platform speech for election

This we pledge to our people and to future generations: we shall keep the peace by keeping our country stronger than any potential adversary. When he took office, defense policy was in disarray. President Reagan believes, as do we, that all members of our party are free to work individually for women's progress. Their hopeful enthusiasm speaks better for a bright future than any government program. We have begun the turnaround on farm and ranch incomes. The greatest danger today to our international trade is a growing protectionist sentiment. Donald Trump's entire election victory speech. Commercial applications of new technology and marketing and management innovations are creating additional opportunities for farming and ranching. They all supported the creation of a department of labor, establishing a national post office, and prohibiting corporate campaign contributions. This production is sometimes financed with our own tax dollars through international institutions. Emigrate While You Still Can! Because President Reagan forged a hard-won solution to the Social Security crisis, our elderly will not be repeatedly threatened with the program's impending bankruptcy as they were under the irresponsible policies of the Carter-Mondale Administration. Log In Sign Up. Cross of Gold speech, classic of American political oratory delivered on July 8, 1896, by William Jennings Bryan in closing the debate on the party platform at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago during the campaign for the presidential election of 1896.. We are not neutral in their struggle, wherever the flame of liberty brightens the black night of Soviet oppression. We applaud the President's promise to provide protection to teachers and administrators against suits from the unruly few who seek to disrupt the education of the overwhelming majority of students. We commend the Reagan Administration for creating a commission on pornography and the President for signing the new law to eliminate child pornography. We will not tolerate the use of federal funds, taxed away from parents, to abrogate their role in family health care. Found inside – Page 47Even where a number of demands are clearly defined , such platform , to many voters , has the defect that it contains demands to which the voter is opposed ; and as he has to vote for the platform as a whole he is practically compelled ... We have vigorously enforced civil rights statutes. Vision Launch Media - May 27, 2020. We will be responsible to future generations, but at the same time, we must remember that quality of life means more than protection and preservation. In his second term, President Reagan will continue to appoint Supreme Court and other federal judges who share our commitment to judicial restraint. During the Carter-Mondale years, the silent thief of inflation ruthlessly preyed on the elderly's savings and benefits, robbing them of their retirement dollars and making many dependent on government handouts. Cefaratti begins with a story about schools, which connects with voters in the room. President Reagan committed our nation to a modernized strategic and theater nuclear force sufficient to deter attack against the United States and our allies, while pursuing negotiations for balanced, verifiable reductions of nuclear weapons under arms control agreements. We pledge to rescue a shipbuilding industry consigned to extinction by the Carter-Mondale team. By encouraging commerce in militarily significant technology, the Carter-Mondale Administration actually improved Soviet military power. The only way to repay the debts is to create productive capacity to generate new wealth through economic expansion, as America has done. The Reagan Administration was the first to combat the insidious practice of denying medical care or even food and water to disabled infants. Because of the Carter-Mondale intransigence on military pay and benefits, we saw the shameful spectacle of patriotic service families being forced below the poverty level, relying on food stamps and other welfare programs. Young people found job opportunities narrowing. Today, we have more confidence in the self-evident truths of democracy than at any time since World War II. This is an advanced guide to running political campaigns. It provides invaluable, practical advice from the leading pros in the industry. We enthusiastically support President Reagan's Strategic Defense Initiative. President Reagan has launched a bold new Strategic Defense Initiative to defend against nuclear attack. The deterrence of aggression is ethically imperative. We have made progress in our trade relations and affirm that, with good will on both sides, broader agreement is likely. These actions continued in the wake of the election, especially as mainstream conservative politicians and Trump pushed the false claim that Biden and the Democrats committed large-scale voter fraud to steal the election. In order to deter, we must be sufficiently strong to convince a potential adversary that under no circumstances would it be to its advantage to initiate conflict at any level. In schools, school districts, and States throughout our land, the past year and one-half has been marked by unprecedented response to identified education deficiencies. Quality of life also means a good job, a decent place to live, accommodation for a growing population, and the continued economic and technological development essential to our standard of living, which is the envy of the whole world. The Pentagon obtained a full refund and gave the Sergeant a cash reward. The Carter-Mondale Administration, and 28 years of a Congress rigidly controlled by the Democrats and out of touch with the people, brought farmers and ranchers to the hardest times since the Great Depression. Your speech is something that you need to put a lot of time and effort into. The median price house that would cost $94,800 if Carter-Mondale inflation had continued now costs $74,200. We share that concern, and more than that, we have taken steps to help curb abuses. We also provided a deduction of up to $1,500 per year for adopting a child with special needs that may otherwise make adoption difficult. We support the President in following the unanimous findings of the Bipartisan Commission on Central America, first proposed by the late Senator Henry "Scoop" Jackson of Washington. We endorse the President's initiative on comprehensive safeguards and his efforts to encourage other supplier states to support such measures. We moved creatively and carefully to restructure incentives, to free competition, to encourage flexible new approaches in the States, and to identify better means of health-care delivery. Compassionate innovation has developed insurance against catastrophic illness, and capitated "at risk" plans are encouraging innovation and creativity. If you need to fill 40 minutes to fit the schedule of the group you're speaking to, talk for 20 and then take questions. Average monthly Social Security benefits have increased by about $180 for a couple and by $100 a month for an individual. The tripartite axis of the Soviet Union, Cuba, and Libya has unleashed war and privation upon the continent. Now that you know the stakes, don’t worry! Our agricultural people have developed the ideals of free enterprise and have based their enterprise on our culture's basic element, the family. Spare parts acquisition has undergone thorough reform. Volunteer participation, emphasizing State and local control and adequate incentives, is essential to effective conservation. The Soviet Union will return to the bargaining table only when it recognizes that the United States will not make unilateral concessions or allow the Soviet Union to achieve nuclear superiority. The supreme purpose of our foreign policy must be to maintain our freedom in a peaceful international environment in which the United States and our allies and friends are secure against military threats, and democratic governments are flourishing in a world of increasing prosperity. The marriage penalty has been reduced. The Democrat bosses of the House of Representatives have refused to allow a vote on our initiatives by the House Judiciary Committee, perennial graveyard for effective anti-crime legislation, or by the full House despite our pressure and the public's demand. In other areas, such as our maritime forces, we should continue to strive for qualitative superiority. We have begun to clean up the welfare mess. Restoring local control of education will allow parents to resume the exercise of their responsibility for the basic education, discipline, and moral guidance of their children. You may have to further cut down your campaign ideas to two or three, or maybe even just one for the speech. McClellan ran on an anti-Lincoln and anti-Emancipation Proclamation platform and left open the possibility of a negotiated peace with the South.As the election We will work for indexation of capital assets and elimination of the double taxation of dividends to increase the attractiveness of equity investments for small investors. I mmigration was among the most complex and most debated issues of the 2016 presidential election. We will begin to eliminate the threat posed by strategic nuclear missiles as soon as possible. We affirm President Reagan's declaration at Normandy: there is a profound moral difference between the use of force for liberation and the use of force for conquest and territorial expansion. It will serve upwards of a billion people securely and will launch on April 19, 2021 at 8:00am. We also led the fight to deregulate interstate bus operations by enacting the Bus Regulatory Reform Act of 1982. We will press for access to investigate crash sites throughout Indochina. We must complete the block-grant process begun in 1981. Quotas are the most insidious form of discrimination: reverse discrimination against the innocent. With equal emphasis, we oppose the concept of "comparable worth." In the past year, several platforms have updated their policies and expanded their definitions of election-related content: Facebook expanded its voter and/or census interference policy; Twitter introduced a Civic Integrity Policy; and TikTok, Nextdoor and YouTube updated policies on election interference, election misinformation and election-related content, respectively. A network of huge ultra-modern radars, new anti-missile interceptors, new surface-to-air missiles, all evidence the Soviet commitment to self-protection. It will also be available during caucus time. Africa faces a new colonialism. Guidelines: Please submit your platform sheet as a PDF document, no more than 2 pages (it will be printed as one piece of paper, front and back). If you need to fill 40 minutes to fit the schedule of the group you're speaking to, talk for 20 and then take questions. At the end of the Eisenhower era, nearly 48 percent of the federal budget was devoted to defense programs, representing 9.1 percent of our gross national product. Republicans have no illusions about Castro's brutal dictatorship in Cuba. Rural Americans impart a special strength to our national character, important to us all. President Reagan has begun to reverse this dangerous trend. Applying these principles, we will preserve Medicare and Medicaid. The 1948 Election Campaign. Some schools have candidates give speeches or debate. From its founding in 1854, we have promoted equality of opportunity. Reimbursement mechanisms were based on expenses incurred, rather than set prospectively. America has a long history of helping those in need, and the responsibility for food assistance has been shared by federal and State governments and neighborhood volunteers. We urge the nations of the Americas to learn from our past mistake's and to protect native populations from exploitation and abuse. We have expanded employment and brought hope of a future worthy of its past. Found insideElection of 1872 Election of 1876 Election of 1880 Election of 1884 Election of 1888 Election of 1892 Election of 1896 ... December 19, 1859 Abraham Lincoln's Cooper Union Speech, February 27, 1860 Excerpts from Major Party Platforms, ... Found inside – Page 13Pastore devoted a considerable part of his speech to criticism of the Republican Party election platform , He spoke about " the reactionaries and extremists havinc seized control of the Republican Party . " Party Platform Moscow TASS ... We commend the President for encouraging other countries to assume greater refugee responsibilities. American agriculture is the world's most successful because of the hard work and creativity of family farmers and ranchers. Republican National Convention Civil rights enforcement must not be twisted into excessive interference in the education process. Republicans put the needs of people at the center of environmental concerns. Social media censorship is a potent threat to freedom of speech ... should be banned on every social media platform. As part of our commitment to the family and our opposition to abortion, we will eliminate all U.S. funding for organizations which in any way support abortion or research on abortion methods. That legislation, strongly supported by congressional Republicans, makes a comprehensive reform of private pension plans to recognize the special needs of women. During the Carter-Mondale Administration, no group of Americans was spared from the impact of a failing economy. President Trump accused Twitter of election interference in the 2020 presidential election after a warning was placed on two of his early morning tweets by the social media platform where Trump spoke of the dangers associated with using mail-in ballots. Without such a commitment, public confidence rapidly erodes. He fears Radio Marti, President Reagan's initiative to bring truth to our Cuban neighbors. The 2016 presidential campaign of Rodrigo Duterte was announced on November 21, 2015.Rodrigo Duterte, who was then serving as Mayor of Davao City, had refused to run and turned down other presidential and vice-presidential aspirants' offers to be his running mate, including that of Jejomar Binay, Miriam Defensor-Santiago and Bongbong Marcos.He was eventually elected President of … We will increase the incentives for savings by moving toward the reduction of taxation of interest income. A political party platform, party program, or party manifesto is a formal set of principle goals which are supported by a political party or individual candidate, in order to appeal to the general public, for the ultimate purpose of garnering the general public's support and votes about complicated topics or issues. Briefly summarize the ideas presented in the main body and emphasize one idea that you hope will have the most lasting impression. But he's not making eye contact with them. For their sake, President Reagan has led a national renewal to get back to the "basics" and excellence in education. And in just the last two months, platforms … A dollar now should be worth a dollar in the future. We will remove statutory obstacles to the effective management, performance, and security of intelligence sources and methods. His promise was not made lightly; and when a vacancy occurred, he quickly filled it with the eminently qualified Sandra Day O'Connor of Arizona. We must help the poor escape poverty by building an economy which creates more jobs, the greatest poverty fighter of them all. We believe American foreign policy can only succeed when it is based on unquestioned faith in a single idea: the idea that all human beings are created equal, the founding idea of democracy. Candidates for the top offices in the country - like Senate and President - might be able to get away with rhetoric like "Lowell is the root and you are the branches," but even they need to connect that phrase to a logical argument for their candidacy. Our men and women in uniform deserve the best and most reliable weapons that this country can offer. Notice how Marty Mauk, running for Des Moines (Iowa) city council focuses on the simplest of activities the city can help residents with (0:35). Search within r/frankspeech. Americans are again proud to serve in the Armed Forces and proud of those who serve. We deplore discrimination because of handicap. Consequently, millions of users migrated to alternative platforms: Gab, MeWe and, in particular, Parler. Whether it is a high school election speech or a student council speech for college or university, you get one chance to create and more importantly, to leave a lasting impression.. Find the words to say it best!. Lindell created his new platform as a haven for pushing election lies. •    Worked with rural credit and farm and ranch lending institutions to assure adequate capital at the lowest possible interest rates. Republicans believe that the future of American agriculture lies in the utilization of our rich farmland, advanced technology, and hard working farm and ranch people, to supply food and fiber to the world. We are encouraged by innovation in agriculture, and applaud its diversity, creativity, and enterprise. Classroom materials should be developed and produced by the private sector in the public marketplace, and then selections should be made at the State, local, and school levels. It is the vibrant, beating heart of the American experience. Tremendous fluctuations in exchange rates have rendered long-term international contracts virtually useless. Under President Reagan's leadership, the American people are making that vision a reality. As a result, the income tax system is fairer now than it was under Carter-Mondale. The social media platform will be similar to YouTube and Twitter and will cater to those who have been censored from other social media sites for practicing free speech. By. If you like to learn new things, the process may fascinate you. Almost a decade after our withdrawal from Vietnam, thousands of Americans still do not know the fate of their fathers, brothers, and sons missing in action. Three million women business owners are generating $40 billion in annual receipts and creating many new jobs. This moral principle must be the ideal by which our policy toward other nations is directed. In many cases, they literally broke up neighborhoods and devastated rural communities. Republicans reaffirm our historic ties with independent business people and pledge continued efforts to help this energetic segment of our economy. Unfortunately, many teachers are exhausted by their efforts to support excellence and elect to leave the classroom setting. The holding of public office in our country demands the highest degree of commitment to integrity, openness, and honesty by candidates running for all elective offices. Since federal aid, no matter how indirect, is now being linked to nearly every aspect of American life, great care must be taken in defining such terms as "federal financial assistance," "indirect" assistance, and "recipient" of assistance. Republicans reaffirm this God-given and inalienable right. And his willingness to stand up to Libya has made peace-loving states in the region feel more secure. Federal expenditures in this area exceeded $19 billion in 1983, the highest amount ever. We will preserve the principle of family reunification. Our Constitution, now almost 200 years old, provides for a federal system, with a separation of powers among the three branches of the national government. As a matter of basic philosophy, we advocate preventive rather than merely corrective measures. The Libertarian Party (LP) is your representative in American politics.It is the only political organization which respects you as a unique and responsible individual. We support local initiatives to fight crime against the elderly. In addition, to further assist the young families of America in securing the dream of homeownership, we would like to review the concept of Family Housing Accounts which would allow tax-exempt savings for a family's first home. We applaud Japan's commitment to defend its territory, air space, and sea lanes. Vote for me! And yet, four years ago, the future of American transportation was threatened. The Sandinista government has been increasingly brazen in its embrace of Marxism-Leninism. To sustain it, we must finish the people's agenda. Family, language, culture, and trade link us closely with both Canada, our largest trading partner, and our southern neighbors. Advice for running in a school election, with tips on such aspects as conducting a campaign, making promises, and delivering a speech. Despite fundamental differences in many areas, both nations share an important common objective: opposition to Soviet expansionism. The Department has filed more cases dealing with sex discrimination in employment than were filed during a comparable period in the Carter-Mondale Administration. That is why the danger of war has grown more remote under President Reagan. Today, democracy is under assault throughout the hemisphere. We strongly believe in open housing. Their goals are ours; their aspirations we share. Our emphasis on excellence includes the nation's colleges and universities. His peace efforts have won strong bipartisan support and international applause. This popular advocacy is even more important today in the global struggle between totalitarianism and freedom. They have benefitted immensely from agricultural research, extension, and teaching, unequalled in the world. Incorporate three main ideas into the body and provide evidence to support those ideas. Vision Launch Media - May 27, 2020. We travel widely, and we move the products of field and factory more efficiently and economically than any other people on earth. Most school board elections organize debates. The Republican Party reaffirms its commitment to assure a basic level of high quality health care for all Americans. All Americans stand to gain when disabled citizens are assured equal opportunity. The following embedded document contains the text of a resolution The policies of the Reagan Administration have opened literally millions of doors of opportunity for these Americans, doors which either did not exist or were rapidly being slammed shut by the no-growth policies of the Carter-Mondale Administration. We support continued assistance to the democratic freedom fighters in Nicaragua. The B-1B bomber, replacing our aging B-52 force, is ahead of schedule and under cost. There is an election coming in November and we will protect political speech, even when we strongly disagree with it. The flood of regulation has stopped. The Republican Party recognizes the importance of good teachers, and we acknowledge the great effort many put forth to achieve excellence in the classroom. As our power waned in the 1970s, our very weakness was provocative. Have you ever wanted to get good at speeches. We salute the men and women of the National Guard and the Reserves. #4: Ace Your Campaign Speech. We affirm our country's absolute fight to control its borders. The challenge of learning for citizenship and for work in an age of change will require new adaptations and innovations in the process of education. We owe them more than thanks. We know that Communist nations, which profess dedication to human rights, actually use their totalitarian systems to violate human rights in an organized, systematic fashion. We will continue the policies that have given fresh confidence and new hope to freedom-loving people everywhere. Decisions on family size should be made freely by each family. We endorse experiments with education such as enterprise zones and Cities-in-Schools. The Republican Party rejects the strategy of despair and supports instead the strategy of hope and survival. The costs of public assistance are astronomical, in large part because resources often benefit the welfare industry rather than the poor. The amendment prohibits requiring any pupil to reveal personal or family information as part of any federally supported program, test, treatment, or psychological examination unless the school first obtains written consent of the pupil's parents. This literacy-based knowledge revolution, made possible by computers, tapes, television, satellites, and other high technology innovations, buttressed by training programs through the business sector and foundations, is a tribute to American ingenuity. Introduce yourself and make an impact; then keep their attention with your excellent speaking skill - finally nail their vote with your well structured free written speech. The purpose of a platform speech is to provide an audience with the speaker’s goals and motives and persuade them to agree with his ideas. Platform speeches are formal in nature and are most common among political candidates. The written speech should contain four specific elements: a preliminary header, an introduction, a body and a conclusion. The Air Force has procured advanced tactical aircraft. Use the time supporters give you to talk about why you're running for office. Within the last four years, dramatic progress has been made in protecting coastal barrier islands, and we began the Park Preservation and Restoration Program to restore the most celebrated symbols of our heritage. Domestically, a stable dollar will mean lower interest rates, rising real wages, guaranteed value for retirement and education savings, growth of assets through productive investment, affordable housing, and greater job security. We oppose taxation of churches, religious schools, or any other religious institutions. The American Dream has made a comeback. She then ties that shared story to a call for specific policies that will help her community, and she makes an excellent transition from "story" to "policies" (6:05). Our families crossed ocean, prairie, and desert no less dangerous than today's space frontier to reach a new world of opportunity. To strengthen NATO's Southern Flank, we place the highest priority on resolving the Cyprus dispute and maintaining our support for both Greece and Turkey, with non-recognition of regimes imposed in occupied territory. Terrorism is an international problem. Our new programs will bring the flexibility to adjust to rapidly changing export market conditions and opportunities, and, in a timely and effective manner, respond to the inherent, uncontrollable risks of farming and ranching. As voter turnout is low, talk to parents and encourage them to vote. 6 July, 2017 , by Steven Arndt. Because of that terrible error, we are now exposed to significant risk and must spend billions of defense dollars that would otherwise have been unnecessary. Together with our emphatic commitment to civil rights, Republican programs will achieve, for those who feel left out of our society's progress, what President Reagan has already secured for our country: a new beginning to move America to full employment and honest money for all. We have targeted benefits to the needy through tighter eligibility standards, enforced child-support laws, and encouraged "workfare" in the States. Tax reform must not be a guise for tax increases. The Reagan-Bush Administration has worked for positive human rights changes worldwide. We reaffirm the principle that the national security policy of the United States should be based upon a strategy of peace through strength, a goal of the 1980 Republican Platform.

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