ginosko and yada

May you know the Lord, may you yada the Lord, may you ginosko the Lord, and receive the life that comes with such surpassing value. Bacaan hari ini. Daniel 11:32 The word translated "know" (Hebrew, yada; Greek, ginosko) is foundational when considering God's sovereignty. If the first use in Genesis 3 references the knowledge of God, meaning, God’s knowledge … here, the word is used to refer to what we know about God. Fifteen years later my friend is moved by God’s love. 0 x In Finnish we have two words, “tietää” and “tuntea”. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! And speaking of intimacy, yes, yada is even used when referring to healthy and covenantal sex. This list proved his fidelity to God, and should he choose to use it as such, it gave him a reason to boast in his discipleship and faithfulness. “Tuntea” means that I’m personally familiar with him. I have put it up here to show the difference between objective knowledge (ginosko) and inward, intuitive knowledge (oida). To know wisdom and instruction, to perceive the words of understanding. Ginosko’ Phil.!3:8+10!! Learn about Ginosko original meaning in the Bible using the New Testament Greek Lexicon - King James Version. The closest term the Greeks had was ginosko. It is not referring to divine knowledge or knowledge of the divine, but general wisdom. In the Septuagint, a copy of the Bible written fully in the Greek language in the 3rd Century, the Greek word ginosko was used anytime the Hebrew word yada appeared in the text. The related words are used for example “feelings” or “it feels good/bad”, “this pillow feels soft”. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. The first two uses we find, which use the verb “to know,” are found in Genesis 3:5, which reads: “For God knows that when you eat of [the fruit] your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” In this verse, you can hear that the word yada is referring to a deep knowledge, such as the knowledge of God – not about God, but having knowledge as if you were God. by Jason Hare » May 5th, 2020, 7:59 am. Paul says, I want to know the full beauty of Christ – the power of the resurrection and the sharing of his sufferings. When Peter denies Jesus, he isn’t just denying that he had a relationship with him, he’s denying that he would recognize him or that he has even heard of him. While we have no singular word that can substantially fill their space, that is the breadth of these two words in the Hebrew and Greek languages. People tend to theologize and overemphasize such notions when we are talking about Greek. Ginosko - which is most often translated as "know" or "known" is a word that means so much more than that. Yada is something different though. Over the past couple months, we’ve been looking at some individual words of the ancient languages to see how, at times, the English language is insufficient for explaining the Bible’s original intent. It’s practically impossible to use “tuntea” without qualification if I have for example written a biography about some late person who I haven’t met, even if have more knowledge about him than his relatives and friends do. The Bishop isn’t Lord; Christ is Lord. Over the past 1800 years, these original Hebrew and Greek manuscripts have been translated and interpreted time and time again. We’re asking question to help us claim a more faithful interpretation. It’s knowing God’s ways, it’s knowing God. So, given the comprehensive scope of yada and ginosko, let’s return to Paul’s letter to the church at Philippi. “I consider these gains as a loss because of Christ.” He goes on, “Indeed, I regard everything as loss because of the surpassing value of Christ Jesus my Lord.”. “Tuntea” means usually “to feel” (experientally), for example “I feel like I’m ill”, “I feel some vibrations” etc. “Tietää” usually means “to know, have knowledge about” (cognitively). In the question's two verses we see the following (my translation): The church isn’t Lord; Christ is Lord. Tel Aviv, Israel, by Eeli Kaikkonen » May 5th, 2020, 9:12 am. In these unhealthy cases, the focus of the verb is not “head or heart knowledge,” but “a physical or bodily exchange.”. root Definition to know NASB Translation Matthew 1:25, speaking of Joseph and Mary, reads, “[Joseph] had no martial relations with [Mary] until she had borne a son; and he named him Jesus.” The Greek word for “marital relations” is ginosko. The English expression ‘being acquainted with’ … It describes comprehension that results from examining objects with every human mode of knowing. Jn 13:7 You don't know (eido) what I do, but you will know (ginosko). Jason A. Hare Gabung untuk Terhubung CV. We find an example of this in Psalm 9:16. “Tuntea” (know personally) may be superficial knowing and “tietää” (knowing about) can be more intimate than knowing personally. It is referring to knowledge as a preferred trait: wisdom and intelligence. Although the organization was formed in 2002, the roots of its dedication … In verses 4-6, Paul is explaining exactly why it is he is so qualified as a leader for a faith community, if not also as a person of faith in Jesus Christ more generally. Learn about Ginosko original meaning in the Bible using the New Testament Greek Lexicon - New American Standard. YADA GINOSKO dare to think for yourself. Strong's #3045: yada` (pronounced yaw-dah') a primitive root; to know (properly, to ascertain by seeing); used in a great variety of senses, figuratively, literally, euphemistically and inferentially (including observation, care, recognition; and causatively, instruction, designation, punishment, etc.) Transliteration: yada Phonetic Spelling: (yaw-dah') Definition: to know. μετοχὴ δὲ θεοῦ ἐστι τὸ γινώσκειν θεὸν καὶ ἀπολαύειν τῆς χρηστότητος αὐτοῦ. - A letter to the Editor of ‘Le Français’, The Notion that Christ was made Sin at His birth, Christ’s Coming into Manhood – Some Errors Exposed, The Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread in the Old Testament – in the Wilderness, under Josiah and Hezekiah, The Passover in the New Testament – ‘Christ our Passover’, The Red Sea and Wilderness and God’s Purpose, All through this desert dry My path His footsteps trace, Father, Thy sovereign Love has sought Captives to Sin, gone far from Thee, O Lord with our Ears and Hearts Open (Daniel Otsing from Russian), Hark Happy Saints - (James Butler Stoney). Menganggap dirinya tahu segala hal. We’ll get to this morning’s passage in Philippians shortly, and we’ll consider its use of the word ginosko. Two Greek words are used for 'to know' in the New Testament - ginosko and oida. In Hebrew the word is “yada”. When used for human relationships these two words are used in strictly different senses: “tietää” means that I know who someone is but I’m not personally familiar with him. If it is given to those who can read (that is, those who have yada) with the command, ‘Read this’, they say, ‘We cannot, for it is sealed.’ And if it is given to those who cannot read (that is, those who do not have yada), saying, ‘Read this’, they say, ‘We cannot read.’” In this text, yada is not referencing the knowledge of the divine or divine knowledge, but it is more loosely speaking about knowledge in general. YADA GINOSKO dare to think for yourself. Darby on the Effects of Democracy in Britain – How Prophetic he was! 1 talking about this. Though most often translated as the verb, “to know,” these words are also translated into English as, “to perceive,” “to admit,” “to understand,” and “to be acquainted with.” Yet, even this variety of English options seems to miss the fulness of what the text intends when it speaks of yada and ginosko. July 22, 2013 December 4, 2013 yadaginosko. In Job 19:14, we read, “My relatives and close friends have failed me.” The phrase that forms “close friends,” or “familiar friends,” is formed using this Hebrew word yada. If I use the word “tuntea”, “I know him”, it always implies having been personally in touch with him in some way. C. Stirling Bartholomew, —— Yada can refer to knowing something or someone in complete detail – to know the truth, or the full of reality. Though perhaps having slight differences between the Hebrew and Greek, the words translate interchangeably. Yada refers to a deep knowledge that is Godly knowledge. GINOSKO YADA BOGA, Co-Founder of DIMSUM KAKI LIMA, F&B Supplier & Franchise Jabodetabek , Indonesia 338 koneksi. Ginosko, the second most frequent NT usage, (196 uses), ... My study of recent, comparing it to the Hebrew ‘know’ [‘yada’] as found in Ps. Yet another example of yada can be found in Isaiah 29. γινώσκω τὸν πατέρα – I know my father (because we are family, etc.). When we translate, we often lose some of the ancient nuances. NAS Exhaustive Concordance. What we are invited to long for is a knowledge of Christ and the power of his resurrection, and the sharing of his sufferings … a deep, truthful, honest, intimate relationship with the one who proclaims that God is love, who proclaims that we are redeemable and redeemed, who proclaims with his life, his death, and his resurrection that God is God, that we are not, and that in grace, Christ’s faithfulness makes possible for us each, and for all of us, to be found righteous before God. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 15: Tournely-Zwirner. (You don't realize but you will understand.) A prolonged form of a primary verb; to "know" (absolutely) in a great variety of applications and with many implications (as follow, with others not thus clearly expressed) -- allow, be aware (of), feel, (have) know(-ledge), perceived, be resolved, can speak, be sure, understand. And bam!— there it is again, right before our eyes— another troubling yet vital four-letter word. (I’ve heard of him and could recognize him.). And yet, he is righteous to the law – indeed blameless, always doing as God had called him to do. No, I have a righteousness that comes from God based on faith. How might the context of ancient Israel, or the greater witness of the Bible, help us to read the text in such a way we can claim a more faithful understanding of God’s will for humanity and for us as seeking disciples? However, first, to help us understand the deeper meaning of the words yada and ginosko, we’re going to walk through a number of Biblical passages that use these words, and consider the depth these words have to offer. For the glory of God. In 2000 we produced our first book. Gen . Mostly Comprising simplified summaries of some of his prophetic writings, is for lovers of our Lord Jesus who wish to understand God’s plans better. The following is Darby's footnote to 1 Cor 8.1. 46:10, “Be still and know that I am God…” It too is founded in relationship and experience. and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free. But in verse 7, Paul says, this list is all for not. The Greek word, ginosko, in the New Testament has a very similar interpretive connotation to yada, and is used in place of yada in the Old Testament Greek Septuagint version. "gnontes" is from the root "ginosko". Hence, ginosko is the major Greek word used for yada’. The Old Testament was first written in ancient Hebrew; the New Testament was first written in ancient Greek. I know who we are talking about but I haven’t talked to him personally or at least the meeting has been short and maybe he doesn’t even remember me. I do not have a righteousness of my own that comes from the law. As to zeal, he was a persecutor of the church – he was not going to allow this new radical movement of Jesus to wrongly overthrow the Jewish faith. Our Team brings decades of strategy, planning, and leadership experience to solve wicked problems through active sensemaking technology which leads to streamlined solutions to help your organization run smoother, faster, and smarter. Even these lofty proclamations are a loss when compared to the value of knowing Jesus Christ as Lord. - Questions and Answers. Safety, Certainty and Enjoyment - a booklet by George Cutting that has helped many. January 14, 2015 yadaginosko Leave a comment. I love the Air Jordan XIs. 1!! The Pope isn’t Lord; Christ is Lord. This is the foundation of this site, so knowing the definition of the word may help. Today, we’re looking at a pair of Greek and Hebrew words. Learn how your comment data is processed. 3 Hence ginosko is the major Greek word used for yada’. In the Septuagint, a copy of the Bible written fully in the Greek language in the 3 rd Century, the Greek word ginosko was used anytime the Hebrew word yada appeared in the text. Merasa sudah puas dengan pengetahuannya. 4:1KJV. Ginosko – what does it mean? The former signifies objective knowledge, what a man has learned or… “Knew” in this passage is “ginosko” in Greek. ginosko. allow, be aware of, perceive. Strong's #1097: ginosko (pronounced ghin-oce'-ko) a prolonged form of a primary verb; to "know" (absolutely) in a great variety of applications and with many implications (as follow, with others not thus clearly expressed):--allow, be aware (of), feel, (have) know(-ledge), perceived, be resolved, can speak, be sure, understand. “NO!,” Paul says, Christ is greater than even the things we have to boast about in our faithfulness before God. – Believers’ Baptism, Infant Baptism, Household Baptism – the House and the Assembly, The Open Division of 1848 - The Bethesda Circular, What did John Nelson Darby and the Brethren hold? Paul says, the zeal of our faithfulness is insufficient. Daniel Otsing - Thou Lord, from the Heavens wilt come, A Day of Small Things (ADOSS) – Sosthenes’ Monthly Letter, After These Things – Summaries of John Nelson Darby’s Papers on Prophecy and more…'-, Can I Find Peace? (From Ginosko to Yada) A friend told me he had a sense that God loved him growing up. The The Faith once delivered to the Saints, Separation from Evil, God’s Principle of Unity, Grace, the Power of Unity and of Gathering, 'After These Things – Summaries of John Nelson Darby’s Papers on Prophecy and more…'-, What the Father has done in Grace for the Church’s Glory, Ecclesiastical Apostasy and Civil Apostasy, What God in His Goodness will yet do for Israel, and what it Means for Us, A Prophetic Timeline by Jim Hibbert and Daniel Roberts, The Story of a Young Lady Intent on Entering a Mixed Marriage, Christ’s Sufferings from Men and from God, in His Spirit, and in Anticipation, Why I could not be a Baptist. What nuances of the ancient languages have been lost in the translation to English? The verb ידע (yada') means both to know and to have intimate relations (Genesis 4:1, Judges 11:39).Knowledge equals familiarity with truth, which in turn is the only thing all people can agree on, which in turn promotes the search for agreement and modes of expression (rather than mere data). Ginosko EduTech. Membual bahwa ia tahu semua hal yang sebenarnya tidak ia ketahui. In this text, the word yada is referring to a person who is knowledgeable – it speaks of them as a “person who can read” – more directly from the Hebrew, “a person who has knowledge.” Isaiah 29:11-12 say, “The vision of all this has become for you like the words of a sealed document. Two Greek words, Ginosko and Oida are used for ‘to know’ in the New Testament – γινώσκω/ ginóskó/Strong 1097 and οἶδα/eidó (or oida) Strong 1492. Proverbs 1:2. In our translations of the text, these two words are replaced with a variety of English options, each chosen to help us understand the specific context of that individual verse. Let’s find out! Word Origin a prim. Mr. Irving is the President and CEO of Ginosko Development Company and is responsible for the overall performance and operation of all divisions of the GDC family of companies. The verse uses yada to talk about knowledge in such complete detail, that it seems only God is capable of having that kind of knowledge. Amin oversees the selection of various locations, the preliminary feasibility analyses, the purchase negotiation of projects, landscaping and architectural design, municipality processing and debt and equity financing. He said knowing that never moved him or carried much meaning. MEET GiNOSKO. 1Co 13:12 I now know (ginosko) in part, but I will know (eido) in full. Just two verses later, in Genesis 3:7, we read, “Then the eyes of both were opened (both Adam and Eve), and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together and made loincloths for themselves.” This is the knowledge of God – because of eating the fruit, they now know what was only known to God before. In English the best way to translate it would probably be to personally, intimately, and experientially know something. The Good Shepherd knows (ginosko) His sheep and they know (ginosko) Him, even as the Father and the Son know each other. Tuhan menampakan diri kepada Abraham. This word implies a certain type of knowing that is perhaps best explained in several English words. In the early years of the church, in the church’s formative years after the gifting of the Holy Spirit, this list would have been a list to praise. Yada is not only the knowledge of God, it’s also knowing God. The first dimension of yada is to know something or someone in complete detail. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Of the 946 times yada’ is found in the Hebrew OT, 2 over 490 times it is translated by ginosko in the LXX (the Greek translation of the Hebrew Old Testament). knew. And Adam . Through every article, keep this in the front of your mind… Strong’s Greek 1097 ginóskó (copied from Learn about Yada` original meaning in the Bible using the Old Testament Hebrew Lexicon - King James Version. Paul wants a deep and intimate knowledge of the divine: a knowledge through which he can share in the suffering and resurrection of Christ, and through which he might also attain the resurrection from the dead. They knew (“tuntea”) him, I didn’t. We are a boutique strategic consultancy specializing in complex challenges. We see this same use in Esther 4:1, which reads, “When Mordecai learned all that had been done, Mordecai tore his clothes and put on sackcloth and ashes …” “Learned,” is formed using this verb yada – more literally, “when he had yada” (when he had knowledge). It is to know something in an experiential way, the way that the serpent told Eve that she would know both good and evil after eating the forbidden fruit and the way that Adam knew Eve that brought about their children (Gen 3:5, Gen 4:1). I can for example say that “I know him but I don’t know him”, i.e. iv. Abraham melihat ‘3 orang’ di depannya dan diajaknya duduk di rumahnya. The former signifies objective knowledge, what a man has learned or acquired. 0 x Father (?) GINOSKO YADA BOGA TENTREM NUSANTARA. In Greek … He is a member of the people of Israel – he has the right lineage. Ginosko Development Company (GDC) is a rapidly growing family of companies involved in all aspects of multi-family residential housing development, construction, ownership and management. 1:2). This includes the role of the Church, Israel, the forces of evil and the tribulation, leading up to the millennial kingdom here, the final judgment and blessed eternal state – ‘The tabernacle of God is with men’, Eleven Lectures on The Hopes of the Church of God - Also published in our book 'After These Things – Summaries of John Nelson Darby’s Papers on Prophecy and more…'-, A Prophetic Timeline by Jim Hibbert and Daniel Roberts For more on prophecy: click here, For more on Christian Experience, Click here, For more on the knowledge of God, Click here, For more on Christendom and Church History, click here, Click here for list of summaries and other articles. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. οἶδα τὸν ἄνδρα – I know (who) the man (is). The text isn’t Lord; Christ is Lord. I want the yada knowledge – I want the ginosko knowledge – I want the intimate knowledge that is defined as truth, as unblemished reality, as divine understanding, as an understanding of the divine … in depth, I want to know Christ so well, that my knowledge is best described using the words of “covenantal intimacy.” Paul doesn’t just want to hear the stories of Christ; he doesn’t just want to read the Biblical passages that tell us about the narrative of Christ; Paul doesn’t just want to reflect on the theological implications of Christ as the incarnate second person of God … no. In every use of yada and ginosko, the focus is on a right knowledge at a deep and intimate level, knowing unblemished truth, such as one might expect from the knowledge of the divine and divine knowledge. Though perhaps having slight differences between the Hebrew and Greek, the words translate interchangeably. In English, we really don’t have any one word that encompasses the nuanced meanings of these two ancient words. Menghadirkan Leaders Intensive Course BIBLICOMEDIC SEXOLOGY yang dikembangkan oleh Andik Wijaya,MD,MRepMed – Founder YADA Institute dalam virtual class 4.0 yang bisa diikuti oleh para pembelajar kapan saja di mana saja di … You have explained it very well, now i have the yada and ginosko of it, God bless you mightily, © 2021 Washington Street United Methodist Church. The word yada appears almost 950 times in the Hebrew scriptures of the Old Testament, including 52 times in Genesis alone. The Hebrew word is yada (yaw-dah), and the Greek word is ginosko (gi-know-sko). More literally, Joseph did not know Mary until she had borne a son – there was no intimate knowledge of one another until after Jesus was born. “For Christ’s sake,” Paul says, “I have suffered the loss of all things, (even the great things,) and I regard them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ and be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but one that comes through the faith of Christ, the righteousness from God based on faith.” We’re going to speaking more about this next week – about the righteousness we have because of God’s faithfulness – but look at what Paul is saying here. He says, it doesn’t matter that I have all these accolades of faithfulness. The Lord tells us in His preamble of Proverbs that one of the purposes of this great book is for us “to know wisdom and instruction” and “to perceive the words of understanding” (Prov. However, first, to help us understand the deeper meaning of the words yada and ginosko, we’re going to walk through a number of Biblical passages that use these words, and consider the depth these words have to offer. 20. And yet here, Paul is saying, Christ isn’t just better than all our sin … Christ isn’t just better than all those things that separate us from God. As to the law, Paul is a Pharisee – he knows the law as well as anyone. The Greeks, however, did not have a word that translates yada’ with its full meaning. Universitas Terbuka. It has all the same meanings in the New Testament that yada has in the Old Testament, including sex. For the most part, we pitch Christ as this Savior who is better than all of our wrongdoings. It’s not just my sin and wrongdoings that are regarded as a loss because of Christ, but even the gains I’ve had are insignificant because of the value of knowing Christ Jesus as Lord. ידע. For example in “I know how it goes”, “I knew this would happen”, “I know elephants are animals”, “I know the answer” etc. Generally, when speaking of how great Christ is, we preachers focus on all the things you should give up to take on Christ. John 8:32 NASB Know – The Greek verb, ginosko, is frequent and clear. The challenge with these words yada and ginosko is that they have a wide breadth of meanings when compared to any single English word. He was circumcised on the 8th day – a right act according to the Jewish Torah. As I said earlier, the English language has no substitute that can do justice to these two words. The text reads, “The Lord made himself known, he has executed judgement; the wicked are snared in the work of their own hands.” In this verse, and many others like it, we find the word yada is speaking about the knowledge of God – that is, knowledge about God. I see too many people who claim faithfulness to God, but who have never moved past the insufficiencies of our English language to understand who God is and what God desires for us as disciples of a risen Lord. In Genesis 4:1, the text reads, “Now Adam knew his wife Eve, and she conceived and bore Cain, saying, ‘I have produced a man with the help of the Lord.” The word knew is used for the word yada. The Old Testament and New Testament texts, as you’ll find them printed in the pew Bible, were canonized by the 5th Century. OUR STORY. Yada is a knowledge of the divine and it is divine knowledge. However, it would be an exegetical fallacy to talk about “intimacy” when talking about these Finnish words. Eve his wife; and she conceived, and bare Cain, and said, I have gotten a man from the LORD. In the English vocabulary, we have no singular word that can adequately describe the knowledge of the divine, divine knowledge, and healthy and covenantal sex. The Lord made himself known – the Lord revealed himself. Amen. 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You’ll hear a preacher say that if you’ll give yourself over to Christ, Christ will take away all your sin: all your bad habits, your adultery, your anger, your addictions, and all your persecutory behaviors. Ginosko busca propagar en los jóvenes una cultura de hijos y santos en la forma de pensar a través de la palabra de Dios y su revelación. In a similar mindset, it should be of no surprise that yada is also used to refer to the knowledge of one another. 5, p. 254. It is possible that L&N are not in total agreement with BDAG on this. As I noted earlier, the Hebrew word yada is replaced in kind with the Greek word ginosko. The Hebrew word is yada (yaw-dah), and the Greek word is ginosko (gi-know-sko). Yada appears in Daniel 11:32: "Those who do wickedly against the covenant he shall corrupt with flattery; but the people who know their God shall be strong, and carry out great exploits." They are understood to have the same relative meanings. Author: yadaginosko Manusia VS Anjing. This means using logic, the senses, investigation, sorting the evidence and verifying conclusions. Over the past 7 weeks, we’ve looked at a singular word from either the Greek or the Hebrew. Those who know me best are my “close friends” – they have a special knowledge of who I am. All these accolades of how many Bible passages we can quote, and how many people we can shame for having broken the Biblical law, and how early in our life we might have been baptized or confirmed … Paul says, this is not what it means to be a faithful disciple of Jesus Christ. The word is speaking of deep knowledge – personal knowledge – intimate knowledge. That’s how I read it, anyway. Vine says, "(a) ginosko frequently suggests inception or progress in knowledge, while oida suggests fullness of knowledge, eg, John 8:55 'ye have not known him', (ginosko), ie, begun to know, 'but I know him' (oida), ie, know Him completely." I don’t know if it’s just by chance, but I was able with all of the instances you quoted to say “know who x is” and have the sentence make sense. Weinel [22] believes that the removal of the words epei andra ou ginosko from Luke 1: 34 leaves the third Gospel without a cogent proof for the virgin birth; Harnack not only agrees with the omissions of Holtzmann and Hillmann, but deletes also the word parthenos from Luke 1: 27 [23].. How might we best understand this text given what we now know of ginosko? He is of the tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew of Hebrews, just further establishing his blood line. There are other Hebrew verbs that are used anytime there is an unhealthy or non-covenantal sexual exchange – like the time David “lay” with Bathsheba, which uses the Hebrew word shakab. The Greek term ginosko designates predominately an intellectual concept which is not the predominate concept involved in yada’. And then verse 10 brings us back to ginosko: “I want to know (I want to ginosko) Christ and the power of his resurrection and the sharing of his sufferings by becoming like him in his death, if somehow I may attain the resurrection of the dead.”. Introduction’ Ginosko!is!atransliteration!of!aGreek!word!forourword“know”.!! The Greeks, however, did not have a word that translates yada’ with its full meaning. Each printed translation claims to be just a little bit better than the next because of their more accurate understanding of the ancient languages and the intent of the Biblical Word. Paul had done all he had ever been called to do. Hær. Manusia. I mean, how great is God really if all I can say is that God is greater than my failures? The word yada is used almost every time the Bible refers to two people having sex, when the sex is understood to be healthy and covenantal. adv. The Bible, for all it offers us regarding faithfulness and discipleship, can be a challenging text to fully understand. I personally read γι(γ)νώσκειν as knowing someone in the sense of having a familiarity with them (which comes from experience) and οἶδα to have a knowledge in your mind regarding the person.

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