obsessive love disorder reddit

This also means no fundraising or activism, please. Maria Parker June 4, 2020. The overall range of ways to treat obsessive love disorder is completely on how you handle the situations. After a 4 year relationship I left him to do my own thing since I realized I was getting nowhere. There might be affiliate links on this page, which means we get a small commission of anything you buy. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder: This is caused by obsessive fears that lead to compulsive rituals and practices in daily life. I keep pushing her away when all I want is to be around her. I think I may have obsessive love disorder. I am so fucking glad I none of my attempts were so successful, and I NEVER thought I would ever be able say that. This really gave me a lot to think about. After that last one, I realized how stupid I was being and promised myself that I would never let things get that bad again. And this elevated mood lasts for days after seeing her. Ultimately, you feel driven to perform compulsive acts to try to ease your stress. When I did get a response I immediately bounced out of my funk and started trying to have normal conversations with her. Suffering from obsessive love disorder will cause you to be overly jealous of every tiny little thing and is considered a mental health problem. She started becoming all I could think about and my feelings of love to her increased the less I heard from her. Then again, there are things like the fact that she agreed to hang out with you yet another time even though you said the first few times felt awkward. and join one of thousands of communities. And I guess I say she's 'perfect' because every time I try to think of something bad about her, I come up empty handed. Turns out they were not... After that.. It is amazing when the man in your life is everything that you have been dreaming of and that he gives you all of his love and support. I end up convincing myself that maybe it could happen. Obsessive love disorder is when you are obsessed with someone that you think you are in love with. But that being said, if something is titled a disorder (Obsessive Love Disorder), that's a good signal that it's not healthy. After those few meetings she stopped responding to my messages as much and she became increasingly harder to get in touch with, when she readily responded before. No, she isn't perfect. Treating obsessive love often involves psychotherapy for the sufferer and for their love object, particularly if the two people are currently in a relationship with each other. i have OCD, depression with psychosis, and OLD and need a place to vent my thoughts. I met up with her once, and it was a little awkward. Then, in a long period of silence, I felt myself slipping back into depression, thoughts of self-hatred and self-harm started to take over and I started sending her increasingly dark and disturbing messages, just trying to get a response. Is there a way to stop her from being constantly on my mind? In one of the periods that she dropped out of contact, I became suicidal. One would feel the need to stop one's love from doing things they don't approve of, even if one has to take extreme measures to do so. I of course snapped and kicked the shit out of her. I try to view everything from every possible angle and end up just getting confused and mixed up without knowing what the right move is. Did anyone actually get help from a suicide hotline/chatline? She is also stunningly beautiful and has a great personality and sense of humor. I can see that they are attractive, but I'm not attracted to them, if that makes sense. I know that she is not interested in being anything more than friends with me, and instead of just accepting that, I keep getting my hopes up that things might work out the way I want them to. Albert Wakin, a professor of psychology and expert on limerence, defines the term as a combination of obsessive-compulsive disorder and addiction — a … Some victims of this disorder face obsessive love disorder. Obsessive love disorder Treatment: If you come across any patient of obsessive love disorder, do not assume the worst or isolate the person from your life. But over time my stalking has gotten worse. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. The overall range of ways to treat obsessive love disorder is completely on how you handle the situations. I had just been through a long depressive episode that went on for months, with no one to talk to. No woman will ever be "perfect" or "the one" if there's this one small detail that they don't want you as much as you want them. What makes it inappropriate or not is if they are actually open to it and feeling the same way about you. Obsessive love or Obsessive love disorder (OLD) is a condition in which one person feels an overwhelming obsessive desire to possess and protect another person, sometimes with an inability to accept failure or rejection. I'm not even attracted to other girls. But there are people who can easily get obsessed with their partner and turn their love into obsessive love. I think you know that this is the best solution for your mental health, because it sounds to me like she's doing the opposite of helping you right now. Articles (including personal blogs) and media must be linked in a text submission and accompanied by a full account of your personal experience with them and how they affected your depression. May aswell keep trying with the one I actually want. icon by nightmareslug. Hello good people, I think I may have this issue.Right now I am in a rough spot and have no one to really talk to on the topic. Absolutely hate this terrible affliction I’ve been cursed with. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. Claims about the efficacy of any treatment or self-help strategy, In response to someone who's asked for help, it's okay to. Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder (OCPD) is a personality disorder that is characterised by extreme perfectionism, order, and neatness. This includes inviting PMs as a first resort. call me “z” - male (he/him) - 21 - mlm - read pinned to learn abt me! You'll have to decide based on the much more detailed understanding of the situation that you have. Is there some way that I can overcome my obsession and have a stable relationship with her, even just as friends? If rejected, they might hurt or even kill themselves. The non-prescription mineral magnesium, however, may also be beneficial in treating the symptoms of obsessive-compulsive thinking and related illnesses. Therapy never helped back in 09, because I was always too preoccupied with the thought of being away from the partner to make any progress. “I … ECT was heavily suggested as well as a stay in a psych ward. Don't say that you're here to help, show it by responding supportively to our OPs. I saw this person at school that I just fell in love with or something I don’t know why and I didn’t even know them, I started stalking and talking about them non stop it ended a whole relationship it was so bad. Antidepressants and anti psychotics made me worse and more violent if anything. As most people tend to tell me to get over it. Obsessive love disorder is a mental disorder that causes a person to obsess about the object of their love or affection. Welcome to /r/OCD, a subreddit dedicated to discussion, articles, and images regarding Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.. Please keep in mind anything and everything in this subreddit may be considered triggering to those suffering with OCD or related disorders, use … The Food and Drug Administration has approved several prescription drugs treatments for OCD. Some common obsessive love disorder symptoms are obsessive feelings of love, stalking, attempts to control and manipulate, and refusal to face reality. I'm usually able to think about things from more than one perspective on my own, but sometimes I need the words of others to get my brain working. In her book Love and Limerence: The Experience of Being in Love, psychologist Dorothy Tennov describes limerence. I had to force my way through it alone through sheer force of will. People with OCPD will also feel a severe need to impose their own strict and precise standards on their outside environment. If you think maybe you're pushing it to hit her with a heavy email or text asking her to clarify things for you, if some part of you thinks that maybe you have enough evidence to go on that she just isn't that in to you and you shouldn't need to hear it from her an additional time, then I would say lay low and act like you've got your own things going on for a while, and see if she is ever the one to make contact again. It's like all I ever talk about is deep personal issues and I'm unable to focus on normal social conversations. Obsessive love is based on fantasy and illusion. 5. Is it weird for me to like obsessive people? They always ditch me anyway. If you wanted a straight answer right now about which direction you should probably head, I'd say there's enough evidence that she certainly doesn't share your interest and you need to stop this. Important decisions have always been hard for me. It should never feel like you're trying to get somebody to realize how happy you'd be together, if only you could convince them. It's normal to always think about somebody, to associate happiness with them, etc. Love addiction can become sex addiction and if it remains untreated it can lead to drug abuse and alcohol addiction. She was able to snap me out of minor mental breakdowns and panic attacks that I was having. I became somewhat addicted to the sound of notifications on my phone because I always hoped it would be something from her. I love everything about her and in my eyes she's absolutely perfect. Back off, let any initiation or contact come from her. I think I may have obsessive love disorder. But there are people who can easily get obsessed with their partner and turn their love into obsessive love. I'm having a strecth of insomnia and I really need to vent so I might be able to get some sleep. About I year ago, I started talking to a girl I met in college. Have you heard of the term “obsessive love disorder?” When we are attracted to a guy or girl, it is normal to have persistent thoughts about the one … A space where people with this illness can talk freely about their problems. I still try to message her fairly often but when we do get talking, I usually do alright for a bit then inevitably slip back to focusing on my depression and I talk negatively about myself to her. We can't guarantee an immediate response, and there are times when this subreddit is relatively quiet. We try our best to keep an eye out for trouble, but we don't have the resources to review all the content in the sub in real time. I can relate to some of your story, I had a girl I talked to from a distance where it started to feel really intimate and more than a friendship sometimes, and I know exactly what you mean about the rush you get from hearing from them. A part of myself hate myself so much. The situation is progressively getting better but I'm still very much stuck with 1- getting attached very early and too passionately 2- unable to control urges to think about the person. If your post or comment is not appearing, it may have been removed for a rule violation or it may simply be stuck in the spam filter. Close • Posted by 41 minutes ago. However, for people with relationship obsessive compulsive disorder (ROCD), their doubts and fears blur reality, causing them to obsess about whether they’re happy with their partner. [–]BirdsArentImportant 20Answer Link1 point2 points3 points 2 years ago (1 child). Normal for them is simply an unacceptable line for me in basic interaction. My mind is a dark place sometimes, where every surface has sharp edges, and it seems like any move I make just ends up hurting me. The primary factor that needs to be fulfilled is that the person should want to do away with the disorder himself. You said it in your post, "should I just cut ties with her and stop trying to talk to her?" Thanks for the help. I need 60k need at least another 2 or more years of this lifestyle to get to that goal. A person with obsessive love disorder may be preoccupied with the object of their love above all else. So I suppose, not having the options or want to socialize with people who I will likely leave behind in 2 or so years is part of it. My depressed mind keeps turning my emotions against me and it like I keep building myself up to tear myself down over and over again. People with this disorder often find themselves troubled by a series of harrowing thoughts and obsessions, which they feel are out of their control. You may currently be unable to identify anybody else who makes you feel this way, so your brain makes the erroneous judgment that this person is the source of your happiness and you absolutely must have more of them. I have been obsessed with a few people and seem to have random outburst where I would do almost anything for them, I want to protect them and be near them at all times. They usually put up a lot of defenses so that nobody is able to invade their soft and emotional side. Obsessive "love" disorder. But that being said, if something is titled a disorder (Obsessive Love Disorder), that's a good signal that it's not healthy. On the whole, I think one of my biggest problems is that I think way too much. I’m now 27, and I don’t know how much longer I can keep rebuilding myself after each breakdown. She has improved herself a lot since I first met her, inside and out, and she is so independent and strong. We are not a crisis service. Obsessive love disorder is an extreme form of love that transcends into an obsession over time. use the following search parameters to narrow your results: FYI, it's usually more helpful to post anything that specifically involves suicidal thoughts or intent in /r/SuicideWatch. The symptoms of relationship-centered obsessive-compulsive disorder, or ROCD, may also amplify those very normal doubts and fears and lead to relationships crippled by dysfunction and distress 2,3. At this current point in your lives, it didn't sound to me like a normal friendship would be possible. And I'm worried I might actually need professional help at some point. Please don't diagnose others or advocate for or against specific treatments or self-help strategies. As far as the "disorder", it seems like everything is a disorder these days and there's a fine line with those symptoms mentioned between that just being normal love or something worse. Love addiction is treated with the help of sex addiction treatment methods so you must consult a mental health professional like psychiatrist or psychologist for further evaluation. i dont condone abusive behavior. I wouldn't encourage that if there's been enough of a vibe already that she probably just wants to be left alone. I value the opinions of others, especially when they are trying to help me. Real love is respecting the choices of others and giving them space when they ask for it. You could try to get to the core of this by encouraging her that it's safe to be clear with you in regards to does she want to hang out anymore, does she still enjoy talking, etc. I am unable to blame her for anything or feel angry toward her. But if you think it's enjoyable to get messages or hang out from someone who is only acting wishy washy about their level of interest in you, imagine how nice it would feel to someday find someone who wants to be with you as much as you want to be with them. Please do your own research before making any online purchase. Why 'Relationship Obsessive Compulsive Disorder' might convince you you're not in love with your partner . Obsessive love disorder means one feels an overwhelming need to posses and protect someone they love. It's refreshing to get some sound advice from a third party that isn't involved with the situation. She is so special to me and the thought of not having her in my life at all terrifies me. Rendered by PID 16957 on r2-app-084277eb1713c3ecc at 2021-02-12 13:21:52.506687+00:00 running 3853730 country code: US. Such behavior is one symptom of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder or OCD 3 4. When I was down and having some sort of emotional crisis, she was always there to respond to my messages (this was all text-based, we lived in different states) and help pull me out of the dark. I have been obsessed with a few people and seem to have random outburst where I would do almost anything for them, I want to protect them and be near them at all times. Instead, encourage him/her to visit a psychiatrist or a psychologist and seek professional help. Due to … Since then its been downhill. How can I tell the difference between real emotions and the ones that my brain cooks up to comfort me?". I know deep down that the right decision is to move on, but that is such a difficult decision to make. Learn to Let Go. name: just call me z! If you're concerned about someone else's suicide risk, see their talking tips and risk assessment guide. I've been in this situation for about 6 years now where I start obsessing over people that I like irrationality. Honestly I just want to get my life back on track. Obsessive love disorder is a mental health disorder where people experience extreme feelings of love that lead to unhealthy (and even dangerous) behaviors. Unfortunately, people with obsessive love disorder do not seem to get over the infatuation stage and remain overwhelmed by an obsessive desire to possess the other person while being unable to handle rejection.. Counseling can help and may involve helping both people visualize their relationship in a healthier manner, as well as using affirmations and other techniques to enhance their self-esteem. If you see a post or comment that violates any rules please message us. Relationship. Obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD) is a mental disorder in which a person has certain thoughts repeatedly (called "obsessions") or feels the need to perform certain routines repeatedly (called "compulsions") to an extent which generates distress or impairs general functioning. I have looked into some material about being abusive, as it has gone far beyond healthy behaviors in past relationships.It all started for me with my first ex who introduced 10 people as friends (Male). This does not mean no one cares. These obsessions and compulsions interfere with daily activities and cause significant distress. They become the ones who chase them, ghost them, suffocate them. Get an ad-free experience with special benefits, and directly support Reddit. I started getting emotionally attached to her because she kept being there to help me when I was the most vulnerable and unstable. Interactions are based on a pre-written script that requires an often-unsuspecting partner to memorize the … Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Overview . I just found out that my first ex that I have fe”” in love with just got proposed. Bienvenue dans le monde d’Obsessive. Despite efforts to ignore or get rid of bothersome thoughts or urges, they keep coming back… I can't keep hurting myself over this anymore, but I simply can't get her out of my head. Limerence Defined. Obsessive thinking disorder or obsessive compulsive disorder is a type of anxiety disorder, that enslaves a person in a vicious cycle of thoughts and behavior. It's not good that you say you always go back to discussing the heavy emotional topics, part of what might be turning her off is that you can't just be friends who talk about fun things sometimes too. They usually turn out to be tough but cynical loners, who hide a soft and insecure mind under a tough exterior. Laissez notre lingerie sensuelle et sexy vous transporter et faire de vos rêves et vos fantasmes une réalité ! It seems like any progress I make in improving my own life, I find some way to sabotage it, like I'm addicted to depression. I truly admire her so much and I don't have anything bad to say about her at all. Or should I just cut ties with her and stop trying to talk to her? They are usually deprived of the love and care that a person should get in his childhood. But she laughs it off and says its natural, it happens its like looking at art, you admire but don't want in your house.I have cut out most people who call me friends out of my life because they are on her side of things, saying get over it or just deal with it. Dealing with Obsessive Love Disorder. Please someone help. Sometimes I wonder if my feelings for her are real or imagined, then I think, "Either way, they are thoughts that I'm having, so that makes them real. It can mean telling them where to go, what to do, what to eat, etc. A personality disorder is an enduring pattern of thinking and perceiving, and consists of behavior that deviates from the norm. My girlfriend is very not clingy, so I joke with my friends that I have to hide the fact that I can be needy as to not scare her away lol. Remind them constantly that they are loved and cared for. Obsessive Love Blog. We didn't really talk much about anything serious and she spent a lot of time looking out over the ocean. Don't advertise yourself as a helper, authority or role model. Put up with her cheating and being with other people... Because of the stupid dogma from childhood of one person for life being falsely instilled in me, I clung to her like a life raft.When I found out that she had cheated my behaviors slowly devolved, to stalking and verbal abuse.Then one day I checked her phone and she had said, oh Nerrack can live next door to us with some guy she had been talking to and cook and clean for us. I hope this outside opinion is helpful, I know that this type of thing isn't easy for anyone, so if there's anything else I can say please let me know! It started really getting under my skin and I just wanted to spend as much time with her as possible, as friends, to get to know her better and actually have some sort of normal relationship that wasn't entirely based on words and my dark thoughts. Do not debate or sensationalise current events or hot-button topics because they happen to have a "depression angle". This mental picture and the dreams I have sometimes are so tantalizing, that I simply can't resist letting my mind wander and get lost in their pleasantness. Home / Uncategorized / Obsessive Love Disorder: It’s Uncommon But Surely Exists When I can't get her to talk to me I just turn inward on myself and start putting myself down. Never getting over my ex I’m totally in love with, but too scared to find somebody nee. It will hurt me if I let her go, and it will hurt me to try to keep her in my life if that isn't what she wants. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. I did talk with a mutual friend about it, and found out that she definitely doesn't have any sort of romantic feelings toward me. 10 Signs Your Boyfriend Is Jealous And Dangerously Possessive . And this cycle keeps continuing. Anything that's primarily of scientific, philosophical or socio-political interest belongs elsewhere, e.g. They are the ones who are vulnerable to an obsessive love disorder. I'm so addicted to the way she makes me feel, It's all I can think about most days. Eventually, I felt good enough about myself to get back on social media and start talking to people again. : the need to wash hands all the time. Then, whenever she did message me, my mood soared through the roof. Then she moved back to my state to an area near me, and all I wanted was to meet up with her. It is important to ensure that you know the ins and outs of the situation yourself and if required, consult someone professional who would be able to guide you through the recovery process. But I say that just in theory, it's understandable why she might not be entirely sure what to do or say, or is worried about hurting you, etc. Obsessive Love Disorder, or OLD, is a condition in which a person becomes obsessed with another individual who they believe they are in love with. Obsessive love disorder is a behavioral condition not unlike other addictions to certain activities, such as sex, shopping, or gambling. Reddit. i dont want anyone on my main finding this account. Obeying rituals, such as going through a doorway in a particular way, touching objects a certain amount of times Only you can decide if your feelings are reaching the point of disorder. It's funny when people say that while at the same time outlining a situation that clearly doesn't describe somebody who is perfect for them. With that said maybe the only thing you could do would be to ask her for that clarification and give her to reassurance that you really want to hear the truth and that it'll be better for you both if she tells you, and that you aren't going to harm yourself or go off the deep end if she isn't interested. People with this disorder often find themselves troubled by a series of harrowing thoughts and … I have never been open with anyone about my depression with anyone as much as her and she is profoundly important to me. You don't need special knowledge or expertise to help, you just need to be non-judgmental and interested in understanding the other person's experience. My lack of wanting friends or any connection to anyone but my gf. If you just want her off your mind and you want this to stop, you simply need to let it go for a while, don't initiate contact, go through the withdrawals, remind yourself why it wasn't good for you, and keep on moving forward, just like somebody trying to break any other addiction. That got me to start opening up to her a lot and sharing my dark thoughts and experiences. 2 thoughts on “Signs of Obsession: 14 Signs of Obsessive Love You Can’t Ignore” Typy Metali says: February 8, 2021 at 3:00 am Zycie to zagadka, nie trac czasu, bo jej nie rozwiazesz. It is important to ensure that you know the ins and outs of the situation yourself and if required, consult someone professional who would be able to guide you through the recovery process. 4. Obsessive "love" disorder. It is characterized by an unhealthy attachment towards someone and can be triggered off by many factors such as anxiety, insecurity, and vulnerability. I’m trying my best to not try to kill myself again, but I can’t say I would be mad if I never woke up again. If she is interested at all, friendship or penpal or otherwise, she'll say something. The person is unable to control either the thoughts or activities for more than a short period of time. Get over my self imposed rules and my jealousy. I have been obsessed with a few people and seem to have random outburst where I would do almost anything for them, I want to protect them and be near them at all times. And poor living conditions, inability to get stable work. Are all contributing factors...The chronic mood swings of, I want her in my life because she will make my life have meaning, to it would be easier to break up because then I can just live alone on a block of land the rest of my life alone, suck.. Please message us and we'll let you know what's going on and fix anything that's been removed in error. And all the time, with every new thing I learn about her, my love for her increases. Of course, the key thing is that you'd have to be genuine in offering to hear the truth of what she feels and know that you need to leave her alone if she says that's what she wants. basic info. Then and only then can the necessary steps be taken to solve this problem. It involves issues related to impulse control and adverse behavior changes associated with the unyielding desire to experience the rewarding and pleasurable feelings produced by new romantic love and maintaining these feelings no matter the cost. The ones who don’t let them have their free time or spend some time with family members and friends. You almost can't talk to somebody through text for too long before deciding to meet ASAP because otherwise it's kind of weird to see someone who you've been texting for so long and find out how it really feels in person. It's probably best that you create distance from this girl so that you're able to move on. I want a partner who can get jealous a lot and even stalk me or even maybe get violent for me, I think that makes me feel loved and more cared for. Like any addiction, if you make an effort to fight it for a while, it won't always feel this bad. When I started talking to this girl it started off as just casual chit chat. My depressed mind just end up turning any blame or anger inward. Due to the constant over one particular behavior, the person may have obsessive love disorder. Posts; Ask me anything; Archive; about the admin <3. This description matches me so closely it's a little eerie. In her book Love and Limerence: The Experience of Being in Love, psychologist Dorothy Tennov describes limerence. Heres how I got here, I guess.

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