mcmaster electrical engineering courses

Three lectures, one tutorial, one lab every other week; second term To explain topologies of power electronics, AC/DC, DC/DC, DC/AC and AC/AC. J. K. Zhang Lectures (two hours), labs (three hours), tutorial/design studio one hour every week; second term Fundamental antenna parameters are described in conjunction with the basic antenna measurement techniques. Three lectures, one tutorial, one lab every other week; second term Antirequisite(s): ENGPHYS 4K03, This course provides the fundamentals of the technology of wireless communications. 3 unit(s) This course provides a fundamental and in-depth knowledge of the analysis and design of radiofrequency (RF) integrated circuits (IC) in CMOS technology for wireless communications. Advanced design methods of digital systems including modelling, simulation, synthesis and verification using hardware description languages, timing analysis and hardware debugging; implementation of computer peripherals in programmable devices. 3 unit(s) This leads to various means for detection, which have important consequences in radar signal processing and statistical optics. Prerequisite(s): ELECENG 2CJ4; and MATH 2Z03 Three lectures, one tutorial; second term As they are not required courses, we cannot add any more seats to them. Modelling of control systems in the continuous-time domain; state space representations; model linearization; performance of control systems in time and frequency; stability; control design. Optical fibers and their propagation characteristics. Prerequisite(s): ELECENG 3CL4, 3PI4, 4PM4, Digital modulation systems, intersymbol interference, equalization, synchronization; ASK, FSK, PSK, MSK, optimal receiver, noncoherent detection; introduction to information theory; entropy, source coding, mutual information, channel capacity. and Ph.D. programs. Algorithms for multilayer perceptrons, kernel-based learning machines, self-organizing maps, principal components analysis, and blind source separation. Open-ended capstone project where students apply their acquired knowledge and develop their own unique technology to solve real problems. Antirequisite(s): SFWRENG 3X03, 4X03, COMPSCI 4X03, Introduction to switching and communication networks; packet switching; shared media access and LANs; error control; network layer operation and the Internet; ISDN; wireless networks; performance and simulation. The course is designed to give the student a more detailed knowledge of engineering applications to sensory and neuromuscular physiology. Topics include traffic characteristics, connection admission control, packet scheduling, access control, and mobility and handoff management. 3 unit(s) 4 unit(s) Least-squares, linear and quadratic programs, semi-definite programming, minimax, extremal volume, and other problems. 3 unit(s) Todd McMaster is home to international students coming from 120 countries Three lectures, one tutorial, one lab every other week; second term Three lectures, one tutorial, one lab every other week; first term In particular, we will study material structure, charge carriers, electronic transport, the effect of doping, device behavior, and fabrication issues. Lasers and photo-diodes. The source-channel coding theorem. The course aims to provide a broad coverage of key results, techniques, and open problems in network information theory. This is a hands-on course; each student will complete a short project involving the design, implementation, testing, and performance evaluation of an algorithm on a GPU. X. Wu Staff Practical experience will be gained in modeling neurons from a number of perspectives, including equivalent electrical circuits, nonlinear dynamical systems, and random point-processes, and an introduction to the mathematics required to understand and implement these different engineering methodologies will be given. K.M. A key to efficient biomedical signal processing is a fundamental understanding of physical models, simplified but adequate mathematical models and statistically efficient signal processing algorithms. 3 unit(s) Power systems, sustainable energy, and computer hardware/software are integrated into the program.

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