kerbal space program latest version

Fixed some situations where the 'Control From Here' selection would be lost on resuming a game save. Bugfixes and optimizations. Kerbal Space Program is a game developed by Squad where players are given the ability to build and test rockets, exploration vehicles, and space planes of their own design. Fixed several spelling and grammatical errors. UI: Part Resource Context Gauges now correctly go away when the corresponding part gets detached from the current ship. New (Much lighter on performance) Particle Effects and Explosions. Music: Added two new tracks for space and another one for construction. Download Freeware (109.84 MB) Windows 7 ... Latest … Read More . 1.19 … KERBAL ROOM PROGRAM COMPUTER Latest Version Free Download. New option on the settings file to enable verbose debug logging, to include a call stack trace (when available). Fixed missing FX components on root parts after resuming a saved game or reverting. New Input Modes: No need to have two hands on the keyboard and a third one on the mouse anymore. Doesn't look as pretty, but solves the black terrain issue on SM2 video cards. Smoke trails are now properly updated in moving reference frames. Added Flag selector to Editor scenes, to select a flag for the mission (defaults to space program flag). Fixed the Sun flare not getting obscured by planets on the Tracking Station view. Set to Alt+L. Released on 2019-11-07. Added wheel parts and modules for the construction of rovers. Gameplay: Fixed an issue where crashing a ship wouldn't properly remove the root part and cause weird "physics" sometimes. Improved Map UI: New map icons show close approaches, intersections with other orbits, and a lot more, so you can focus on getting where you want to go, instead of worrying about how to get there. To The Mun and Back: Kerbal Space Program, Fixed a few objects that were on the wrong layer. The Editor no longer requires that the first part on a vessel be a Command Pod. Minimum possible resolution is now 960x720. Fixed the MunFlight Tutorial not allowing use of the Map. Upgraded Debug Menu, allows reloading parts and cfg files while playing. Added the first iteration of the Kerbal Knowledge Base: A collection of vessel and planetary information on the Map and Tracking Station. Exposed a 'thrustVector' cfg parameter for Liquid Engines. Updated tutorial to reflect the changes made in this update (like the new cameras in flight). Vessels take collision impact momentum into account whenever possible. Part loading limited to the 25 stock ones. UI: The Resources panel is now visible while in the Map View. Added separate control bindings for walking and jetpacking on EVAs. Dec 17, 2020 . Cfg-defined thrust positions and orientations, make retro-rockets and any other craziness open for addon parts. The game will no longer overwrite the quicksave when resuming flights. It was harmless but wasted resources. Added patcher auto-updater. It will show the correct "crashed into terrain" message. Changed the folder structure on the Mac version, so it is the same as the PC version. The game will no longer launch the patcher if the latest update is available only as a full download. Tell me what you think! Restructured the sound loading system so the main loading thread doesn't wait for it to finish before moving on. Planting a Flag allows you to name the site, which becomes a focus-able object in flight and on the Tracking Station. Completely overhauled procedural terrain system. Added a Flag selector to the Game Start Dialog. Automatic Fairings: Rockets now look like proper rockets! is an update focused on making the game perform and look better, all while introducing more quality of life features that will improve the overall … Docking: Fixed ejected debris being incorrectly typed as "Unknown". Tweaked the terrain system to use less memory. Fixed an issue which could cause an error when undocking if the undocked vessel was missing its original root part. Added Shader Model 2 fallback shaders for the terrain. Middle mouse modifies the internal camera zoom by an additional 2x. Mesh tangents can now be loaded from file, instead of being recalculated every time. The Debug Console can now be opened in the loading screen to debug load problems, Stages can now be manually created and, when empty, deleted, Stages are now represented as groups with parts inside them, instead of just separated by indicators, The staging stack now scrolls manually using the mousewheel (when mouseing over it), Icons in the staging stack can now be multiple selected and moved as a group, Whole stages can now be dragged and repositioned, Stages can now be reset manually through a reset button. The game's first public release, version 0.7.3, was on 24 June 2011. Fixed an issue with .craft file saving and loading, which makes it possible to save ship titles independently of the file name. Performance Tweaks: New terrain optimizations and a system to prevent lag by slowing the simulation make for a significant improvement in performance. Fixed the VAB tutorial never being shown after the first time, even when activated in the settings. No more jitters and a number of new options in the settings.cfg. Recompiled on the latest version of the Unity engine, to add multithreaded rendering support and better memory management. Launch your Kerbal … (Atmo engines already implement this). This page contains all changes to Kerbal Space Program since v0.7.3, the initial public release. Several improvements to the scene lighting in the Spaceplane Hangar and Vehicle Assembly Building. The Knowledge Base shows information about known Celestial Bodies, displays the crews inside vessels, and much more. Fixed the EVA flags looking weird during the initial part of the flag-plant animation. Prebuilt ships included with the game, as examples and possible starting points. Flights are regularly saved to file, to be resumed later. Greatly improved the input lock system. The part loader will check if the saved optimized meshes are out-of-date, and update them when necessary. Kerbal Space Program 1.8: Moar Boosters!!! Fixed RCS and SAS toggling on other vessels. Fixed a bug with crossing SOIs at 1x warp. Fixed the tutorial window disappearing behind the command pod selection window. Implemented Cargo part category and Inventory processing. Planted flags have a Plaque, which can be written during placement, and read only when approached by an EVA. Parts may now create new stages for themselves through the cfg (used to be decouplers only), The game now checks for updates against the KSP site, and let's you know if there is a new version available. Tuned the terrain system a bit, to improve visual quality at high altitudes. Landed or Splashed vessels now display their coordinates (or location, if available) when moused over on the Map View. Fixed the End Flight screen lockup issue after KIA. Overhauled the Kerbal Face Expression System with new animations, which are also visible on EVA. Released on 2016-07-09. The new terrain system is completely translation and rotation-safe. Increased Jool's rotating frame threshold altitude to prevent entering its atmosphere with the rotating frame disabled. The terrain system now allows for a secondary target object, so both the ship and the camera can subdivide the terrain. Adjusted wheel breaking logic to take into account the relative velocities of rigidbodies. Tutorials: Fixed the Construction Tutorial erroring out with an "incompatible" sfs when launching after completing the tutorial. This is an ambitious goal. It's now possible to 'pin' the Ap and Pe nodes, so their captions remain visible after moving the mouse away. Fixed an issue where unloaded vessels would not update their orbits, causing them to resume incorrectly if they switched SOIs. Ships on the KSP/Ships folders are common to all players and non-overwritable (from inside the game). (yes, persistence). Editing the staging sequence now creates Undo states. This enables choosing which side will remain attached. Replaced the Spaceport button on the main menu with a button to order the full version. Fixed the misaligned Music and Voice Volume sliders on the Audio Settings Screen. Several Stock flags to choose from. Fixed the camera jitter when walking around on EVA. Reloaded parts were not storing references to their symmetry counterparts properly. ), Some terrain was placed in the immediate vicinity of the pad, but Kerbin was still 20 km and smooth beyond it, The game featured an interface including an average propellant gauge, RCS propellant gauge, vertical speed and altimeter, kerbal portraits, g-meter and throttle indicator, most of which did not function, An electronic sign, possibly for mouse-over information, appeared; it showed quotes and countdowns in this version, Kerbin was a textured 20 km (radius assumed) sphere with no terrain, presumably with 1/900 of its current mass and an orbital speed of less than 442.9 m/s, There was a fixed Mun: another textured smooth sphere with little resemblance to the canonical, Instead of the current vessel-origin rendering system (necessary to solve floating point jitters), the game used the center of Kerbin as the origin, The game is now in an early 3D like format, Kerbin was a flat, floating tile with generated terrain, and instead of achieving orbit, you could launch past its edge and fall forever into the "void", While the graphics were 3D, the game was 2D, and one could fly and build vehicles only in the altitude-longitude plane, unable to turn north or south, and able to attach parts to only two sides, "Kerbal" comes from the name Felipe "HarvesteR" Falanghe gave small figurines he installed in modified fireworks as a teenager, HarvesteR was hired by Monkey Squad in 2010 April; the company did not develop software at the time, Development of Kerbal Space Program was authorized by Squad co-founder Adrian Goya in 2010 October, but deferred until HarvesteR could be released from marketing set projects in progress, Kerbal Space Program first compiled on 2011 January 17. Fixed an issue that prevented attachment nodes from affecting connected part rotations properly. The part loader will no longer freeze if it cannot find a part module to load. Added a button on the Tracking Station to terminate an ongong flight (prompts for confirmation). Holding Ctrl and clicking on a part on the ship at the VAB will now automatically flip the parts list to the selected part's page. Added a basic compatibility/integrity check on loading ships. mbm texture files are now DXT compressed and cleared from RAM as soon as they're uploaded to the GPU. An additional fix for a regression in which scatters may under some circumstances levitate has been applied. Showing … The scroll wheel is no longer read if the application is unfocused. Fixed the 'Sierpinski' Terrain' issue, where the terrain mesh would break up when approaching a planet after travelling very far. That caused all sorts of weird behaviour. Fixed a small bug on the patched conics maths that could have caused some trouble. Fixed a misspelled parameter on the smallRadialEngine cfg. Added a simple but hopefully effective stall simulation for winglets and control surfaces. Relaunch button on pause menu. Fixed a critical issue which prevented opening the right-click menus for several parts. Safe and Virus Free. Added a slider in Game Settings to allow adjusting the UI size. Made some significant improvements to the physical joints that hold the ship together. Kerbal space program free download mac - Kerbal Space Program is a game that allows you to build your own space program. Fixed a serious bug where swapping about symmetrical parts would crash the game, Pod cannot be dropped if an Escape Tower (PunchOut addon) is attached. The Map View now properly prioritizes selecting moused-over map nodes when multiple orbits overlap. Option to force using SM2 shaders even on SM3 compatible hardware. Double clicking middle mouse will reset the internal camera zoom. New LV-T45 Vectoring-Enabled Liquid Engine. Fixed the too-low resolution on planetary diffuse and normal maps. Kerbal Space Program 0.13.2; Kerbal Space Program 0.8.5; Also available in other platforms. Docking: Connecting vessels together is now possible! Sound Normalizer, keeps the volume balanced even with 50+ boosters firing, Added framerate cap to keep GPUs from screaming on light scenes. Fixed an issue that caused internal spaces to spawn in duplicate sometimes. Fixed several issues with the orbit math while on solar escape trajectories. Reverted the Staging logic to the 13.1 system, as the changes made in 13.2 were buggy. Reorganized the Input Settings screen a little. The Spaceplane Hangar Facility, allows you to build vehicles horizontally, and launch them from a Runway. New resources allow for completely new possibilities. New mesh for the launch pad area, now with 100% less launch tower. created with versions prior to 0.8.1 might not be compatible with the new version. Made the Landing Gear action a mappable key. No SAS, although SAS module is implemented and generates torque, The render distance is only 1500 km, and Kerbin will "sink" into the sky background, vanishing entirely as that altitude is achieved, The original Intercontinental Kraken had not been fixed (Moving far from the KSC will result in shaking and even Rapid Unplanned Disassembly. It will open the KSP Store instead. Fixed a bug in Rescue Kerbal contracts, where rescue by means of external seats or claws wouldn't complete the contract. Added a more efficient input lock for when vessels are in physics-hold mode, to prevent staging during that period. Fixed an issue that caused incorrect staging when loading ships in the flight scene. The flight log will no longer show the terrain tile IDs when crashing things into them. Graphics: 800x600 is no longer a valid resolution option. Stages are now persistent when manually edited. Fixed a game flow issue in which it was possible to cancel the flight end screen, leading to an error and leaving the game stuck in the flight scene. Fix for advanced canard inversion of movement. It now compensates for terrain slope errors. Fixed a bug which prevented the ship selection dialogs from receiving double-click events. Expect improved performance. This prevents accidental deletion. Kerbal Space Program 1.11: “Some Reassembly Required” is now available! (was a poorly thought out control I had set up, which was removed). (Or you can also press 'Delete), Fuel can now flow through Strut parts like the tricoupler, Fixed bug where starting a new ship with a loaded multi-stage ship would create empty stages, Smoke trail effects now fade away when nearing the edge of the atmosphere, Fixed SkySphere culling issues at large distances, Added cfg parameter to enforce a symmetry mode when stacking (like 3 under the tricoupler), Updated editor tutorial to reflect the changes in this update. (Possibly) increased performance on the flight scenes (from the terrain tweak also), Found and fixed the true cause of the orbit NaN bug. Un-warping a landed ship will no longer cause an unphysical jerk on it, which could possibly destroy it. Added 1:1 EVA rotation axes. Fixed a problem with the atmosphere, where it would fade in and out at specific points in orbit. Ships will not wobble anymore when going back into 1x time after warping, and the joints themselves are more stable overall. Changed the Fuel Line flow direction, so fuel will flow from the first-placed end of the line to the second end. Fixed double-clicks not working properly. The Staging Stack now automatically scrolls back into view if a staging operation sends it off screen. Fixed a serious issue with the Cupola Pod that could cause spontaneous unplanned vessel disassembly. Cannot launch new flights if 3 or more are already in progress. Fixed the Alt+Tab locking staging issue. Sometimes vessels could still be seen as being under acceleration and not get saved. The Debug console can now also be toggled using the Grave and AltGr keys. UI: Added some sanity checking to text fields (vessel names and saves), so illegal characters don't cause trouble. Released 27th April, 2015. Found and fixed the real cause of the staging issues that have plagued every release from 13.2 onward. functioning MET indicator in the flight UI. Nov 27, 2020 . Flags are moddable. Fixed a problem with the volume settings where explosions would sometimes sound out even with volume at 0%. Now mouseing forward brings the camera closer. Fixed an issue with the terrain altitude detection, which could cause vessels (mostly debris) to fall through terrain. (the staging reset bug). Added a bad name filter for the Kerbal name generator. Boarding a vessel from EVA no longer toggles the vessel's SAS state. ), The disk terrain generator seen in early releases is implemented from the Libnoise library, giving Kerbin its current global topology (excepting a few later modifications. Fuel tank parts no longer look into parent parts for fuel, unless connected to them by a fuel line. The mesh loader now ignores materials from file, because they were going to be replaced anyway later. Improved vessel/part loading from persistence procedure, for more stable and accurate flight resuming. Improved component heating and cooling through atmospheric friction, solar radiation exposure, convection and more, Resource gathering from planets, moons and asteroids, Parts relating to above, such as ablative. Download Kerbal Space Program for Windows for free, without any viruses, from Uptodown. You will see the version number on the first line. It can be moved dynamically without breaking visually. Changed the debug toolbar key combo to ModifierKey+F12 (by default Shift+F12 for Linux, Alt+F12 for windows), Changed the quick scenario loader key combo to ModifierKey+F10 (was Ctrl+F10 before). It is now possible to manually rotate parts on the VAB and Spaceplane Hangar prior to placement (using the WSADQE keys, Shift, Space to Reset). Added new tree and boulder meshes for Kerbin (No more paper cutout trees). Tweaked the atmosphere rendering for Kerbin, for improved visuals. New Orbital Camera Mode. Tweaked part collision handling for better efficiency. Removed Debug logging for interia tensors.

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