scalp feels tight and sore

I was developing belly fat, my fasting glucose was high normal so I tried Metformin. Stress will only exacerbate and prolong the situation. It is a natural detoxifier. I went to scores of doctors and I tried everything home remedies and prescription, but nothing worked. Oral medications and some antibiotic creams or lotions can be prescribed, if needed to solve this condition. Always see your dermatologist with concerns over changes in skin conditions or characteristics. I had blood tests this past week with everything normal but low normal on TSH and T3, 4 thyroid tests. It has Tea Tree Oil in it and it is Paraben Free. When the body’s own immune system attacks healthy cells, it is called an autoimmune disease. I have also switched my birth-control (about 3 months ago) but so far no change. It is a long life for most of us. hair grew back some but at least the loss seems to have stopped. My hair was thin. Also, I’m on progesteron 100mg as I am tiny. The last time only started last month, and unlike the previous two times there has not been a significant emotional event occurring at the time, but it has been stressful at work. I started losing hair near my part and close to the front of my head first. The 5 or 6 dermatologists I saw for this particular problem said that except for some redness they did not see anything wrong. No answer from any of them. Just red/pink. Well good luck to everyone and I hope this can cure your hair and scalp like it has mine. Whenever I visit to doc they take as skin issue however it’s not skin issue. On the scalp, skin cancer may appear as a growth or sore, may or may not bleed, and may be painful, tender or itchy. I read somewhere that shampoo and conditioner with Tea Tree Oil would help and gave it a try. But if it’s not I’m guna start shopping for a nice wig. Oh well, just wanted to share my story and prayerfully we’ll all get through this. I color my own hair with a non permenent color & left it on too long once & my scalp felt a burning sensation. I noticed my scalp started to itch mildly but didn’t worry too much as it can itch a little when it needs a wash after a week. Within two weeks my hair came out in patches and I could put it in a bag! Purchase a good wig that flatters and accentuates your face and features. Is there anything I can do to keep it from burning? Nothing has made a difference. 3) anxiety. I am thankful for this site as it seems it is the only thing keeping me going. Has anyone with TE fully recovered? Since my initial visits with the Endocrinologist 12 months ago I have seen a Neurologist, 2 Infectious Diseases doctors, a Rheumatologist, 4 Dermatologists (including the head of hair loss at Stanford Univ. All the women in my family have female baldness directly on the pate and temples. If I start to back off any of these things it comes back. Cin. I’ve been to numerous Dr.s and holistic practices. I have a similar story to everyone. I’m so glad to have found this site with all your comments. I had my husband look at it and he didn’t know either. The yeast provides food for mites that live on your skin, and when there’s too much, the population explodes and the mites are bad when there are too many. Seek to repair your inside (anxiety, diet, depression), anything that may be stressing you to the point of hair loss. I Join all of you! Haven’t even bothered with a specialists yet because my Dr. tells me there’s probably nothing they can do. Bev if you dye your hair black / brown you are allergic to the ppd in hair dye there is no hair dye that doesn’t contain ppd. Anyone else noticing anything similar? another thing, most of us may be overweight or with thyroid and other illnesses which can contribute to hair loss….other problems can include using SLS shampoos, your body being too acidic, and even CANDIDA! It’s always speratic. It took me forever to figure this out because it doesn’t burn while it is on your head. D. Should I go see a dermatologist or a doctor? I take Synthroid. My ponytail (not that I can wear one, too scraggly) is 1/2 the size it was last year. I put something on my head most nights during the winter and am pretty much burning and itch free during the day. Since it is not a steroid, there are not the side-effects like with Clobex. At all. It really sounds like a great product that removes sebum (the culprit of seborrehea dermatitis…) and is extremely cleansing. While it does NOT promote hair growth it does work wonderfully giving volume and body to the hair you do have. The book ” Eat Right 4 your Type” (meaning the 4 blood types) might help some of you. Thinning. Another told me to massage my scalp daily. We are skilled at diagnosing eczema/atopic dermatitis, and can offer a variety of treatment options, such as medicines, skin creams and IPL or other light therapies, to ease symptoms. Well in the last month my sheds have been everyday and the scalp pain now I can relate to the sheds with what I have learned here. So this is probably why they work, they reduce inflammation. I desparately hope that I can find a way to accept what I cannot change. Some people get them because of tight muscles in the back of the neck and scalp. Some products such as shampoos, hair styling products, hair dyes and other hair care products might cause an allergic reaction or irritation when touching your scalp which may indicate you have contact dermatitis. So i only used it twice. I have also gone to two naturopaths who also tried their best but were not successful in facilitating scalp healing. My son is definitely a big motivator for me. However, my scalp NO LONGER hurts. My bloodvalues for testosterone: Free testosterone: not calculable ( meaning non-existend ) Total testosterone: below lowest value. Firstly, I had NEVER in my life experienced scalp pain until last week. Dawn where do you get the MSM liquid and the sulphur 8? I know that I have to be strong for myself, but more importantly for my son. It seems like my body just has an inflammation problem and tends to attack itself. The pain is excruciating. I refuse to use Monoxidil or Rogaine or any other Meds as it is only a temporary fix and does raises blood pressures and causes headaches. I have stopped taking the Claritin and Benadryl completely. I suppose because that’s where most of the “scales” were and removing them took the hairs (which in that area tend to be rather wispy anyway…). Im always depressed and I alw a ys stay in side where im isolated and away from everyone and problems. In 6 weeks she want to do a biopsy to find out what else is going on. And this hair loss thing is not helping. When I turned my head to the right, the right side of my scalp and head pulsates with the strangest pain and burned. claire yes mine feels like an allergic response. So, hair pain and texture change – I would find hairs that seem as if they had seized while growing. It sucks, but like I said, I’v been trying to just do the best I can to not freak out about it and just blow it off. I’m blown away by how many people are dealing with this issue! Right now I feel an occasional sensation that can be rubbed away. I noticed an increase in hair loss about 6 years ago, and i have had pain ( sometimes exscutiating!) IF ANY ONE HAVE CURE TO IT THEN PLZZZ PLZZZ HELP ME…. of relief (and validation) reading your posts because my doctors are baffled by my hair thinning and little hairs constantly growing in that feel like they had been shaved or something) it feels like stubble. Please let me know if anyones is similiar. But she’s saying as of now, that she has already seen such improvement, that she feels there is no reason my hair won’t grow back. -I’m not vegan. I’ll let you know how I’m doing end of Jan 2018 or sooner if it starts helping with pain and itching! It’s so hard keeping it hidden, and a lot of days when I’m upset about it, I wish I could go to him about it. I hate to sound like the jerk but its a little different to be a female in your 20’s:( Soooo next I went to another dermatologist who specializes in hair loss. I tried everything. Do what you need to do to calm down. I wouldn’t have hair without these supplements. Insulin is a hormone. I’ve tried to eat much better than I used to, but again, nothing is helping. I dont find kitchen oils helpful as they make it worst for me.. I am beyond cnfused. Theres nothing there. That was almost 3 weeks ago. It is easier to use than Rogaine, and unlike Rogaine hair that grows back in most clinical studies has been proven to NOT fall back out. I usually have episodes of it that last between a couple days and a week, if I am recalling correctly. I have had a very tender area on my left side toward the crown area of my head ever since I had shingles in the same area about 5 years ago. My hair is coming out root and all, when I brush or just run my fingers through it. I thought it was because I’d had a perm after taking my hair down a month prior. Today is the second application. I d use shampoo diluted with tea tree and put it some in bath.. I also use tea tree shampoo from Trader Joes, called Tingle and I wash twice every two days, or once if I am shampooing daily – it really helps avoid any crusties or sebum. Hope someone can help us. I will then put it back into two strand twists over my head and wear my wig. I’ve just come across your lovely website. I wash my thin hair well…or so I thought. I use a cold tar medicated shampoo now and that seems to ease the burning sensation. I am 46 years old. DR.S NEED TO RESEARCH THIS ISSUE. Come here and suggest an answer and just leave. I can tell when it wears off, and when the antihistimine (generic Claritin) wears off. i am trying Amitriptyline (50mg) which may help regenerate nerves, i feel alot of nerves in my scalp which are having a light throb and tingling sensation since i have taken it, i have research online the necessary proteins to help build nerves aswell to speed the process , uridine (molasses), L carnitine and vinegar small amount (acetic acid). I feel like suing somebody. I took birth control in my twenties but it always made me feel ‘odd’. The top of my head is so sensitive and my hair has gotten so thin. What I really need is a good wig, so I can stop obsessing over my appearance and just live my life! I want to ask why when i back comb my fringe that ive put down,i felt pain at the roots of my hair? I know as long as the pain is there my regrowth will be stalled. My hair is: painful to part, style, sleep on. Good luck with your pictures! Did tons of blood work, stool, urine and hair analysis sent off to a lab that specialized in hairloss. The idea of the antidepressants is to suppress all this chain of reactions, suppress inflammation, and histamines and substance P.. “ponytail syndrome” makes sense to me. Although, certain natural shampoo’s alleviate and may cure the problem, some may cause irritation. I just want to include that I have been stressed for over 7 years now. Because there is absolutely no doubt that PPD is what has caused my hair and scalp nightmare woes. It IS available OTC in a 1% formula and is gaining in popularity to Rogaine for people with this type of Alopecia (where the hair is thinning all over and not in specific “bald spots” which makes them less likely clients for hair replacement surgeries…). My hair has been falling out like crazy this week – I’ve been flying and travelling in a new climate. I had all the symptoms of fibromyalgia and more. It’s the chicken and the egg thing, which came first, hormonal imbalance or scalp pain the imbalance. Has anyone re-grown hair after the painful scalp and hair loss & KEPT it? I know other people(men and women) with thinning hair and none of them have these horrible sensations!! That is definitely an explanation. It smelled great and it worked for a couple of weeks, then my hair started falling out. Just a question… Do you notice anything where or when your scalp hurts? Yellow or white flakes of skin from your scalp are called dandruff. I go to another dermatologist this Friday to find out what may be wrong (the last dermatologist said my scalp looked healthy and that there were no signs of any skin thinning, etc. Im so afraid and dont know what to do. These scalp nerves need to be calmed down! I have all the same symptoms as described by people above. I’m 61 years old, but always had super thick hair…until this began. But, alas, I did not and have rgretted that lack of conviction every since. We’ll see how this goes. Now, the itching it’s making me miserable. So, myriad of things that affect us all, but similar symptoms really, really has me intrigued. Going back to the what feels like HOT SPOTS, or a burning feeling (no red scalp) sometime itching, mostly top mid back of the head. !I have been using Paul Mitchell Tea Tree Essential Oil for a week now, and my head and scalp pain is gone. The first doctor was treating me for simple dandruff, which was making the other far more painful because they are completely different conditions (most commonly known as “wet” vs “dry” dandruff…). i have good news every one.i searched for trichodynia treatments online and i found out that doctors prescribe small doses of amitriptyline or doxepine for this condition;so i went to my GP and asked her if i can try this,she agreed and said there’s nothing wrong with trying other’s been 16 days since i started amitriptyline from 10 up to 25 mg and i feel amazing no hair pain or burning scalp ;thank god i found this cause it allowed me to stop the plaquenil which was a nightmare (too much side effects)it helped also my anxiety and give me relief from the there u go. Eat clean and give your liver, pancreas, and kidneys an opportunity to recover. I’m beginning to lose hope and am in a deep mourning for my old head of hair. One last thing; I have a very stressful job dealing with demanding people everyday – I do notice my scalp tends to start paining when I feel stressed out at work. Shingles usually affects only a small section of your body at once, but that portion can be the scalp. I have gone to many dermatologists and doctors, name it..Even out of the state but with the same unclear answer as to why this happen to me. This worsened my mineral deficiences. Also for those who have stumbled across scarring alopecia, my derm did not think I had it despite my painful scalp. Do whatever you can to calm down because I promise it will help. Now my hair looked worse before I started AND I had burning & pain. However after time the scalp pain has clearly coincided with a very rapid hair loss at my temples, hairline (which has receded about 3/4″ in last last 3 months and the crown of my head is extremely thin. It’s always been fine and on the thin side but curly which helps with fullness. Virus? I had to use it for months before everything calmed down. What do you have to lose $10.00? But due to a problem with manufacturing I had to switch to Nature Throid (which I’ve been taking for about 3 1/2 years – so now I’m looking into this as a possible problem with the beginning of my hair loss. I suffered a trauma two months ago. Why why why can’t they find a cure for this???? The only few things I can honestly say may be factors, other than hereditery are a few EXTREMELY stressful events since 2008 and consequently me drinking more alcohol ( to the point of blackout in many instances – very bad, I know) and the fact that I smoke marijuana and have since about 2000. This morning I went and bought a wig to be prepared for the inevitable . It seems to be precipitated by the ponytail. When my thyroid is leveled, usually the painful scalp with disappear along with the hairloss, but not always. Seek prompt treatment from your dermatologist for shingles on the scalp. scalp burning and crazy hair just falling like crazy… Im about to complete 2 years on the burning painful horrible hair loss. About a month ago I decided to dye my hair, its been a stressful time and I wanted to cheer myself up. Sometimes washing the hair helps. A possible treatment is to halt hair loss in the patient, however it is important to understand and address any underlying psychologic comorbity (humm…of course I’m thinking, easier said than done). Many experience it. There is an article in this weeks Women’s World magazine about the benefits of “Biotin”. The scalp sensation finally stopped but the shed continues with no new growth. Now, my scalp is burning like crazy… it is really painful. By far the most miserable experience of my life, and had driven me to near suicide at times. Ladies, I don’t participate in a lot of blogs or forums, but I want to share something and make a comment as I am a sufferer too. Eventually was rushed to emergency and for what was diagnosed as Vertigo(Which I have never had befor or after. I think the underlying cause for a lot of us is nutrition. I got a recommendation on another forum that taking a lecithin supplement could help the nerves to heal. I can’t tell you how stressed I am right now. Certain hairs, when lightly tugged on radiate pain beyond that specific spot and I also get differed pain (tugging on one hair results in pain in a different area of my head). I feel connected with you all. My hair texture has changed & seems so limp & wispy. I see the dermatologist on Wednesday, but after reading everyone’s posts, I do not have a lot of hope he will help. Oh my gosh!! Well add me to this. Hair Loss Story - How Did I Get Here? I’m experiencing the almost same symptoms I’m 20 year old Honestly. I hate not knowing how bad this will get and if this is forever. Then, I noticed my skin growing increasingly oily. It’s more noticeable when I do a lot of manipulation to my hair. Cicatricial alopecia or scarring alopecia can produce burning, pain, severe itching and redness. I’ve been to a dozen doctors, internists and derms. I was told optimum levels for hair health are above 80 but I also had low zinc which I read can make the hair fall as well. I kinda recovered from that. The thing is the pain and hair loss are the last of my problems. While I continue to hope for an answer/solution, I have begun to take the necessary steps to move forward with my life, defeat my demon and embrace acceptance of whatever this is. be patient and persistent. Consult your Advanced Dermatology dermatologist if eczema is affecting your ability to sleep or engage in daily activities, looks infected or if home remedies aren’t successful. My lymph nodes on one side of my face are huge, one the size of a big marble (the knocker marble). So, so sad. My aunt and I are the only ones that have gone or are going through true menopause with parts intact. X. I too use to experience tingling, burning and hairloss. In severe cases, scarring could make the hair loss permanent. If they have nothing to gain, they don’t strain. I have gotten so many compliment on my wigs and so many people are fooled and think it’s my bio hair. There has GOT to be some explantation and solution. It is a very depressing thing to go through. I mean they have no idea how the stuff works. Despite the fact that what is left continues to grow in length, what comes back is baby fine and never stays for long. My scalp feels hot,sore, and “crawlie” or “tinglie”. I just thought this tender area had something to do with the shingles. I usually don’t apply conditioner to my scalp because it makes my hair look greasy-dirty. I have frontal hair loss that happens during an episode. I applied the olive oil and my scalp went berserk! I added the valerian root capsules 450mg(valium is made from this plant, but you can get it at the health food store for about $10) at bedtime. Have burning scalp & hair thinning but I aslo have burning tongue & sometimes lips swell & tingle. If you don’t know the cause of your hair loss, call your dermatologist for an evaluation. Hope? Today I am going to wash my hair, condition it with apple cider vinegar and water, and perhaps leave in coconut or castor oil. The fact that my hair no longer hurts or feels as tugged on, is enough for me to know that there is definitely some major Improvement happening here. I will post again once I see my dermatologist. I took a 5-month course because I had acne and it worked great on the acne – I’ve never had a problem with it again. Just don’t use too much. It’s also supposed to help re-grow due to high sulfur content. Seeing him happy helps me through a lot. If they come and go for less than six weeks, they’re called acute hives; longer than six weeks and they’re called chronic hives. I suffer from IBS. Now, what’s left of my frontal hair is so sparse, it’s difficult to make them. I’ve been crying reading your posts- mainly because now I know I am not alone. Two years ago I started to read about Neurogenic inflammation and stress and the connection with insulin resistance and how the drug Actos was helping some with inflammatory scalp disorders. Maybe. Patients seeking advice for hair loss either spontaneously reported or were questioned about painful sensations of the scalp. Your nurse can tell you if this is an option for you. And I’v been doing better the past couple of days. If I could just run my hands through it one more time it would ease the pain knowing that it would’nt. Please tell me I am not alone. For my son and myself. That’s assuming the thing would even stay on my head in gusts 20-40 mph here. I am very thin on top and try not to brush my hair much. Me too…painful..very sad about losing my hair…use to be so thick n pretty…I’m gonna try nioxin n vitas suggested. I’ve tried different shampoos and conditioners to multivitamins to biotin. I always find eating cheese brings out all my symptoms which is a massive shame as i literally crave cheese on a daily basis. Paul, Hair loss can be due to too little vitamin d, E and B. Do not rule it out but don’t freak out about it. Plus, it’s been about 6 months since I last dyed my hair. vitamins, shampoos, holistic medicine, eating clean, hormone replacement etc. My eyebrows also burn like my scalp, both of them along with itchy lashes and nose hair. I know this is a lot to read, but you guys seem very understanding and maybe someone can relate. I feel like shaving all my hair off, so I won’t see the hair falling, and also, it will give my scalp a rest from brushing. I have probably lost about 2/3 of my hairs thickness ( luckily I had very thick hair to start with. They may have long-term symptoms and be difficult to diagnose, so your dermatologist’s skills and experience are needed. It happens for periods of time, then goes away. But, it’s nothing unusual. Well, except for my bang/part area…but that is where I “style” the most, so I suppose that’s why. We lose hair naturally, every day, but don’t usually notice it because the body generally replaces hair at the rate at which it’s lost. When it is fairly well controlled, I use a conditioner with Tea Tree Oil mixed with water. There are people like myself. Does anyone know about this medication. Pain has gotten a little better, but it’s still there. What began at the top/back of my head eventually spread to the front, sides and base of scalp – essentially everywhere!

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