my cat is making me depressed

“If your cat is unwell, make sure you visit your veterinarian as soon as possible to help them feel their best and ... depressed, or lonely, says Dr. Franklin McMillan, director of well-being studies at Best Friends Animal Society. “My Cat Is Sad” We’ve all seen Tom Cox’s “My cat is sad because…” posts. Chronic stress can have an impact on a pet’s emotional, and even physical, health. Trazodone, gabapentin, alprazolam, and midazolam are just some of the options that a veterinarian may recommend, depending on the situation. In some cases, owners who were considering euthanasia actually postponed their decision due to the improvement in their pet’s temperament once proper treatment was instituted. Out of kindness and compassion, I had adopted this botched declaw older cat from the shelter. Unfortunately, those symptoms are caused by a wide variety of conditions in felines, so getting to the root of the problem usually involves a visit to the veterinarian to rule out other problems. 5.If you and your pet have traditionally enjoyed cuddle time then please make sure you continue to give your pet individual attention. Competition in multi-cat households can also cause stress. For those of you who think cats are the devil incarnatelet me add to your arsenal. Changes due solely to stress and anxiety can be difficult to differentiate from medical conditions, so it is often a process of elimination to reach a diagnosis in cats. Depending on the situation, owners may need to add resources in the form of additional cat litter boxes and cat bowls, or even separate cats that are not getting along. Illnesses can cause your cat to not feel well and even possibly be in pain. One thing I love about having a cat is that I am never bored when I need to take breaks from work or school. In Hendrix’s experience, many pet owners who are dealing with terminally cats are concerned that their cat is experiencing depression, often mirroring their own sadness about a pet’s illness. Cats can be affected by the time of year and may become depressed during winter months. Aggressiveness: Cats may become aggressiveor rush the d… There can be several reasons why a cat gets depressed. More from Vetstreet: Answer Save. Posted Mar 12, 2017 Texperson. Thus, if your feline stops doing something that usually makes them purr, you may have a sad cat on your hands. But what does it mean if your cat is acting depressed? According to Hendrix, pain is one of the most underdiagnosed conditions in cats, seniors in particular, and is one of the leading causes of clinical signs of depression. Want to help your feline get out of their funk? The diagnosis is based on self-reported symptoms, says Hendrix, meaning that the symptoms can be expressed verbally to the doctor or psychologist. Destructiveness:Like dogs, cats can be destructive when they’re bored or experiencing anxiety. For that reason, she recommends people seek veterinary care for pets exhibiting depressed behavior, as accurate diagnosis and treatment can significantly improve quality of life. There can be some significant behavior changes when a cat is experiencing loneliness and accompanying anxiety: 1. Lizzie Knott is a 22-year-old illustrator who lives with depression: For me, depression feels like my cat Rodney is sitting on my chest. Only when I am laying in bed does it shake me or move my hands I can feel it tighten my forehead and on my legs and thighs. 2 Check if your cat has stopped using her litter box. Post by Deathstardisco1 » Sun Jan 10, 2016 4:33 am Hi all, I'm hoping someone can help and give me some advice regarding my nine month old cat Hugo. If your cat is depressed because another cat in the household has passed away, they may benefit from a new cat friend (or they may not). Hiding : your cat may leave and hide whenever a new person comes into the frame, trying to make you look for them or … There's a lot you need to know to make things go smoothly with your new friend. Cats can grieve. Cats are highly perceptive and easily react to their environments. When a family member (human or animal) passes away or moves out, your cat may grieve and become depressed. Some cats may show changes in cat litter box usage, while others have disturbed sleep patterns. Its been three hours and she's just moping in a corner. Dr. Nelva Bryant is a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine and a retired LCDR in the U.S. Public Health service with 27+ years professional experience. Those baseline tests usually provide a good overall look at a pet’s health and organ function. Winter months result in shorter days, which means less sunlight. “Their terminal illness [is] making them feel sick, nauseous, painful.”. Self-inflicted hair loss, aggression, or changes in litterbox usage are often traced back to anxiety. How to Help Cats Cope with the Loss of Your Other Pets, How to Treat Intervertebral Disc Disease in Cats, Top 5 Signs of Urinary Tract Troubles in Cats and Dogs, Learn Whether Cats Can Cry Real Tears of Pain or Sadness. Lethargy is a sign of a problem, even if it's subtle. I have suffered from depression throughout my life and am on antidepressants. Cats are known for their diverse, often feisty, personalities; some are anxious, some reserved, others inquisitive. ... What I found in my cat is, that play is a key for relationship. I have never heard of this happening if you have any insight please feel free to help! Currently I feel like a single mum and i’m getting “postpartum depression”. Your cat may become depressed after the loss of a housemate, moping around your home during his period of grief and sleeping more than usual. If a stressor can be identified and eliminated, often the symptoms will improve or resolve. Just like humans, cats can exhibit symptoms of depression. Since we can’t ask cats exactly what they are feeling, whether they’re sad or angry or anxious or joyous, we must rely on the clues they give us through their behavior and daily activities and make our assessments based on that. Depending on the results, other tests may be recommended. If he couldn't get attention by crying in the house, he would go into the garden and make this awful noise, louder than a meow, outside our bedroom, almost like I will get you up! You need to go through it – it can’t be walked around, dug under, or jumped over. Often, “it is sick behavior,” she says. The cat might feel nauseated, not want to eat, have a hormonal imbalance, or have no energy due to the illness. For more severe cases, veterinarians can prescribe a cat anxiety medication, which has been known to help with anxiety in some cats. When a family member (human or animal) passes away or moves out, your cat may grieve and become depressed. She is very sweet and loving but ever since we got her I have been depressed. As another environmental modification, some cats respond to cat calming products, like pheromone diffusers such as Feliway, which can have a calming effect. Regardless of the cause, a cat showing signs of depression can benefit greatly from a prompt evaluation by a veterinarian. My cat recently passed away he was 18, as he got older and became the only pet left, he always woke us up, rather like a demanding toddler! Try one of these four ways to cheer up your depressed cat! pain is one of the most underdiagnosed conditions in cats, Feeding Kittens 101: What to Feed, How Much, and How Often, How to Identify, Treat, and Prevent Dog Ear Infections. Signs of Depression in Cats The one word that best sums up the signs of cat depression is “withdrawal”. ... you get depressed. A new study has found an unusual link between cat bites and depression. It will make me involuntarily move my body my mouth my legs my feet. Although cats tend to be independent and resilient, they can suffer from anxiety due to changes in routine, feeling threatened, or the addition or loss of family members. Pay attention to some signs of possible depression in your cat. Losing a family member is always tough for everyone involved and your cat is no exception. “In general, depression in humans is considered a multifactorial disease,” says Dr. Lynn Hendrix, the owner of Beloved Pet Mobile Vet in Davis, California and a palliative care expert. She wouldn't stop licking it, and the stitches seems to have loosened a bit so I put the cone on. They bond with human and non-human family members and can grieve when the dynamics of the relationship is lost. Well, yes and no. A depressed cat withdraws and ceases doing things they used to enjoy. If you suspect your cat is depressed because it is sick, then you should schedule a visit with your vet as soon as possible. Various studies over the years have shown that petting a dog or cat can help lower blood pressure. 3. Acceptance – it may seem impossible at first, but eventually, you’ll come to terms with what happened. But, by looking out for some signs, you can rest easy in knowing that it may be temporary. It's impossible to anticipate when a cat will recover from such a major loss; it could take anywhere from several weeks to months and months, according to veterinarian Arnold Plotnick of … A picture is worth a thousand words. Cats are known for their diverse, often feisty, personalities; some are anxious, some reserved, others inquisitive. Why is my cat making me depressed? Every cat has its own personality, with some being more outgoing than others, but when a typically social cat is suddenly quiet and reserved it can be concerning. Depression can be situational, caused by a stressful situation, or medical, due to chemical imbalances in the brain. If pain is the culprit, then take your cat to the veterinarian. “Evidence suggests that, just as in ... And when my cats knead me, it makes me … If you are not sure about your cat's weight, make a vet appointment for a check-up or at least a weight check. If your cat is depressed because another cat in the household has passed away, they may benefit from a new cat friend (or they may not). This is usually only a temporary behavior and with some time your cat will return to normal. Veterinarians will begin the evaluation by taking a full history of the symptoms and performing a complete physical examination. It is a good activity for both owner and pet! If your cat gets a clean bill of health, your veterinarian may help you look for external stressors that are affecting him or her. But what does it mean if your cat is acting depressed? Medical problems such as kidney disease or GI cancer can cause nausea and decreased appetite that mimic depression. in Davis, California and a palliative care expert. I feel the dogs really are the final straw. If your cat's personality seems to change with the seasons, they may be experiencing seasonal depression. My cat (Male & 2 years old) is being strange, but in a complicated way. Like a lot of working mothers, I feel underappreciated. A cat that is ill, bored, obese, ignored or lonely can also become depressed. During the day he acts his normal self. Anxiety is, in fact, one of the major behavioral conditions seen by veterinarians. But the reality is a lot less amusing. Feeling depressed over my cats behaviour and need help. Make sure you are following your veterinarian’s recommendations regarding pain relief or if your cat seems to be in pain, schedule an appointment to have it checked out. Contact your vet if your cat seems to be lying around a lot, sleeping more than usual, or just generally has a low energy level. Signs of cat depression include changes in appetite, behavior, and activity level. The clinical signs we see tend to be loss of appetite, avoidance behavior, less active, and abnormal behavior, like his… My Pet Died and I Can't Stop Crying Crying after the death of a pet is a normal and healthy way of grieving. Even old surgeries and injuries can cause lingering pain or discomfort in your cat and may require chronic pain relief. Clinginess:Some cats who are typically aloof will suddenly not want to leave your side. As a hospice and palliative care veterinarian, Hendrix is able to address those specific symptoms and help cats feel much more comfortable, even during the end of life process. They’re quirky, off-the-wall and most of us get a good chuckle out of them. Pain after an injury can also keep your cat from feeling as happy as it usually is. You may also be familiar with your own grumpy cat, if you happen to have a particularly temperamental one at home. My boyfriend and I just adopted a cat. It puts me in a hard ish situation. The diagnosis is based on self-reported symptoms, says Hendrix, meaning that the symptoms can be expressed verbally to the doctor or psychologist. Some depressed cats might act out by urinating or defecating outside their cat litter box, while others may exhibit … Since the arrival of my little guy in June my cat has been treating our house like her bathroom. 6 Answers. In most cases, cat owners have no idea why their cat is sad or depressed. Make sure you know the signs your cat is depressed. Certainly cats can exhibit depressed behavior, but the general consensus is that they do not experience the same emotional changes associated with clinical depression in humans. This is usually only a temporary behavior and with some time your cat will return to normal. Increased vocalization: A cat will wander through the house, meowing constantlyor even yowling looking for someone to answer them. Mood changes: a cat may be depressed as they feel abandoned by their guardian. 4. Do cats even suffer from depression? So, is the look of your cat. Without treatment, continuing depression can compromise your cat's immune system, leading to serious health problems. hi all,My cat is making me miserable and I'm wondering if anyone has any advice. A veterinarian or trainer experienced in cat behavior can help with recommendations to make a home environment less stressful to an anxious cat. Lack of sun can cause depression in cats, which results in changes to their behavior. “It is possible that spinal tap and MRI may be needed,” says Hendrix, often if the veterinarian is concerned about a neurologic condition affecting the spine or brain. The cat may not be its playful self if it hurts to move around. You’re probably familiar with Grumpy Cat, the little feline whose frown has made her famous across the internet. Ever since I put the cone on she's been so depressed. My siblings aren’t REALLY helping me out when it comes to play time and having her off my back. A cat may seem depressed and not like his usual self for quite a while after the passing of a sibling. Also, learn more about some frequent causes of depression in cats and your best course of action. Depression – the overwhelming sadness of losing a cat is like a tunnel. And that makes me feel happy because if I’m depressed about work, school, or anything else, I know that my cat counts on me to be there for him. Signs of a depressed cat include overeating, lax grooming and sleeping at daybreak, when they should be up and hunting. Conditions such as fatty liver disease, FIV, FeLV, upper respiratory diseases, diabetes, hypothyroidism, dental disease, and others are all serious health problems that can affect your cat’s happiness level. Injuries may limit your cat’s ability to do things it once enjoyed. My cat got spayed yesterday, and my vet said no cone was needed unless she's licking the wound a lot. Certainly cats can exhibit depressed behavior, but the general consensus is that they do not experience the same emotional changes associated with clinical depression in humans. “Bloodwork, chest x-rays, and abdominal ultrasound may be suggested by your veterinarian,” says Hendrix. “On occasion, stressors can cause depressive-like signs,” says Hendrix. Do cats even suffer from depression? Depression is not the sole property of humans, as animal behaviorists realized in the 1990s. “The clinical signs we see tend to be loss of appetite, avoidance behavior, less active, and abnormal behavior, like hissing,” says Hendrix. He sleeps, eats, and explores just the same, but at night he is acting weird. If we resist applying the human definitions of mood disorders to our feline friends and instead evaluate them strictly from a cat-friendly perspective, there is often much we can do to make our beloved kitties happier and healthier! 2. The majority of depressed cats withdraw into themselves and don’t bother eating or have energy to do much more than sleep. I’m scared if i don’t give her my time i will make my kitten bored and depressed. Be cautious in adding another housemate too soon to the family. Depression can be situational, caused by a stressful situation, or medical, due to chemical imbalances in the brain. I call her and she just ignores me. “In general, depression in humans is considered a multifactorial disease,” says Dr. Lynn Hendrix, the owner of. A cat that feels exposed and doesn’t have a place to hide, for example, may respond to more covered furniture or additional vertical spaces in the house so he or she feels more in control of the environment. Well, yes and no. I would never want that. My cat is ruined and now it’s making my life miserable. Time is usually the best remedy for major family member changes, but there are also natural remedies such as pheromones and nutritional supplements that can help your cat be happier in the meantime. Infections, tumors, and inflammatory diseases of the nervous system can result in significant behavioral changes in cats. Some depressed cats will go on a dirty protest, meaning they won’t bother with using their litter box and instead start soiling the house. Thank you! Amy is an award-winning Certified Animal Behavior Consultant and author of 27 pet care books. A practitioner may also recommend referral to a board-certified veterinary behaviorist, who deals exclusively with behavior issues and can manage the problem through behavior modification suggestions as well as prescribe cat medications. He sits there for a few days and doesn't move. Since he can’t handle stress appropriately, his response to stress is to urinate or spray the walls (or the dishwasher). They may respond by developing hyperactivity to try to gain their owner's attention. It sometimes comes straight to my face and I feel like it is wanting to go inside my mouth it has a very bad smell. No matter the reason why, be sure to give it extra time and attention until its happiness level improves. Cats can and do get depressed, too.

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