alien betta care

You could consider switching to a sponge filter instead of the current one if the current is too much, or finding a way to slow the flow with decorations/plants. One gallon tank with one live plant. Bryan go ahead say it….. Understand that products like these, however, do not replace actually vacuuming the substrate and doing water changes – but they can reduce some of the waste build up and how often these actions are needed. I have a filter for up to a 10 gallon tank and change the filter and water regularly (not at the same time). petco pfff. I figured she just didn’t like the food but she wouldn’t eat anything. It could be natural if his personality is still the same and he’s eating normally and otherwise healthy. Recently, more of this coloration has appeared in tail fins, I assumed as result of color-enhancing food formula. I pulled the bag immediately, but don’t know whether that’s the cause. So I’ve had him and the tank for over 24 hours now. but the water testing strip and the total hardness of the freshwater is hard at 150 and the pH water is alkaline. Use test strips to monitor water parameters. All Betta fish are shipped From Houston, Texas to your shipping address with Live Arrival Guarantee We are on day 2 no food. He now will come up and eat 2 pellets then swims quickly back to bottom and appears to have labored breathing. Hi Bryan Hi Lulu – I think it’s great you are researching before buying a betta fish instead of after! I was giving two baby bettas a female and a male the past couple weeks. It is a small tank-don’t know exactly how big-less than 5 gallons. Most people find it weird that I’d care so much for a little betta, but I love animals so much and I want to educate people on these wonderful fish. I’ve had my male Betta for four days and I’m obsessed! Females are generally much smaller in size, have less vivid coloring, shorter fins, and have a small white egg spot on their underside. I have conflicting advice. he’s cold and sad, mr. fish. They are stressed easily, which can lead to sickness, and should not be in a tank that’s larger than 3-gallons either until they have matured. Betta fish need natural day and night light cycles. Fin regrowth doesn’t always look 100% the same as the original fin and can be folded over. It was about 60 degrees down there and the heating turned off and on. I feed him once a day. Also while he is at the top he’ll tend to keep his front part straight and then let back half float up sideways. Males care for the nest until the young hatch. I just don’t want to risk doing something wrong and making him worse. I am new to betta fish and have just purchased a round AA Deco o aquarium for my betta which has a built-in LED light. If he occasionally is curious and gets pushed down by the water entering the tank, that’s no big deal. I am planning on getting a betta fish and I have a 10 gallon tank that I have used for other fish in the past. With that 1-gallon tank, when you place decorations or plants inside, you are displacing the water volume further to far less than 1-gallon. A good filter can help reduce these levels and establish healthy bacteria in tanks 3 gallons or larger. I ask because it sounds like stress/shock behavior from the abrupt change of the water parameters and potential loss of good bacteria. Sometimes called “Siamese Fighting Fish”. My fluval has a blue moon light. My Other family members have had bettas and they lived in vases and were fed and where happy too. I have spoken to the head of the pet department and brought it to the attention of other people employed there. Is this okay for my betta? Till he finishes it’s fine, his food his way to eat. Plus you’ll enjoy him or her that much more if they have ample space to put on a show. It is very helpful. In the right size tank (over 10 gallons), yes, African Dwarf frogs can be a great addition. Never use distilled water either, because it has been stripped of all the essential minerals that bettas need to thrive on. Hi! Hello Angelina – yes you will need to upgrade the size of the tank to a minimum of 2.5-gallons. We have had him a year and this is the first time I have seen this behavior. He’s laying at the bottom. The quality of care and food provide to the betta factors into their longevity, as do exercise and space. How can I lower the GH and raise the KH? I should have bought a bigger tank with a lid instead. my main concern with this is the lighting. ©2017 Aqueon, a Central Garden & Pet Company. What exactly do i have to do.? If you aren’t going to wait the several weeks for the nitrogen cycle to establish before adding a betta to your tank, then at least use a beneficial bacteria supplement and let the tank run for at least 48 hours. It’s hard to gauge how much you should be feeding a betta. He is in a 3 gallon tank and is only a year old. Is there something else that could be wrong. I’ve had other fish before but never a betta. He darts back and forth at the front of the tank and hasn’t eaten since Sunday! Bryan, your website has been a lifesaver! High quality Betta fish for sale by Nice Betta Thailand online store. Populations from different localities exhibit slight morphological differences, e.g., the shape of the caud… The KH buffers the pH and affects how easily it can cause it to fluctuate, so bad would be 0ppm. So, I’m planning on getting a betta and I read everything on this page, but how long should I leave the tank with water but without the betta? There is very little information about feeding them Betta flakes, so how much should i give him? He sleeps at night on the bottom. I agree, steal that little guy and give him the life he deserves, as it was not the fishes choice to be a pet in a tank verses the wild.. Take him… They won’t care ‘he’s only a fish’… Give it a good home…, Hi, I’ve had him for around 4 months, and I have him in a 3.7 gallon tank with one soft plastic plant and a tall structure for shade– I have a heater, and a filter (my last betta had a 4 gallon tank without a filter and it died, even when I was assured by Petco that everything was fine.) The most important part, however, is ensuring a rich and varied diet. Cold water can lead to stress and health issues. Be careful of sharp edges on hideouts and decorations. Also, I’m not very familiar with those tanks, but as long as you have a regulated heater, you should be fine. I have bare bottom tank though I don’t want build up. I have bettas but they are much older. In a shared aquarium, a little extra care may be needed at feeding time to ensure they get their share, and to ensure that other fish do not nip at their elaborate finnage. I believe she’s ready because she doesn’t run from him. Thank you . Thanks so much! He’s not bloated nor sluggish. It involves slowly adjusting them to the new water parameters and temperature. Betta care; Collection: Products Sort by 32 products ... $60.00 Sale price $60.00 Sale. I turn the main light on for 4 hours in the evening. If Chronos is still eating, active, and has a spunky personality then you are probably doing just fine. Is that normal from the filter? It’s very rare to see a betta fish poop, so that’s not surprising you haven’t. He still has a little bulge on the back end where I think the swim bladder is. He is quite lethargic and has trouble swimming now so I lowered the amount of water significantly to help him not have to work so hard. Bettas like consistency, so any abrupt changes in water parameters or temperature can cause a lot of stress and potential for sickness or disease as the immune system is stressed. If you notice he is struggling a lot and is lifeless, then you may decide that is no quality of life for him and opt for euthanasia to end any suffering. Sign up for our newsletter. One of them is natural and the other one is blue. I am already very attached to Tempest, as i have named him, and I want to keep him alive and stress free. The easiest way to determine is looking directly at the face scales of the fish, betta mahachaiensis will simply have a dark line through the middle and the scales will look like plates whereas betta Smaragdinas will have its cheeks fully covered in snakeskin like scales, unlike the Mahachai. The Aqueon MiniBow, LED BettaBow 2.5, Triscape and MiniCube Kits are great choices for getting started on the right foot! Try soaking the pellets in some tank water for a few minutes before adding them in if he eats the pellet as soon as it hits the water. In filtered aquariums, change 10% of the water every week or 25% every 2 weeks and change the filter. The tank I have is 10 gallons. I just got a new fish and he doesn’t like any food that we bring him. I would like one but my family isnt wanting to buy a new tank instead of me using a small bowl. Btw our tank is a 2.5. I am however diligent with water changes. Hi, my Betta Fish has little tattered fins. Two in the community tank might give you problems unless there are ample hiding spaces and it’s a larger tank. I have personally found that it does keep my fish healthy and I rarely have a betta get ill. For general maintenance I use 1/2-teaspoon per 1-gallon of water. In unfiltered containers, feed sparingly, once daily. Thanks Donetta! With that said, it’s totally up to you and isn’t required. Try an immediate 25-50% water change and see if things improve. If you could please get back to me, u would be very helpful, thanks alot. This is also possible if there was any space at any side of the divider and glass as well. With proper care, it’s also common for a betta’s colors to change or become more vivid. I treated it with salt and water drops, but it always came back. This is the quickest way to reduce their potential lifespan. Betta fish flakes are okay to feed, usually 3-4 flakes per feeding, although I don’t prefer flakes and recommend a high-quality pellet instead. If not, then I can’t recommend you getting another one. Also I have no idea of where to put it I have blinds and I leave them open during the day so I don’t fell like I need to get artificial lighting if I put it in the right spot. Keep 'Em Swimming! He never came out from hiding except to eat but he would eat only one pellet of food he would also wedge himself in a split part of a moss ball I need help on what to do and fast. does this mean that I have to purchase a new tank, filter, and everything else? Snails can be fickle in a new tank and often die due to stress or change in water parameters, and they only have a lifespan of about a year for most types. Anything is appreciated! Upgraded 1 betta tank from 1.6-gallons to a 5.2-gallon aquarium, will be upgrading the kids’ betta tank as well!! That is odd the male continues to refuse her so far even though he’s built a bubble nest. I plan on housing 2-3 females in a 10 gal tank. Visit our complete guide to the best live and fake betta fish plants. I just have it hooked inside the tank and plug it in. His water parameters are at: Betta fish need a normal day and night cycle. I am doing the partial water changes and checking ph.

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