most attractive sun ascendant combinations

He is INDIFFERENT to your FEELINGS and is very DISMISSIVE to the degree of almost being a social outcast. OUR ISSUE WITH IT? YOUR ASCENDANT-THE SIGN RISING ON THE EASTERN HORIZON AT THE TIME OF YOUR BIRTH-IS A MAJOR INFLUENCE IN THE FORMATION OF YOUR PERSONALITY. THE SUN REMINDS YOU OF THE PRESENT AND ALLOWS YOU TO IDENTIFY YOURSELF AS A CONSCIOUS BEING. The Ascendant, Sun, and Moon tend to work well together when the signs involved are harmonious. Her home will be a "hot spot" for all kinds of people, in which she will develop a kinship with or they with her. She is the zenith of the SELF PRESERVATION PRINCIPLE (so intrinsic to Capricorn). Intellectual stimulation through "group activities" will most likely appeal to her (without the psychological need to become too involved, however). In other words, is BARK is worse than his BITE. She doesn't LISTEN and therefore misses much. Even if she's married, she'll have a "work husband" to play with-especially if he's INFLUENTIAL and FINANCIALLY SOLVENT (looks and attractiveness-or even sex appeal, takes a "second seat" for her). Any woman who wants this type of man will have to conform herself with the notion that he will be married to the STREETS, which is the medium in which he makes his money. But it's all a "pretense. They will be particular and methodical in their work. She will fall, but get up and try and try again, WITHOUT TIRING! Your co-workers will not know how to "assess" you, and will tend to walk on egg shells. The women (before age 30) will be quite opinionated, stubborn, and blunt. The outward "show" does not reflect the "inner reality". THERE IS A LOT OF MISINFORMATION CONCERNING ASTROLOGY. keep in mind, his reasons for carrying this "falsehood" is to go "under the radar", and go completely unnoticed to his adversaries. But this time, claiming life on her OWN TERMS. In "SOUL-CENTERED" ASTROLOGY, anyone born under a MUTABLE CROSS will vibrate at his LOWEST, but only in reference to PERSONALITY AND EGO, evolution and "good intent" develop over TIME and EXPERIENCE (through the "trials" of material matter). Education in its wider sense attracts you, and you will often take up a study to amuse yourself or just to stay well informed. These people are capable of achieving EVERYTHING but at a great COST TO PERSONAL STABILITY. He is apt to EXPERIMENT sexually with same sex, but not on an EMOTIONAL basis, but on a SPORT BASIS (to let off steam, "circle jerks", and all other types of sexual experimentation-including preoccupation with internet porn and the like). The women (before age 30) , are some of the most productive women you will ever meet! This ascendant is, without a doubt, the most misunderstood and least understood, astrological sign of all! Here Are The Most Powerful Sun & Moon Sign Combinations. But he will travel in his mind, for he has a very fertile imagination-and through the intellectual "stories" of others. 2. If you talk till morning, you will most definitely date him! (this is a quabalistic "mystery"). She will always extend herself to help others, but this too, is another "facade". HOWEVER, I FEEL THAT I MUST EXPLAIN SOME SCIENTIFIC FACTS AS TO WHY ASTROLOGY WORKS. Of course, it is best that these turbulent experiences occur when young, so the right use of energy can be finally "harnessed" once older, and something beneficial to both the person individually and universally (to his fellow man) can be achieved. Love and romance to these men is COMPLEX. the sun is "heavenly", the moon is sentimental, the ascendant is "worldly" the ascendant is the mask you chose to come in with, to hide the real you . The death of her mother is apt to affect her profoundly... A DOMINICAN BEAUTY, OF COURSE YOU CAN SEE THE "LEO" ASCENDANT, BUT THOSE LEGS AND HIPS, CERTAINLY SAGITTARIUS-GEMINI SUN SIGN. Scorpio/Aries rising is primarily a beneficial combination. In this same respect, they, when not sexually promiscuous, will put all of this energy into business and become quite successful-especially if it entails jobs in which daily, moment-to-moment decisions are to be made. The women (before age 30) will be quite beautiful, voluptuous (in all the right places! You love pleasure and adventure. With this combination, a BALANCE BETWEEN CAREER AND DOMESTICITY (including the raising of children) MUST BE SOUGHT. Awareness of this discrepancy is important, otherwise the defense mechanism can worsen over time, and natives of this aspect can meet with problems at work (especially with authority) and in personal relationships. He might enjoy collecting to satisfy his need for "interaction". why is the public held hostage by its mystery, allure, and fascination? After age 30, (hopefully, with all things being equal), the personality will act more in congruence with its DESTINY. MONEY, is a major DEAL BREAKER or GAME CHANGER; either way, it is BEST if you want to ATTRACT this type of man (who WILL BE SUCCESSFUL), it is best to be FINANCIALLY SOLVENT. These women are provincial, but universally "minded" and somewhat philosophical-but not pushy or "in your face". He'll EXPECT TO BE THE KING OF HIS CASTLE (and whether he feels he DESERVES IT OR NOT). These men, speaking on the heterosexual point of view, are always seduced by older, more experienced women (cougars).The men of this combination have powerful sex drives are sexy, muscular and possess "musky" physiques:The "raw innocence" of youth, coupled with their lack of experience or virginity, makes them "delightful treats" for the cougar. She's often torn between giving fully of herself to anyone one or anything if no reward or recognition is acknowledged (resulting in residual anger which may manifest as "emotional turbulence"). AGAIN, EACH SIGN MEASURES 30 DEGREES ACROSS AND TAKES APPROXIMATELY TWO HOURS (SOMETIMES MORE SOMETIMES LESS, DEPENDING ON THE SEASON) TO CLEAR THE HORIZON. On the other hand; another type of male would be the "ideal" mama's boy and attract castrating women or smothering women who are apt to control every aspect of the man's life. There's a HEALING QUALITY to his SEXUALITY. This combination ... attractive. 9. Life gets better after 30. Motherhood "calms her down" and allows for much needed stability in her life. Friends will include those who are materially solvent and/or can advance them in some way. He is easily BORED and needs CONSTANT STIMULATION to stay INVOLVED and INTERESTED in you and in your life. These strike FEAR in the heart of EVERY WOMAN. THE NEW ALEXANDRIA: School of Occult Knowledge and Research, ASTROLOGY HAS ALWAYS WISTOOD THE TEST OF, YES, IT IS TRUE THAT ASTROLOGY, ALONG WITH ANYTHING ELSE IN LIFE, IS RELATIVE; AND IF YOU DON'T BELIEVE IN IT, IT WILL NOT AFFECT YOUR LIFE IN ANY WAY (because we were endowed with the GI, FIRST OFF, ASTROLOGY IS A BLUEPRINT OF THE, ASTROLOGY IS NOT TAKEN SERIOUSLY BECAUSE IT HAS NEVER BEEN EXPLAINED SCIENTIFICALLY TO THE LAYMAN, AND OUR WESTERN CULTURE CONSIDERS ASTROLOGY TO BE HERESY, PAGANISTIC-AND THEREFORE, BUT YOU HAVE TO PAUSE AND ASK YOURSELF, AS AN EDUCATED INDIVIDUAL IN A, THE BIBLE HAS FIFTEEN REFERENCES (biblical passages or verses) IN THE, IN CHINA AND JAPAN ONE CANNOT "PLAN" PLANNED PARENTHOOD WITHOUT THE AID OF THE "FAMILY ASTROLOGER"; IN THE JAPANESE AND CHINESE CULTURE-. LOOK AT HER BROAD SHOULDERS AND THE "SUBTLE" HINT OF MASCULINITY IN HER COUNTENANCE. The women (before age 30) will be extremely stubborn, inflexible, unyielding, and extremely "comfort" oriented. Both the Ascendant and the Sun represent our vitality and our health, along with the Moon, the planets in … Softening the manner and the attitude does wonders to smooth over relationships of all kinds. By age 40, these women, if not married with children, can be quite grumpy in company and develop a "cynical attitude" towards life. AND EVERY TWO HOURS AT THE EASTERN POINT OF THE EARTHS HORIZON; WHICH IS MEASURED AT THE EARTH'S EQUATOR; SHOWS EACH CONSTELLATION WHICH RISES ABOVE IT). This type of man thinks often and profoundly. If there is any antagonism or dissent, he WILL NOT CARE to be bothered or CONCERNED with the EFFECT in which it may cause you. It is easy and natural for those born under a harmonious aspect between the Sun and the Ascendant to be received well by others. He doesn't allow cash to lay "idle" in the bank; he would rather invest it in bricks and mortar (or just put it in the stock market). Their polarization will take place more so in their social circles than their behaviors in private. Most Important Astrological Combinations for fame. The Ascendant, Sun, and Moon tend to work well together when the signs involved are harmonious. THE ASCENDANT SIGN OR RISING SIGN, REPRESENTS YOUR ADJUSTMENT AND IMMEDIATE RESPONSE TO THE WORLD OUTSIDE YOURSELF. The career woman who makes no time available to nurture her children or love her husband, is the "price" she pays for having such powerful ambitions. These women have it "together". Her "heart" belongs to her husband, but her "pussy" belongs to ANY MAN she fancies-nothing personal. She isn't the best mother figure (emotionally speaking), but she will push for the best intellectual attainment possible for her children. He is emotional, but "masks" it through the opposite feelings or through silence. The children will be raised and, hopefully, out of the house; and her friends and alliances will take center stage. Thus they are a good place to begin analyzing a chart. These people are noticeable and very aware of how they come across to others. You are a woman of action, but as quiet as it's kept, you really love communicating-particularly with the man that sparks your interests. However, in their private setting, will be totally yielding to the men in their lives and quite submissive (but they won't let "those" on the outside see this vulnerable side of them-including their families). This can be a SADISTIC POSITION (if we are dealing with the "lower self"). The women (before age 30) will be as in the male entry, plus more secretive, more intrusive, and quite manipulative of those around her. The men (before age 30), will be aggressively protective of those they love. Financially, these men will be good bread winners and excellent providers for their families-however, infidelity is not uncommon with this combination. 4286 More sex appeal. However, the back and forth of the exchange helps them to find an answer within. Paradoxically, none of these traits are indicative of who he REALLY IS. At the end of the day, she will be "heard" crying in her pillow and projecting her emotional dramas onto her children or friends alike (if they care to listen). DARK, AN ENIGMA, PARADOXICAL, RUTHLESSLY LACKING IN EMPATHY, COMPASSION, LOVE, FIERCELY FOCUSED, SUCCESSFUL, MYSTERIOUS, SELF-EFFACING, EFFECTIVE, INTROSPECTIVE. Emotionally he is UNRESPONSIVE to the emotional NEEDS of others (so consumed he is with his own self-interests that he does not "see" people, but OPPORTUNITIES). It is a "tool" which he uses to under mind, manipulate, and/or dominate the material world by creating "departments" in his head which classifies every empirical experience in his environment (including those around him). And her men must love her as she is... PISCES ON THE ASCENDANT IS "PROBLEMATIC", DYSFUNCTIONAL, AND POTENTIALLY ABUSIVE. As a mother,she will push for the intellectual success of her children when young, but when they reach adolescence they would have to be on their own (emotionally).After age 30, these very same women, especially after giving birth, will gain weight on their midsection and tend to be slightly "pudgy", but symmetrically "balanced" and sensual in appearance. OF ITS TEXT TO ASTROLOGICAL MYSTERIES AND PRINCIPLES! (this is a quabalistic "mystery"), TO UNDERSTAND YOUR PARTICULAR "HUMAN EXPERIENCE" IN THIS INCARNATION, YOU MUST UNDERSTAND THE BASIC "NUTS AND BOLTS" OF THE, EACH DEGREE EQUALS A DAY (OF APPROXIMATELY 23 HOURS AND 57 MINUTES SIDEREAL TIME OR "SPACE TIME". He's the type that has his suits in one closet, shirts and trousers on another. There are numerous other factors that color the Sun sign, like the Ascendant and the other personal planets and bodies. Exceptionally productive, industrious, successful, financially solvent and well Protected through solid investments and financial instruments (traditional IRA'S, ROTH IRA'S, Annuities, 401k, and the like). HER COUNTENANCE LETS YOU "KNOW" RIGHT AWAY THAT SHE "KNOWS" MORE THAN WHAT'S ON THE SURFACE...AND THAT, FOLKS, IS SCORPIO ON THE ASCENDANT! about on her column. She will be stylish (more so than just being a Gemini, which in itself, is very fashion conscious), very feminine, coy, regal, and appearing to be always "flirting" through the "moves" and accent of her body. Taurus falls on the 11th HOUSE of Aquarius and therefore inclined to be rather selfish, initially, but quite a supporter of "group-centered" activity; either he will be a loner or will be part of an entourage involving the "same friends" , "the same settings", and facing similar circumstances. Should his emotions be "raised", he'll use carping, poisonous contempt in his language, to warn you that he's about to "let you have it". how you would treat your own family. She is stubborn, obstinate and DETERMINED to get her way with her man (and whether he likes it or not). He will be ALL BUSINESS, even in his private life he will exude a "professional manner". You always try to introduce novelty into your activities. CULTURAL ANTHROPOLOGISTS ARE "RELUCTANT" TO ADMIT THE VALIDITY OF ASTROLOGY. Professionally, she will tend to take her motherly inclinations to the workplace (or "group-setting". The woman (before age 30), also will be very beautiful, will exude "purity" of thought" and "angelic" qualities-BUT IT'S ALL A "FRONT". If a mother, her children will most likely suffer constant disruption to their continuity and childhood development (which can affect them later as adults). And spend their time in sleep-away (or in each others' homes) as forms of "self-entertainment". These women will dedicate their cause to a noble endeavor that will uplift people or a moral code of ethics. The chameleon "shapeshifts" "changes its color to HIDE WITHIN THE ENVIRONMENT (from others). Will mistake love for lust, and will be transparent to others (of who he really is).A trickster, a "silver tongue" artist, and as aloof or indifferent as they come (when taken the "mood"). Education will be IMPORTANT. TAURUS SUN SIGN WITH GEMINI ASCENDANT: The men will be inquisitive, intellectually inclined, pondering, reflective, verbose (whether they have something to say or not), and quite enthralled in engaging in conversation (concerning all and any type of subjects). They tend to be "castrating mothers or smothering mothers, psychologically unaware of the harm they can sometimes cause. She wants CONTROL and SUBMISSION from her men (although she won't admit this openly). This usually stems from some kind of "restriction" and/or assignment of a "role" in society that does not fulfill her (personally). These VIRTUES are INTRINSICALLY important to the Aries woman with a Sagittarian Ascendant. The women (before age 30) will be perceived as "odd", like Edith Bunker in the comedy hit "All in the Family" or the quacky mother-house wife from "That's Seventies show" with Aston Kusher or Dorothy from the 80's hit "The Golden Girls". Over time, they might find ways to get the attention or the position of importance they crave in indirect and/or creative ways. Sometimes, the impression is one of being overbearing, arrogant, or pushy. The site is run by astrologer Annie Heese. However, these men will tend to be womanizers as well, reckless with their sexuality, overly sensuous and leave in their mists endless romantic affairs (and their illegitimate children, but only as a worse case scenario). HE REPRESENTS THE TYPICAL "VIRGO ASCENDANT" OF THE "GOOD GUY", BUT REMEMBER, GEMINI-VIRGO IS ALL MERCURY CAREFUL OF THE TRICKSTER! I DON'T CARE IF IT'S THE QUORAN, THE TIBETAN BOOK OF THE DEAD, THE EGYPTIAN BOOK OF THE DEAD. BODY, STRONG-BONED AND STURDY, STILL "VIBRATES" THE TAUREAN SENSUALITY. The Cancer woman with a Taurus Ascendant is "pregnant" with undiluted WARMTH (to either run a business, raise a family or just simply be a "dedicated worker"). Gorgeousfairy. Everything is judged with respect to Ascendant. Both personality types are NECESSARY in the human condition to better serve the "GRAND SCHEME OF THINGS". But once that objective is achieved, the "Jeckle and Hyde" personality of the Gemini Sun sign soon emerges. He may be prone to accidents and hurt his arms or legs at some point in the lifetime. He will most often be either a supervisor, director, or manager or a key, indispensable employee. This is due to his mind racing faster than his machination of speech would allow. Her best assets as a friend, is to lend a strictly cold, and objective perspective-devoid of emotional infusion. You will be attracted to men who are physically "in shape" and give off "come fuck me" energy (to put it bluntly). When it comes to work, he will do his own thing, and will answer to NO ONE (even if under the employment of some one else!). THE ZYGOMATIC STRUCTURE OF THE JAWBONE, AND HIGH CHEEKBONES AND CHIN IS VERY TAUREAN IN NATURE... 8. Of course, this strong impression can rub some people the wrong way. Although Taurus is a FIXED SIGN, and FEARS abandonment, he will "at the drop of a hat" abandon OTHERS (and quite suddenly, too!). These men will do anything for their families. Double click the image to customize it. The women friends of these Aries types will tend to betray them. And that answer is different for each woman. But rather shy, unassuming, and self-effacing. Both TAURUS and the ELEVENTH HOUSE are FIXED, and therefore she will be subject to "routine" and will probably be very "predictable" in her behavior-but only to those closest to her. They tend to have absolutely lovely homes, and their work environment has to have all the commodities of an office (should they be self-employed). Virgo sun Aries rising is a strong combination for successful and fulfilling relationships. In business, success is almost guaranteed, but preceded by betrayal and internal "sabotage". This example represents the PSYCHE of a Gemini-Pisces personality. An opportunist, but with a sense of compassion (when taken the "mood"). Internal "integration" of the emotional faculties with that of the reasoning mind, will create balance.

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