can be used to translate the name of place. There are 96 data found in this research. The term “the trophies” in the source text that should be placed after the word “attacking” is moved in another place when it is translated by the translator into the target text. Total score of translation quality is 2.97, and it can be categorized as high-quality translation. the “fire-crackers” is an image of something great, a big exploding. Laporan Penelitian Hibah Kompetensi. The researcher found 3 data of allusion in a novel entitled The Fault in Our Stars. In this datum, the translator decided to use pure borrowing technique by considering that the terms reflecting the cultural terms of the source text. TT: Jadi, aku memandangnya ketika untuk kesekian ribu kalinya Patrick menceritakan. Figurative language refers to the use of words in a way that deviates from the conventional order and meaning in order to convey a complicated meaning, colorful writing, clarity, or evocative comparison. Literal translation technique often causes the message delivered inaccurately in the target text. Figurative language is often achieved by presenting words in order for them to be equated, compared, or associated with other normally unrelated words or meanings. This technique can be seen in the translation of name, place, or special term in the source language translated the same in the target language. There are three main aspects to assess the translation quality: 1) the accuracy, 2) the acceptability, and 3) the readability (Nababan, Nuraeni and Sumardiono: 2012). The aim of this technique is to change the style of language. The application of the modulation technique results in accurate, acceptable, and readable translation. Metaphor compares two subjects directly in the short time, not using the words: like, the same, as, etc. Well, believe me when I say that you do not have me to thank but rather Lidewij, who is exceptionally talented in the field of spending my money”. TT: Jadi, ketika cerita berlanjut, penyakit Anna semakin parah, pengobatan dan penyakitnya berlomba untuk membunuhnya, dan ibunya jatuh cinta kepada pedagang tulip Belanda yang oleh Anna disebut Lelaki Tulip Belanda. Here are the examples of amplification technique: ST: Isaac kept attacking the trophies, jumping on them with both feet, screaming, breathless, sweaty, …, TT: Isaac terus menyerang, melompat menginjak-injak semua piala itu dengan dua kaki, berteriak, kehabisan napas, berkeringat, …. Figurative language refers to the color we use to amplify our writing. The purpose of this technique is to create temporary equivalent in the target text. By using a metonymy, she substitutes the word “shoes” with a brand name, “Chuck Taylors”. The translator deletes the word “this” by translating the source text into the target text using reduction technique. & Sumardiono. Gus and Isaac were playing a video game and being soulders. Isaac once told Gus and Hazel about what he said to his doctor at that time in the clinic. Faculty of Philology Department of English language and Literature ASPECTS OF FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE IN TRANSLATION Diploma Paper Mentor: Prof. Dr. Shykrane Gërmizaj Student: Bardhe Çetta Prishtina, 2013 Page 1 Abstract This paper discusses the aspects of figurative language … There are 6 data of polysyndeton found in a novel entitled The Fault in Our Stars. In this datum, Hazel says that she reads An Imperial Affiction for the millionth time. In this context, Hazel talks about the huge oversized skeleton sculptures in a park. The translator translated “interest, hobbies, passions, weird fetish” into “minat, hobi, kegemaran, obsesi aneh” using established equivalent technique. Submitted to Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara Medan in partial … Literal translation is a technique that translates a word or an expression in word to word, without considering the context. PROBLEM STATEMENT The use of figurative language in the Malay community had been for centuries, especially in the works of literary texts. Keraf, Gorys. This of course implies that the translator has first to establish priorities among the The study shows the impact of translation techniques used to translate the figurative language in a novel entitled The Fault in Our Stars toward its translation quality. 1. representing by a figure, or by resemblance; typical; representative. The translator used established equivalent to find the equivalent term in the target text. It also Here are the examples: ST: In the distance, soaked in the unblemished sunlight so rare and precious in our hometown,…, TT: Di kejauhan, bermandikan cahaya matahari tak bercela yang begitu langka dan berharga di kota kelahiran kami,…. Figurative language is a way to engage your readers, guiding them through your writing with a more creative tone. Established equivalent is usually used to maintain the meaning of the source text in the target text. Dear Hazel, I could never answer such questions except in person, and you are there, while I am here. Easy-to-follow Examples of Figurative Language Used in Hamlet. Metonymy is used as the substitution to associate closest object with word for word. She says “I am disappointed, but I’m also relieved”. Lidewij uses a paradox by mentioning a statement that contradicts itself, “there” and “here”, in a sentence at the same time. Metaphor compares two subjects directly in the short time, not using the words: like, the same, as. The researcher found 10 data of asyndeton, 6 data of polysyndeton, 1 datum of euphemism, 3 data of litotes, 5 data of pardox, 15 data as hyperbole, 1 datum of oxymoron, 17 data of simile, 7 data as metaphor, 14 data of personification, 3 data of allusion, 5 data of metonymy, and 9 data of irony. It means that the acceptability of the translation is very high. There are many literary works which are usually translated from English into Indonesian such as novel. There is one datum of euphemism found in a novel entitled The Fault in Our Stars. The word “soaked” is translated into the word “bermandikan”. Play this game to review English. Linguistic data refer to the figurative language. In datum 44, the translator tells the detail information from the source text by translating the word “it” into “patung itu”. Peter uses an irony when Hazel thank him for paying her and Gus dinner in the night before. He uses a statement expressed by negating its opposite expressions, that his book is not actually small or little. This can be used to show that the speaker is being respectful to the listeners or the readers. FL – Figurative Language, T.T – Translation Technique, Acr – Accuracy, A- Accurate, LA – Less Accurate, IA – Inaccurate, Act – Acceptability, AC – Acceptable, LAC – Less Acceptable, UA – Unacceptable, Rd – Readability, R – readable, LR – Less Readable, UR – Unreadable. Pengembangan model penelitian kualitas terjemahan. The aim of variation technique itself is changing the language style. Example: Love as if you would one day hate, and hate as if you would one day love. mostly found figurative language in the four Disney fairy-tale films. Figurative language uses words or expressions to convey a meaning that is different from the literal interpretation. The variation technique can be seen in datum 30. Vol. Minat, hobi, kegemaran, obsesi aneh, …”. The translation of figurative language found in Mitch Albom’s novel Have a Little Faithis various. Anastrophe is the deliberate changing or normal word order for emphasis. Translate texts with the world's best machine translation technology, developed by the creators of Linguee. Metonymy is used as the substitution to associate closest object with word for word. Compensation is a technique that introduces the source text element of information or stylistic effect in another place in the target text. The story including figurative language of any novel may be easily understood by the native readers, but it will be different for other-countries-readers when a novel is translated into other languages. The authors of the novel use figurative language or figure of speech to point up certain things and to make the imaginative descriptions in a brand-new way. The examples are as follows: “…; I’m just saying I’d rather be deaf than blind if I had the choice, which I realize I don’t have,” and he said, ‘Well, the good news is that you won’t be deaf.”. Hazel tells her bestfriend about her feeling to Gus, and says that he was not perfect. (1980). "They were always trying to throw a hug on me, like it was a medicine I needed." Indianapolis: Bobbs-merrill Educational Publishing. It is categorized as high-quality translation. Example: Act naturally. It causes language to become more attractive and seems to make the story more real than it would be without figurative language. In this datum, Hazel uses a litotes in the way she describes herself with “that anyone as disheveled and awkward and stunted as me could even briefly win the affection of a boy”. Borrowing is a technique where the translator takes a word or expression straight from another language. Furthermore, Holman (1980) stated that figurative language is intentional departure from the normal order, construction, or meaning of words in order to gain strength and freshness of expression, to create pictorial effect, to describe by analogy or to discover and to illustrate similarities in otherwise dissimilar things. “I don’t smoke,” he explained, the cigarette dancing in his mouth as he spoke. Figurative Language Video Games: I made a couple of educational video games to give students practice with these skills in a fun way. Here are the examples: ST: Dear Hazel, I could never answer such questions except in person, and you are there, while I am here. Translators can use their own style of language but they cannot add or ommit the message of the source language. The examples of paradox are as follows: In a way, I am disappointed, but I’m also relieved. Meanwhile the later covers simile, metaphor, allegory, personification, allusion, metonymy, irony and synecdoche. She wants to show how often she read her favorite book. Reduction is a technique that reduces certain elements of the source language, but the translator should not delete the intention of the message. The use of polysyndeton is to slow the readers down so they can take in all the information. Jakarta: PT. As is true for every Shakespearean play, 'The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark' is rife with brilliant use of figurative language. 47. Another example of the using of established equivalent technique can be seen from the datum 25. The word “this” can be translated into the word “ini” in the target text, but the translator here decided to delete that information without deleting the intention from the source language itself. The researcher found 14 data of personification in a novel entitled The Fault in Our Stars. The purpose of using this kind of figurative language is to tell the readers about everything he did in that moment in a sequence and effective way. It sounds more polite and nicer of saying something sad. This paper will explore the basic types of figurative language and its meaning based on Roger T. Bell meaning approaches. A Handbook to Literature. Nowadays the translation work has evolved. (2012). Lazar, G. (1996). The translator uses transposition technique to translate the figurative language in the datum number 60. Personification is a figurative language in which human attributes are given to an animal, an object, or a concept. As You Like It features a famous example of figurative language:. Based on the research objectives, this study shows 13 types of translation figurative languages found in sentences in a novel entitled The Fault in Our Stars. Generalization technique is used to make the term in the source text more general or neutral in the target text. 4th ed. Nida, E. A. The utterance in datum 03 occurs when Hazel explains about Isaac’s condition when they were in Gus’ room. This can be used to show that the speaker is being respectful to the listeners or the readers. Oxford: Pegamon Press. & Taber, C. R. (1969). translator is the understanding of figurative language is absolutely essential. This technique also can be used to translate the name of the characters. The objectives of this research are to describe the types of figurative language, to describe the translation methods and the reason used the most dominant of types of figurative language and the translation method. EE – Established Equivalent, Var – Variation, Am – Amplification, Lit – Literal translation, Bor – borrowing, Red – Reduction, Par – Particularization, Dis – Discursive creation, Mo – Modulation, C – Compensation, Ge – Generalization, Tra – Transposition, LA – Linguistic Amplification, and LC – Linguistic Compression. Amplification is a technique conveyed details that are not stated in the source language, it is used to make the message of the source text becomes clear or explicit. From 96 data ; there are 10 data of asyndeton, 6 data of polysyndeton, 1 datum of euphemism, 3 data of litotes, 5 data of paradox, 15 data of hyperbole, 1 datum of oxymoron, 17 data of simile, 7 data of metaphor, 14 data of personification, 3 data of allusion, 5 data of metonymy, and 9 data of irony. Kennedy (1983) stated that novel is book-length story in prose whose author tries to create the sense, that while one reads, they experience it. (1977). The translator decided to generalize it with the term “koin logam”. It is used for emphasis or as a way of making a description more creative or humorous. Figurative language is a staple of writing in the English language. Hazel uses an allusion by saying “battled my bedhead for a while until everything looked suitably mid-2000s Natalie Portman”. A textbook of translation. He compares his champagne with the stars, because it tastes great. (1998). In target language, the word “saya” often used by the young people when they talk to the older one or used by people who does not meet yet. figurative \fig"ur*a*tive\ (? The researcher found 7 data of metaphor in a novel entitled The Fault in Our Stars. He tried to be like that sometimes, but I liked him best when that stuff fell away”. He wasn’t your fairy-tale Prince Charming or whatever. The translator still use the name “Kaitlyn” in the target text, the same as in the source text. This is the translator duty to bridge the gap between culture of source language and the target language. The translation of figurative language remains the same, meaning that some figurative language in some texts are translated into figurative language in target text. SUPERVISOR CO-SUPERVISOR . Molina, L. & Albir, A. H. (2002). Borrowing technique can be seen in the translation of name, place, or special term in the source language translated the same in the target language. No. They had a mission to safe some children in a bombed-out modern city. It can be said that the translation strategy is used by the translator to find out the problem solving in the process of translation. Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Mata Kuliah Menulis Aksara Cina Prodi Bahasa dan Sastra Cina di Universitas Brawijaya Malang. In general is not too difficult once you have a Personification is a figurative languae in which human attributes are given to an animal, an object, or a concept. She also uses an allusion by saying “He wasn’t your fairy-tale Prince Charming”. In this sentences, Hazel uses a hyperbole to image her pain inside her head. (non-literal expressions) lenguaje figurado nm + adj : Metaphors and similes are examples of figurative language. (1983). The expression probably originated from the French, la crème de la crème, meaning cream of the … TT: … dan aku ingat Mom mengatakan tidak apa-apa, aku tidak apa-apa, aku akan baik-baik saja, dan Dad berupaya begitu keras untuk tidak menangis sehingga, ketika dia menangis, seperti yang selalu terjadi, rasanya seperti gempa bumi. After about ten seconds, my lungs felt like they were folding in upon themselves like flowers at dusk. Hyperbole is a figurative language in which an author or speaker purposely and obviously exaggerates to an extreme. The plays of William Shakespeare are a good place to start. TT: Aku meng-sms Kaitlyn, mandi, berpakaian, lalu Mom mengantarku ke sekolah. I screamed to wake up my parents, and they burst into the room, but there was nothing they could do to dim the supernovae exploding inside my brain,…. The figurative language in this sentence shows that the author wrote what Isaac did at the moment by using commas, not conjunctions. Second, a figure of speech might have the same equivalent in the target language, but may vary with the context. It compares his exploded body with a greyser. Example: I came, I saw, I conquered. Novel itself is one of the literary works which contain a style of language to attract the interest of the readers. Assonances creates internal rhyming within phrases or sentences by repeating vowel sounds that are the same. This page provides all possible translations of the word figurative language in almost any language. figurative language. The word “pennies” in source text is the smallest unit of money, which is a cent. The technique is frequently used in translation because the technique often shows the high level of accuracy, acceptability, and readability. Paradox is a statement that contradicts itself, or that must be both true and untrue at the same time. Polysyndeton uses conjunctions like and, or, but, and nor (mostly and and or) after every word or term while asyndeton uses no conjunctions but only commas. In the context of source text, the word “it” is refers to Hazel’s dad’s cry, it is categorized as noun, but in the target text it changes into adjective. They are used particularly in contextual expression translations. Allegory is a narrative of description that has a second meaning beneath the surface. Example: I’ll just google it. Another example of reduction technique used by the translator can be found in datum number 45. In this study, discursive creation technique gives contribution in lowering the accuracy of the translation. translator in translating figurative language is to maintain the three elements of clarity, forth and beauty in the language. A THESIS . So she uses the word “like” to compare that her lungs feel like the folding flowers at dusk. Chiasmus deals with rhetorical device in which two or more clauses are balanced against each other by the reversal of their structures to produce an artistic effect. In target language, the term “Anda” often used by people who does not meet yet. The researcher found 5 data of paradox in a novel entitled The Fault in Our Stars. studies related to figurative language translation from English to Malay. Gus smiled to Hazel and her mom with a cigarette between his teeth. According to Keraf (1998), figurative language is divided into two, namely rhetoric and analogy. Variation technique often used to change the style or social dialect of the source text. Example: Opportunity was knocking at her door. Abstract— This research was conducted to analyze the translation of figurative language contained in sentences in a novel entitled The Fault in Our Stars. For example, in English, we say, cream of the crop; but cream doesn’t come from crops. The translator translates “the trophies” into “semua piala itu”. In doing the translation work, the translators should have a good skill on translation because the professionals should be concerned with transferring the meaning or the message of the source language into target language. The total score of the translation quality is 2.97. The translator translates “I’ve” into “saya telah”. Asyn – Asyndenton, Poly – Polysyndenton, Euph – Euphemism, Lito – Litotes, Prdx – Paradox, Hype – Hyperbole, Oxy – Oxymoron, Sim – Simile, Meta – Metaphor, Perso – Personification, Allu – Allusion, Meto – Metonymy, Ir – Irony. The examples are as follows: … and I remember my mom telling me it was okay, that I was okay, that I would be okay, and my father was trying so hard not to sob that when he did, which was regularly, it was an earthquake. 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Two poems, with figurative language Says Mr.Dennis Siluk, when asked to review his poetry somewhat, for he hesitates all the time when I ask him to so; I can tell you. According to Nida and Taber (1982), translation consists of an activity of delivering the message from the source text into the target text by finding the equivalent into the target language by considering the naturalness of the terms in the target language. She says “the supernovae exploding inside my brain”. Hazel images her sadness because Peter won’t release another new book. P. 498-512. Peter uses an irony because what he really wants to say is the very opposite of what he intends to convey. The researcher found 3 data of litotes in a novel entitled The Fault in Our Stars.

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