climate ready boston vulnerability assessment

� ��WH�8 @ָB�� b���5 �5���q ��q�d� �`�+$k k\!Y� 1X� The City of Boston will build on the vulnerability assessment developed through the Climate Ready Boston project and develop and design nature-based coastal resiliency strategies for two priority sites: The East Boston Greenway and Charlestown's Schrafft site. Found insideThe papers in this volume were first presented at the Research Workshop on Migration and the Environment: Developing a Global Research Agenda held in Munich, Germany in April 2008. B�1�m. ��2����WHָ��5@ָB�ƥ̬q r���5.ef��C�5�_��KJ�k\�� �5#��:�ݳƥ̬q r���5.ef���5���q)3k��q�d�K�Y� �`�+$k\�� k\!Y�Rf�8 9$X��;���%ָ��5@k������Y�Rf�8 9X� Focus Areas: Eight Boston areas where the results of the Vulnerability Assessment and the climate resilience initiatives are applied in more detail to illustrate the risks Boston faces and how Boston can address them. Found insideThis open access book brings together research findings and experiences from science, policy and practice to highlight and debate the importance of nature-based solutions to climate change adaptation in urban areas. Found insidePresents comprehensively the currently un-mapped constellation of issues related to climate change, public health, and the law. Boston residents are already affected by extreme heat, rain, snow and flooding. in Public Po In this dataset from Climate Ready Boston, groups identified as being more vulnerable are . Found insideAs global climate change proliferates, so too do the health risks associated with the changing world around us. Boston's work in this topic area has very real implications for the future of the city, but also sets an example for resilience planning and investment that leads the region . "Climate Ready Boston", 2016 Report "Climate Change and Sea Level Rise Projections for Boston", 2016 report of the Boston Research Advisory Group "Climate Change and Extreme Weather Vulnerability Assessments And Adaptation Options for the Central Artery", MassDOT-FHWA Pilot Project, June 2015 Updated climate projections; A vulnerability assessment; Focus areas; Climate resilience initiatives. As per the MBTA Blue Line climate change vulnerability assessment report, it is predicted that the Boston area will experience sea-level rise of three to seven feet (not including the impacts of storm surge events) and as many as 90 extreme heat (> 90°F) days each year by the end of this century (Climate Ready Boston 2016). medford resilience-based emergency management planning. As sea levels in Boston Harbor are predicted to rise 4 to 8 inches by 2030 and 15 to 36 inches by 2070 (Climate Ready Boston, 2016), the risk of flooding in Somerville during large coastal storms will increase because the existing infrastructure is not designed for these future conditions. This the latest report for Climate Ready Boston, the City’s ongoing initiative to prepare Boston for the impacts of climate change. Intense rain events The City's climate change analysis provides us with a strong, science-based foundation on which to create an action plan. Jd� �`�+$k k\!Y� 1X� S���_m��a�+$k\��h��M�B�/��������ƥ̬q�V+��f�+,k\��h�NWHָ��5� The Final Report outlines 11 strategies for coping with the hazards of climate change—everything from increasing climate change awareness among residents to expanding the use of green infrastructure. poses a growing threat, Boston and neighboring cities and towns along Boston Harbor and the massachusetts coastline need to prepare. )�K�q)3k��9�������k. ���V�5~d@. � ��WH�8 @ָB�� b���5 �5���q ��q�d� �`�+$k k\!Y� 1X� He is also the Director of the NOAA Northeast Regional Climate Center. � ��WH�8 @ָB�� b���5 �5���q ��q�d� �`�+$k k\!Y� 1X� 1 0 obj � Found inside – Page iUnderstanding the Changing Planet outlines eleven strategic directions to focus research and leverage new technologies to harness the potential that the geographical sciences offer. This book serves as a guide for local governments and private enterprises as they navigate the unchartered waters of investing in climate change adaptation and resilience. Project Summary. � ��WH�8 @ָB�� b���5 �5���q ��q�d� �`�+$k k\!Y� 1X� Geospatial. Found insideThis book is a printed edition of the Special Issue "Coastal Hazards Related to Storm Surge" that was published in JMSE Boston - Climate Ready Boston* Bourne Report; Boxborough Final Report Boxford Report; Braintree Climate Vulnerability Assessment and Action Plan* Brewster Report; Bridgewater Report (part 1 of 5) Bridgewater Report (part 2 of 5) Bridgewater Report (part 3 of 5) Bridgewater Report (part 4 of 5) Bridgewater Report (part 5 of 5) Brockton Report . To address these challenges, the latest Climate Ready Boston report features four components: Updated Climate Projections: Updated projections for four climate factors: extreme temperatures, sea level rise, extreme precipitation, and storms. medford climate change vulnerability assessment. This book provides an authoritative insight on the Loss and Damage discourse by highlighting state-of-the-art research and policy linked to this discourse and articulating its multiple concepts, principles and methods. 4 0 obj As a leader in municipal climate change adaptation, the City of Boston has recently updated its climate projections, completed a climate vulnerability assessment, and identified several resilience initiatives. � ��WH�8 @ָB�� b���5 �����u-�KJ�k ��o��J� ��WH�8 @ָB�� b���5 �5���q ��q�d� �`�+$k k\!Y� 1X� Found insideFrom revolutionizing how we produce and consume food to educating girls in lower-income countries, these are all solutions which, if deployed collectively on a global scale over the next thirty years, could not just slow the earth's warming ... • April 2016 became the warmest April on record across the planet. endobj . Climate Ready Boston takes into account social vulnerabilities to climate change in both its assessments of climate risks and its policy proposals. The book has four parts. Part I gives the details of climate change impacts, providing the scenarios, negotiations, and specific impacts on sea-level rise and the health sectors. Part II focuses on climate change strategy and action plans. ready to respond: strategies for multifamily building resilience. Climate-Ready Healthy Plymouth MUNICIPAL VULNERABILITY PREPAREDNESS JUNE 2020 Photo credit: Sky Skipper Drones Climate Ready Boston includes Strategy 6: Coordinate investments to adapt infrastructure to future climate . Known as Climate Ready Boston, this initiative includes updated climate projections, vulnerability assessments and climate resilience strategies, as well as . Dr. � �!s������d/�� bX1����Re�5 �5���q ��q�d� �`�+$k k\!Y� 1X� Join with CoreNet Global in our mission to advance the practice of corporate real estate through professional development opportunities, publications, research, conferences, and chapters and networking groups. ���?�9�&L��k�J�y��� k\!��gɧ�T�Y� �`�+�����fJY� �`�+$k\�� k\!Y�Rf�8 9X� Climate Ready Boston Final Report (2016) December 8, 2016: ClimateCARE Resiliency Work Plan: September 28, 2016: Boston Greenovate Plan: January 15, 2015: Ready for Tomorrow: The City Of Salem, Massachusetts Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptation Plan: December 2014: Metro Boston Regional Climate Change Adaptation Strategy . Climate Ready Boston - Sasaki. 5 0 obj Posted on Fri, Oct. 30, 2020 Fri, Oct. 30, 2020 Author Steve Vilkas Comments Off on Elevated Waterfronts, Living Shorelines, Raised Roadways & Bike Paths Proposed by Climate Ready Boston as . PEABODY — The Baker-Polito Administration today announced over $5 million in grant funding to 34 cities and towns across the Commonwealth for projects to improve their resilience to climate change through Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness (MVP) Program Action Grants. • April 2016 also was the 12th consecutive "record month" across the planet. stream elderly, children, people of color, people with limited . This book presents papers written by scholars, practitioners, and members of social movements and government agencies pursuing research and/or climate change projects in the Pacific region. Outcomes from the Sea Change reserach have included co-authoring the report "Designing with Water: Creative Solutions from Around the Globe" with The Boston Harbor Association, advising the Boston Living with Water Design Competition, and now implementation of Boston's first climate change vulnerability assessment, Climate Ready Boston. User Name: � ��WH�8 @ָB�� b���5 �5���q ��q�d� �`�+$k �Tk����KJ�k �����v� ��WH�8 @ָB�� bH����w. endobj � ��WH�8 @ָB�� b���5 �5���q ��q�d� ��Rk������d/�� b(�����q ��q�d� �`�+$k k\!Y� 1X� 1 A plan is categorized as an adaptation plan if it is primarily a climate change vulnerability and adaptation or resiliency plan. %���� • Climate Ready Boston Found insideWhile prior assessments had pointed to many of the city's vulnerabilities (e.g., the likelihood of flooding of key transportation infrastructure) [27], ... CCRUN was ready to engage immediately since it included existing partnerships ... Climate Ready Boston - Sea Level Rise Inundation. It has updated climate change projections for the City of Boston, a citywide vulnerability assessment, and recommended climate resilience initiatives to address Boston's climate risks. � ��WH�8 @ָB�� b���5 �5���q ��q�d� �`�+$k k\!Y� 1X� • April 2016 crushed the April 2015 record by 0.5 °F <> ��2���ȡGt^���!χ5���q)3k�յ��g�>ָB�ƥ̬q >�������χ5���q)3k�cN8���^i��a�+$k\��h� 24|Climate Ready Boston: Municiapl Vulnerability to Climate . This is the second phase of the grant and designation program, which builds on Governor Baker's Executive Order 569, as . This book presents the latest science and social science research on whether the world can adapt to climate change. Climate Ready Boston: Approach and Methodology for Asset Data Collection and Exposure and Consequence Analysis Version 1.0, October 17, 2016 Page 8 of 90 1.2 Summary of Reporting Format Loss estimations for people, property, and the economy presented in the CRB Vulnerability Assessment Back in 2016, the City of Boston released an action plan to combat climate change as part of Imagine Boston 2030, a document outlining the government's plan for the future of Boston. <> This Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Special Report (IPCC-SREX) explores the challenge of understanding and managing the risks of climate extremes to advance climate change adaptation. Found insideThis book explores these challenges, building on a detailed analysis of the interactions between a changing climate and Australia's rich but threatened biodiversity. 䶺"ϒ�T�Z*I �+fĖ�5�}T���J����^�\�9�*�J��lI:j���A Description. x���mk�0����eR����#C��ұ�[��E����4[� ��w��ծ�-ƶ"��'�����pttx>=���s�̦�3h�J�_Dk���-����WV�� aU�fm�a}{� >d��Oj(|A�����-� ��P�Q%�:E��8��׵��l}�Z:�m�Ir���*:Xܦ=$�l8�Bm,ĥV�ʨ2:ȓ���UW��i6�>�-X-�Y����s��$7j=�;�a���R��Μ��(m3��4Aƍ��>i(��4'/�9�4�ɈG%B�Lj��@n[:��Tyߎ��kO�4�c�' �+w����/.|�c����gX��s�yw�{pJ�+�~=�z�y�����ǻ���GMo����bs>�l[���tܝ}&(N6 I���T$pcj��/MM`�`��,)W@��^pVx��!�:��Qm{�ƹ�G��#di��@d'�W��>�k��%�^-�صW'��T���FyǴ�P����oȜ�D(-1��7b,2��y�$k�X��S ��](}8}{v~���^g��™�*pG&��[/Ϡ��׽%:1��+�L������S�b�W���m̮ࡱ��_�&W��w}+Kj��h9���h���$�� : Identifying indicators to evaluate the City of Boston's efforts to implement its climate change adaptation initiatives by Kara Runsten B.A. To mitigate, develop, and improve the lives of those vulnerable to intense natural disasters, climate change, and food insecurity, many agencies are funding and implementing diverse activities from reconstruction to rehabilitation, and this ... The Metro Boston region, an area whose civic leaders have been at the forefront of climate resilience initiatives in recent years, is finalizing a flood vulnerability assessment of food distribution center sites located north of Boston, with the support of the University of Massachusetts Boston and the American Geophysical Union's Thriving Earth Exchange program. 04 Executive Summary Climate Ready Boston 05 VULNERABILITY ASSESSMENT A comprehensive evaluation of current and potential future risks associated with each of three climate hazards (extreme heat, stormwater flooding, and coastal and riverine flooding) for Boston's people, buildings, infrastructure, and economy. Mayor Marty Walsh announced the release of the latest report for Climate Ready Boston, the city's ongoing initiative to prepare Boston for the impacts of climate change, on Dec. 8. Blue Line Vulnerability Assessment MBTA Climate Change Resiliency Program NY MTA—Montague Street Tunnel corrosion after flooding with 20 feet of salt water. A comprehensive evaluation of current and potential future risks. xxii City of Boston: Climate Ready Boston The Vulnerability Assessment analyzes how Boston's people, buildings, infrastructure, and economy will be affected by climate hazards. By strengthening grassroots, neighborhood-based leadership, especially from BIPOC residents of Dorchester, Roxbury, and Mattapan, the DND/BFFC partnership will directly contribute to Boston's Climate Vulnerability Assessment and Climate Ready Boston Action Plan, by capturing rainwater and mitigating extreme heat while providing access to much . Climate Ready Boston Social Vulnerability: Type: Geospatial: Description: Social vulnerability is defined as the disproportionate susceptibility of some social groups to the impacts of hazards, including death, injury, loss, or disruption of livelihood. Climate Ready Boston: multi stakeholder development of climate change consensus, vulnerability assessment, and roadmap for resiliency including protected shorelines, resilient infrastructure, adapted buildings, and prepared communities. stream #+�Ȕ�X�J9���y�͕��/�N�|��J�� ��2��ȡ���o�\R��X�Rf�8 9���j�Ѩ���2����WHָ��5@ָB�ƥ̬q r���5.ef���5���q)3k��q�d�K�Y� �`�+$k\�� k\!Y�Rf�8 9�\���%�z�5.ef����ke�K�Y� �c���h��d/�ƥ̬q r(��xKR�5.ef���5���q)3k��q�d�K�Y� �`�+$k\�� k\!Y�Rf�8 9X� Climate Ready Boston is an ongoing initiative to help the people and city of Boston to plan for the future impacts of climate change and develop resilient solutions. This book considers how gender issues are entwined with people's vulnerability to the effects of climate change. Many of the data sources needed for this type of assessment are already available. Climate Ready Boston Report. In addition to climate projections and a vulnerability assessment, Climate Ready Boston also calls for action. Prepare municipal facilities for climate change; City departments should prioritize adaptation projects to prepare at-risk municipal facilities for coastal and riverine flooding, stormwater flooding, and extreme heat risks. The report shows that Boston can tackle the challenge of climate change while creating new economic opportunities and improving quality of life in neighborhoods across the city. Art has been a Principal Investigator on The Integrated Assessment for Effective Climate Change Adaptation Strategies in New York State, an author of the Climate Ready Boston report, and a contributor to the 2018 Fourth National Climate Assessment. In 2016, the city's Climate Ready Boston initiative created a standard by which to assess social vulnerability. ��2����WHָ��5@ָB�ƥ̬q r���5.ef���5���q)3k��q�d�K�Y� �P�5��rI�^b�K�Y� �~TU�,Tk��2����WHָ��5@ָB�ƥ̬q r���k~. climate change preparedness efforts of the Metro Mayors Coalition2, a coalition of 14 Boston-area municipalities working to develop regional solutions to advance climate action. <>>> More than 60 of you tuned in to learn more about Climate Ready Boston, the current projects the City is involved with to address climate change preparedness, and ways to get involved. Of the myriad of current and anticipated transformations of our environment resulting from climate change, the projections of increased precipitation within Focus Areas: Eight Boston areas where the results of the . Area of potential coastal and riverine flooding in Boston under various sea level rise scenarios (9-inch in 2030s, 21-inch in 2050s, and 36-inch in 2070s) at high tide and in the event of storms with an annual exceedance probability (AEP) of 10 and 1 percent.Learn . )�K�q �V�jj Boston architectural college climate action plan. In the subsequent years, Boston developed a report "Climate Ready Boston - Municipal Vulnerability to Climate Change," that anticipates climate impacts to, and vulnerabilities for, the city of Boston.The Climate Ready Boston Adaptation Plan projects . %PDF-1.5 � ��WH�8 @ָB�� b(��SV. Climate Ready Boston (PDF) (199 pp, 117 MB, About PDF)Exit In 2007, Boston's Mayor directed each city department to assess their risks and vulnerabilities from a changing climate. Following this comprehensive study report, the city will work with the communities and other partners to help advance the vision of a Climate Ready Boston. The City launched Climate Ready Boston to help Boston plan for the impacts of climate change and build a resilient future. Nevertheless, the Climate Ready Boston task force has begun to prepare a vulnerability assessment and look at resilience strategies for the future. Source: Coastal flood hazard data created as part of Climate Ready Boston are a reanalysis of the coastal flood hazard data developed as part of the MassDOT-FHWA analysis . x���y��u���Des�%IES3����a�}G6�WL��� �$��Yi��aM�߾o�~�z. Rebuild partnered with the City of Boston and the Green Ribbon Commission to create a plan to address five specific elements: climate forecast consensus, vulnerability assessment, place-based design interventions, climate preparedness governance, and resilience standards. Found inside – Page 642Sponsors , Fund Managers and Corporations , D.G. Cogan , Ed . , CERES , Inc. , Boston , Massachusetts , 20 pp . ... Contribution of Working Group I to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change ... Boston: social, economic, infrastructural . Climate Ready Boston: Vulnerability Assessment, Resilience Initiatives and Geographical Focus Areas January 2017 In the near term, Bud advised, flood exposure will be concentrated in South Boston, East Boston, Charlestown, and Downtown. Found inside – Page 642Working Group II Contribution to the Fourth Assessment Report of the IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. ... 2006: Adapting to Climate Change: Is Canada Ready?, The Conference Board of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario. Vulnerability � �!��qsrI�^b� İjxU�ơZe�8 @ָB�� b���5 C�5�KJ�k ��ërLD���q ��q�d� �`�+$k k\!Y� 1X� 1 Climate Ready Boston? Climate Ready Boston: Vulnerability Assessment, Resilience Initiatives and Geographical Focus Areas January 2017 In the near term, Bud advised, flood exposure will be concentrated in South Boston, East Boston, Charlestown, and Downtown. Climate Ready BU. Climate Ready Boston: Phase I Phase I of Climate Ready Boston focused on updating scientific projections re the type, intensity and frequency of climate change impacts expected to affect Boston. fountain sustainability action plan. ?��[Z���=����׎_��p�m�'�����!K�K����/��p�ig}���|��#:x�����@~ָB��KYǪ��.=��/}��߹����?��� �i]�ՅQ��폼���w�uN�m��v�����-l��?P��1��ޯ����+P���|�#�>��mS�D�^X� �w�X��O~X�O}��c���cO����GU������;@bw����'U�Y��]���t�v�ɟ?���\��o^v����pM�~7��8nB��y��LZ�z�=��ݿa��'W>����/���+���㩷�����W�(T�� In this dataset from Climate Ready Boston, groups identified as being more vulnerable are older adults, children, people of color, . This volume will be invaluable for everyone working on climate change adaptation and policy-making. � ��WH�8 @ָB�� b���5 �5���q ��q�d� �`�+$k k\!Y� 1X� )�?�m��.�v��;��L���q r��R��x���/��{���@�ZU�8 9X� The City should prioritize building retrofits using the Climate Ready Boston Vulnerability Assessment. Image courtesy of Sasaki Stormwater fl ooding and extreme heat CoreNet Global Summits offer opportunities for members to network, learn and be recognized for professional achievements. Climate Resilience Initiatives: Recommended policy, planning, programmatic, and financial initiatives that address the risks identified in the Vulnerability Assessment, summarized in a recommended Implementation Roadmap that sets forth, for each initiative, time frame and key milestones. In the subsequent years Boston developed a report "Climate Ready Boston - Municipal Vulnerability to Climate Change," that anticipates climate impacts to, and vulnerabilities for, the city of Boston. ASSESSMENT. A plan is A plan is categorized as mitigation if it is primarily focused on identifying actions to mitigate climate change and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. In 2014, Boston University completed a vulnerability assessment for its two Boston campuses exploring three climate change impacts: rising . The assessment will take a comprehensive look at infrastructure, the built environment, natural systems, social vulnerability, and regional assets. HINT: Your User Name may be your email address, HINT: Your User Name may be your email address, CoreNet Global Summits, Conferences and Events, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Certificate, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Resources, Corporate Real Estate 2020: Sustainability, Breakout Session 22: Corporate Real Estate 2020 Sustainability, Corporate Real Estate 2020 Workshop: Service Delivery and Sustainability, China: Challenges and Opportunities Ahead, How to Calculate and Present Deep Retrofit Value. In 2007, Boston's Mayor directed each city department to assess their risks and vulnerabilities from a changing climate. Found inside – Page 124National Asssessment of Vulnerability to Sea-Level Rise: Preliminary Results for the U.S. Atlantic Coast. ... Retrieved from City of Copenaghen (2011). ��2����WHָ��5@ָB�ƥ̬q r���5.ef���5���q)3k�����W�\R��X�Rf�8 9���J�3UFY�Rf�8 9X� Climate Ready Boston is an ongoing initiative. � ��WH�8 @ָB�� b���5 �5���q ��q�d� �`�+$k k\!Y� 1X� The social vulnerability assessment will seek to understand how subsets of people (e.g., commuters, people with frail health, people with language barriers) could be affected when those infrastructure failures occur. In the subsequent years Boston developed a report "Climate Ready Boston - Municipal Vulnerability to Climate Change," that anticipates climate impacts to, and vulnerabilities for, the city of Boston. Inform the business community about the Climate Ready Boston climate projections and vulnerability assessment results for Greater Boston; Introduce a series of site and district-level resiliency technologies applicable to Boston's commercial real estate sector and built environment community through a panel and vendor expo To create these indicators, I analyzed Boston's vulnerability assessment and resilience plans to understand the types of hazards, risks, and actions the City intends to emphasize. Climate Ready Boston (PDF) (29 pp, 7.17 MB, About PDF) Exit In 2007, Boston's Mayor directed each city department to assess their risks and vulnerabilities from a changing climate. CDRM 6 analyzes the challenges posed by rising sea levels and climate change. Using a risk analysis and management framework, this report focuses on various aspects of sea level rise, including associated risks and socioeconomic impacts. Found inside – Page 86Research suggests that the area where BU is located, downtown Boston, may become flooded as a result of sea-level rise ... In 2014, BU developed a vulnerability assessment for its two campuses and completed a Climate Ready BU report to ... endstream As the City of Boston prepares for the impacts from climate change through Climate Ready Boston, Boston University is working to determine its risks and vulnerabilities for its campuses. We will seize this moment to guide our growth to support our dynamic economy, connect more residents to opportunity, create vibrant neighborhoods, and continue our legacy as a thriving waterfront city.Mayor Martin J. Walsh's Imagine Boston ... Found insideInfrastructure—electricity, telecommunications, roads, water, and sanitation—are central to people’s lives. America's Climate Choices makes the case that the environmental, economic, and humanitarian risks posed by climate change indicate a pressing need for substantial action now to limit the magnitude of climate change and to prepare for ... endobj CoreNet Global is an opinion leader in corporate real estate benchmarking, workplace and infrastructure management. In the subsequent years Boston developed a report "Climate Ready Boston - Municipal Vulnerability to Climate Change," that anticipates climate impacts to, and vulnerabilities for, the city of Boston. This content is available only to CoreNet Global members. . Found inside – Page 117Disclosures to investors, London City of Boston (2016) Climate ready Boston, Boston City of Boston (2017) Coastal resilience solutions for East Boston and Charlestown, Boston City of Copenhagen (The) (2012) Cloudburst management plan ... <> !��3_�s�����z���;�����>� ȶlH��=Bj�ۤ�J �DָB�� b���5 �5���q ��q�d� �`�+$k k\!Y� 1X� Climate Ready Boston (PDF) (199 pp, 117 MB, About PDF)Exit In 2007, Boston's Mayor directed each city department to assess their risks and vulnerabilities from a changing climate. Boston's Increasing Climate Vulnerability In considering the impacts on people, the assessment focuses on socially vulnerable populations, people who are more Found inside – Page 324Climate Change Science Program ( CCSP ) . 2009. Coastal Sensitivity to Sea - Level ... Beach management concept assessment : Town of Kitty Hawk , North Carolina . ... Climate - ready Boston : Municipal vulnerability to climate change . ��2����WHָ��5@ָB�ƥ̬q r���5.ef���5���q)3k��q�d�K�Y� �`�+$k\�� k\!Y�Rf�8 9�[������d/�ƥ̬q r���*�DTk��2����WHָ��5@-�����T/�ƥ̬q r���j���ZGָ��5@ָB�ƥ̬q r���5.ef���5���q)3k��q�d�K�Y� �`�+$k\�� k\!Y�Rf�8 9X� This publication, prepared jointly by the WHO, the World Meteorological Organization and the United Nations Environment Programme, considers the public health challenges arising from global climate change and options for policy responses, ... Vulnerability Assessment: The project team will generate a comprehensive vulnerability assessment of Boston's current risks and vulnerabilities and potential future risks from climate change. In addition, among other publications, they co-authored Climate Change and Extreme Weather Vulnerability Assessments and Adaptation Options for the Central Artery and Preparing for the Rising Tide , highly influential reports. �O��#����p�.��������}�̵�oz��_���;����ri�o�^���m������u�yǝtR��>3@ָB�Ƌ��Ï8��/~�˯�ݷ��� �,x���/�����%߱���V_�����~\=sv�!þ��W�z��x�A��4 �dָB��[P�����)�~����y���V�^����~�3��^۲��_]��#c,�U]{��ל�կy�ѩ�� �ָB���iۮ݉�}��^�cȰ�yw,�ɣ^y=��T���[�~fˤ���7\qc����߱�*�W �'p��Ǣ䒒��ѹK���=��~8p܄k�]��K[��s�Ѩ���;�����5��8�Re�5�q�yԗ/���>�F͙��M�|+�Tڬq r���5޶]�S������z�������_�:��S�e���5��Z�?⨣���o�pАq��ݽ��[v5&{*�q r��RkX���+��捷 ��|僿x-��S�e���5��*r�ҩӗο����/Y��g?O��T�Y� �`�+��X�p���}�����w�ڟ��|��²���WH��;rȗ/��GC��\�~�o�N>�T�Y� ����蹤T/)�5޵��}��N����~����5@w��J�0Un��?�.�������_&_ej�Y� �`�+��\�-�^~5���q r��R��=�⫮��=��/'__��Y� ���OI��tI�\�v�W}�\|Ɉ�3-p�r�8 9�x���2��k�M�6�}��C�-x�g���CK�� k\!m�յ�%�\;v��G�f�q%5+k��q�u�x�Agw?@ø;7oM>���Y� �`�+�k��a�]t�.���[�w���Y� �`�+�\�Ǟx��}�ͻ�O��²���WH���۴is�W�֯�a���O&)R�8 9X� Found insideBoston Climate Preparedness Task Force. 2013. Climate Ready Boston: Municipal Vulnerability to Climate Change. ... Contribution of Working Group I to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. The assessment evaluated extreme heat, stormwater flooding and coastal and riverine flooding and how they will affect Boston's people, infrastructure and economy. It included a city-wide vulnerability assessment to identify which neighborhoods and assets would be most affected by flooding from sea level rise, increased intensity of precipitation, and heat waves. The Fifth Assessment report of the NOAA Northeast Regional climate Center risk from the impacts of climate change 2014 impacts! Ways, climate change initiated and informed the City, a citywide to... Issues are entwined with people 's vulnerability to climate change and natural hazards for urban resilience by. For action Group I to the Fifth Assessment report of the economic aspects of National Capacity for climate Boston... 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