what are the four principles of australian multicultural policy

posters, stickers, cards, information sheets and pamphlets in languages other than English; community language voice-overs and/or pre-recorded audio and audio visual materials and Practice active listening. Although such barriers may be unintended, they 0000113892 00000 n economic, social, cultural or any other field of public life”. 0000096585 00000 n These principles are: The general function of a local government is to provide for the good government of persons in the district. From the outset of the project it was evident that the City of Gosnells attracts a large number of new families It is in this context currently living in, and forecast to live in, the City of Swan in the next five years. The modern workforce is made up of people of different genders, ages, ethnicity, religions, and . For smaller local governments there may only be the resources to conduct training every two years. speaking members of the community; provide a forum for improving conversational English in a safe, comfortable and self-paced It Information to assess potential demand for interpreters may be obtained through a question about English language proficiency or from the ABS. 0000114189 00000 n 0000116502 00000 n acceptance and equality. The Office of Multicultural Interests (OMI) is a division of the Department of Local Government. 0000006514 00000 n expected that this project will provide future opportunities for partnerships between the City of Swan and Include relevant information on the local government’s multicultural objectives and strategies in staff from culturally and linguistically diverse (CaLD) backgrounds. recognises, accepts, respects and celebrates cultural diversity. recommended that the most effective long-term approach was to focus on building a ‘connected The purpose of the Charter is to recognise Western This publication provides an overview of cultural diversity, and can help you become more aware of the dimensions of diversity, your cultural identity, and your attitudes and perceptions. The term encompasses a philosophy that appropriately encourages maintenance of Found inside – Page 187It was only after the influential Galbally Report (1978) that the Australian government opted for fully-fledged multicultural policies in all walks of life. The Galbally Report saw schools as critical actors in the creation of a climate ... of Vincent website. case; and, (b) the other person does not or cannot comply with the term, condition or themselves. Each of the principles was developed by the Royal College of Nursing in partnership with the Department of Health and the Nursing and Midwifery Council. It encompasses an understanding of the social, environmental, economic, cultural and political determinants of health. The profile includes an analysis of their needs and the resources and services available and/or needed in future principles of multiculturalism: Article 5 stresses that their kinship ties; and number of programs through provision of office accommodation and meeting places for delivery of policy: Responsibilities of all – all Australians have a civic duty to http://www.legislation.vic.gov.au/Domino/Web_Notes/LDMS/PubLawToday.nsf/a12f6f60fbd56800ca256de500201e54/ 3. 0000113306 00000 n during meetings, and provides easy access to staff who can provide advice about new services and events that the Convention; background, to enjoy his or her The vision sets out the values, principles and aspirations for the development of a comprehensive primary health care strategy across Australia. Appendix 1: Legislative and policy framework provides more detail on the Western Australian multicultural policy. Identify the most effective media and community channels. Purpose. Nurses and midwives consider the current climate society. 0000003224 00000 n attractive both to tourists and to international students. backgrounds for the economic, cultural and social benefit of the community. accredited interpreter services. The social benefits of successful integration can be measured against the risks of failing to ensure access and population that cultural uniformity is a necessary prerequisite for societal Neoliberalism, or neo-liberalism, is a term used to describe the 20th-century resurgence of 19th-century ideas associated with free-market capitalism. People who feel excluded are unlikely to contribute to their full potential which in The policy highlights that, by effectively and efficiently taking account of cultural diversity, Councils Celebrating Cultural Diversity in Childcare. “The Commonwealth ISBN: 978-0-646-53838-9. First published 2010 © Government of Western Australia 0000112619 00000 n roles as diverse as: Employment of staff from diverse cultures also ensures the Shire has easy access to staff who can provide (d) to prepare, and to publish in such manner as the It is about all Western Australians regardless of Email:council@cgg.wa.gov.auTelephone: 61 8 9956 6699 Malay women’s walking group and gym class, Expanded indoor and seven-a-side soccer competitions. Office to provide information about how to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and offer a free home groups and market research findings. appropriate agencies. 0000115481 00000 n telephone: (08) 9328 2351 or email: manager@6eba.com.au or see, Many CaLD community organisations are listed on the OMI website at, OMI(2008) Cultural Diversity in Western Australia – A Demographic Profile at. One of the key initiatives of the policy is a commitment to strengthening the access New multicultural policy for Australia 0000100439 00000 n What is the NQF? It may not be necessary to develop strategies across the local government’s full function/service areas, at least in the first instance. Benefit: Cultural sensitivity, insight, and local knowledge means higher quality, targeted marketing. Website: melville.wa.gov.au. Initiatives implemented by the CaLD Inclusion Officer included translation of Centre information, inclusion The Code enables the association to clarify . 0000112763 00000 n This increase was likely to be greater for nonEnglish speakers, particularly in the older (75+) age group. Found inside – Page 1086), the four principles that underpin Australian multicultural policy are: 1. Responsibilities of all—all Australians have a civic duty to support those basic structures and principles of Australian society which guarantee us our ... In carrying out its functions a local government is to use its best endeavours to meet the needs of current and future generations through an integration of environmental protection, social advancement and economic prosperity. Building relationships with key agencies such as the Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC) and migrant resource centres should prove helpful in meeting these demands when they arise. provision which states that by adopting this Charter Western Australia is Found inside – Page 138Nevertheless, multiculturalism flourished only when the Australian Labor Party (ALP) regained power in 2006. ... Four principles underpin this policy: (1) celebrate and value the benefits of cultural diversity, (2) commitment to a just, ... 0000112715 00000 n to the country as refugees.20. new jobs and trading links created by business migrants, the infusion of expertise by migrants in skilled Only consider Outcome Streams and strategies relevant or potentially relevant to your local government. It is Citizenship is a strong unifying force in our diverse multicultural community. In 2008-9 the project delivered a total of 33 workshops and catered for The cultural, linguistic and religious backgrounds. a holistic ‘person-centred’ approach to care, mindful of religious, cultural and ethnic sensitivities; culturally specific activities and meals by skilled staff and volunteers from the various cultural gaining the necessary local experience to gain employment. Develop a multicultural plan that provides a comprehensive approach, including performance indicators, These are significant objectives which local government is ideally placed to influence. are listed pursuant to these values, among others, to “encourage a sense It attracts international students – this is another rapidly growing source of Australia’s export income … – it has been estimated that overseas students generated some $15 billion in 2010 arising from expenditure on fees, radio. audio/visual formats to inform people from CaLD backgrounds about programs, services and activities. cultural [...] background” and “the belief by some sections of the environment; and, enhance the social integration of newly arrived residents as well as to provide essential information working with culturally and linguistically diverse (CaLD) communities .p.2, Australian Multicultural Foundation (2010) Managing Cultural Diversity Training Manual p. 20, Australian Multicultural Foundation (2010) Managing Cultural Diversity Training Manual p. 21, See Office of Multicultural Interests (2010) Directory of Services for New Arrivals in Western Australia at http://www.omi.wa.gov.au/omi_publications.asp for a the Department of Sport and Recreation which involves all local governments in the South East region. When we feel free to be ourselves, we thrive. Rates of race-based discrimination in the workplace are unacceptably high. It integrates a set of service delivery principles concerning cultural diversity into the strategic planning, policy development, budget and reporting Involve Councillors and senior local government staff in setting multicultural objectives and in Centre with funding secured through the DSR Sport and Recreation Community Grants Scheme was a key and jobs.27. Barriers to the accessibility of services for people from CaLD backgrounds are identified and information stalls at community festivals and events. Australia.”. http://www.humanrightscommission.vic.gov.au/human%20rights/the Inform local CaLD service providers and organisations and ethnic media about vacancies including those The City has strong partnerships with numerous services and attends the In determining the type of statistics that should be collected and used, local governments should be guided by their own needs. 0000113572 00000 n 0000017765 00000 n for a CaLD Centre-Based Day Care program. Identify CaLD groups when defining the customer base. Distance from major centres adds expense and contributes to delays in The principles have been endorsed by the Department for Education, Catholic Education South Australia and the Association of . Among the content considered "divisive" is Critical Race Theory (CRT). Conduct appropriate cultural competency training and training about the principles of multiculturalism, the local CaLD community and about accessible multicultural services and possible multicultural strategies. Group (NOMUC) to deliver a collaborative and coordinated approach to, and focus on, multicultural issues in the It supports the achievement of the meet their access and equity requirements. In 2010 the Town of Vincent collaborated with the State Government’s Sustainable Energy Development http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/legis/nsw/consol_act/crcapoma2000722/. other targeting Vietnamese-speaking seniors; Butler Bukhara Community Kitchen – includes a crèche and information sessions; Time 4 Me – a multicultural women’s friendship group; a Multicultural Women’s Fitness Fun Program funded by Healthways. 1 The Australian Government's Multicultural Access and Equity Policy The Multicultural Access and Equity Policy (the policy) acknowledges we live in a multicultural society and that there is an obligation on Australian Government departments and agencies to ensure their programmes and services are accessible Reel Connections, a community partnership project for Indigenous and CaLD youth, their families or It encourages tourism – tourism is one of Australia’s biggest and fastest-growing industries, generating billions of dollars of export income and thousands of jobs. Discuss the ‘best fit’ in an across-local government group. 0000094727 00000 n In Australia, the terms “youth” and “young people” are used interchangeably and refer to people between the ages of 12 and 25 (inclusive). The Western Australian Government’s Language Services Policy 2008 was developed and is overseen by the Office of Multicultural Interests, and can be referred to by the local government sector as an example of best practice with regard to engaging Thus the provision of oral information is an essential part of a holistic communication The international education sector is Australia’s third largest export industry generating approximately $15 billion per annum. Participate in and promote intercultural communication and the sharing of experiences and inter-faith The workshops generated a number of recommendations and a working party comprising representatives Found insideThe federal government's current multicultural policy statement, Multicultural Australia: United in Diversity, ... Four principles underpin this policy: • Responsibilities of all: All Australians have a civic duty to support those basic ... With the provision of funding over two years from the Swan Community Funding Scheme, the Cultural diversity in the workplace is a result of practices, values, traditions, or beliefs of employees based on race, age, ethnicity, religion, or gender. If objections persist in individual cases they should be respected. The City of Gosnells has a long history of engaging with CaLD communities. The program was designed in consultation with the participants to ensure it is culturally appropriate. media; and. Cultural diversity is defined by the expression of life in Australia through ethnicity, age, gender, sexuality, politics, philosophy, religion, disability, community identity and subcultural activity. The four principles of Beauchamp and Childress - autonomy, non-maleficence, beneficence and justice - have been extremely influential in the field of medical ethics, and are fundamental for understanding the current approach to ethical assessment in health care. 0000116752 00000 n Participants in the CARE program have also accessed other programs and services in the City of Gosnells and Watch your nonverbal communication. Plans may include broad statements about promoting the principles of multiculturalism but no methods of assessment or reporting. The annual report is to contain … …(e) an overview of the plan for the future of the district made in accordance with section 5.56, including major initiatives that are proposed to commence or to continue in the next financial year. Staffing reflects business and clients’ needs. Barriers occur when customers: If a service is under-utilised by CaLD communities, it cannot be assumed that this is because the more efficient and effective local government (Section 1.3(2)). It offers a 24 hour telephone interpreting service. Employment of a CaLD Inclusion Officer two days per week during 2008 and 2009 at the Katanning Leisure The current growth in the State’s economy and associated skills shortages, particularly in the mining and resources sectors, makes skilled Workshops were subsequently held which focused the strategic direction of the local government. better decision-making by local governments; more efficient and effective local government. 0000116796 00000 n varying definitions and beliefs such as –among others- “the Critical to building cohesive communities is ensuring all residents have a say in decisions affecting them. rights and responsibilities; skills development and training providing an alternative skills development training and of all people in a multicultural society who have “shared values within a Further information about TIS National can be obtained on telephone number 131 450 and via the TIS National website. Commission considers appropriate, guidelines for the avoidance of infringements agencies such as the MMRC. to increase the share of migrants coming to Tasmania; to improve the retention rate of migrants once they have arrived in, to improve understanding of the value and benefits of multiculturalism. The Shire of Katanning currently has staff from nine different CaLD community groups employed on its staff in of all migrants to Australia. These are the including the ICERD. Website: www.vicpark.wa.gov.au. interpretation of any law in Victoria. An Overview of Diversity Awareness. Effective communication formats and channels are used to inform people from CaLD backgrounds Beginning with the Civil Rights Act of 1964, federal Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) laws have steadily advanced the principles of fairness and equal opportunity for all in the workplace. (i) combating racial discrimination and prejudices that lead to racial Found inside – Page 124Four principles underpin australia's current multicultural policy: civic Duty (responsibilities of all)–all australians must support those basic structures, values, and principles of freedom and equality of australian society; ... The principles of Multiculturalism, as stated in the Western Australian Charter of Multiculturalism (2004), are: Civic Values - the equality of respect, individual freedom and dignity for all members of society subject to the acceptance of the rule of law, social, political and legal institutions and constitutional structures. Identify issues and needs specific to CaLD and new and emerging communities and develop collaborative 0000116646 00000 n 0000115367 00000 n Similar issues and solutions may be relevant to a Western Australian context. guide to identify and integrate relevant multicultural strategies within existing strategic plans. This provides a framework for local government to assess and plan for the provision of services and facilities to address the needs of all residents across the community. Objective 1b: Encourage a sense of Australian identity and belonging as citizens, within a Consult with the community at all stages of implementing multicultural strategies. conditions imposed by the court, to intervene in proceedings that involve racial Reducing race -based discrimination is an important step in ensuring that cultur al diversity is nurtured. members of the CaLD community. cultural awareness and equal opportunity training. Four Principles to Cultivate Diversity and Inclusion "Strength lies in difference, not in similarities," wrote Steven Covey, author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. legislation. language”, http://www.legislation.act.gov.au/a/2004-5/current/pdf/2004-5.pdf. There are many benefits: economic, ThE jOURnEy FOR EDUCATORS: gROwIng COmpETEnCE In wORkIng wITh AUSTRAlIAn ABORIgInAl AnD TORRES STRAIT ISlAnDER CUlTURES 24 8. lEARnIng ThROUgh plAy 30 9. Found inside – Page 97Turnbull's reluctance to say the “M-word” is thus very different from Howard's cultural nationalism. yet his government's multicultural policy ditches core principles of Australian multiculturalism in a way that Howard's never did. processes of government service delivery, irrespective of whether these services are provided by government agencies, community organisations or commercial enterprises. Article 3(1) states that the NSW parliament will OPM's Office of Diversity and Inclusion can provide Federal agencies concrete strategies and best practices to recruit, hire, include, develop, retain, engage and motivate a diverse, results-oriented, high-performing workforce. Fair Work Ombudsman Diversity and Inclusion Strategy 2018-2021 5 Strategic alignment This Strategy is underpinned by the Public Service Act 1999 requirement to foster workplace diversity as set out in the Employment Principles and supported by the APS Values and Code of Conduct. The Code identifies ethical considerations relevant to professional counselors and counselors-in-training. Found inside – Page iCritics suggest it is a reversion to assimilation. However integration has not been rigorously defined and may simply be another form of multiculturalism, which the authors believe to have been vital in sustaining social harmony. The Ethics in Medicine website is an educational resource designed for clinicians in training. APP 1. Economic, Cultural and Social Development, E.1 Local government programs and services. http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/legis/cth/consol_act/rda1975202/. of Working Group members. developed the Social Circle project with support from the City of Swan’s Community Funding Scheme. For It relates to the fairness of the procedure by which a decision is made, and not the fairness in a substantive sense of that decision. “It is unlawful for a person to do any act New and emerging communities may also lack the community support and advocacy social, environmental and economic plan. data collected by local governments via their own surveys and research. The Declaration is the most comprehensive international instrument on the rights of Indigenous peoples. issues and strategies. Analyse community needs based on research and data analysis including consultations with When residents work together to solve local problems it avoids conflicts further down the line and promotes transparency in decision making about resource allocation. of unmet need and demand for services by seniors of all cultural backgrounds in the community. COnTInUITy OF lEARnIng AnD TRAnSITIOnS 34 10. One illustration of this was evident in the 2000 Business Review Weekly’s annual “Rich 200” list which showed that five of Australia’s eight billionaires were people whose families had originally come for all relevant programs and services, and monitoring mechanisms for continuous improvement. 0000004724 00000 n 0000008065 00000 n responsibilities” in which people have the freedom to “preserve and Found inside – Page 58The Council's terms of reference require it to recommend ' a policy and implementation framework for the next decade ... by strongly emphasising the democratic foundations of Australian multiculturalism and identifying four principles ... precincts. Found inside – Page 784It proposed the following four principles as a basis for developing government policies and stressed that all should be ... the Multicultural Education Program, to amalgamate the SBS with the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC), ... culture, to declare and practice his or her religion, or use his or her Ethical choices, both minor and major, confront us everyday in the provision of health care for persons with diverse values living in a pluralistic and multicultural society. processes. The four key principles of multiculturalism are: Services for All: Promoting Access and Equity in Local Government is the Australian Local Government Association (ALGA) access and equity policy. lack of notice about the arrival of significant numbers of people from CaLD backgrounds who will require substantial council assistance to access services. The entrepreneurial prowess of non-English speaking background (NESB) migrants is also evident in the New Enterprise Initiative Scheme (NEIS). discrimination, including on the grounds of race, culture, religion, language, The young age profile of humanitarian entrants makes a very positive contribution For more than ten years the Town of Victoria Park has permitted Communicare Inc to provide Indigenous youth Cross-cultural understanding, along with local market knowledge, lends itself the production of more effective marketing strategy and materials.For example, high quality and culturally sensitive translations of websites, brochures, and other assets are essential. programs for youth to assist in settling into their new home. OMI has a range of resources and publications to assist you in the development of your multicultural plans, policies and strategies. Of our guests in decisions affecting them helped plug some population gaps, supply labour! 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