can goats eat marigolds

Use this to rinse your face after washing to help eliminate acne and improve your complexion in general. What human food can Goats eat? I guess it would depend on your preference. Deprive and starve your goat from getting a balanced diet and you are forcing that goat to eat whatever it can just for the sake of not going hungry. Before the goats go in to eat pigs should be sent thru. More of a novelty than a flavoring, but sort of fun. I work at an organic rose/herb/veggie/native plant nursery, and, actually, I’m not sure how wise it is to feed chickens, goats, or humans the marigolds in your pictures, which appear to be French or African marigolds, in the genus Tagetes. I was just reading over your uses for marigolds (calendula) and I wanted to make another suggestion. We will be testing your recipes shortly. NOT recommended for pregnant women or children. Oh great post! Marigold tea can help with a sore throat, cramps and fever. Cows eat the inferior hay that goats won’t eat. Wilt diseases don't literally eat marigolds but they can cause poor growth and even death. Wow…I wouldn’t have guessed you could do all that with marigolds…I’ll definitely be growing even more next year! Pigs that are kept as livestock usually avoid eating poisonous forage plants. Delicious. Some may cause kitty just a little discomfort, and other plants can … to eat it through lack of adequate food. You can harvest marigolds as a cut flower. How to Grow Marigolds to Eat. ), I have to say that I love the fragrance of the Marigold….but I certainly don’t have any uses for them other than to plant for next year…never even considered there were any other uses….until I read your blog…I would have to sneak this into the food Deep-Fried Marigolds–Oh yeah I DID! 6. French? Can anyone tell me how to make and use these concoctions? Wrap about an ounce of calendula powder in cheese cloth. Drink eight ounces daily, sweetened as desired. From my research, goats are finnicky eaters and probably instinctively know what to eat, how much to eat, and when not to eat it. It’s nice to have it all out there, though; thanks for replying. I was intent on planting veggies this summer, that I totally skipped the flower planting. However common these annuals may be, many gardeners fail to realize that marigolds are actually poisonous. If you have any pictures or information regarding any of the plants, please let us know. Your Nigerian dwarf or pygmy goats will eat poisonous weeds or plants and it is important to check your lot or pasture before placing them out to graze. And they love it. The English ones also make a good cleansing wash/poultice for wounds. I’m drying some of the flowers to save for the dark days of winter. Goats eat plants like trees, shrubs, hay and grains. This is where the problems can come, for they will show interest in most vegetation and the poisonous things, to their peril, they may eat. An infusion of dried marigold petals is great for cleaning and treating small cuts and other skin abrasions and relieving sunburn. Baked in a Pie–I’m tossing petals into savory pies (spinach, zucchini). 5. Rather than considering it a poisonous plant in quick, lethal or fatal definition, know that each plant has its own specific effects, short or long term. ... Marigolds, Tomatoes & … Jan 22, 2012 - Explore Debbie Luzier's board "Herbs & Veggies for Goat Garden", followed by 103 people on Pinterest. Applying the economic "law of marginal utility" to this topic is probably the best rule of thumb a person could follow. I had mint in one house I lived in, and it travelled 50 feet under rock (with Plastic). The leaves and flowers (and honey made from the pollen) cause a decrease in blood pressure and irregular heartbeat (arrhythmia), nausea and vomiting. Marigold is high on the list for that. Goats do have a very wide range of plants and trees which are palatable to them. That is awesome, Tomato Lady! Soak for no more than a half an hour at a time. Do not soak unclosed flesh wounds or wounds with stitches in them. 3. But please keep in mind, this is just theory and yet to be proven as of this writing. People can eat marigold flowers - and I think you can make tea from the leaves - so they are probably OK for goats. Well-drained soil with plenty of organic matter, such as compost, will help them grow. The edible/medicinal/makes-chicken-yolks-yellower marigold is the calendula, or pot marigold, Calendula officianalis, which can be found in medieval cookery books. If the pH is near 6.5, then it can grow mums successfully. Momma goats will teach their offspring what to eat while grazing. I know there is a list of plants that are not good for dogs to eat but I don't know if those apply to ducks or not. This can be affirmed from what notes, i.e., “rabbits may dislike the plants' strong fragrant and bitter taste, although the flowers and leaves are edible.” They hate the smell. Of note, if anyone is looking for calendulas, seed savers has a fantastic mixed pack that gives you tons of different ones – my husband and I are big fans! Just wanted to add that I use a Tagetes marigold rinse to lighten my hair, and I have had some nice comments! Picking a shorter, percussive one or two-syllable name may help your goat to learn his or her name quickly. However, they are not the favorite food for your bunnies. Yum! i am really interested with marigolds for my thesis in food science..upon reading your comments about its uses and applications..i think im gonna pursue it! Does anyone know if goats can eat marigolds? Sprinkle about a fourth of a cup of powder on the bottom of your tub and fill with warm water. (Coincidentally, gardeners plant certain varieties of marigolds … I use them in salads from time to time, but I really want to try them in baked goods now. Continue Reading Bee Balm is a wonderful flower whose leaves can be made into a healthful tea with antibacterial properties that is also used to clear respiratory problems in humans and chickens. We save all our marigolds for medicinal purposes. If it gets established it is amazingly invasive. ACV is … It imparts the yellow color but not the flavor. Use calendula powder tea to reduce fever and help eliminate colds. I will have to try using calendulas in the same way – especially for the brighter yolks. I receive on an average, two to three emails a week asking what type of plants can be planted that goats will not eat. The Tagetes marigolds are used in Day of the Dead celebrations in Mexican culture, are often used as companion plants for nightshades and do have some food-related uses, including bug repellent, but I wouldn’t eat them, and there is no known benefit to the chickens if they do either. I have some marigolds in the plan for next year for a little companion planting. Enjoyed reading all the tips. This is because goats eat most of the plants that cows won’t. Locoweeds reduce reproductive performance in male goats and affect almost every aspect of reproduction in the female. We are only happy to share this nutrition information with you and others around the world. When grass is available, most cats will not eat outside plants or flowers. here….have a good w/e. I had a good book on edibles once but I can’t lay my hand on it. I’m glad to know that tagetes is used for what you said as well – I sit corrected! Letting them eat it is probably also the only way to get rid of it. I will remember next year. Here in CT, the marigolds have long since past, but my calendulas have survived several light to moderate frosts. However some common plants are poisonous to goats and can kill them. Planting invasive flowers can have unintended consequences on the ecosystems surrounding your home. Children can also be poisoned by eating berries, but symptoms differ to those of livestock. If you plant the seeds *very* early in the spring – earlier than you think remotely reasonable – they’ll establish well before the drouth of summer hits! Next post: From Ideas to Submission–How I Write,, Yummy Giveaway + Organic Black Tea & Lemon Jelly Recipe, Practically Green: Putting up Summer Produce No Sweat, 3 Things Before You Mix Baking Soda and Vinegar, 10 Things You Should Know Before Making Homemade Laundry Detergent, 10 Things About Homemade Dishwasher Detergent, LHITS Knit Dishcloth Pattern: Blackberries, LHITS Knitted Dishcloth Patterns: Ramen Noodle, Pure Olive Oil Soap Recipe (Castile Soap). I have heard of marigold tea, but was warned not to use it during pregnancy as it has been known to induce labor (not a good thing at 20 weeks, but perhaps good at 41 weeks ). I like the idea of planting them among your berries, too. Made some wine once out of marigolds, when I was about 16. They are a great treat and can be sprinkled over hay to make it a bit more interesting and tasty. But to stay healthy, goats need to eat plant material. This combination is a great way to reduce feed costs, there is little to no waste. Species affected by lantana poisoning include cattle, sheep, goats, guinea pigs and rabbits. But these marigolds were huge, fluffy, and had a very powerful smell. Further research is needed to determine the long term effects of lantana on goats and camels. Good luck, and thanks for the useful notes about Tagetes. I just thought I would share. This section contains a listing of plants "known to be poisonous" or "possibly known to be poisonous" to goats. I’ve seen it added to soap or other toiletry items. Feeding your goat the same thing, in excess, day in and day out for long periods of time may be just as harmful (and fatal) as feeding the goat a known toxic plant. Learn what types of plants to look out for so you can keep your goats away from these areas of your farm or yard. As an added bonus, chickens who eat marigolds lay eggs with bright yellow yolks. Radishes (leaves and seeds): Can cause the break down of red-blood cells and weight loss in goats and other livestock. I didn’t believe it, thought it was an old wives tale, until I got desperate at the bunnies feasting on my lettuce and cabbage. Another great benefit of your goats eating Kelp Meal is that it will increase their milk production too. Species affected . Here’s a list of flowers you can offer your rabbits in addition to their regular diet. Goats are browsers. 2. In closing I'd just like to say that in my opinion, and for all Add about a tablespoon of calendula powder to a half cup of water. I think they make a pretty table centerpiece on the kitchen table or for an outdoor party. Calendula loves heat but needs moisture, too. Acorns can cause miscarriages in sows. As notes, “rabbits eat marigolds. The dried petals can be added to your homemade soap recipes to help soften the skin. I mentioned a while back that I was determined to get the most out of my marigolds–a huge mound of them occupying space I coveted for cold weather goodies like cabbage and broccoli. There is also an extremely wide range of plants and trees which are poisonous if eaten. Mostly what I do with marigolds is carry around the seeds I collected several years ago planning to plant them this year I mean it…. (Kinda like cats hate orange peels.) The 2-legged kids were playing on the gate (read- swinging like monkeys) and evidently left it cracked so naturally the goats were out the next morning in the new flower bed. Imagine my guests’ surprise when I served a salad topped with nasturiums and violets! Marigold Insect Spray for leaf-cutters–I heard from my best friend in Pennsylvania that she has used a commercial version as a fly spray for horses, too. I may know most in my own area (East TN, USA), but there may be plants in places such as CA, England and Australia that I do not know, may would mistakenly not add to the list. I also read: It certainly is a mystery that I would like to unravel. What I have here is tagetes. They are not grazers and do prefer variety. Thankyou for all the wonderful information. Yet, in other circumstances, people will write and say that 'just a little' of a certain plant brought an immediate, deadly reaction. If there is then please let me know. Marigold Pound Cake–I stirred the petals and a few chopped leaves into cake batter. Similarly, Lisa Orbin, a gardener of 10 years, explains that deer dislike the astringent smell marigolds gives off. So much goes unnoticed beneath out feet. (I’m not intending on feeding them marigolds but they’ll like to go exploring and taste everything. You can add just the petals but I have also heard of people seeping the petals and using the water. Many of the common plants that goat owners deal with are among these poisonous plant classes. 3. In some parts of the South and Kentucky a person can make a good case for shooting some one for planting Kudzu. I’d use the leaves mostly, but the petals won’t hurt –. Harvesting and Using Marigolds. English (calendula – those look like calendula)? Kelp meal is a great source of iodine. When I’ve had a garden, I’ve planted them pretty liberally amongst all the plants to help ward off bugs. Goats can get rid of bindweed, and it is good for them too. Apple Cider Vinegar. Chicken Snack–I read that feeding a moderate amount of flowers and leaves of marigold to your hens makes their egg yolks an even brighter, deeper orange. Spinnerin–I’m glad you brought this up. A number of common garden plants are actually toxic to cats. (No info on lactating.). While it's rare that a cat will consume a large enough amount to become ill, it's better to be safe and know which plants are potentially harmful and by what degree. I especially like adding to salads and deep frying ideas. Occasionally, out of boredom or curiosity, a cat may nibble on a leaf or stem. They ate everything but the marigolds and today I had a few does with dirty bottoms. Marian Clifton–Never heard of that, interesting. Toxicity You can make a paste from the petals and use it for diaper rash. See more ideas about herbs, garden, plants. Can’t wait to try them in some recipes. I've read many posts where this is truly the case. Our bunnies love to eat flowers! Spinnerin–I would love to grow calendula. People have asked me to share a listing of edible & poisonous plants for goats, but I hesitated to make a list of plants you can, or shouldn't feed, to goats because there is no possible way I, as one person, could know all plants the are poisonous to goats. Pigs love to eat snakes so this keeps the goats safe. Tomatoes (leaves, flowers and immature fruits): As members of the nightshade family, tomatoes can cause serious heart, nervous system and intestinal problems in cats and dogs. I can’t wait to try growing some calendula this Spring. Feed only small portions during each snack time. This is especially true of the immature fruit, which becomes less toxic as it ripens. 6. I am interested in the insect spray and using it as a cleaning agent. I purposely picked one that said it was edible as well…can’t way to try some of these out. This would be an extremely helpful supplement for those that raise milking goats. An abundant supply of fresh fruits, vegetables and garden greens is part of a balanced diet, but not all the plants in your … I remember something about eating cattail roots that sounded interesting. Use calendula powder to soothe skin irritations. We welcome your thoughts and input on any of the plants listed (or not listed) here. Stir with your hand until water turns greenish-yellow. I work at an organic rose/herb/veggie/native plant nursery, and, actually, I’m not sure how wise it is to feed chickens, goats, or humans the marigolds in your pictures, which appear to be French or African marigolds, in the genus Tagetes. Cows and goats in the same pasture and pen work well. Please think about this when you are determining your goat's food source. I wasn’t kidding and have been giving that plant a workout. (I have read…I wouldn’t know what saffron tastes like ’cause I’m a poor man!). I have some calendula seeds and am eager to plant them and see if I can get them going. I may give it another go this spring. With your help perhaps we can further discover more about what to feed and what not to feed our goats. Marigolds readily reseed, so once you get them established in your garden, allow several plants to go to seed. They are curious, so they will try to eat cardboard, tin cans – even clothing! If you can't find a good feed especially for goats, you can feed a good 12%-16% course grain for horses or cattle "sweet feed"; just look at the tag labels and find something comparable. One common kind of goat feed is alfalfa. Forgot about it, and found it about 2 years later. Any food that can be considered good and nutritive, when consumed in excess can just as easily be bad. They are popular among gardeners because of the ease with which they grow and their cheery yellow-orange hue. Dried marigold petal meal from tagetes marigolds is used as a feed additive in the poultry industry to amp up the yellow color of egg yolks and chicken skin. There’s a good bit of confusion between calendula and tagetes, both commonly called marigold. This section contains a listing of plants "known to be poisonous" or "possibly known to be poisonous" to goats. Verticillium wilt, caused by a fungal infection, attacks marigolds at the roots. They do contain pyrethrum (a natural insecticide) - so you might want to limit the amount the goats … So from then on, it is an absolute must for my vegetable garden. Marigold Tea–Ivory covered this one way back when. These cool goat names celebrate the new furry cool character in your life! I tried growing it years ago with no success (too hot, I think). Hmmm… not sure I want to EAT something that’s also used as fly spray! Wish I had time to comment more. Captain Hoof: It looks like your goat might be hoofing it. Goats are browsers that will eat just about anything including the shirt off your back. A smell that said, you don't really want to eat me. This information has been gathered from a variety of resources and discussions with other goat owners, county extensions, research projects as well as my own day to day findings and hands on experiences. This information has been gathered from a variety of resources and discussions with other goat owners, county extensions, research projects as well as my own day to day findings and hands on experiences. They are also known as the poor man’s saffron. 7. If pigs eat stone fruits from the orchard, the pits can lodge in the small intestine. Handful–Great information! I do not know the dosage, but it does not take a lot of “rhody” leaves to kill a goat. Whatever you think of their flavor, the flowers are indeed edible and if nothing else a feast for the eyes. I love learning the different properties of flowers and herbs. To date I have learned that there are ten (10) very important classes of poisonous plants. We have a local goat keeper that makes a good living letting her goats solve people's Kudzu headache. Your free-range flock loves roaming into the garden and treating the marigolds, squash blossoms and dandelions like an all-you-can-eat salad bar. Yes, rabbits can eat marigolds. You can buy kelp meal if you are interested. Suddenly the statement that goats will eat anything becomes pretty difficult to dispute. We as the goat owners are an influencing factor in the equation. From fresh or dried flower heads? Sunshine in a cup! Allow tea to steep for about eight minutes. What do goats like to eat the most? Often horse feed is made with better ingredients than sheep, goat or cow feed. It’s known as a culinary (flavoring and coloring) agent, especially in Asia and Africa, and its dried and powdered petals are said to be preferred over calendula in the Republic of Georgia. Here’s the current list of marigold uses: 1. Mr. Bill–I’m glad you enjoyed them. -- by Gary Pfalzbot, How did you make the tea infusion? Goats are easy prey for predators. Marigolds line sidewalks and flower beds across North America. Plants Known to be Poisonous to Goats by Gary Pfalzbot About the Author. So 3 years ago, I tried it. Similarly, if pigs chow down on unshelled walnuts, pieces of cracked shells can pierce the pharynx of the animal. The patch is foldable and paper-like when dry and becomes a stretchy gel when it reaches wet tissues. “Basically, they don’t smell good enough to eat,” she says. scientific research only, there certainly has to be a relation between the physiological makeup of a goat, the chemical balance, and the goat's ability to eat certain known poisonous plants and not be adversely affected. My thumb is more brown than green so I can’t say if it helped or not. I made a loose batter of flour, water, salt and pepper, dipped and fried those puppies up! My mom saved tons of petals for this purpose, but none of our 3 children ever had diaper rash, so I can’t speak personally to it’s effectiveness. Good Morning. Really a versatile plant. Snowflake: This is an absolutely adorable name for a goat. Edible marigold flowers are said to taste either mildly citrusy to subtly spicy to, well, like a marigold. Some plants like the big tall hollow-stemmed poke berry plants with the purple berries must be poisonous most of the year but there is a very small window of opportunity where our goats … Used them for many years this way Also work among my blackberry and blueberry bushes. It is believed that the Angora and Spanish goat breeds can utilize a wider variety of plants and brush than some of the other breeds, thus "possibly" making them more tolerant of the mildly toxic plants. Medicinally, it contains carotenoids, such as lutein, known for promoting eye health among other possible benefits. I get your feed brought into my Livejournal Friendslist – I’ve really enjoyed reading it so much. 4. I was wondering if there is a list somewhere on BYC that has a list of flowers that are ok for your ducks to eat. This entry convinces me to grow Marigolds next year Calendula Varieties. Which marigolds? Salad–I add several sprigs of the leaves and the flower petals from a couple of blooms to liven up mixed green salads. Is it a balance between chemicals from plant to plant or is it simply that 'some' goats have the tolerance built into their DNA while others do not. They can be from a foot tall to cabin-sized and are very poisonous plants for goats. The patch can be folded around surgical tools and delivered through airways or intestines. I do not want the responsibly of a goat getting poisoned because I did not list the plant th… In our large coop garden, we try to grow herbs and flowers that are medicinal as well as pretty or edible. I plant marigolds 2 per tomatoe plant( at least) and it helps ward off insects and disease. Use the analyses below to help find a … Goats tend to get along with most other animals. Some people, especially in Europe, refer to calendula as “marigolds.” The most commonly grown calendula species, Calendula officinalis, is also called the “pot marigold.” It's not smelly and everybody is still eating and acting fine. Marigolds, planted around the fares edge of a vegetable garden, keeps rabbits away. Soak in the calendula bath to help soothe burns, bruises, and injured skin. As I began compiling this research data, it suddenly dawned on me that Nutrition and Food Source is just that - nutrition and food source. Bring water to a boil in a tea kettle, remove from heat and add powder. African? Grace Thomas–Thank you. i will plant more marigolds. Check the photos below for some of the more common poisonous plants. Not a nibble ONE on my veggies! Here’s a WEB page for edible flowers: I wonder if I dried petals and added them into the winter chicken feed if it would help with the yolk coloring… Oh, and I do believe that dried calendula petals are one of the few soap additives that actually retain their appearance when added when making soap. A dainty dish to set before anybody. It has been said that "goats will eat anything" and there are times when this statement could almost be true.

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