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Commander Dante is by far the oldest living Space Marine (not including those interred in a Dreadnought) born more than 1,000 standard years before the present time. However, Bile was not dead. They had been petitioned, though not in person, to contribute forces to it. The aberrant quirks of the Legion, the Red Thirst that haunted its warriors, wreaked havoc on its discipline and made any attempt at large scale organisation difficult. Unaware of the Warmaster's perfidy, Sanguinius willingly obeyed his brother Primarch and immediately set out for this volatile region of space. On rare occasions, an Aspirant will awaken well before the year is up, and will be forced to contemplate the claustrophobic darkness. However, throughout its history, the Lamenters Chapter has been stricken by extraordinary bad luck in battle ever since, suffering an improbable series of unlikely catastrophes, and has been nearly annihilated. Some Blood Angels, it is said, are driven by a terrible death-seeking madness called the Black Rage, brought on by visions of the death of their Primarch. In all of the combats since their introduction to the Chapter following the Devastation of Baal, the Primaris Marines proved -- at first -- immune to the Black Rage, but not the Red Thirst. The only social unit left was the tribe. The unique genetic template of the IXth Legion's as-yet unknown sire seemed to favour the twisted and warped, though the pain it inflicted on those inducted into the Legion was more than most could bear. Whilst many of his brothers fought the Great Crusade solely out of the joy of battle, Sanguinius fought to secure the golden era of peace and prosperity which would surely follow. Learning at an exponential rate, Hive Fleet Leviathan could not be thwarted by the same strategy twice. His sorcerers dead and his fortress in ruin, Ek'Lobia attempted to flee in a primitive spacecraft, rising from the surface in a cascade of scrap and broken corpses, only to meet a squadron of Imperial cruisers bearing the heraldry of the VIIth Legion in In addition, the Flaw was slowly making its presence felt, further muddying the Legion's future. The energies of the Banshee Stone were no longer needed -- it was just a matter of time before Xorphas and his followers completed their diabolical task. Just as it seemed that the Emperor's dream could be fulfilled, the Great Crusade ended in the most terrible and unimaginable way. Lion El'Jonson was declared the Lord Protector of the realm and supreme master of all its military forces, a title equivalent to that of "Warmaster". Note: All dates from this point forward are provisional due to errors in the Imperial Calendar, meaning these events could actually have occurred at any time from the early 41st Millennium to the early 42nd Millennium. In the thousands of Terran years that have followed, there have been several subsequent foundings of Space Marine Chapters, and through these the number of Chapters raised from the genestock of the Blood Angels has also risen. In the year-long siege of Anaxis XII, they grasped the value of brotherhood as they stood shoulder to shoulder with the Imperial Fists against a tide of Hrud that seemed without end; on Cambriole and Prehalt they were taught discipline as they matched blades with inscrutable Aeldari reavers; while on Kentaurus Beta they learnt something of mercy as Sanguinius led them on the bloodless pacification of the Kentauran colonies. In the end, the result was the same. The arrival of the Blood Angels had changed the tides of war upon Amethal, and made possible a concerted counteroffensive on every front. Yet they were the Blood Angels. Reality rippled and tore as the Cracked Skull's ensorcelled chattel brought forth horrors beyond description, reaping a hideous toll of casualties amongst the Astartes and mutant horde indiscriminately, turning the tide of the battle. The Revenant Legion Many foes confronted by the gathered IXth Legion hosts were overcome with dread and awe, and capitulated without hesitation. Fortunately for the Loyalist forces, the Blood Angels were present for the titanic final battle of the Horus Heresy, the Siege of Terra. The Company Command -- known collectively as the Honour Guard -- are seasoned warriors, hand-picked for their skill and tenacity in combat. The squads are each led by a Sergeant, who directs his warriors to flawlessly execute the orders of his superiors, and are sometimes split into five-Astartes sub-units called Combat Squads, so as to provide greater battlefield flexibility. To ascertain who is worthy to join the ranks of the Blood Angels, the adolescents of the feral tribes of Baal Secundus who would be Blood Angels Aspirants take part in violent games and tournaments, battling against the harsh landscape and their peers. These were the Blood Angels themselves, who maintained the old Legion's heraldry and traditions, the Flesh Tearers, the Angels Vermillion, the Angels Encarmine and the Angels Sanguine. There, amongst the audience, Rafen saw Bile alive. Cities became charnel fields of broken corpses, forests and fields became cinders and ash, and fortresses open and blackened wounds. He dispatched raids of magi and priests to supplement the Farstriders and warriors, and Liadrin was made part of Halduron Brightwing's company. We use legal/safe boosting methods which won’t get your account banned. Advancing steadily, their superior numbers cleared the entire surrounding sector of life before the xenos made planetfall upon Baal and her twin moons. Yet, the true reason for the longevity of certain names within the order of battle for the IXth Legion is far less heroic. History will remember the Primarch of the Ultramarines by many titles. As a mark of honour as well as practicality, it also became accepted that recruits took the names of those whose skills they absorbed, and lieutenants would assume the names of their captains. As the Ork WAAAGH! On the planet's surface the slaughter continued for many solar hours before the last of the Traitor forces were destroyed. Baal (Primary) Secondary tithe rights to the worlds of Carnae Verata, Atshen and Evernight (Protectorate) Brother became cousin. Such strike forces are normally given code names, such as Bloodspear, Liberator or Primarch's Wrath. Departmento Cartigraphicae map of Baal and its surrounding moons, Baal Prime and Baal Secundus. Whatever the reason for the Flaw, it is certain that its hold over the Blood Angels has become ever stronger, and their tendency towards self-destructive insanity greater. This would not be another Pandorax, however. A Triumvirate was later held, where Curze defended his actions, but refused to admit his guilt. The momentary delay proved crucial, for it was all that stood between First Captain Karlaen's forces and sudden damnation. Only Space Marines could have withstood the horrors of that Daemon-haunted starship, and even they were sorely pressed. Death! Among them all, Sanguinius was perhaps the most admired and respected, for he held none of his brothers lesser than himself and met each with an open warmth and goodwill that calmed even the rage of his grim brother Angron. Once committed to battle, the IXth did not relent, did not retreat, and could not be stopped. The tribes fought constant wars, webs of alliances shifting constantly as each tribe strove for supremacy and survival. Among their own transhuman kin they also found great acclaim, in part for the campaigns fought at their sides in past years, the skill at arms which they displayed on the field and the magnanimous nature of their warriors.

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