vestas board of directors

Aerodynamic Upgrades are designed for the V82-1.65 MW turbine. Tailor-made service packages are to be designed and refined in close collaboration with the Chinese customers, for instance by reshaping the work flow and increasing flexibility of the delivery model. Bosiddende: Storbritannien Sustainability Reports. This applies to e.g. introduction of SF6 gas take-back scheme for worn-out switchgears) and product upgrade initiatives, which include increased energy production (in moving from a 3.0 MW to a 3.3 MW generator) and product optimisation, giving reduced material requirements. Evaluation of the members of the Committee’s independence. På den ordinære generalforsamling i 2020 fik bestyrelsen bemyndigelse fra aktionærerne til løbende at lade selskabet erhverve egne aktier i tiden indtil den 31. december 2021 svarende til i alt 10 pct. Member of the Executive Management since May 2013. 2013-2015 Group Chief Operating Officer, EMEA, ISS A/S (DK) However, wind power is still competitive. Nationalitet: Svensk Among other things, you can: Open the InvestorPortal to get additional information on how to log on by using Nem ID or with a username (VP ID) and password. Revisionsudvalget er ansvarlig for udvikling og vedligeholdelse af denne politik samt overvågning af, om den bliver overholdt. Udvalgte risici diskuteres efterfølgende i Group Risk Management-komitéen, og tiltag med henblik på minimering af risikoen vurderes for potentiel implementering. - DENMARK, Aarhus - Vestas Wind Systems A/S (CPH:VWS) today announced that Mrs. Helle Thorning-Schmidt has agreed to be nominated as a member of the Vestas Board of … Formand for bestyrelsen i SelectionF ApS. Tax Policy Komponenter (DK), 1981-1984 - Industry technician trainee, Tim Maskinfabrik (DK), 2017 - Quality Optimization with Six Sigma, Erhvervsakadami MidtVest (DK), 2015 - Economy Erhvervsakadami MidtVest (DK), 2014 - Logistics, Erhvervsakadami MidtVest (DK), 2014 - Project Management, Erhvervsakadami MidtVest (DK), 2013 - Leadership in Practice, Erhvervsakademi Sjælland (DK), 2013 - Produktion optimization, Erhvervsakadami MidtVest (DK), 2010-2011 - Project management, Erhvervsakademi MidtVest (DK), 1998 - Higher Preparatory Course - single subject (DK), 1996-1999 - Military service, Royal Danish Life Guards (DK) and discharged as technical sergeant, 1994 - Language secretary, English, Open education at HIH Herning (DK), 1987-2005 Various positions in Vestas Group (DK). Resident: Denmark se størrelsen af din egen beholdning af navnenoterede Vestas-aktier. This means, that after six and a half months, the wind turbine has generated as much energy as the suppliers and Vestas together spend on manufacturing, transporting, installing and dismantling the wind turbine in its 20-year lifetime. I februar offentliggør Vestas publikationen 'Aktionærinformation'. Income (expenses) from investments accounted for using the equity method amounted to EUR (31)m. This was primarily driven by timing differences related to revenue recognition in the offshore joint venture which are expected to reverse as the joint venture recognises revenue from delivery of projects. The Board finds that clear guidelines on how to manage and communicate at Vestas help provide a true and fair view of the Group to the world. Remuneration Report 2016 1988-1992 - Master of Mechanical Engineering, Finanskalender, Født: 23. marts 1956 Ledende på profitabilitet, så vi kan geninvestere i Vestas’ fremtidige innovation og konkurrenceevne. Vestas has defined a goal stating that all electricity consumption in Vestas must come from renewable energy sources, subject to availability. Former positions: This ties well with Vestas’ vision to bring the cost of wind energy on a par with coal and gas, which today is a reality in some markets. Born: 14 December 1966 Indtrådt i bestyrelsen i 2012 og genvalgt siden, senest i 2021. InvestorPortalen er en service til Vestas’ navnenoterede aktionærer, hvor aktionærrettigheder let kan administreres. Marika Fredriksson, Executive Vice President & CFO, Anders Nielsen, Executive Vice President & CTO, Tommy Rahbek Nielsen, Executive Vice President & COO, Juan Araluce, Executive Vice President & CSO (Sales), Christian Venderby, Executive Vice President & CSO (Service), Kerstin Knapp, Executive Vice President & CPCO. With a smooth EEG revision, Vestas expects a solid market activity in the next couple of years. Derfor arbejder vi aktivt for at sikre, at sådanne risici forstås, overvåges og i videst muligt omfang reduceres for at sikre, at de ikke har negativ indvirkning på realiseringen af vores strategiske og finansielle mål. Distribution expenses amounted to EUR 158m, which was EUR 37m lower than in 2013. Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. Special competencies: As has been the case in previous years, 2014 was also a year in which Vestas maintained focus on matching its wind turbine and service capabilities with customer requirements, following market fluctuations in demand and adapting products to comply with changing regulatory policies. Vederlagsrapport 2020 (EN)Vederlagsrapport 2019 (EN) Vestas’ installed capacity increased from 60 GW in 2013 to 66 GW in 2014 – an increase of 10 per cent. Found inside – Page NO-627WASHINGTON , D.C. MEMBERS J. MICHAEL CAVANAUGH , born Columbus , Ohio , 1949 ; admitted to bar , 1974 , Ohio ; 1977 ... Secretary and Member , Executive Committee , Board of Trustees , Caribbean - Central American Action , 2003- ... The Committee is chaired by Marika Fredriksson, Executive Vice President & CFO and includes other senior management members from relevant parts of the business. Social performance (EN) view the size of your own portfolio of registered Vestas shares; vote at general meetings in advance or appoint a proxy. Ledende inden for innovative produkter, tjenester og digitale løsninger, der leverer de laveste energiomkostninger, øger udnyttelsen af vedvarende energi, og hjælpe kunderne med at optimere værdien fra vedvarende energiløsninger fuldt ud. Opfylder Komitéen for god Selskabsledelses definition af uafhængighed. The latter is presently the CEO of Hempel A/S and is a … Extended Cut Out is designed for the V90-3.0 MW and V100- 1.8/2.0 MW turbines. As Vestas aims to capture additional market opportunities, its ambition is to become a fleet-wide service solution partner. Formand for bestyrelsen i Sigma Connectivity AB. The number of shareholders registered by name decreased by approx 2 per cent during 2014. Position: Chief Regional Officer, Europe, Middle East & Africa Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. Education:  Excluding significant projects considered one-off in nature, audit related services accounted for 81 percent of audit and non-audit services provided by the Group auditors globally in 2020. Human rights and labour, Vision - To be the Global Leader in Sustainable Energy Solutions, Mission - To deliver best-in-class energy solutions for the benefit of our Vestas' articles of association include an authority to Vestas' Board of Directors concerning an increase of the company's capital in one or more issues of new … Chairman of the Board of TimeZynk AB. In 2014, Vestas received more than 100 MW of firm orders utilising the VDS for installation in 2015. Ved indstilling af nye bestyrelseskandidater forfølger bestyrelsen det mål, at bestyrelsen skal bestå af flere nationaliteter af begge køn samt have en spredt aldersfordeling. Blandt andet kan du: Åbn InvestorPortalen og få yderligere oplysninger om muligheder for logon ved anvendelse af NemID eller ved anvendelse af et brugernavn (VP-bruger) og adgangskode. 2001-2002 - Head of Business Unit Global Services, LM Ericsson Group Meets the definition of independence as set out by the Danish Corporate Governance Committee. 1995-1997 President, Arthur D. Little North America Board member Jørn Ankær Thomsen has informed that he will not stand for re-election. For markets with less challenging requirements, cost per wind turbine is often more of a decisive factor. * The mentioned number of shares includes own and related parties’ total shareholding. formand for Socialdemokratiet Boston Consulting Group is an Equal Opportunity Employer. The Vestas PowerPlus™ technology solutions are part of Vestas’ overall strategy of growing the service business and responding to a strong customer demand to increase power output while maintaining high reliability. Dette mål må dog ikke gå ud over de øvrige rekrutteringskriterier. Convening notices and admission cards for Vestas’ general meetings are sent by email. Nationalitet: Dansk 2005-2008   Senior Vice President & CFO, Volvo Construction Equipment AB (BE) The goal is to achieve cost leadership within the wind power industry. To Vestas Wind Systems A/S’ Board of Directors (the Board) corporate governance is not just a set of rules but a constant process. Indtrådt i bestyrelsen i april 2008 og genvalgt siden, senest i 2020. In October 2014, Vestas announced a new strategy to secure profitable growth in China, thereby reinvigorating its long-standing commitment to the world’s largest wind energy market. Special competencies: Risk management 2017 (pdf) Position i Vestas Wind Systems A/S Position with Vestas Wind Systems A/S In accordance with the Danish Companies Act, article 55, Marathon Asset Management LLP, UK, has reported a shareholding that exceeds 5 per cent. The notification was received in April 2013. and leader of the Social Democratic Party Furthermore, the activities must help ensure that any errors, deviations, and shortcomings are prevented, discovered, and rectified. Bestyrelsen er af den opfattelse, at klare retningslinjer for, hvordan man leder og kommunikerer i Vestas, er med til at sikre, at omverdenen får et retvisende billede af koncernen. 1995-2000 Director Corporate Clients, Jyske Markets, By closing the agreement, Vestas has acquired MHI's shares in the MHI Vestas Offshore Wind (MVOW) joint venture, while MHI has acquired 2.5 percent in Vestas and … As previously reported, Vestas and MHI signed an agreement where Vestas will take full ownership of MHI Vestas. Shareholding Chairman of the Nomination & Compensation Committee. Vestas-aktiebeholdning: 8.200. af aktiekapitalen på bemyndigelsestidspunktet, forudsat at den pålydende værdi af selskabets samlede beholdning af egne aktier ikke på noget tidspunkt overstiger 10 pct. 26 March defined by the Executive Management. Remuneration Policy, Rules of procedures for the Board of Directors the contributions and results of the individual members of the Board of Directors – and the combined board; and. The service market is expected to grow by 10 per cent in volume annually over the next six years, and the installed base is expected to reach 600 GW in 2020. Læs mere Vestas' nyhedsservice gør det let for dig som aktionær hele tiden at følge med, når der sker noget nyt i Vestas. 1999-2002 - Managing Director Ericsson Australia, Additionally, Vestas will initiate a new and more flexible approach to servicing wind turbines, allowing for tailor-made service packages to be designed in close collaboration with its customers. Vestas’ global presence also reduces the volatility around decreasing regulatory support for wind energy on a national level as there is limited dependence on a single market. Medlem af bestyrelsen siden 2019 og genvalgt siden, senest i 2021. medlem af koncernledelsen, TDC A/S Information collected through this process enables Vestas to assess the likelihood of a project materialising and allowing the company to initiate actions that either prevent or mitigate adverse human rights and labour impacts. Formand for bestyrelsen i Hand in Hand International. The most recent survey took place from 7-27 January 2015, and included more than 837 respondents in 46 countries, representing 416 customers. Tragically, two employees at Vestas contractors suffered fatal injuries during 2014. the right to attend and vote at general meetings. UN Global Compact  1982-1985 Business Administration, med speciale i Finance og Accounting, Uppsala Universitet The learning, best practice, and validated business results will be shared globally. Indtrådt i direktionen maj 2013. Wide experience in business development and sales of power systems ranging from thermal, nuclear and renewable energy. - Secretary for Vestas Board of Directors Technology Committee As assistant it was my primary responsibility to facilitate and/or drive projects within the strategic … Today, the Board of Directors elected by the general meeting consists of five male members and two female member. Term of office expires in 2024. Vestas’ financial and capital structure targets, as well as related dividend policy, link to the strategic aspirations of the company. Nationality: Japanese The product portfolio has a strong fit for these markets, the brand is well established and recognised, and an experienced sales force is in place. Cash at hand and in bank stood at EUR 2,018m and the financial debt of EUR 607m is primarily comprised of the corporate bond of EUR 600m, which matures in March 2015. The evaluations are conducted as an open dialogue among the members of the Board and the Committees. Another 5 to 10 per cent is emitted during transport, whilst the remaining volume of CO2 (80-90 per cent) derives from suppliers’ materials and component production. In addition, Vestas will improve delivery performance of its spare parts through optimisation of its distribution network, better forecasting, and local sourcing. 1987-1994 - Master’s Degree in Political Science 1979-1981 - Royal Coast Artillery, Rank Master Sergeant and Boat Chief, Military Service, Former positions In accordance with Danish legislation, the Board of Directors has defined a target outlining that members of the underrepresented gender should constitute two to three board members elected by the general meeting no later than in 2017. At the end of 2014, the incidence rate was 1.6, reaching the target for 2014. Position: Professional board member. In 2013, Vestas received 52 cases; 51 compliance cases and one question. Lovpligtig redegørelse 2019 (EN) 29 March, Deadline for proposals for the agenda One year on, the “Profitable Growth for Vestas” strategy is very much on track. Formand for bestyrelsen i Baffin Bay Networks ABS og TrackLib AB. International erfaring med markedsføring og salg af kapitalgoder. Lovpligtig redegørelse 2017 (EN) 32 of 12 October 2020) has informed that they hold shares and financial instruments corresponding to a position of more than 5 percent of the total share capital in Vestas Wind Systems A/S. I henhold til forretningsordenen for bestyrelsen skal bestyrelsen en gang årligt evaluere deres arbejde. Vestas shareholding: 73,000 shares*. The world, in which Vestas operates, continues to evolve in ways that significantly affect both the wind power industry and Vestas. Position: Skilled Worker - Production and Shop Steward, Vestas Manufacturing A/S (DK) 2001-. Stilling: Group President & CEO, Vestas Wind Systems A/S (DK) Positions of trust 2002-2003 - Chef for Business Unit Systems, LM Ericsson Group Medlem af bestyrelsen for Marcus Wallenberg-fonden. 1980-1984 - Master of Science in Electrical Engineering, University of Lund (SE), Former positions 1993-1995 President, Arthur D. Little Scandinavia. Dette sikrer, at ledelsen til enhver tid har de nødvendige beføjelser til at kunne drive virksomhed baseret på Vestas’ værdier – ansvarlighed, samarbejde og enkelthed.”. MHI Vestas Appoints New Co-CEO. by building sales excellence capabilities in regional service sales functions. The market experienced a large drop in 2013 after the previous American Production Tax Credit (PTC) expired, but with the renewal in the beginning of 2013, the market recovered in 2014. Kompetencer inden for international business, strategiudvikling og -implementering, virksomhedsstyring, salg, produktudvikling og drift. Særlige kompetencer: (Source: European Council: European Council – conclusions (23-24 October 2014). Vestas delivered 3,385 MW to the markets in Europe and Africa in 2014, up from 2,971 MW in 2013. Vestas’ policies, adopted by the Board of Directors, lay down, among other things, overall requirements on financial reporting and external financial reporting in accordance with current legislation and applicable regulations. Fiduciary positions  Special competencies: This section displays various documents dealing with rules, regulations and governing principles, which Vestas Wind Systems A/S adheres to. In 2014, Vestas delivered more than 1.5 GW in the USA, including reaching the 15 GW milestone of installed capacity in North America. who wishes to attend a general meeting or to be represented by proxy, must Vestas expects the service business to continue to grow with stable margins in 2015. Dr. Sol J. Barer. Position: Management Assistant, Technology & Service Solutions, Vestas Wind Systems A/S (DK) 1990-. Member of the boards of AB Industrivärden (SE), Sandvik AB (SE), and SSAB (SE). As the majority of Vestas’ wind turbine contracts are sold with service agreements, typically running for five or ten years, the stable revenue stream from the service business is set to continue its growth as the installed base of wind turbines increases. Bestyrelsen i Vestas består af otte eksterne medlemmer med bred international erfaring og fire medarbejderrepræsentanter. Vestas Wind Systems A/S and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd. (MHI) have signed an agreement in which Vestas will acquire MHI's shares in the MHI Vestas Offshore Wind (MVOW) joint venture, against MHI acquiring 2.5% in Vestas and being nominated to a seat in Vestas' board of directors, thus strengthening the partnership within sustainable energy between the two companies. Position i Vestas Wind Systems A/S This is done in due consideration of the confidentiality required as a listed company. Finally, working capital management remains an area of high priority for Vestas. The intention is to reduce the cost of energy faster than the market. repræsenterer en balance mellem kontinuitet og fornyelse. Throughout 2014, Vestas has experienced an increase in activity levels within both the production and service areas mainly in the USA. Europe and Africa accounted for 60 per cent of annual revenue, while the Americas and Asia Pacific accounted for 31 per cent and 9 per cent of annual revenue, respectively. Vestas’ bestyrelsesudvalg har til formål at forberede beslutninger og indstillinger til behandling og godkendelse i den samlede bestyrelse. The overview shows which cities Vestas will be visiting during the coming roadshow. Bestyrelsen honoreres med et fast kontant vederlag (basishonorar), som godkendes på den ordinære generalforsamling for det indeværende regnskabsår. Vestas continues to focus on reducing the cost of energy to make wind power an even more attractive investment. Furthermore, Vestas has entered into master supply agreements or similar constructs with a potential of up to approx 3 GW under the 2013 and 2014 PTC schemes. Convening for the Annual General Meeting Shareholding 2009-2011 - Chief of Staff, TDC A/S The members of the Audit Committee meets the definition of independence of audit committee members set out in the Danish Auditors’ Act. Nominerings- & kompensationsudvalget har blandt andet til opgave at støtte bestyrelsen i evaluering af bestyrelsens og direktionens stillinger og resultater samt virksomhedens overordnede tilgang til aflønning, incitamentsordninger, talent agendaen, diversitet og inklusion samt andre medarbejder-relaterede emner. Nationalitet: Dansk 1980-2011 Various positions within The cancellation related to changes to local Brazilian legislation, which occurred after the contract was agreed. Financial and other risks, including risks related to currency, interest rate, tax, credit, commodity exposures and control activities, are addressed in the notes to the consolidated financial statements. Vestas constantly improves the reliability of its turbines owing to increased investments in development, testing, monitoring and servicing of the wind power plants and in 2014, Vestas consumed warranty provisions totalling EUR 108m, corresponding to 1.6 per cent of revenue. New markets expose Vestas to a number of risks that are higher than what Vestas would otherwise encounter, if operating solely in mature markets. Vestas’ shares are registered in the name of the holder. Since 2009, Vestas has worked intensively on its key account management programme. In these often highly complex markets, Vestas will further leverage on its vast expertise within site and power plant optimisation to maintain its already dominant position. All employees contribute to the same value creation and provide support to the same customers, regardless of whether they work in a support function or in developing, manufacturing, marketing, selling, installing, or servicing wind turbines. Idet vi gradvist vokser, bliver det stadig vigtigere at have et formelt sæt fælles værdier, der afspejler Vestas’ måde at arbejde på. Fiduciary positions  In emerging markets, where economic development requires new electricity generation capacity, wind power is often competing headto- head with other energy sources on equal terms – and winning. Kompetencer Expand global reach (i.e. Consolidated financial statements 1985-1988 - Various positions within the LM Ericsson Group You can subscribe to company announcements and press releases here. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, age, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity / expression, national origin, protected veteran status, or any other characteristic protected under federal, state or local law, where applicable, and those with criminal histories . Risk management 2017 (pdf) This ensures that – at any given time – management has the necessary framework to be able to conduct business in a spirit of Vestas’ values - accountability, collaboration, simplicity, and passion.". 1995   Management Consultant, Vilnius Stiklas UAB (LT) By using electricity from renewable sources, Vestas spared the environment 112,000 tonnes of CO2 emissions in 2014. Moreover, Vestas’ supplier selection process continues to be focused on safety, quality, cost, and delivery. Born: 12 November 1966 Lovpligtig redegørelse 2018 (EN) The share of revenue generated outside mature markets is expected to increase further over the coming years. Baseret på Vestas 'risikostyringspolitik udarbejder Global Finance-funktionen en beskrivelse af de finansielle nøglerisici i forbindelse med regnskabsaflæggelse og de foranstaltninger, der træffes for at kontrollere sådanne risici. The root causes of the accidents have been identified as human errors caused by the lack of compliance to existing safety processes. Nationalitet: Svensk Going forward, Vestas aims to strengthen the due diligence process and tools in order to integrate it in even more activities. Det angivne antal aktier omfatter både egne og nærtståendes samlede aktiebeholdning. of the Vestas Group. The Remuneration Report provides the overview of the total remuneration received by the Board of Directors and the Executive Management of Vestas Wind Systems A/S during a financial year with comparative figures for the past five years. April 2014. Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. ”Save the Children” A significant pick-up in the US market combined with another year of double-digit growth in Europe and a continued solid level of order intake in new wind power markets more than offset the decrease observed in the Asia Pacific region. Vestas continues its focus on bringing down the order-to-cash time by implementing improvements within contract management and cash collection. - årsregnskabslovens §107b Position i Vestas Wind Systems A/S Found inside – Page 17... the board of directors of Watergroup A / S 1988–94 CEO of LD - Energy A / S ; member of the board of directors of Vestas / DWT A / S and OC Rådgivende Ingeniører A / S 1990–94 Chairman of the board of directors of Vibrodens A / S ... Vestas works actively to ensure that risk-informed decisions contribute to achievingVestas’ strategic and financial targets. A V112-3.3 MW turbine weighs more than 350 tonnes, and its production, transportation, and erection requires among other things foundation, cement mixers, cranes, trains, and ships. De medarbejdervalgte bestyrelsesmedlemmer honoreres på lige fod med de generalforsamlingsvalgte medlemmer. Født: 2. november 1963 Vestas expects to be able to finance its own growth and thus the free cash flow is expected to be positive each financial year. Vestas has recognised special items of EUR 48m in 2014, mainly driven by a gain from the establishment of the offshore joint venture, leading to EBIT after special items of EUR 607m. Found inside – Page 87Payments to about twenty suppliers, including Vestas, were overdue. The directors of Thanet worried that they might have a personal legal obligation to put the company in bankruptcy. No fresh money was in sight. To capitalise on this opportunity, Vestas’ new global service strategy is built on three distinct advantages: Vestas has a strong and historic market presence selling service offerings but intends to reinforce this competency even further, e.g. The Board of Directors proposes that PricewaterhouseCoopers Statsautoriseret Revisionspartnerselskab be re-appointed as the company’s auditor. Charter of the Technology & Manufacturing Committee In 2014, Vestas once again demonstrated its ability to scale up and down according to customer demand. Vestas will continue to reduce costs and create additional value for its customers by providing new service solutions and improve sourcing and business excellence. This shows a continued commitment to renewable energy, however, with a downward pressure on the level of financial support. Born: 5 November 1970 Resident: United Kingdom Thus, Vestas has increasingly become an opportunity originator by helping both established and new customers and investors to step up their commercial focus on wind power as well as enter new and promising wind power markets with a high return on their investments. Mature markets are driven by replacement of energy capacity, providing a stable foundation for continued demand, whereas demand in emerging markets is characterised more by growth in overall energy consumption. 1988-1992 Graduate Diploma in International Business, Aarhus School of Business (DK), Former positions  Stora Enso AB Following a decision made today by the Board of Directors of Vestas, and subject to completion of the transaction, the share capital of Vestas will be increased … The strengthened partnership entails that Vestas will acquire MHI's shares in the MHI Vestas Offshore Wind (MVOW) joint venture, and MHI will acquire 2.5 percent in Vestas and be nominated to a seat in Vestas' Board of Directors, ref. Vestas has a policy to offer all employees equal opportunities and, among other things, Vestas aims for a more equal distribution of gender among employees in leadership positions as also stipulated in section 99b of the Danish Financial Statements Act. from the College of Europe in Bruges The purpose of Vestas’ Board committees is to prepare decisions and recommendations for evaluation and approval by the entire Board of Directors. Ledende på markedsandel i etablerede markeder og konkurrere om lederskab på nye markeder. 1985-1987 - Trainee Financial Management, LM Ericsson Group Position i Vestas Wind Systems A/S "We believe that as MHI Vestas continues its growth into new markets, having a Co-CEO that has executive management experience in product strategy and go-to . As engagement in new markets increases, it is essential for the future of Vestas that a comprehensive risk assessment is completed to understand the business environment as well as determine the mitigation measures that would allow Vestas to operate in a given market. 2009-2011 Country Manager, ISS A/S (UK) In October 2014, Vestas announced that an order received in 2011 for 254 MW to customer CPFL Renováveis in Brazil had been cancelled. When proposing new Board candidates, the Board of Directors pursues the goal of having both genders and several nationalities represented as well as a diverse age distribution. Vestas shareholding: 4,000 shares. Som aktionær kan du tegne et abonnement på aktionærinformationen via InvestorPortalen. Remuneration Report 2019 Københavns Universitet, Tidligere ansættelser By delivering improved cost bases, the Accelerated Earnings programme is still a key enabler for consolidating Vestas’ leading position in a competitive market. The V112-3.3 MW turbine has significantly improved its return on energy by around 23 per cent in comparison to the previous V112-3.0 MW turbine from 2010. It is Vestas’ ambition to work even closer with its suppliers to further improve the professional level of the supply chain. 1999-2002 - Managing Director Ericsson Australia, 1995 Management Consultant, Vilnius Stiklas UAB (LT) The increase especially relates to the US market, where deliveries increased by 1,416 MW. Risk management 2016 (pdf) To reap the benefits of this transition, we continue to consolidate and expand our strong position within all three business areas: while investing in the solutions and commercial capabilities needed to meet future market demand. Sikkerhedsstandarder (EN) Vestas' board of directors announced that Anders Runevad will replace Ditlev Engel, who has led the company for the past eight years.

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