why are scorpios so

Scorpios think that intelligent and honest partners are wonderful, and they need to be with someone who can keep them interested and intrigued. I think there is reverse psychology that comes into play here. The 10th most frequently asked question about Scorpios concerns their love life. It is their aggression that makes them so irresistible. This is true for all aspects of their life. So to clear up some of the mystery around this often misunderstood sign lets examine it a bit closer by taking a look at 21 of the most common traits and characteristics of the Scorpio personality. There’s always more than meets the eye. They do have Bigger Ego's than most but so do Leo's. I bring to you Why are Scorpios so...? The sensitivity in Scorpio natives can be attributed to their elemental sign: water. Of course, they start hating the source of that feeling: the Scorpio. This isn’t a surface level sign—there isn’t much room for the superficial in Scorpios lives. Scorpios are passionate, but their planets Mars and Pluto … Even though you are aware of the dangers. There is a ~oneness~ that Scorpio wants to feel with their partners on a deep level. They’re a fixed sign in the zodiac, which means once they have their mind set on something, it probably isn’t changing. Scorpios are afraid of being hurt. Be it in love or life. © Copyright 2019 Astro 79. It angers them when people don't apply logic where it is necessary and obvious. Why are Scorpios so cute? You must have heard that Scorpios are passionate. They believe that they are smart enough to see treachery from miles away. Since Scorpio is a fixed water sign, their emotions are deep and intense. This is the house that governs all things witchy and psychic. They could try to not control things just to do it more. Scorpos have compulsive controlling issues. Scorpios are widely considered the sexiest, most alluring signs of the zodiac. © Copyright 2021 - Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved. Another issue is that Scorpio natives don’t have an open mind. What’s different about the Scorpio Zodiac sign from other water signs is their processing. This starts a chain reaction where they come off as arrogant. They need a strong foundation of trust to exist in all their relationships. playerId: '3c1fefeb-23b6-4f78-9266-d8d35ff92220' This again is something that can be attributed to their element, water. They fear being outwitted and outmaneuvered. They have a fear of trusting someone so much that they won't be able to recover from treachery. This leads to the Scorpios not being liked. . Scorpios are not good at letting go. Betrayals hit them very deeply, and they aren’t dealt with lightly. It is the shame that arises from being outsmarted that drives them. To manage your subscriptions, please type in your email below. Surprisingly, anything could get past the penetrating intellect of a Scorpio. This website was developed byCreative Geeks. Ruled by two of the sexiest planets, Pluto (planet of transformation and death) and Mars (planet of aggression and sex), Scorpios are known for their enigmatic, sexy, and magnetic charm. Here’s What Your Mars Sign Says. Be it in love or life. Fortunately, an Aquarius is capable of understanding the Scorpio better than any other zodiac sign. And the hate cycle begins. But what are Scorpios afraid of? Scorpios believe that they know what’s right. A Scorpio probably inspired Choderlos de Laclos to write, “Revenge is a dish best served cold”. Despite their reputation for … Because they are afraid. And they aren't leaders who can control their emotions. Ah, Scorpios—one of the most hated on zodiac signs—are also extremely memeable. This energy fuels their drive and determination. Intuitive. But Scorpios are not “scary.” Like the winter turning into spring, with death comes new life. Violently. If you are still wondering, “Are Scorpio sensitive?”, this part will clear things. , mediaId: '57fa9682-e5a2-486d-95e0-5523fe86d0e1' Scorpios aren’t a list of personality traits or what you see on the surface. The fear of others thinking badly or non positively about their secrets makes Scorpios not want to take on those other energies. They are inclined to be highly mysterious/secretive. When you don’t know that you are wrong, you will do something that ticks people off. Scorpio Who Have Few Friends And Rarely Socialize They find difficulty to understand the feelings of others because of the different characters. Scorpios are known to be hard taskmasters. One of many Reasons Why You Need A Scorpion In Your Life is because people with scorpio as their zodiac sign are loyal to those that they think important in their lives. All rights reserved.Privacy Policy. When they are unable to do that, they have to come up with a plan to establish their superiority. This is also the reason why they don’t fall in love easily. Once any trust has been violated or disrespected, it’s likely that Scorpio will be walking out of your life forever. The bond between a Scorpio and a Virgo is intense and deep. And while they don’t open up easily, they will get you to spill your deepest and darkest secrets in no time flat. Why Are Scorpios So Intimidating? That's why they are so intense. But if you try to push them harder than their limits, they'll disappear like they never existed. This closes them up to a difference of opinion or taking an alternate course of action. A Scorpio acquaintance once got hurt because I gave our common friend a gift that she wanted to give. A Scorpio is fully invested in their partner, the experience of love, and the good and bad sensations that accompany a romance. Scorpios can see through lies. Scorpios are ruled by two of the most intense planets in astrology: it's ancient planetary ruler Mars, the God of war, and Pluto, a dwarf planet reputed for transformative change. Scorpios are total sweethearts, if you just catch them at the right moment!Yes, they are. But Libras loved-obsessed antics sure do draw them in. cnx({ First of all, most of the time, Scorpios appear angry and mean when actually they are not. Scorpios are incredibly passionate when in a relationship. The veil between worlds is thinned for them. This makes them react to situations where they can’t make sense of their emotions. And no one can deny that the personality of a Scorpio is really sexy. The fear of being hurt makes them insecure. 10 Questions answered! All water signs (Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces) are extremely passionate. Their intuition can be alarming to others who weren’t expecting it. How Do You Act When You’re Mad? If my IRL friends said all that, then strangers were even harsher. Scorpios, in my opinion and my life-long experience being a Scorpio, we need to be different. They Harness and … These shared beliefs and expectations bring them together. Secondly, Scorpios are not the best at realizing their fault. Why are Scorpios so hot and intense? Water signs (Scorpio, Cancer, Pisces) are most compatible with Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Libra). So, when they know that they have to be cute to attract someone, they will be. Even the Scorpio men and women don’t know their own selves well. This planet is also responsible for some of our shadow side behavior: jealousy, manipulation, obsession, and power struggles. They care about people so deeply that they do everything they can to just keep those people from gtting hurt. Scorpios are so quiet because they are saving their energy. To avoid quarrelsome relationships that drain the Scorpio of all their energy, they may find that being more reserved and secretive benefits them more. But first, you have to make it past the small talk. The fact that they are control freaks gives them a unique magnetism. Their fear isn't just a matter of the heart but of intellect too. They know that they can learn from one another and that’s why this beautifully unexpected pair works so well. Scorpios are the most compatible with Virgos and Libras. Just as ripples appear in the water at the gentlest touch, so are the Scorpio's emotions. They love to be in control and hold power—and one way they do that is by holding back. 7. Ultimately, conflict, death, and danger allow us … Scorpios can easily figure out something they like and do not need a long time to decide something. Dark, sensuous, and sometimes rather intense, they have a quiet charisma that creates an atmosphere of intrigue. And their emotional sensitivity is what triggers the jealousy at the slightest push. Grudges are kind of their thing. 1. This planet is also responsible for some of our shadow side behavior: jealousy, manipulation, obsession, and power struggles. Which in turn helps them get along just fine. Their desire for authority and power is built into their sign. What they don't realize, however, is that eight also represents building. This sign is complex! Still, the Scorpio woman’s pride tends to be so focused on her smarts and her cunning that she can be a little oblivious to her own beauty. Scorpios don’t form light-hearted friendships, they require deep bonds that last the test of time. And while Libras are in love with love itself, their flighty nature can make it hard to Scorpios to form long-lasting trust. So once you have Scorpios' trust and loyalty, they will never betray you. There is also a tendency for Scorpios to experience possessiveness—their sign is ruled by the seventh house in the zodiac wheel, which governs merging on both a soulful and financial level. Scorpios never know if others truely like... Answer: We don't want to … 1. Once they deem someone worthy, they give that friendship, lover, family member, or whoever it may be all of their love, trust and soul. Scorpios are one of the three fixed zodiac signs meaning they are steady and reliable,... 2. Don’t feel bad about it. Being attracted to a Scorpio man or woman is the same as being attracted to adventure sports. Happy Chinese New Year—the Year of the Ox is here! They are dependable and are loyal to their friends and lovers and to each other. Once they trust you, they will most likely put their loyalty in you. In this lifetime, part of their purpose is to work through shadow side behaviors and transform like phoenix. And when those around them disagree, the Scorpio males and females get angry. !function(n){if(!window.cnx){window.cnx={},window.cnx.cmd=[];var t=n.createElement('iframe');t.display='none',t.onload=function(){var n=t.contentWindow.document;c=n.createElement('script'),c.src='//cd.connatix.com/connatix.player.js',c.setAttribute('async','1'),c.setAttribute('type','text/javascript'),n.body.appendChild(c)},n.head.appendChild(t)}}(document); First of all, Scorpios don’t try to clear the air. They guard their real feelings inside and protect themselves against the dishonesty of the outside world. They are sincere people to those that they trust. So here are 15 facts about Scorpios that will make you realize they're actually the kindest!. For nearly 15 years now, I have been writing about the mysteries of the zodiac signs, their characteristics and personality traits, their compatibility, their relationships and their passionate loves, with all the beauty but also all the complexity this can entail. Scorpios are intimidating. Scorpios are so calm because they save their energy. The Scorpio zodiac sign is the most misunderstood of all the signs. Scorpios go all in. People don’t like to be scared or feel lesser than. They’ll trail to the side and go on their own independent journeys. It is the thrill that makes you want to keep going. Scorpios have fixed energy. Confused? Why are Scorpios so intense? Read Me: How Do You Act When You’re Mad? So is the Scorpio. You will not come across another Zodiac sign which is as vengeful as Scorpio. What stops most of them is their inability to overcome their headstrong nature. The result of that thought is this article. Just when you think you’ve gotten to know one, you’ll soon realize you haven’t even scratched the surface. Scorpios go all in. Everything about their personality is connected. You can see why people might view Scorpios as destructive forces with dark energy. I mean, whoa, right? Scorpios are so quiet because they care. That is one of Reasons Why Scorpios are Simply the Best. All three of these astrological signs believe that trust, honesty, and loyalty are the foundation of all relationships. This helps them understand one another. But do they deserve it? At some point in our lives we all through a phase where we want what we don’t have. Ruled by the eighth house in the zodiac, Scorpios have a natural interest in the occult. It’s like peeling back the layers of an onion: Eventually, you’ll get to their softer core. Scorpio's make great friends and allies because they will back you up %100 and if you ever needed anything, you just ask them. If anything stands to threaten it, they can’t help but react violently towards it. It is their intensity and passion that gives the impression that they are angry. Deep down, they’re big softies who just want to be loved and form trusting and life-lasting attachments with friends, lovers and family. Scorpios are so secretive because they fear others’ reactions. They are incredibly psychic and have a deep connection with other planes. They have worked hard to build their relationship. This is due to their extreme nature, as well as their dramatic tendencies. Fear holds them back from disclosing secrets because it weakens them and hurts them. They have a lot of emotions, and they seem to pick and choose which one they show at each moment. Still, ever so often lovers and friends of the Scorpio males and females come to me with questions about their mysterious friends. Trust is key. If someone hurts them, what affects them more is not doing anything about it. Scorpios are also investigators at heart, who seek deeper meaning and enjoy exploring the psychology of themselves and others around them. Rivaled only by the fire signs. Aries likes to run swiftly and lightly across the planet, like leaving behind a trail of flowers in its wake. By Shantanu Prasher. cnx.cmd.push(function() { It’s rare you’ll find a Scorpio who just goes along with the crowd. Reasons Why Are Scorpios So Sensitive 1. Yes, they might seem heartless and tough sometimes, but they are totally kind on the inside. People fall for Scorpios because, despite their cool outward appearance, it’s obvious that there’s plenty going on beneath the surface. And they can get hurt by anything. They’re also not going to sugar-coat anything for you. Let’s get back to Pluto. Scorpios have all the abilities required to do well in life. What’s interesting about these two signs is that they both desire a real loving connection with a partner. Probably unsurprisingly, Scorpios are the ones who usually take the obsessive stance in a relationship. Once they set their beliefs, they will not change them. Lord Voldemort), so sexy. And their first response is to take revenge. They have a complex personality that can’t be judged easily. Scorpios are the embodiment of that. The reason why Scorpios are so secretive is that they don't trust other people easily. But where do these fears come from, and is there any truth to this astrological myth? Scorpios have the strongest sex drives. 1. Despite their reputation for being cold, Scorpios can be … They have a never back down attitude. They are extremely sensitive people and so they often hide their true selves by wearing a calm outer facade in public. Why are Scorpios so . There isn’t halfway—their passion is all-consuming. Scorpios are skilled lovers. Their feelings and emotions are so deep that even they don’t realize its depth. We are leaders, not followers, so we will act different and be different and/or 'freaky', just so we're not fallowing everyone else. Why you find that hot and intense is because these are attractive qualities. Scorpios are often known for being quite mysterious and many find they simply have a hard to getting on their level. Another situation is when people around them don't seem to be taking things seriously. It’s rare for a Scorpio to open up completely and bare their soul. Scorpios have a bad reputation. I can write an entire blog on this, but I will end this with one final point. Let’s get back to Pluto. They take intimacy and closeness seriously, because they do not trust many people. So, I thought to myself, why not bring all of your frequently asked questions about Scorpio under one roof? jealous? This again is something that can be attributed to their element, water. If this connection is threated, you can expect to see the stinger. Two words to answer this are passion and commitment. No one can say with 100% certainty that they know the Scorpios full well. Alyssa Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/AlyssAstrology?feature=g-user-u Youtube administrator: This video features a royalty free music from Pond5 Two words to answer this are passion and commitment. Scorpions are deep, strong, sensual, and taboo breakers. While the Cancer internalizes and Pisces rationalizes. 4. Scorpios are extremely powerful signs, but often misunderstood. This phrase is often used to describe Scorpios. All water signs (Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces) are extremely passionate. When they love, they love deeply. And let’s not forget their vengeful and infamous stinger: Scorpios are not a sign to be crossed. Yes, that is what makes them so secretive. 15 Reasons Why Scorpios Rule The Zodiac Circle. Water nourishes the earth, and so the water signs nourish the souls of the earth signs. Small talk won’t work with them; they need to dive deep. If they don't let anyone in, they can't be hurt. So, when first meeting a Scorpio, their personality can feel harsh and abrasive. Scorpio: Zodiac Sign & Horoscope Virgo: Zodiac Sign & Horoscope For Scorpios, a vengeful grudge can last a lifetime. When they love, they love deeply. Scorpios are so calm because they care. . That’s a lot. Scorpio, protect yourself from Aquarius, because they are the people who during an identity crisis will send you in jail.. Scorpio must search people with a stable and balanced mind (zodiac sign from May to September) because Scorpio has so much important goals in life that he must pursue those goals.. Asiaa on April 05, 2019: }); Scorpios aren’t mean—they’re direct. This means that they are really good at manipulation. These are the characteristics that make Mr Darcy, Edward Cullen, Jacob Black, Christian Grey and even Tom Riddle (a.k.a. Eight suggests infinity, so many Scorpions have the innate knowledge that death is not really the end and that everyone moves on to higher forms. Scorpios are known for being one of the more difficult signs to understand. So, naturally, Scorpios are the most compatible with Libras and Virgos. So, they build walls around their heart. Let’s take a closer look at some of the most burning questions about Scorpios and their surrounding mystery. Aries may not understand why Scorpio is so deep and brooding. People don’t always know what exactly a Scorpio is, so it’ll fade from view without ever being fully realized. Scorpio might think that Aries is shallow or needs to grow up, but Scorpio is just not seeing Aries correctly. It is difficult to fathom that someone so strong can be so weak. Their strong virility is another contributing factor. Scorpions are attractive because of their unique and different personality. When in reality they just want to get the job done. This is a two-part answer. Scorpios, being a water sign, are sensitive people.Often they don’t seem too sensitive and emotional as they keep most of the deep feelings to themselves. It is this stubbornness that makes them so difficult. An attitude that they don’t let go off even when there is no benefit in continuing. They can’t help themselves; again, they like what they like, and they don’t like what they don’t. I’ve asked Ishan Hill, a Scorpio man himself, to set the record straight on the five most common Scorpio man misconceptions. There are several reasons for this. Their mystery can last a lifetime. It is never their intention to intimidate those around them. Find out what's to come with your 2021 Chinese Horoscope! They feel as passionately as they thrive to succeed. Do Scorpios hide their feelings? A big part of it is that they don’t realize they are cute. That transformation and cyclical nature of the universe is powerful, and that power is what makes a Scorpio hum. Why you find that hot and intense is because these are attractive qualities. Apart from being great intellectuals, both Libra and Virgo share the same ideals as the Scorpio Zodiac sign. Here’s What Your Mars Sign Says. Scorpios possess determination that makes them natural-born leaders. So much so that most people advise running in the opposite direction when encountering a Scorpio, specifically the Scorpio man. It’s hard to put them in a box and define them because they are so mysterious. Scorpios are ruled by Mars and Pluto. Ask anyone who has dated a Scorpio, and the person will explain to you why Scorpios are so damn irresistible: It's because they're mysterious and they'll always keep you guessing. To avoid the quarrelsome relationships that drain Scorpio of all their energy, they may find that being more reserved and secretive benefits them more. }).render('018e423260304946a625d6f07b19e058'); There isn’t halfway—their passion is all-consuming. If someone misunderstands them, Scorpios feel that it isn’t their problem. Which is why your Scorpio colleagues will mostly operate mysteriously. It is their emotional insecurity that makes the jealous and possessive. But it can also lead to misunderstanding. The second reason is that they can't suffer stupidity or substandard efforts. This a sign ruled by Pluto, a planet that governs transformation, our psychology, destruction, death, and rebirth. One of Scorpio’s ruling planets is also Mars: the planet of war, anger, sex, aggression and our animalistic nature.

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